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express-admin's Introduction

Express Admin

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MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite admin for Node.js

brief history

Express Admin is a tool for creating end user administrative interfaces for relational databases in (literally) less than 10 minutes.

It was initially conceived back in 2012 and it was released officially in 2013. The user interface is built with Bootstrap (v3.3.1) and it is fully responsive and it works on any device. It also comes with all Bootswatch themes for that version of Bootstrap.

The entirety of the admin consists of just 3 views: main view, list view, and edit view. The main view lists all tables available inside the database and optionally a list of custom views. The list view lists table records with support for pagination and a powerful filtering widget for filtering and ordering the list. The edit view is responsible for viewing and editing database records and is capable of correctly modeling any table relationship, and it supports rich user input controls, such as date/time pickers and text editors.

The rendering is done entirely on the backend using Hogan.js (a mustache.js derivative). The frontend is using jQuery (v1.9.1) mainly for initializing the beautiful plugins: Chosen (v1.2.0) for rendering select boxes for many-to-one and many-to-many relationships and Bootstrap Datepicker for rendering various time and date pickers.

At the heart of the admin is the settings.json file. The settings.json file contains a robust data structure responsible for configuring all aspects of the admin, such as: table relationships, table visibility inside the main views, column settings such as: type and input control to use, verbose name, visibility etc., view settings, filter configuration etc.

Lastly, the admin also comes with various extension points for: custom static files on the frontend, custom views on the backend, and pre/post save hooks to augment the behavior of the admin.

quick preview

How it Looks


Get the admin up and running on your localhost in less than 10 minutes and play around with the examples.


Express Admin comes with a comprehensive integration tests suite:

Table of Contents


Express Admin is an Express.js middleware:

var express = require('express')
var admin = require('express-admin')

    config: require('config.json'),
    settings: require('settings.json'),
    users: require('users.json'),
    custom: require('custom.json'),

At the minimum you need Express.js, Express Admin, and a database driver:

  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.18.2",
    "express-admin": "^2.0.0",
    "mysql": "^2.18.1"

Express Admin was tested and is known to work with the following database drivers:

Driver Version Engine
mysql ^2.18.1 MySQL (from v5 up to latest) MariaDB (from v10.0 up to latest)
pg ^8.9.0 PostgreSQL (from v9 up to latest)
sqlite3 ^5.1.4 SQLite (from v3.8.0 up to latest)


Key Availability Description
config required general configuration about the database and the admin
settings required settings for all tables, columns, relationships, views, etc.
users required list of admin users
custom optional custom views, event hooks, and static files to be loaded with the admin

For simplicity all of the examples are storing all of their configuration in JSON files. However, only the settings configuration is required to be a JSON file stored on your server, because the admin may add new default table entries in it whenever you add a new table to your database. On the contrary the config and the users configuration, potentially containing sensitive passwords in plain text, can be loaded during the initialization of your server from an external storage and fed into the admin middleware as an object.

Configuration: config

  "mysql": { // or "pg" or "sqlite"
    "database": "...",
    "user": "...",
    "password": "..."
    // "schema": "... pg only"
  "admin": {
    "settings": "/absolute/path/to/settings.json"

Database Connection

The mysql, pg and sqlite key instruct the admin to load the relevant database driver, either: mysql, pg or sqlite3. That driver needs to be set as a dependency in your package.json file and installed:

  • mysql - accepts any connection option for the mysql module
  • pg - accepts any connection option for the pg module
  • sqlite - accepts only a database option containing an absolute path to a database file to use

At the minimum you need:

  • mysql or pg or sqlite - database connection options
    • database - name of the database to use for this connection (or absolute path to a database file for SQLite)
    • user - database user to authenticate with (not used wih SQLite)
    • password - password for that database user (not used wih SQLite)

Outside of the regular connection options for PostgreSQL the admin also accepts a schema name to use for that database. It defaults to public.

Admin Configuration

The admin config key is used to customize various aspects of the admin app:

  • settings (required) - the absolute path to the settings.json file

  • layouts (default: true) - toggle the layouts selection button inside the header

  • themes (default: true) - toggle the themes selection button inside the header

  • languages (default: true) - toggle the languages selection button inside the header

  • favicon - absolute path to a folder containing a favicon.ico file. When this path is set the admin will serve your custom favicon.ico file instead of the default one

  • footer - accepts {text: '..', url: '..'} object to customize the default footer text and URL. Set it to empty {} object to hide the footer

  • locale - absolute path to a locale.json file. Copy/paste some of the existing locale files and customize it to your liking. The name of your file will be used as either a new locale or it will override an existing one with the same name. The locale that you set through this option will be selected and used by default for new users

  • root (default: '') - path prefix for the admin instance. Required only when you mount the admin under a path prefix with app.use('/prefix', admin({})). Also take a look at the hosting examples

  • upload (default: 'public/upload') - absolute path to the upload location for columns with control type set to file: true. By default the admin will upload and store such files inside your-project/node_modules/express-admin/public/upload

  • session - accepts any of the configuration options for the underlying session middleware. The default configuration is: {name: 'express-admin', secret: 'very secret', saveUninitialized: true, resave: true}

  • readonly (default: false) - when set to true the authentication, CSRF, session logout and database updates are off. The readonly mode is useful while configuring the admin using the settings.json file. Additionally a watcher can be set to reload your server on changes being made to the settings.json file. Don't forget to turn off the readonly mode when you are done editing the settings.json file!

