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Comments (5)

triaqu avatar triaqu commented on July 24, 2024


from kcptun-android.

triaqu avatar triaqu commented on July 24, 2024


    "target": ":xxxx",
    "mode": "normal",



09-20 16:13:18.202  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -93 -70 -120 -1 -1 29 -87 -13 100 2147
483647 2147483647 3 4 cdma level=4 voicelevel=3 datalevel=4
09-20 16:13:18.203  3446  3588 I amsnl   : t:false, fl: false, p: 86400000, ce: true, we: true
09-20 16:13:18.208  3446  3588 I amsnl   : m1: false
09-20 16:13:18.209  3446  3588 I amsnl   : c: true, w: false, t: false, l: false
09-20 16:13:18.212  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): showLTE:46011
09-20 16:13:18.214  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5):  showDisableIcon:false
09-20 16:13:18.215  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): getSlotProvisionStatus slotId: 0, status = 1
09-20 16:13:19.227  1338  1338 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked: charging=true
09-20 16:13:19.227  1338  1338 I DeviceIdleController: becomeActiveLocked, reason = charging
09-20 16:13:19.232  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
09-20 16:13:19.232  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged()
09-20 16:13:19.233  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged()
09-20 16:13:19.233  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage()
09-20 16:13:19.235 28611 28611 D AbstractProcessor: onBatteryChange Percent:73 State:2
09-20 16:13:19.250  2207  2207 I BatteryController:  fireBatteryLevelChanged mLevel:73 PluggedIn:true Charging:true Fastcharge:false show:true style:0
09-20 16:13:20.406  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -93 -70 -120 -1 -1 31 -82 -13 174 2147
483647 2147483647 3 4 cdma level=4 voicelevel=3 datalevel=4
09-20 16:13:20.408  3446  3588 I amsnl   : csr
09-20 16:13:20.412  3446  3588 I amsnl   : t:false, fl: false, p: 86400000, ce: true, we: true
09-20 16:13:20.431  3446  3588 I amsnl   : m1: false
09-20 16:13:20.432  3446  3588 I amsnl   : c: true, w: false, t: false, l: false
09-20 16:13:20.440  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): showLTE:46011
09-20 16:13:20.449  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5):  showDisableIcon:false
09-20 16:13:20.460  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): getSlotProvisionStatus slotId: 0, status = 1
09-20 16:13:22.020   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWNEIGH message received: 28
09-20 16:13:22.020   844   844 I cnss-daemon: NDA_DST received: ul: 562997164708012
09-20 16:13:22.020   844   844 I cnss-daemon: NDA_LLADDR received
09-20 16:13:22.388  1338  9275 I ActivityManager: emptyTitle =false, emptyContent =true, defaultOrEmptyContentView =true, defaultOrEmptyBigContentView =true
09-20 16:13:22.388  1338  9275 I ActivityManager: it's may be an empty notification from package com.github.shadowsocks
09-20 16:13:22.404  1338  1407 E ActivityManager: mImportantUids change mLastImportantUids =[] mImportantUids = [10153]
09-20 16:13:22.412  1338  2471 E ActivityManager: mImportantUids change mLastImportantUids =[10153] mImportantUids = []
09-20 16:13:22.434 28686 28686 D shadowsocks: plugin "/data/app/com.github.shadowsocks.plugin.kcptun-1/lib/arm64/ --fast-open -V" enabled
09-20 16:13:22.435 28686 28686 D shadowsocks: using tcp fast open
09-20 16:13:22.435  1338  1451 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines
09-20 16:13:22.435 28686 28686 D shadowsocks: initializing ciphers... aes-128-gcm
09-20 16:13:22.435 28686 28686 D shadowsocks: udprelay enabled
09-20 16:13:22.435 28686 28686 D shadowsocks: listening at
09-20 16:13:22.436   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.442   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.442   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.442   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.443   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.448  1338  4298 D AvoidBadWifiTracker: force disable bad wifi tracker
09-20 16:13:22.448  1338  4298 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: VPN[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none),
 failover: false, available: false, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{767}  nethandle{3294256351966}  lp{{InterfaceName: tun0 LinkAddresses: [,]  Routes: [0
.0.0.0/0 -> tun0,::/0 unreachable,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains:  MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: VPN Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED]}  Score{0}  everVali
dated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected
{false} }
09-20 16:13:22.449  1338  2092 D AvoidBadWifiTracker: force disable bad wifi tracker
09-20 16:13:22.449  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
09-20 16:13:22.453   841  1530 I Netd    : Destroyed 7 sockets for UidRanges{ 0-99999 } skip={1016 10100} in 2.0 ms
09-20 16:13:22.455  1338  2092 D AvoidBadWifiTracker: force disable bad wifi tracker
09-20 16:13:22.455  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
09-20 16:13:22.455  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface tun0 to network 767
09-20 16:13:22.455 16224 16241 E PlayCommon: [5482] Failed to connect to server: Software caused connection abort
09-20 16:13:22.456  3098 27971 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7f8b09f700: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort
09-20 16:13:22.458  3098 27971 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7f8b09f700: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
09-20 16:13:22.460  3098 27971 E GCM     : Wifi connection closed with errorCode 20
09-20 16:13:22.461  1338  3348 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(750, false) by 10014
09-20 16:13:22.475  1338  9392 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_1B expire 2 lines
09-20 16:13:22.481   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.482   844   844 I cnss-daemon: RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
