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Comments (27)

danrocha avatar danrocha commented on July 17, 2024 347

Fixed by following the instructions in the error pages, creating and adding the following lines to app/assets/config/manifest.js:

//= link graphiql/rails/application.css
//= link graphiql/rails/application.js

from graphiql-rails.

LiinNs avatar LiinNs commented on July 17, 2024 30

Fixed by following the instructions in the error pages, creating and adding the following lines to app/assets/config/manifest.js:

//= link graphiql/rails/application.css
//= link graphiql/rails/application.js

This work for me
rails 6.02, sprockets 4.0.0, graphiql-rails 1.7.0, ruby 2.6.3p62

run into a new error, when try to run rails test

rails test test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:31


ActionView::Template::Error: couldn't find file 'graphiql/rails/application.js'
Checked in these paths: 

that is because I only use graphiql under development, so in test it just cannot load these files.
I finally decide to refactor it under initializers/assets.rb

Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( graphiql/rails/application.js graphiql/rails/application.css ) if Rails.env.development?

Good !

And with Rails6, we can use webpack to help us to get things to work, try it.

from graphiql-rails.

ivdma avatar ivdma commented on July 17, 2024 27

I only use Graphiql in development environment, so I only put this line into my config/environments/development.rb:

  config.assets.precompile += ['graphiql/rails/application.js', 'graphiql/rails/application.css']

Note: don't forget to restart the rails server after change of configuration.

from graphiql-rails.

glitteringkatie avatar glitteringkatie commented on July 17, 2024 22

I have the same issue and this solution worked great locally! However we're exposing the graphiql route on development only. So when a prod build ran, we got:
Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'graphiql/rails/application.css'
I found this issue #13 however we are not in api-only mode.

Is there a fix for this if we're only using graphiql as a dev dependency?

from graphiql-rails.

leonelgalan avatar leonelgalan commented on July 17, 2024 22

Should we agree on a suggestion for newcomers (like me today)? Maybe expand the Note on API Mode section of the README.

Option 1

Create app/assets/config/manifest.js and figure out a fix for the errors in test reported above?

//= link graphiql/rails/application.css
//= link graphiql/rails/application.js

Option 2

Create an empty app/assets/config/manifest.js:

mkdir -p app/assets/config && touch app/assets/config/manifest.js

And create a config/initializers/assets.rb with:

# config/initializers/assets.rb
if Rails.env.development?
  Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w[graphiql/rails/application.js graphiql/rails/application.css]

from graphiql-rails.

Timmitry avatar Timmitry commented on July 17, 2024 12

@glitteringkatie I had the same problem and solved it by conditionally including the files in assets.rb

# config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += [] if Rails.env.development?

This way, we are using both the manifest.js as well as the assets.rb for declaring assets to be included, which might not be ideal, but at least solved our problem 😉

from graphiql-rails.

munirdelta avatar munirdelta commented on July 17, 2024 5

I only use Graphiql in development environment, so I only put this line into my config/environments/development.rb:

  config.assets.precompile += ['graphiql/rails/application.js', 'graphiql/rails/application.css']

This is cleanest hotfix for this issue by far 👏

from graphiql-rails.

ybintian avatar ybintian commented on July 17, 2024 4

Fixed by following the instructions in the error pages, creating and adding the following lines to app/assets/config/manifest.js:

//= link graphiql/rails/application.css
//= link graphiql/rails/application.js

This work for me, too.
rails 6.0.1, graphiql-rails 1.7.0 ruby 2.5.1

from graphiql-rails.

jessecai33 avatar jessecai33 commented on July 17, 2024 4
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( graphiql/rails/application.js graphiql/rails/application.css ) if Rails.env.development?

This seems the best option so far works for me. Thanks @LiinNs & @Timmitry .

from graphiql-rails.

