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License: MIT License
Hey team,
We've noticed that you're referencing a subgraph deployed on The Graph's hosted service in this repository. Just a heads-up: after June 12th, hosted service subgraph endpoints will no longer be available as the offering is being deprecated.
If you are the subgraph owner or maintainer, it's time to upgrade your subgraph to the network. This ensures everything keeps running smoothly and you get access to all the latest features and improvements. Here is a quick guide with all the upgrade steps.
If you're not the subgraph owner or maintainer, check Graph Explorer to see if the subgraph development team has already upgraded to the network. If you don’t find an upgraded subgraph, a friendly nudge to the subgraph development team would be greatly appreciated—it's a quick process that benefits everyone. Here's the upgrade guide with all the necessary steps for the subgraph development team.
Once the subgraph is upgraded to the network, you can create an API key and updated query URL in Subgraph Studio then update this repository to query from the new endpoint,<ID>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>/<VERSION>
Need more support or have more questions? Feel free to reach out to [email protected]. We're here to help!
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