09-20 16:13:22.483  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 767 to [/]
09-20 16:13:22.487  1338  2092 I Nat464Xlat: Android Xlat enabled is doXlat=true
09-20 16:13:22.488  1338  2092 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines
09-20 16:13:22.499 28698 28698 D tun2socks: NOTICE(tun2socks): initializing BadVPN tun2socks 1.999.130
09-20 16:13:22.520  1338  2338 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_5 expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.521 25205 25205 D HOOK    : AssetManager isUpToDate:true
09-20 16:13:22.522 25205 28716 D LocationManager: removeUpdates listener=com.loc.g$1@a323c7e packageName=
09-20 16:13:22.543  2298  2311 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
09-20 16:13:22.549  1338  2092 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines
09-20 16:13:22.553  1338  2083 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 2 lines
09-20 16:13:22.602  1338  2092 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines
09-20 16:13:22.602  2298  5255 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
09-20 16:13:22.612  1338  2083 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 1 line
09-20 16:13:22.612  1338  2092 D AvoidBadWifiTracker: force disable bad wifi tracker
09-20 16:13:22.612  1338  2092 D AvoidBadWifiTracker: force disable bad wifi tracker
09-20 16:13:22.614  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] isDefaultNetwork=false
09-20 16:13:22.616  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 750] validation passed
09-20 16:13:22.616  1338  2092 D NetworkNotificationManager: clearNotification id=750
09-20 16:13:22.616  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 750] validation passed
09-20 16:13:22.616  1338  2092 D NetworkNotificationManager: clearNotification id=767
09-20 16:13:22.616  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] validation passed
09-20 16:13:22.616  1338  2092 D AvoidBadWifiTracker: force disable bad wifi tracker
09-20 16:13:22.619  2207  2464 D NetworkController: updateConnectivity: mConnectedTransports={1}
09-20 16:13:22.620  2207  2464 D NetworkController: updateConnectivity: mValidatedTransports={1}
09-20 16:13:22.623 26082 26082 D OPCardpackage: OnePlusCardReminder [onReceive act =]
09-20 16:13:22.624  1338  1338 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
09-20 16:13:22.624  1338  1452 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) expire 1 line
09-20 16:13:22.625  1338  1426 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.627  1338 28726 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 44 lines
09-20 16:13:22.645  1338  2083 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) NetworkPolicy expire 5 lines
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=info msg="If you need any help, please visit the project repository:
09-20 16:13:22.671  3446  3588 I amsnl   : csr
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=error msg="Open IP network file failed: open : no such file or directory"
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=error msg="Open Custom domain file failed: open : no such file or directory"
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=info msg="Minimum TTL is 3600"
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=info msg="CacheSize is 4096"
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=info msg="Load hosts file successful"
09-20 16:13:22.671 28691 28691 I overture: time="2017-09-20T08:13:22Z" level=info msg="Start overture on"
09-20 16:13:22.671  3446  3588 I amsnl   : t:false, fl: false, p: 86400000, ce: true, we: true
09-20 16:13:22.701 32625 28688 I GuardedProcess: test2017/09/20 08:13:22 main.go:476: version: SELFBUILD
09-20 16:13:22.706  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -90 -70 -120 -1 -1 29 -82 -8 152 21474
83647 2147483647 4 4 cdma level=4 voicelevel=4 datalevel=4
09-20 16:13:22.707  3419  3419 D WelcomePanel: Network has been turned on
09-20 16:13:22.708 26338 26338 D OPPhotos: Connectivity changed, now is 'WiFi
09-20 16:13:22.709  3446  3588 I amsnl   : m1: false
09-20 16:13:22.709 26082 26082 D OPCardpackage: OnePlusCardReminder [isNetworkConnected true]
09-20 16:13:22.709  3446  3588 I amsnl   : c: true, w: false, t: false, l: false
09-20 16:13:22.709 26082 26082 I OPCardpackage: OnePlusCardReminder [isConnected = true]
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue: MMInnerHandler{listener = MMHandler(com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.NetworkMonitorReceiver$1)} sending message to a Han
dler on a dead thread
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: MMInnerHandler{listener = MMHandler(com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.NetworkMonitorRece
iver$1)} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.NetworkMonitorReceiver.onReceive(SourceFile:58)
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at$ReceiverDispatcher$
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at$
09-20 16:13:22.714 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:22.715  1338  1338 I chatty  : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line
09-20 16:13:22.725 26082 26082 D OPCardpackage: getAllNeedToQueryStopStationItems is empty, no need to query stations
09-20 16:13:22.728 28611 28611 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextW
rapper.startService:614 com.oneplus.opbackup.service.BackupService.startService:42 com.oneplus.opbackup.receiver.CheckUpdateReceiver.startOTAService:109 com.oneplus.opbackup.rec
09-20 16:13:22.729  1338  9280 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_15 expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.731 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:514: listening on:
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:515: encryption: none
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:516: nodelay parameters: 0 40 2 1
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:517: remote address:
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:518: sndwnd: 128 rcvwnd: 512
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:519: compression: false
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:520: mtu: 1350
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:521: datashard: 10 parityshard: 3
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:522: acknodelay: false
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:523: dscp: 0
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:524: sockbuf: 4194304
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:525: keepalive: 10
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:526: conn: 1
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:527: autoexpire: 60
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:528: scavengettl: 600
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:529: snmplog:
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:530: snmpperiod: 60
09-20 16:13:22.732 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:531: vpn: true
09-20 16:13:22.734  1338  1426 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.734 28611 28611 D AbstractProcessor: onConnectChange Type:1
09-20 16:13:22.739 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:22.746  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): showLTE:46011
09-20 16:13:22.748  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5):  showDisableIcon:false
09-20 16:13:22.750  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): getSlotProvisionStatus slotId: 0, status = 1
09-20 16:13:22.788  1338  3383 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_F expire 6 lines
09-20 16:13:22.804  1338  9282 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_17 expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.809  1338  2470 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_7 expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.813  1338  1407 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_1 expire 3 lines
09-20 16:13:22.823  3098  5836 W ConfigurationChimeraProvider: Got null configs for
09-20 16:13:22.838  1338  3344 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast for to
09-20 16:13:22.855  1338  9285 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:1338_19 expire 2 lines
09-20 16:13:22.856  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:22.860  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:22.860  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:22.860  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:22.886 28753 28753 I art     : Starting a blocking GC AddRemoveAppImageSpace
09-20 16:13:22.919  1338  9281 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:22.920  1338  9281 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:22.920  1338  9281 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:22.920 28753 28753 V Font    : Change font:2
09-20 16:13:22.925  1338  2470 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:22.925  1338  2470 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:22.925  1338  2470 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:22.937  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:22.937  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:22.937  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:22.944  1338  3381 D ConnectivityService: Returning blocked NetworkInfo to uid=10029
09-20 16:13:22.944  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:22.944  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:22.945  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:22.989  1338  2070 V AlarmManager: Triggering alarm #0: 2 when =781061314 package=com.tencent.mmoperation =*walarm*:ALARM_ACTION(19429)
09-20 16:13:23.462 28698 28698 D tun2socks: NOTICE(tun2socks): entering event loop
09-20 16:13:23.466  3098  5856 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:23.467  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:23.467  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:23.474 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.482  3098  5853 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:23.483  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:23.483  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:23.527 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.539 28695 28747 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.550  1338  2070 V AlarmManager: Triggering alarm #0: 2 when =781061875 =*walarm*
09-20 16:13:23.555  1338  1426 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10014 to temp whitelist. New entry: true
09-20 16:13:23.555  1338  1426 D DeviceIdleController: postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10014, delay=10000
09-20 16:13:23.555  1338  1426 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp whitelist to [10014]
09-20 16:13:23.565 28695 28747 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.592 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.625  3676  3788 D NetworkStateUtils: ------netWorkState--------1
09-20 16:13:23.625  3676  3788 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextW
rapper.startService:614 com.$AsynHandler.handleMessage:64
09-20 16:13:23.628  1338  9282 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:23.628  1338  9282 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:23.628  1338  9282 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:23.631  3676  3788 D NetworkStateUtils: netWorkState=1
09-20 16:13:23.636  3676  3676 D NetworkRestrictService: mIsFirewallEnabled=false
09-20 16:13:23.698 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:23.698 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:23.698 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:23.698 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:23.698 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:23.708  3098  5856 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:23.709  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:23.709  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:23.713  3098  5853 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:23.713  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:23.713  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:23.720  1338  2294 D NetworkTimeUpdateService: System time = 1505895203720 event = 3