TomasBarry avatar TomasBarry commented on July 17, 2024 4

It would be lovely if the following could be added to manifest.js but it does not appear to be valid:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
  //= link graphiql/rails/application.css
  //= link graphiql/rails/application.js

However, this isn't really an issue with graphql-rails, rather it is to do with how sprokets works.

from graphiql-rails.

fabriciofreitag avatar fabriciofreitag commented on July 17, 2024 1

I solved this in my test env by moving the graphiql-rails to the development/test group

from graphiql-rails.

skarger avatar skarger commented on July 17, 2024

I have the same problem with Rails 5.2.3, sprockets 4.0.0, graphiql-rails 1.7.0, ruby 2.6.5.

As a short-term fix, downgrading sprockets to 3.7.2 worked for me.

from graphiql-rails.

justinlang avatar justinlang commented on July 17, 2024

I have the same problem - found this: doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper#834 Looks like the same issue in another project. Not sure if the same resolution will apply here.

rails 5.2.3, sprockets 4.0.0, graphiql-rails 1.7.0, ruby 2.6.1p33

from graphiql-rails.

ThaddeusJiang avatar ThaddeusJiang commented on July 17, 2024

Same issue +1

from graphiql-rails.

glitteringkatie avatar glitteringkatie commented on July 17, 2024

Awesome, thanks @Timmitry! We'll try that next (but it's not an immediate issue for us so probably won't be able to report back on success for a bit)

from graphiql-rails.

chadwilken avatar chadwilken commented on July 17, 2024

This doesn't seem to work for me. I just fired up a new rails app, skipping sprockets during install but deciding to add it on later. I have sprockets (4.0.0) and rails ( I added the assets.rb and manifest.json file, but no luck.

from graphiql-rails.

leonelgalan avatar leonelgalan commented on July 17, 2024

@chadwilken it's manifest.js, how it didn't work? Did you try option 1 or 2 above? I thought I had a sample repo, but I haven't uploaded it yet. I'll share it when I get to work tomorrow.

from graphiql-rails.

chadwilken avatar chadwilken commented on July 17, 2024

Sorry, that was a typo on my end. It is manifest.js. I tried both and they didn't work. I suspect that it is because I skipped sprockets and something is not configured correctly. If you have a working Rails 6 repo that would be awesome.

from graphiql-rails.

leonelgalan avatar leonelgalan commented on July 17, 2024

The repo I had in mind is a little more complicated, so I pushed a demo repo (leonelgalan/rails-api-graphiql-demo), with the relevant steps as a single commit:

  1. Install both graphql and graphiql-rails gems
  2. Run rails generate graphql:install --schema=DemoSchema
  3. Configure the routes for both gems
  4. Uncomment require 'sprockets/railtie' in config/application.rb
  5. Create app/assets/config/manifest.js and add graphiql's js and css

After that I can go to http://localhost:3000/graphiql and run

query {

And get this back:

  "data": {
    "testField": "Hello World!"

from graphiql-rails.

martinezcoder avatar martinezcoder commented on July 17, 2024

Adding precompile assets in config/initializers/assets.rb is not a very good approach, because from Sprockets 4 we should add all dependencies in the manifest.js.

I fix it in another way (by code), also not ideal, but at least I can decide which env I allow for the graphiql queries. The graphql view will be still visible, but it will always respond with an Unauthorizer error.

# config/routes.rb

# mount the engine for all environments
mount GraphiQL::Rails::Engine, at: "/graphiql", graphql_path: "/graphql"
# app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb

class GraphqlController < ActionController::API
  before_action :authorize_environment

  # ... the controller code ...


  def authorize_environment
    unless Rails.env.development?
      render json: { error: { message: "401 Unauthorized" }, status: 401 } 

In the case you don't want to show the GraphiQL view, you can overwrite the controller of the engine following the Edge Rails guides. But I don't recommend this approach, because your overwritting will create a dependency with the gem and you will risk to have to make adjustments in every new version of the gem if they change the code you are overwritting.

from graphiql-rails.

dncrht avatar dncrht commented on July 17, 2024

FWIW Sprockets 4.0.0 seems to require all the files required by application.css in the app it runs to be the same type (ie: same extension).