  • debug (default: false) - set this to true to print the underlying SQL queries that the admin performs. Additionally a logging middleware, such as morgan, can be mounted before the admin to log the underlying HTTP requests as well

Configuration: settings

All settings related to the default Express Admin views are set inside the settings.json file, which is automatically generated with default values at first start up. Every time you add a new table to your database a default configuration object will be added for it to your settings.json file at startup.


The settings.json file contains a list of objects representing tables in your database:

  "table_name": {
    "slug": "unique-slug",
    "table": {
      "name": "table_name",
      "pk": "pk_name",
      "verbose": "Verbose Name"
      // "schema": "name" // pg: set specific schema for this table only
    "columns": [
      {...}, // see column definition below
      // { "manyToMany" ... } // see 'Many to Many' documentation
    "mainview": {
      "show": true
    "listview": {
      "order": {
        "column_name1": "asc",
        "column_name2": "desc"
      "page": 25,
      "filter": ["column_name1", "column_name2" ...]
    "editview": {
      "readonly": false,
      // "manyToOne": { ... }, // see 'Many to One' documentation
      // "oneToOne": { ... } // see 'One to One' documentation
  • slug - unique slug among all other tables
  • table - table settings
    • name - the table name in your database (typically you won't change this)
    • pk - the table's primary key (it will be set automatically)
    • verbose - user friendly name to use for this table inside the admin
  • columns - array of all columns found in this table (see below)
  • mainview - settings about the mainview (where tables are listed)
    • show - toggle the table visibility inside the table list. Typically you want to hide tables that will be edited as inlines of other tables, or tables that are used as links for many to many relationships
  • listview - settings about the listview (where the table records are listed)
    • order - default record order, either ascending or descending (defaults to ascending)
    • page - how many records to show per page (defaults to 25)
    • filter - list of column names to enable as filtering options inside the filter widget
  • editview - settings about the editview (where the record is being shown and edited)
    • readonly - to make the table non editable set this flag to true, in that case the save and delete buttons below the record won't be rendered
    • manyToOne - set inline tables to be edited along with this one (see many to one documentation)
    • oneToOne - set inline tables to be edited along with this one (see one to one documentation)

To re-order how the tables appear inside the mainview copy/paste the entire table object and move it to another place inside the settings.json file.


Each table object contains a list of colum objects:

  "verbose": "Verbose Name",
  "name": "column_name",
  "control": {
    "text": true
  "type": "varchar(45)",
  "allowNull": false,
  "defaultValue": null,
  "listview": {
    "show": true
  "editview": {
    "show": true
  // "oneToMany": { ... }, // see 'One to Many' documentation
  • verbose - user friendly name to use for this column inside the admin

  • name - the column name in your database (typically you won't change this)

  • control - one of these:

    {"text": true} // input type="text"
    {"textarea": true} // textarea
    {"textarea": true, "editor": "some-class"} // text editor (see customization section)
    {"number": true} // input type="number"
    {"date": true} // datepicker
    {"time": true} // timepicker
    {"datetime": true} // datetimepicker
    {"year": true} // yearpicker
    {"file": true} // input type="file" (uploads to file system)
    {"file": true, "binary": true} // input type="file" (uploads to blob|bytea fields)
    {"radio": true, "options": ["True","False"]} // input type="radio"
    {"select": true} // select single (used for one-to-many relationships)
    {"select": true, "multiple": true} // select multiple (used for many-to-many relationships)
    {"select": true, "options": ["value&text",{"value":"text"}]} // select with static options
  • type - the column data type in your database (typically you won't change this)

  • allowNull - allowed to be null inside the database or not

  • defaultValue - currently not used

  • listview - settings about the listview (where the table records are listed)

    • show - toggle the column visibility inside the listview. Typically you want to see only colums that contain short and meaningful information describing the whole record clearly. Primary key columns and columns that contain large amount of text typically should be hidden in this view
  • editview - settings about the editview (where the record is being shown and edited)

    • show - toggle the column visibility inside the listview
      All auto increment columns should be hidden!
      Foreign keys for inline tables should be hidden!
      Columns that are not allowed to be null inside the database cannot be hidden as this will result in a database error when trying to insert or update the record
  • oneToMany - configure one to many relationship (see one to many documentation)

Additionally a column entry can be added manually inside the columns array for configuring many to many relationships.

To re-order how the columns appear inside the listview and the editview copy/paste the entire column object and move it to another place inside the columns array.

Control Types Example

Configuration: users

The users configuration accepts a list of unique keys identifying the admin users:

  "admin": {
    "name": "admin",
    "pass": "1234abCD"
  • "unique key name"
    • name - user name to login with
    • pass - user password to login with

Each user get access to the entirety of your admin instance. There are no roles and different levels of access.

For increased security you may want to load the user password from external storage dynamically and feed that into the admin middleware on startup.

Configuration: custom

The custom configuration can be used to extend the admin with additional static files, endpoints on the backend, custom views rendered inside the admin, and pre/post save event hooks.