09-20 16:13:23.776 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:23.799 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:23.799 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.799 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:23.882 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:24.027 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:24.027 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:24.028 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:24.036  3098  5853 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:24.036  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:24.036  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:24.040  3098  5856 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:24.040  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:24.040  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:24.090 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:24.092 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:24.092 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:24.094 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:24.403  3098  5856 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:24.404  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:24.404  3098  5856 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:24.406  3098  5853 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:24.406  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:24.406  3098  5853 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:24.440  1338  3383 D ConnectivityService: Returning blocked NetworkInfo to uid=10143
09-20 16:13:24.558  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:24.742 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:24.742 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:24.772  1338  3348 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:24.772  1338  3348 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:24.772  1338  3348 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:24.802 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:24.802 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:24.909  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -88 -70 -120 -1 -1 31 -81 -13 170 2147
483647 2147483647 4 4 cdma level=4 voicelevel=4 datalevel=4
09-20 16:13:24.912  3446  3588 I amsnl   : csr
09-20 16:13:24.912  3446  3588 I amsnl   : t:false, fl: false, p: 86400000, ce: true, we: true
09-20 16:13:24.913  3446  3588 I amsnl   : m1: false
09-20 16:13:24.914  3446  3588 I amsnl   : c: true, w: false, t: false, l: false
09-20 16:13:24.922  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): showLTE:46011
09-20 16:13:24.925  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5):  showDisableIcon:false
09-20 16:13:24.926  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): getSlotProvisionStatus slotId: 0, status = 1
09-20 16:13:24.928  1338  3381 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:24.928  1338  3381 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:24.928  1338  3381 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:24.943 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:24.945 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:24.945 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:24.955  3098 23063 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from:
09-20 16:13:24.960 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:25.195 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:25.205  1338  1338 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked: charging=true
09-20 16:13:25.205  1338  1338 I DeviceIdleController: becomeActiveLocked, reason = charging
09-20 16:13:25.208 28611 28611 D AbstractProcessor: onBatteryChange Percent:73 State:2
09-20 16:13:25.208  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
09-20 16:13:25.208  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged()
09-20 16:13:25.208  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged()
09-20 16:13:25.208  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage()
09-20 16:13:25.209  2207  2207 I BatteryController:  fireBatteryLevelChanged mLevel:73 PluggedIn:true Charging:true Fastcharge:false show:true style:0
09-20 16:13:25.222 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:25.222 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:25.224  3098 23063 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:25.225  3098 23063 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:25.225  3098 23063 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:25.231  3098 17347 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:25.231  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:25.231  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:25.277 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:25.283 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:25.558  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:25.582  3098 23063 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:25.582  3098 23063 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:25.582  3098 23063 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:25.641  3676 28780 D NetworkRestrictService: isWlan:true-----listRules=[FirewallRule [id=1, pkg=com.arpaplus.adminhands, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=2, pkg=n
et.ipip.traceroute, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=3,, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=4,, wlan=0, mobile=0], Firewall
Rule [id=5,, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=6, pkg=com.epark, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=7, pkg=com.facebook.katana, wlan=0, mobile=0