My application.css was in fact application.css.sass, and I found via assets:precompile it searches for a link graphiql/rails/application.css (defined in app/assets/config/manifest.js) that is named graphiql/rails/application.css.sass and obviously it wasn't.

Either you change your app or adapt the gem, but they must be have same type/extension.

from graphiql-rails.

emmanuellekamwa avatar emmanuellekamwa commented on July 17, 2024

Hello everyone. Please I have a problem with my code. I am building a micro-reddit app and this is the code I have in my application.html.erb

<title>Raddit</title> <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<% if user_signed_in? -%>
  • <%= link_to 'Submit link', new_link_path %>
  • <%= link_to 'Account', edit_user_registration_path %>
  • <%= link_to 'Sign out', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete %>
<% else -%>
  • <%= link_to 'Sign up', new_user_registration_path %>
  • <%= link_to 'Sign in', new_user_session_path %>
<% end -%>
<% flash.each do |name, msg| %> <%= content_tag(:div, msg, class: "alert alert-info") %> <% end %>
<%= yield %>
But when I am running the rails server I am getting this error: Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiled in Links#index And it is emphasizing on this line which is the cause of the error: <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> Can you guys help me solve this issue?

from graphiql-rails.

wdiechmann avatar wdiechmann commented on July 17, 2024

I see this error on Rails 6.1.3 / Ruby 2.7.2p137 too 😢

I've tried both the 'manifest.js' fix and the 'development.rb' fix – sadly neither does the trick!

I get

hermes_1    | 2021-03-09 13:51:10 +0000 Rack app ("GET /assets/graphiql/rails/application.debug-ffc1b329cd4d42ec57fc274d9e8c8b802fcf23313347c4f2840ab9876e62dcae.css" - ( #<NoMethodError: undefined method `silence' for #<Logger:0x0000559266e618d0>>
hermes_1    | 2021-03-09 13:51:10 +0000 Rack app ("GET /assets/graphiql/rails/application.debug-302d2d018661e60251eb98c333754c95eb06ce1ff919c0505ec40aafde0d2554.js" - ( #<NoMethodError: undefined method `silence' for #<Logger:0x0000559266e618d0>>

in my log - and I wonder what adds the '.debug' suffix to the files? I try rails assets:precompile and get this output:

walther@LilleBukkeBruse v1 % hr rails assets:precompile
Creating v1_hermes_run ... done
yarn install v1.22.5
[1/4] Resolving packages...
success Already up-to-date.
Done in 1.04s.
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:39.972432 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/turbo-a42307786533919cf707bef42a1c389fc7b5650aecec64acd5c15913c3b66f96.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:39.975375 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/turbo-a42307786533919cf707bef42a1c389fc7b5650aecec64acd5c15913c3b66f96.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:39.982651 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/graphiql/rails/application-17946b1e42a96f1af127ad016e06c56f2a93dbd1ddb8f77e9b22eb1faf23a0e9.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:39.988045 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/graphiql/rails/application-17946b1e42a96f1af127ad016e06c56f2a93dbd1ddb8f77e9b22eb1faf23a0e9.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:39.993197 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/graphiql/rails/application-c147d7296f7839f86cd868a93c200b3c3dddaa1602b88a381d490eb82fda6580.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:39.999447 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/graphiql/rails/application-c147d7296f7839f86cd868a93c200b3c3dddaa1602b88a381d490eb82fda6580.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.001752 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.012615 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.050981 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/accounts-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.059813 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/accounts-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.063213 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/application-766b4ad0f71566cfdb147ffde48c43ebcc93341780fe61eb0df33573b5e821a0.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.078387 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/application-766b4ad0f71566cfdb147ffde48c43ebcc93341780fe61eb0df33573b5e821a0.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.097408 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/landing_page-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.104710 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/landing_page-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.109823 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/roles-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.121069 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/roles-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.132890 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/scaffolds-f8449fdec5eb028a35bc7bc33c262e401c0e808d08d4c6872ed87acf84c207f3.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.150214 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/scaffolds-f8449fdec5eb028a35bc7bc33c262e401c0e808d08d4c6872ed87acf84c207f3.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.153348 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.165493 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.173406 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/sessions-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.179874 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/sessions-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.207145 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/es-module-shims-c4493e644afb380789c8f0d44266900b8631ec442f8f95886997dac9f98893f1.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.224173 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/es-module-shims-c4493e644afb380789c8f0d44266900b8631ec442f8f95886997dac9f98893f1.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.230845 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/tags-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.238890 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/tags-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.247712 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/users-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.250960 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/users-04024382391bb910584145d8113cf35ef376b55d125bb4516cebeb14ce788597.css.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.278690 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/es-module-shims@0.7.1-c4493e644afb380789c8f0d44266900b8631ec442f8f95886997dac9f98893f1.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.284049 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/es-module-shims@0.7.1-c4493e644afb380789c8f0d44266900b8631ec442f8f95886997dac9f98893f1.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.288632 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/stimulus-9788c927f1b835567a6d8cc0cc498fe17439ad175946131572a387cbcaa3d3ee.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.291824 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/stimulus-9788c927f1b835567a6d8cc0cc498fe17439ad175946131572a387cbcaa3d3ee.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.296057 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/stimulus@2-9788c927f1b835567a6d8cc0cc498fe17439ad175946131572a387cbcaa3d3ee.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.299940 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/libraries/stimulus@2-9788c927f1b835567a6d8cc0cc498fe17439ad175946131572a387cbcaa3d3ee.js.gz
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.305248 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/loaders/autoloader-01d569d44d079bc65e1e6a36c9401b867e5c6da36c577cea65f7fd3082d039ac.js
I, [2021-03-09T13:40:40.316166 #1]  INFO -- : Writing /app/hermes/public/assets/stimulus/loaders/autoloader-01d569d44d079bc65e1e6a36c9401b867e5c6da36c577cea65f7fd3082d039ac.js.gz

which I believe to be fairly correct - but as you see: no .debug attached to the two graphiql resources!??

Sprockets: 4.0.2

from graphiql-rails.

wdiechmann avatar wdiechmann commented on July 17, 2024

@jscho13 on rails/sprockets-rails#376 (comment) mentioned that the issue is solvable by imitating production.rb - which I did, and bingo, all is well 😄

from graphiql-rails.

hamza-amin-tx avatar hamza-amin-tx commented on July 17, 2024

I only use Graphiql in development environment, so I only put this line into my config/environments/development.rb:

  config.assets.precompile += ['graphiql/rails/application.js', 'graphiql/rails/application.css']

This is cleanest hotfix for this issue by far

Didn't worked for me for the same problem.

from graphiql-rails.

ivdma avatar ivdma commented on July 17, 2024

I only use Graphiql in development environment, so I only put this line into my config/environments/development.rb:

  config.assets.precompile += ['graphiql/rails/application.js', 'graphiql/rails/application.css']

This is cleanest hotfix for this issue by far

Didn't worked for me for the same problem.

I recently used it with success in a couple of my new projects.
Have you restarted the rails server after updating the config/environments/development.rb?

from graphiql-rails.

redferret avatar redferret commented on July 17, 2024

For us using Rails 5.2.6 api only we just added a guard statement in the application.rb file to do this
require "sprockets/railtie" if Rails.env.development?

The reason why we did this is because we aren't using sprockets at all for this project in production, except for in development, and it's not a perfect fix but it at least keeps sprockets from running on our production deployment on heroku and getting this error from sprockets.

from graphiql-rails.

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