You can arrange your custom resources any way you want. The custom config should contain uniquely named objects containing any of the supported custom configuration keys:

  "Unique Name": {
    "app": {
      "path": "/absolute/path/to/custom/app.js",
      "slug": "unique-slug",
      "verbose": "Verbose Name",
      "mainview": {
        "show": true
    "public": {
      "external": {
        "css": [
        "js": [
      "local": {
        "path": "/absolute/path/to/custom/public/folder",
        "css": [
        "js": [
    "events": "/absolute/path/to/custom/events.js"
  • app - Epress.js application (middleware) (see custom views documentation)
    • path - absolute path to the file to mount
    • slug - prefix for all routes in this custom app
    • verbose - user friendly name to show inside the mainview
    • mainview - settings about the mainview
      • show - toggle the custom view visibility inside the mainview (inside the custom views list below the table list)
  • public - custom static files to include inside the <head> tag (see custom static files documentation)
    • external - external files
      • css - list of css files to be included
      • js - list of js files to be included
    • local - local files
      • path - absolute path to the static files location
      • css - list of css files to be included
      • js - list of js files to be included
  • events - path to file containing event hooks (see event hooks documentation)

Custom View Example


Relationships: One to Many


  1. Find the table that you want to configure inside the settings.json file
  2. Find the foreign key column that you want to use for the relation
  3. Copy/paste the following oneToMany object into the column settings and configure it
  4. Change the control type of the column to select
"control": {
  "select": true
"oneToMany": {
  "table": "user",
  "pk": "id",
  "columns": [

The oneToMany key can contain a schema name to use for the relation table (PostgreSQL only)

  • oneToMany - configuration about the table that this foreign key references
    • table - name of the table that is being referenced
    • pk - name of the referenced table primary key column (can be array as well, see compound primary key documentation)
    • columns - array of columns to select from the referenced table and use that as a label inside the select box (space delimited)

One To Many Example

Relationships: Many to Many


  1. Find the table that you want to configure inside the settings.json file
  2. Copy/paste the following object inside the columns array and configure it
  "verbose": "Recipe Types",
  "name": "recipe_type",
  "control": {
    "select": true,
    "multiple": true
  "type": "int(11)",
  "allowNull": false,
  "listview": {
    "show": false
  "editview": {
    "show": true
  "manyToMany": {
    "link": {
      "table": "recipe_has_recipe_types",
      "parentPk": "recipe_id",
      "childPk": "recipe_type_id"
    "ref": {
      "table": "recipe_type",
      "pk": "id",
      "columns": [

The link and ref keys can contain a schema name to use for the relation table (PostgreSQL only)

  • verbose - user friendly name to use for this column inside the admin
  • name - some arbitrary name but it has to be unique among all other columns in this table
  • control - the control type have to be a multi select
  • type - leave this as it is
  • allowNull - allowed to create record in this table without selecting any item from the referenced one, or not
  • listview - settings about the listview (where the table records are listed)
    • show - toggle the column visibility inside the listview
  • editview - settings about the editview (where the record is being shown and edited)
    • show - toggle the column visibility inside the listview
  • manyToMany - configuration about the many to many relationship
    • link - configuration about the table that links this one and the referenced one
      • table - name of the table that acts as a link
      • parentPk - name of the primary key of the parent table (can be array as well)
      • childPk - name of the primary key of the child table (can be array as well)
    • ref - configuration about the referenced table
      • table - name of the table that is being referenced
      • pk - name of the referenced table primary key column (can be array as well)
      • columns - array of columns to select from the referenced table and use that as a label inside the select box (space delimited)

The parentPk and childPk keys of the link table can be array as well.
The pk key of the ref table can be array as well.
See compound primary key documentation.

Many To Many Example

Relationships: Many to One


  1. Find the table that you want to configure inside the settings.json file
  2. Copy/paste the following object inside the editview object and configure it
"manyToOne": {
  "repair": "car_id",
  "driver": "car_id"
  • manyToOne - configuration about the tables that will be included and edited as inline record
    • table:fk - each item in this object is a table name and its foreign key column that is referencing the parent table (or array of foreign keys, see compound primary key documentation)

Many To One Example

Relationships: One to One


  1. Find the table that you want to configure inside the settings.json file
  2. Copy/paste the following object inside the editview object and configure it
"oneToOne": {
  "address": "user_id",
  "phone": "user_id"
  • oneToOne - configuration about the tables that will be included and edited as inline record
    • table:fk - each item in this object is a table name and its foreign key column that is referencing the parent table (or array of foreign keys, see compound primary key documentation)

One To One Example

Compound Primary Key


Any table in settings.json can have multiple primary keys specified:

  "table": {
    "name": "tbl",
    "pk": [
    "verbose": "tbl"

Compound: One to Many


In case One to Many table relationship is referenced by multiple foreign keys, the regular One to Many configuration cannot be used, as it expects to be put inside an existing column inside the settings.json file.

Therefore an additional column entry have to be added to the columns array, similar to how Many to Many relationship is being configured.

The fk key specifies the foreign keys in this table that are referencing the other one:

  "verbose": "otm",
  "name": "otm",
  "control": {
    "select": true
  "type": "varchar(45)",
  "allowNull": false,
  "listview": {
    "show": true
  "editview": {
    "show": true
  "fk": [
  "oneToMany": {
    "table": "otm",
    "pk": [
    "columns": [

Compound: Many to Many


In case tables with multiple primary keys are part of a Many to Many table relationship, the regular Many to Many setting is used, but additionally the parentPk and childPk keys inside the link table, and the pk key inside the ref table, can be set to an array of foreign and primary keys respectively to accommodate that design:

  "verbose": "mtm",
  "name": "mtm",
  "control": {
    "select": true,
    "multiple": true
  "type": "varchar(45)",
  "allowNull": false,
  "listview": {
    "show": true
  "editview": {
    "show": true
  "manyToMany": {
    "link": {
      "table": "tbl_has_mtm",
      "parentPk": [
      "childPk": [
    "ref": {
      "table": "mtm",
      "pk": [
      "columns": [

Compound: Many to One


Similar to the regular Many to One configuration, but additionally the value for each table listed there can be set to an array of foreign keys referencing this table.

"manyToOne": {
  "mto": [

Compound: One to One

Similar to the regular One to One configuration, but additionally the value for each table listed there can be set to an array of foreign keys referencing this table.