], FirewallRule [id=8,, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=9, pkg=org.mozilla.firefox, wlan=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=10,, wlan
=0, mobile=0], FirewallRule [id=11,, wlan=0, mobile=0]]
09-20 16:13:25.657  3098 17347 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:25.657  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:25.657  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:25.742 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:25.794 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:25.795 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:25.795 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:25.801  3098 18440 V NativeCrypto: Read error: ssl=0x7f8ad3db00: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error
09-20 16:13:25.801  3098 18440 V NativeCrypto: error:100000d7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE (third_party/openssl/boringssl/src/ssl/ssl_lib.c:716 0x7f8f8871
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    : [GoogleAccountDataServiceImpl] getToken() -> NETWORK_ERROR. Account: <ELLIDED:-2102489147>, App:, Service: oaut
h2: email
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    : edx: Error when calling server.
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at edy.b(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at edy.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at ecl.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at flk.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at flk.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at fkj.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at fkh.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at fkh.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at bsr.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at bsr.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at bsr.onTransact(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at android.os.Binder.transact(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at buy.onTransact(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    : Caused by: unexpected end of stream on Connection{, proxy=DIRECT hostAddress=172.21
7.5.206 cipherSuite=TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 protocol=http/1.1} (recycle count=0)
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at tqb.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at tqb.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at fro.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at fro.a(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at edy.b(
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      ... 13 more
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    : Caused by: \n not found: size=0 content=...
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      at
09-20 16:13:25.805  3098 23063 E Auth    :      ... 26 more
09-20 16:13:25.809  3098 23063 W Auth    : [GetToken] GetToken failed with status code: NetworkError
09-20 16:13:25.838  3098 17347 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:25.838  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:25.838  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:25.890 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:25.892 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:25.892 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:26.231  3098 17347 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout:
09-20 16:13:26.231  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:    java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:26.231  3098 17347 W Conscrypt:
09-20 16:13:26.559  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:26.742 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:26.844  3098 28547 I InstantApps: DomainFilterImpl: Domain filter response size: 30811
09-20 16:13:26.876  3098 28547 E NetworkScheduler.ATC: Received callback from client for task that is already complete. ComponentInfo{
ms.instantapps.routing.DomainFilterUpdateService} instantapps.DomainFilterUpdateService.oneOffChargingUnmetered
09-20 16:13:26.977 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:26.980 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:26.980 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:27.012  3098 27600 V NativeCrypto: SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x7f9161ff80: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
09-20 16:13:27.561  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:27.565 23136 28714 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from:
09-20 16:13:27.590 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:27.592 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:27.593 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:27.742 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:27.763 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:27.829 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:27.829 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:27.988  3676 26667 D FileSizeUtil: getAvailableStoragePercentValue totalBytes=56548761600,freeBytes=43487916032,availableStoragePercent=0.7690339240249604
09-20 16:13:27.988  3676 26667 D WidgetViewService: availableStorage has no change,availableStorage:77%
09-20 16:13:28.560  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:28.572 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:28.573 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:28.574 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:28.742 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:28.804 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:29.153 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:29.155 28695 28746 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:29.156 28695 28779 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:29.390  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -86 -70 -120 -1 -1 30 -84 -13 210 2147
