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This project forked from once-ui-system/nextjs-starter

7.0 0.0 0.0 8.42 MB

⚡ Design like a pro and build like a madman with Once UI

Home Page:

License: MIT License

JavaScript 0.66% TypeScript 55.96% CSS 0.38% SCSS 43.01%

nextjs-starter's Introduction

Once UI for Next.js

Once UI is a lightweight, versatile design system with easy customization and practical components.

Once UI

Start building your Next.js app in minutes with:

  • A robust token and style system that simplifies customization and ensures consistency.
  • A copy-and-paste component library that integrates seamlessly into your project.
  • Interactive documentation to apply your branding and set component properties.


The documentation is available at


Connect with us!

Lorant One: Site, Threads, LinkedIn
Zsofia Komaromi: Site, Threads, LinkedIn

Get involved


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Once UI for Figma

Once UI is also available for Figma.
Design and prototype entire products from scratch in hours. Use the same tokens and components as the Next.js design system.

Grab a copy from the Figma Community.

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nextjs-starter's People


lorant-one avatar zsofiakm avatar syammed2429 avatar lamnguyenz avatar texzcorp avatar


maral avatar ABDERRAHMANE LAOURF avatar Peharge avatar jose avatar Nova-ONE avatar Parker avatar Joshua Daniel avatar

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