"oneToOne": {
  "oto": [


Columns can be enabled to be available for filtering inside the listview by listing them inside the filter list for that table's listview config:

"listview": {
  "order": {},
  "page": 5,
  "filter": [

All column data types and control types will be picked from the columns definition for that table. For example, a foreign key identifier configured as one-to-many relationship will be rendered as select box to allow the user to pick a value from. Similarly a many-to-many column entry can be listed by its name key and it will be rendered as multiple select box allowing you to pick multiple values from the referenced table to filter by. Date and time pickers will be rendered as pairs of two controls to allow you to specify date and time ranges if needed.

Listview Filter Example (click on the little funnel icon next to the page header)


Custom: Static Files

Custom static files can be included at the end of the <head> tag of the base template:

  "something": {
    "public": {
      "external": {
        "js": [
      "local": {
        "path": "/absolute/path/to/folder",
        "css": [
        "js": [

Take a look at the examples repository.


One good example of the use of custom files could be extending the admin with a rich text editor.

Find the column that you want to configure in settings.json and set its control type to a textarea and additionally set a CSS class name to use for the rich text editor:

"control": {
  "textarea": true,
  "editor": "class-name"

Then inside the custom.json file specify the static files to include:

  "Rich Text Editors": {
    "public": {
      "external": {
        "js": [
      "local": {
        "path": "/absolute/path/to/folder",
        "js": [

CKEditor v4.4.2 can be initialized like this:

$(function () {
  if (typeof CKEDITOR !== 'undefined') {
    CKEDITOR.replaceAll(function (textarea, config) {
      // exclude textareas that are inside hidden inline rows
      if ($(textarea).parents('tr').hasClass('blank')) return false
      // textareas with this class name will get the default configuration
      if (textarea.className.includes('class-name')) return true
      // all other textareas won't be initialized as ckeditors
      return false

// executed each time an inline is added
function onAddInline (rows) {
  if (typeof CKEDITOR !== 'undefined') {
    // for each of the new rows containing textareas
    $('textarea', rows).each(function (index) {
      // get the DOM instance
      var textarea = $(this)[0]
      // textareas with this class name will get the default configuration
      if (textarea.className.includes('class-name')) return CKEDITOR.replace(textarea)
      // all other textareas won't be initialized as ckeditors
      return false

Note that jQuery $ is loaded globally for the entire admin.

The class-name is the same class name that we specified for that column inside the settings.json file.

The CKEDITOR.replaceAll method loops throgh all textareas available on the page and filters them out to only those that needs to be initialized as CKEditors. Inline records for Many to One and One to One relationships has a hidden blank row used as a template whenever the user tries to add new inline record to the page. Any textarea inside that blank row have to be excluded.

The hidden textareas are initialized after the user clicks on the link to add a new inline record. The onAddInline is an event like global function that is called each time an inline record is appended to the list of inline records. The rows parameters contains all table rows that has been added. Again we loop through all of them and initialize only those textareas that have the class we specified in settings.json

CKEditor Example

Custom: Views

The custom view config is configured by the app key:

  "My Awesome View": {
    "app": {
      "path": "/absolute/path/to/app.js",
      "slug": "hi",
      "verbose": "Basic View",
      "mainview": {
        "show": true

The app.js file contains an Express.js middleware:

var express = require('express')
var app = module.exports = express()
var path = require('path')

app.set('views', __dirname)

app.get('/hi', (req, res, next) => {
  // variable that will be available inside your template
  res.locals.hello = 'Hi'
  // realtive path from the admin's view folder to your custom folder
  var relative = path.relative(res.locals._admin.views, app.get('views'))
  // the content partial holds the main content of the page
  res.locals.partials = {
    // path to your hello.html template
    content: path.join(relative, 'hello')
  // continue so that the admin can render the entire page

The hello.html template is an HTML file that contains Hogan.js (mustache.js) variables:

<p>{{hello}}, how are you?</p>

The res.locals object contains all of the template variables that will be used across various partials to render the entirety of the admin UI.

One additional variable called res.locals._admin exposes the admin internals to your route. The contents of this variable are not meant to be rendered and are there for internal use by your custom routes.

For example, the res.locals._admin.db.client holds a reference to the underlying database client wrapper that the admin uses internally:

app.get('/hi', (req, res, next) => {
  var client = res.locals._admin.db.client
  // do some queries
  client.query('... sql ...', (err, result) => {
    // do something with result data

To find more about the available data there you can put a breakpoint inside your custom route handler and inspect it with a debugger.

Also have a look at the examples repository.

Custom View Example

Custom: Event Hooks

The supported event hooks are:

  • preSave - before a record is saved
  • postSave - after a record was saved
  • preList - before the listview is rendered

The event hooks config is configured by the events key:

  "My Awesome Event Hooks": {
    "events": "/absolute/path/to/event/handlers.js"

The event handlers are similar to Express.js middlewares, but they have one additional args parameter:

exports.preSave = (req, res, args, next) => {
  // do something
exports.postSave = (req, res, args, next) => {
  // do something
exports.postList = (req, res, args, next) => {
  // do something

You can put a breakpoint inside any of your event hook handlers and inspect the available handler parameters with a debugger.

Also have a look at the examples repository.