483647 2147483647 4 4 cdma level=4 voicelevel=4 datalevel=4
09-20 16:13:29.391  3446  3588 I amsnl   : csr
09-20 16:13:29.391  3446  3588 I amsnl   : t:false, fl: false, p: 86400000, ce: true, we: true
09-20 16:13:29.394  3446  3588 I amsnl   : m1: false
09-20 16:13:29.394  3446  3588 I amsnl   : c: true, w: false, t: false, l: false
09-20 16:13:29.396  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): showLTE:46011
09-20 16:13:29.397  2207  2464 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5):  showDisableIcon:false
09-20 16:13:29.398  2207  2464 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(5): getSlotProvisionStatus slotId: 0, status = 1
09-20 16:13:29.427 23149 28681 I DpmTcmClient: RegisterTcmMonitor from:
09-20 16:13:29.433 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:29.679 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:29.734 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:29.742 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:29.876 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:29.877 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:29.943 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:29.945 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:29.945 28695 28735 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:30.299 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:30.359 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:30.561  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:30.617  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: handlePromptUnvalidated mIsCaptivePortalCheckEnabled false
09-20 16:13:30.670 28695 28777 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:30.742 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:31.212  1338  1338 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked: charging=true
09-20 16:13:31.213  1338  1338 I DeviceIdleController: becomeActiveLocked, reason = charging
09-20 16:13:31.217  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Disconnected process message: 10, size: 0
09-20 16:13:31.219  2207  2207 I BatteryController:  fireBatteryLevelChanged mLevel:73 PluggedIn:true Charging:true Fastcharge:false show:true style:0
09-20 16:13:31.219  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Enter processIntentBatteryChanged()
09-20 16:13:31.219  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit processIntentBatteryChanged()
09-20 16:13:31.219  2923  2979 D HeadsetStateMachine: Exit Disconnected processMessage()
09-20 16:13:31.223 28611 28611 D AbstractProcessor: onBatteryChange Percent:73 State:2
09-20 16:13:31.543   823   964 I ThermalEngine: Monitor : quiet_therm = 29, msm_therm = 32, ufs_therm = -40, battery_therm = 283,current_now = -107000
09-20 16:13:31.561  1338  1338 E NotificationService: Suppressing notification from package by user request.
09-20 16:13:32.510  1338  9392 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:32.510  1338  9392 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:32.510  1338  9392 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:32.520  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:32.520  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:32.520  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:32.592 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:688: session marked as expired
09-20 16:13:32.594 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:606: connection: ->
09-20 16:13:32.595 28695 28695 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:32.742 28695 28748 I kcptun  : main.go:694: session normally closed
09-20 16:13:32.770 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:122: stream opened
09-20 16:13:32.861 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:32.861 28695 28778 I kcptun  : main.go:143: stream closed
09-20 16:13:32.977  1338  9282 V NotificationService: notifications are disabled by AppOps for com.github.shadowsocks
09-20 16:13:32.977  1338  9282 E NotificationService: Suppressing toast from package com.github.shadowsocks by user request.
09-20 16:13:32.980 28698 28698 D tun2socks: NOTICE(tun2socks): termination requested
09-20 16:13:32.980 28698 28698 D tun2socks: NOTICE(tun2socks): tearing down
09-20 16:13:32.980 28698 28698 D tun2socks: NOTICE(tun2socks): Free TCP connections
09-20 16:13:32.980 28698 28698 D tun2socks: NOTICE(tun2socks): exiting
09-20 16:13:32.983  1338  1451 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged tun0, false
09-20 16:13:32.995   841  1523 D NetlinkEvent: Unknown ifindex 411 in RTM_DELADDR
09-20 16:13:32.996   841  1523 I Netd    : Destroyed 3 sockets on in 1.5 ms
09-20 16:13:33.000  1338  1451 D Tethering: interfaceRemoved tun0
09-20 16:13:33.000  1338  1451 E Tethering: attempting to remove unknown iface (tun0), ignoring
09-20 16:13:33.001  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED
09-20 16:13:33.001  1338  2092 D VPN     : NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
09-20 16:13:33.001  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 3
09-20 16:13:33.001  1338  2092 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.022  1338 15007 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.022  1338 15007 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.022  1338 15007 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.057  1338  2092 I TetherStatsReporting: getTetherStats() called
09-20 16:13:33.058  2298  5255 D QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper: getStats(false)
09-20 16:13:33.062  1338  2092 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.068  1338  2083 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.068  1338  2092 I Nat464Xlat: Android Xlat enabled is doXlat=true
09-20 16:13:33.068  1338  2113 D NetdEventListenerService: Logging 3 results for netId 767
09-20 16:13:33.068  1338  2092 D ConnectivityService: Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 17 NetworkAgentInfo [VPN () - 767] isDefaultNetwork=false
09-20 16:13:33.075  2207  2464 D NetworkController: updateConnectivity: mConnectedTransports={1}
