Comments (3)
Wonderful work @Penguin-jpg, thank you. Adding it to the readme.
from codegen.
Added, thank you!
from codegen.
You are welcome! CodeGen is amazing^^.
from codegen.
Related Issues (20)
- A question about the detail of data preprocessing
- Limit of code generation HOT 1
- instruct dataset
- Using LoRA with CodeGen 2B mono HOT 2
- How to use infills sampling?
- What is min loss in CodeGen1B while finetuning.
- Clarity on training data for each of the codegen versions
- How to use gpu to accelerate inference? HOT 1
- How much VRAM do I need if I want to enable GPU acceleration? codegen25-7B-instruct
- Set different temperature
- fine tunning : data format
- AttributeError: 'CodeGen25Tokenizer' object has no attribute 'encoder' HOT 3
- What is the context window for Codegen2? HOT 1
- Defect detection
- Error calling tokenizer.get_vocab() (Codegen2.5) HOT 1
- Atrribute Error: 'AlignConfig' object has no attribute 'encoder', 'PoolFormerConfig' object has no attribute 'encoder'. HOT 1
- Which dataset is used for fine-tuning CodeGen25-7B-multi resulting in CodeGen25-7B-mono?
- AttributeError: 'CodeGenTokenizer' object has no attribute 'encoder'. Did you mean: 'encode'? HOT 1
- Why codegen generate lots of any
- The output is comments, not code
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from codegen.