Custom: preSave

The args parameter contains:

  • action - query operation: insert, update or remove
  • name - the table name for which this operation was initiated for
  • slug - the slug of that table
  • data - data submitted via POST request or returned from the database
    • view - this table's data (the one currently shown inside the editview)
    • oneToOne | manyToOne - inline tables data
      "table's name": {
        "records": [
          "columns": {"column's name": "column's value", ...},
          "insert|update|remove": "true" // only for inline records
  • upath - absolute path to the upload folder location
  • upload - list of files to be uploaded submitted via POST request
  • db - database connection instance

preSave - set created_at and updated_at fields

In this example we are updating the created_at and the updated_at fileds for a table called user:

var moment = require('moment')

exports.preSave = (req, res, args, next) => {
  if ( === 'user') {
    var now = moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')
    var record =[0].columns
    if (args.action === 'insert') {
      record.created_at = now
      record.updated_at = now
    else if (args.action === 'update') {
      record.updated_at = now

The created_at and the updated_at columns have to be hidden inside the editview because they will be updated internally by your event hook. Set show: false for the editview key for those columns inside the settings.json file.

preSave - generate hash identifier

In this example we are generating a hash id for a table called cars. That table view also contains manyToOne inline tables to be edited along with it that also needs their id generated:

var shortid = require('shortid')

exports.preSave = (req, res, args, next) => {
  if ( == 'car') {
    if (args.action == 'insert') {
      var table =
      var record =[table].records[0].columns = shortid.generate()
    for (var table in {
      var inline =[table]
      if (!inline.records) continue
      for (var i=0; i < inline.records.length; i++) {
        if (inline.records[i].insert != 'true') continue
        inline.records[i] = shortid.generate()

All of the id columns have to be hidden inside the editview because they will be generated internally by your event hook. Set show: false for the editview key for those columns inside the settings.json file.

preSave - soft delete records

In this example we are soft deleting records for a table called purchase. That table view also contains manyToOne inline tables to be edited along with it that also requires their records to be soft deleted:

var moment = require('moment')

exports.preSave = (req, res, args, next) => {
  if ( === 'purchase') {
    var now = moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')
    // all inline oneToOne and manyToOne records should be marked as deleted
    for (var table in {
      var inline =[table]
      if (!inline.records) continue
      for (var i=0; i < inline.records.length; i++) {
        if (args.action !== 'remove' && !inline.records[i].remove) continue
        // instead of deleting the record
        delete inline.records[i].remove
        // update it
        inline.records[i].columns.deleted = true
        inline.records[i].columns.deleted_at = now
    // parent record
    if (args.action == 'remove') {
      // instead of deleting the record
      args.action = 'update'
      // update it
      var record =[0].columns
      record.deleted = true
      record.deleted_at = now

All of the deleted and deleted_at columns have to be hidden inside the editview because they will be managed by your event hook. Set show: false for the editview key for those columns inside the settings.json file.

Custom: postSave

The args parameter contains:

  • action - query operation: insert, update or remove
  • name - the table name for which this operation was initiated for
  • slug - the slug of that table
  • data - data submitted via POST request or returned from the database
    • view - this table's data (the one currently shown inside the editview)
    • oneToOne | manyToOne - inline tables data
      "table's name": {
          "records": [
              "columns": {"column's name": "column's value", ...},
              "insert|update|remove": "true" // only for inline records
  • upath - absolute path to the upload folder location
  • upload - list of files to be uploaded submitted via POST request
  • db - database connection instance

postSave - upload files to a third party server

  • in this example our table will be called item
  • the item's table image's column control type should be set to file:true in settings.json
  • use the code below to upload the image, after the record is saved

In this example we are uploading an image to a third-party service for a table called item:

var cloudinary = require('cloudinary')
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
cloudinary.config({cloud_name: '...', api_key: '...', api_secret: '...'})

exports.postSave = (req, res, args, next) => {
  if ( === 'item') {
    // file upload control data
    var image = args.upload.view.item.records[0].columns.image
    // in case file is chosen through the file input control
    if ( {
      // file name of the image already uploaded to the upload folder
      var fname =[0].columns.image
      // upload
      var fpath = path.join(args.upath, fname)
      cloudinary.uploader.upload(fpath, (result) => {
    else next()
  else next()

The image column needs to have its control type set to file: true inside the settings.json file.

Custom: preList

The args parameter contains:

  • name - the table name for which this operation was initiated for
  • slug - the slug of that table
  • filter - filter data submitted via POST request
    • columns - list of columns (and their values) to filter by
    • direction - sort order direction
    • order - column names to order by
    • or - true|false whether to use logical or or not
  • statements - sql query strings partials
    • columns - columns to select
    • table - table to select from
    • join - join statements
    • where - where statements
    • group - group by statements
    • order - order by statements
    • from - limit from number
    • to - limit to number
  • db - database connection instance

preList - hide soft deleted records by default

Have a look at the preSave hook example about soft deleted records.

exports.preList = (req, res, args, next) => {
  if ( === 'purchase') {
    // check if we are using a listview filter
    // and we want to see soft deleted records
    var filter = args.filter.columns
    if (filter && (filter.deleted == '1' || filter.deleted_at && filter.deleted_at[0])) {
      return next()
    // otherwise hide the soft deleted records by default
    var filter =
      ' `purchase`.`deleted` IS NULL OR `purchase`.`deleted` = 0' +
      ' OR `purchase`.`deleted_at` IS NULL ';
      ? args.statements.where += ' AND ' + filter
      : args.statements.where = ' WHERE ' + filter


By default all of the static assets needed by the admin will be served by the admin middleware itself. A good way to improve the performance of your admin instance is to serve only the dynamic routes with Node.js and leave the static files to be served by a reverse proxy instead.