09-20 16:13:33.075  2207  2464 D NetworkController: updateConnectivity: mValidatedTransports={1}
09-20 16:13:33.076 26082 26082 D OPCardpackage: OnePlusCardReminder [onReceive act =]
09-20 16:13:33.080  1338  1338 D Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
09-20 16:13:33.080  1338  1452 D Tethering: InitialState got CMD_UPSTREAM_CHANGED
09-20 16:13:33.083  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.083  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.083  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.101  1338  2083 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.125  1338  2083 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.146  1338  2083 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.146  1338  2083 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.161  1338  2083 D NtpTrustedTime: currentTimeMillis() cache hit
09-20 16:13:33.164 26338 26338 D OPPhotos: Connectivity changed, now is 'WiFi
09-20 16:13:33.166  3419  3419 D WelcomePanel: Network has been turned on
09-20 16:13:33.166 26082 26082 D OPCardpackage: OnePlusCardReminder [isNetworkConnected true]
09-20 16:13:33.166 26082 26082 I OPCardpackage: OnePlusCardReminder [isConnected = true]
09-20 16:13:33.174  1338  1338 D NetworkTimeUpdateService: Received CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
09-20 16:13:33.176 28611 28611 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextW
rapper.startService:614 com.oneplus.opbackup.service.BackupService.startService:42 com.oneplus.opbackup.receiver.CheckUpdateReceiver.startOTAService:109 com.oneplus.opbackup.rec
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue: MMInnerHandler{listener = MMHandler(com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.NetworkMonitorReceiver$1)} sending message to a Han
dler on a dead thread
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: MMInnerHandler{listener = MMHandler(com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.NetworkMonitorRece
iver$1)} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.NetworkMonitorReceiver.onReceive(SourceFile:58)
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at$ReceiverDispatcher$
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at$
09-20 16:13:33.180 12160 12160 W MessageQueue:  at
09-20 16:13:33.181 26082 26082 D OPCardpackage: getAllNeedToQueryStopStationItems is empty, no need to query stations
09-20 16:13:33.182  1338  9279 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.182  1338  9279 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.182  1338  9279 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.187  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.187  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.187  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.189 28611 28611 D AbstractProcessor: onConnectChange Type:1
09-20 16:13:33.194  1338 15007 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.194  1338 15007 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.194  1338 15007 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.206  1338  3344 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.206  1338  3344 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.206  1338  3344 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.218  1338  9279 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.218  1338  9279 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.218  1338  9279 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.226  1338  9275 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.226  1338  9275 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.226  1338  9275 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.232  1338  2471 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.232  1338  2471 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.232  1338  2471 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.242  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.242  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.242  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.246  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.246  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.246  1338  9285 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.256  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.256  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.256  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.264  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.264  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.264  1338  1426 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.278  1338  2157 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0
09-20 16:13:33.278  1338  2157 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 420
09-20 16:13:33.278  1338  2157 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
09-20 16:13:33.561  1338  1423 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
09-20 16:13:33.561  1338  1423 D DeviceIdleController: checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10014, timeNow=781071886
09-20 16:13:33.561  1338  1423 D DeviceIdleController: Removing UID 10014 from temp whitelist
09-20 16:13:33.561  1338  1423 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp whitelist to []
09-20 16:13:33.589  1338  2338 D NetdEventListenerService: Logging 100 results for netId 750
09-20 16:13:34.078  3676  3788 D NetworkStateUtils: ------netWorkState--------1
09-20 16:13:34.079  3676  3788 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextW
rapper.startService:614 com.$AsynHandler.handleMessage:64

from kcptun-android.

ImAmelie avatar ImAmelie commented on July 24, 2024


from kcptun-android.

Mygod avatar Mygod commented on July 24, 2024

Cannot reproduce on 7.1.1 with the same phone. Your logcat looks pretty normal. Try default configuration.

from kcptun-android.

triaqu avatar triaqu commented on July 24, 2024


from kcptun-android.

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