Hosting: Nginx

# redirect HTTP to HTTPS
server {
  listen 80;
  return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# HTTPS only
server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  # (optional) you can put an additional basic auth in front of your admin
  auth_basic 'Restricted';
  auth_basic_user_file /absolute/path/to/.htpasswd;

  access_log /var/log/nginx/;
  error_log /var/log/nginx/ debug;

  # certificates for HTTPS
  ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;

  # forward all requests to Node.js except for the static files below
  location / {
    # this is where your admin instance is listening to
    # (optional) hide the fact that your app was built with Express.js
    proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By;

  # express-admin - static files bundled with the admin
  location /express-admin.css {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin/public;
    try_files $uri =404;
  location /express-admin.js {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin/public;
    try_files $uri =404;
  location /favicon.ico {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin/public;
    try_files $uri =404;

  # express-admin-static - third-party static files bundled with the admin
  location /jslib/ {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin-static;
    try_files $uri =404;
  location /csslib/ {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin-static;
    try_files $uri =404;
  location /font/ {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin-static;
    try_files /csslib/fonts/$uri =404;
  location /bootswatch/ {
    root /absolute/path/to/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin-static;
    try_files $uri =404;

  # (optional) any custom static file that you may have
  location /custom.css {
    root /absolute/path/to/custom/static/files;
    try_files $uri =404;
  location /custom.js {
    root /absolute/path/to/custom/static/files;
    try_files $uri =404;

Hosting: Multiple Admins

Multiple admin instances can be served with a single Node.js server:

var express = require('express')
var admin = require('express-admin')

  .use('/admin1', admin({
    config: require('/path1/config.json'),
    settings: require('/path1/settings.json'),
    users: require('/path1/users.json'),
    custom: require('/path1/custom.json'),
  .use('/admin2', admin({
    config: require('/path2/config.json'),
    settings: require('/path2/settings.json'),
    users: require('/path2/users.json'),
    custom: require('/path2/custom.json'),
  .use('/admin3', admin({
    config: require('/path3/config.json'),
    settings: require('/path3/settings.json'),
    users: require('/path3/users.json'),
    custom: require('/path3/custom.json'),

In case you are serving them directly with Node.js then you have to set the root prefix for each admin instance inside the config.json file.

However, in case you are using Nginx on top of Node.js to route the traffic, you can setup different sub domains for each admin instance and route the traffic to the correct path prefix:

# map the sub domain being used to the path prefix for that admin instance
map $http_host $admin_prefix {   admin1;   admin2;   admin3;

and then update the above Nginx configuration by prepending the $admin_prefix variable to the path:

location / {
  # route to the appropriate admin prefix based on the sub domain being used
  # (optional) hide the fact that your app was built with Express.js
  proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By;

In that case there is no need to set the root configuration for the admin inside the config.json file because the routing will be done in Nginx, and for the Node.js (Express.js) server it will look like as if that was served on the default root / path.

express-admin's People


evcordeiro avatar guoxiangyang avatar joshuakarjala avatar philippwiddra avatar roberto-alexis avatar shortstuffsushi avatar simov avatar sochix avatar therichu avatar


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express-admin's Issues

Add checkbox input

Hi All,

Thanks for the had work and It will awesome if we will have the ability to add checkbox inputs.

Support for S3 or cloudinary for images


Do we have support for uploading images to S3 / cloudinary from the upload type control.

I want to upload images to my S3 account.


Thanks for creating such a wonderful module.

Disable pagination

Hi all,

Can i disable pagination in list view and show all data in the same page?
and how i can do it.

Hide fields just in inline view

Hi again,

I have a specific need, i want to hide a field(i my case a select) just in inline view. I peeked in the source code but I couldn't find how to make it work, any help plz.


Attack csrf


There aren't not any token in the form, i try to change data select with some things don't exit in the database => the item was saved !!!!

Using express-admin with mutiple column primary key

In MySql it is possible to have tables with multiple columns in the primary key for example:

    first_name VARCHAR(50),
    last_name VARCHAR(50),
    address TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY (first_name, last_name)

I currently have such a table, and want to use express-admin, however it seems that the settings.json file only allows for one column value to be put in the pk field.

The result is that I can see a list view of my table, but am not able to select any individual record to edit it.

Is there any solution for this?

German translation needed

Hey @philippwiddra can you translate a few words for me?

I recently added a few more keys inside config/lang/de.json like: access-denied, find-user, invalid-password, order, clear, asc, desc

Can you pull the latest master into a new branch of your repository, translate the words and make a pull request?


Disable the display of "view4" in mainview


I case i want to disable the display of "view4" in "mainview":

"view4": {
"app": {
"path" : "/var/www/myProjet/custom/app4/app",
"slug": "view4",
"verbose": "Breadcrumbs",
"mainview": {
"show": false // I change this

I got this problem:
Cannot set property 'header' of undefined at exports.admin

File uploads

Is it possible to create tables + admin config having files titles as table columns and uploading files ( like videos and images) to the server using express-admin? Or should that be created as a separate view?

some flaws in generation of settings.json

I have a table postgresql defined as

CREATE TABLE store.testtbl
  id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
  parent uuid NOT NULL,
  name character varying NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT testtbl_pk PRIMARY KEY (id ),
  CONSTRAINT testtbl_uniq_id_pid UNIQUE (id , parent )

which yeilds the following generation of settings.json:

===== skip ===
  "testtbl": {
        "slug": "testtbl",
        "table": {
            "name": "testtbl",
            "pk": "",
            "verbose": "testtbl"
              "columns": [
                "name": "name",
                "verbose": "name",
                "control": {
                    "text": true
                "type": "varchar(null)",
                "allowNull": false,
                "defaultValue": null,
                "listview": {
                    "show": true
                "editview": {
                    "show": true
                "name": "parent",
                "verbose": "parent",
                "control": {
                    "text": true
                "type": "uuid",
                "allowNull": false,
                "defaultValue": null,
                "listview": {
                    "show": true
                "editview": {
                    "show": true
                "name": "id",
                "verbose": "id",
                "control": {
                    "text": true
                "type": "uuid",
                "allowNull": false,
                "defaultValue": "uuid_generate_v4()",
                "listview": {
                    "show": true
                "editview": {
                    "show": true
        "mainview": {
            "show": true
        "listview": {
            "order": {},
            "page": 25
        "editview": {
            "readonly": false
===== skip ===

While it is not absolutely clear, why "pk" is left empty, "type": "varchar(null)" is definitely a flaw which leads to problems with form validation during record editing.

Is there a possibility to run the admin on another route / integrate it in another express app?

Is there a way to integrate the express-admin into an existing express-app in a way that it is accessible under a specific route, other than /?

Normally the following code should work and display the express-admin over the route /admin. The problem is it redirects normally (to /admin/login) but only returns a part of the page it normally should (the returning html is appended at the end).

If this approach does not work at all, is there an other option for running the page as part of another project?

var express = require('express');
var expressAdmin = require('express-admin');
var app = express();

app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/static/'));
app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.send('Hello World');

var expressAdminArgs = {
  dpath: './express-admin-config/',
  config: require('./express-admin-config/config.json'),
  settings: require('./express-admin-config/settings.json'),
  custom: require('./express-admin-config/custom.json'),
  users: require('./express-admin-config/users.json')

expressAdmin.initDatabase(expressAdminArgs, function (err) {
  if(err) {
  } else {

    // Especially this lines are interesting:
    var admin = expressAdmin.initServer(expressAdminArgs);
    app.use('/admin', admin);

The response for http://localhost/admin/login:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/express-admin/favicon.ico" />

    <link id="bootstrap" href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />

  <body id="express-admin" class="container">

    <div id="wrapper">

      <section id="content">


      <div id="footer-push">&nbsp;</div>
      <p><small><a href="" target="_blank" class="text-muted">Express Admin</a></small></p>

Password issue

I have an Raspberry PI running,
node app.js /root/config
then i give my password to the database (MariaDB (compatible with Mysql))
and enter the password for the new admin user,
but when i type it in the gui, it prompts not the right password... (wtf)

Is there any reason for this?

Delete as Boolean or TimeStamp or DateTime

From what I gather, there's no option to customize how deletion is dealt with. In many cases we want to "soft delete" records so as not to lose the information. If this is not a feature, it could be a great addition to express-admin.


Hi guys thanks for work,

I wonder if you can implement an option to date control like a timepicker

"control": {
"Date": true,
"dissable_date": true,
"dissable_time": false


SQLite as DB engine

Is it possible to use a SQLite file as database?
This would be very convenient for some cases where embedded databases are used.

Most (all?) of the calls should work like in SQL i guess.

Building a Website with Express-Admin

This is more of a question than an issue. Is it possible to use this application to build a website.

For instance I would like to setup my backend using Express-Admin. What would be the best way to create an express website that will look at my pages and content then render them to the browser. Essentially like a CMS. Is this possible or is this not what express-admin is for ?

Thank you in advance.


Theme files not working

Hello Guys,

It looks like an awesome product. Can you help me know how I can set the theme for it please. The present admin panel shows css


Trying to self-reference on a oneToMany relationship ("Parent" column) breaks the area with ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE.

Get error when try to run node app

path.js:116 throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings');
TypeError: Arguments to path.resolve must be strings
at Object.exports.resolve (path.js:116:15)
at Object. (C:\nodejs\express_admin\app.js:9:18)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:901:3

Use knexjs instead of raw queries

Seems like the queries are pretty standard, which would make them an ideal candidate for knexjs. Knex supports the same databases, which would cut your code base down so there is less to manage.

Express 4.0

Hi there. Wondering if you're considering bumping to Express 4.0 any time soon. We're consuming Express-Admin in our app, and we're on 4.0, but when we pass that app reference to the Admin app, we get all the 4.0 warnings (as you might expect). At any rate, I'm just curious if you've thought about making the jump. I could PR the necessary updates, if you'd like.

Search option on table view

Is there btw a configurable search option for table views? Let's say I have 50000 records, it's quite cumbersome to page through them. Some config for Search over "columns: [...] would be already an improvement.

Default theme

Hi again,

how can i change the default theme with another theme to be the new default one.(but not with the theme button), thx

url field type


I have a url field type, and i want to display it in the list view as a link.

I made some changes. in the setting file i add "url": true
"listview": { "show": true, "url": true },

and in the listview.js:

{{^mtm}} {{#listview.url}} <a href="{{.}}" title="{{.}}" target="_blank">{{.}}</a> {{/listview.url}} {{^listview.url}} {{.}} {{/listview.url}} {{/mtm}}

But nothing change :/

Select Options

From what I gather, selects are simply Arrays with Values, and the Value is both the value and the "text" of the option. i.e.

"control": {
    "select": true,
    "options": [


    <option value="Value1">Value1</option>
    <option value="Value2">Value2</option>

I believe it would be pretty easy to change this to also accept objects, with
{ valueKey: "Verbose" }. So the text on the option would be the Verbose, and the value of the option would be the object key.


<option value="valueKey">Verbose</option>

It also could be done while still accepting arrays, which would make the change rather harmless.

What do you guys think? Is there something like that in the making?

Add new item in Many to many relation


In case we have many to many relation and we try to add new item in the select multiple (not to select exsiting one), we get this link "click to add" but this link don't work.

Radio input with default value


Thx for add this new input type in the new version, i think that's miss something, in the add new item view. the false option should be defined as default value(checked)..

File Upload

How do we set the path for the uploaded file? If there's a way, this should be documented, if there isn't, I suggest we flag this as a feature, I'm gonna need it and I have no problems building it into express-admin and making the pull request. :D

"Malformed" data flagged, cannot save data.

This is my first go round with a tool like this, so it is quite possible I'm experiencing an issue related to mis-configuration of my server. Anyway, I'm using this to keep an eye on my MPOS cryptocoin pools databases. In the "Shares" section, every user's share is logged with a timestamp, like so: Thu Jun 19 2014 20:04:31 GMT-0400 (EDT)
It is flagging the timestamps as "Malformed" and won't allow me to save data in other fields as a result. Is there something I can set to have it ignore the malformed bits? I wonder if the timestamp problem is due to some mis-configuration on my end?

Very nice tool, by the way! Much more convenient and tons easier to use than mySQL Workbench or phpmyadmin and others!

Add custom class attribute

Hi all,

Can i add custom class for each field: by adding it in setting file or to check the name of field in form template ?

custom schema name is not honored


I was trying to use express-admin with postgresql database.
My tables are placed in a schema with custom name.
After creating initial configuration I saw all my tables from custom schema at http://localhost:3000/ but if I click on any table name or on the plus sign, it spits a small stack trace

error: relation "vendor" does not exist
    at Connection.parseE (/home/aol/develop/web/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:558:11)
    at Connection.parseMessage (/home/aol/develop/web/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:387:17)
    at null.<anonymous> (/home/aol/develop/web/express-admin/node_modules/express-admin/node_modules/pg/lib/connection.js:92:20)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (_stream_readable.js:746:14)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
    at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10)
    at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:404:5)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:165:9)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:127:10)
GET /vendor/add 500 5ms - 820b

After some digging I've managed to enable sql queries logging and found out that schema name is not present in the query:
SELECT "vendor"."id" AS __pk,"vendor"."name","vendor"."id" FROM "vendor" WHERE "id"=null ;

As a quick test I've hacked into utils/query.js and hardcoded schema name into queries, which proved the root cause of the issue - the aforementioned error disappeared.

Unfortunately, I do not have much free time now to wrap my head around the express-admin sources to contribute a fix, but I'd be glad if this issue would be resolved soon.

Thanks in advance,

Session key for better embedding.

 var app = express()
        .set('views', path.resolve(__dirname, './views'))
        .set('view engine', 'html')
        .engine('html', consolidate.hogan)


        .use(express.cookieParser('very secret - required'))
        .use(r.auth.status)// session middleware

        .use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')))
        .use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/express-admin-static')));

The session here has no key set. If embedding express-admin into another expressjs app, session conflict seems to happen.(From my own experience, I fixed it by specifying another key for the main app) It should be a good idea to use

use(express.session({key: "express-admin"});

Remote sql server

Is it possible to specify remote host and port number for mysql database in the config.json file?


Are there any plans to create permissions?

i.e. Some users being able to access only parts of the admin.

If there are, what are the considerations on this feature up to now?


My configuration:

  • node js : v0.10.28
  • latest version of express-admin

My config.json:
"mysql": {
"database": "xxxxx",
"user": "xxxxx",
"password": "xxxxx"
"server": {
"port": 3306
"app": {
"layouts": true,
"themes": true,
"languages": true

The error:
connect.multipart() will be removed in connect 3.0
visit for alternatives
connect.limit() will be removed in connect 3.0

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net.js:904:11)
at Server._listen2 (net.js:1042:14)
at listen (net.js:1064:10)
at Server.listen (net.js:1138:5)
at (/home/xxxxxx/node_modules/express-admin/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:533:24)

special characters not being escaped in sql queries

When creating entries through admin interface, sql throws up error incase entries contain special characters like ' or ".

Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Cox',created='2013-12-12',city_id=1 WHERE id=1' at line 1.

Error: null value in column "createdAt" violates not-null constraint.

Hi again, i am having this issue creating a new entry in my database.

Actually i don't have this report on local (dev) environnement wich works with mysql
but it still don't assign the createdAt or updatedAt fields.

MariaDB [db_dev]> select * from Subjects;
| name | level | id | createdAt | updatedAt |
| name | level | 1 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |

But in my production environnement on pg it throws me this error each time i try a save.

i don't know if it's related i am using sequelize to having my model:
so my model subjects is :
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
return Subject = sequelize.define("Subject", {
name: DataTypes.STRING,
level: DataTypes.STRING

and my database table looks like :
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| name | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
| level | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| createdAt | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| updatedAt| datetime | NO | | NULL | |

and the table on settings.json :

"Subjects": {
"slug": "Subjects",
"table": {
"name": "Subjects",
"pk": "id",
"verbose": "Subjects"
"columns": [
"name": "name",
"verbose": "name",
"control": {
"text": true
"type": "varchar(255)",
"allowNull": true,
"defaultValue": null,
"listview": {
"show": true
"editview": {
"show": true
"name": "level",
"verbose": "level",
"control": {
"text": true
"type": "varchar(255)",
"allowNull": true,
"defaultValue": null,
"listview": {
"show": true
"editview": {
"show": true
"name": "id",
"verbose": "id",
"control": {
"text": true
"type": "int(11)",
"allowNull": false,
"defaultValue": null,
"listview": {
"show": false
"editview": {
"show": false
"name": "createdAt",
"verbose": "createdAt",
"control": {
"text": true
"type": "datetime",
"allowNull": false,
"defaultValue": null,
"listview": {
"show": false
"editview": {
"show": false
"name": "updatedAt",
"verbose": "updatedAt",
"control": {
"text": true
"type": "datetime",
"allowNull": false,
"defaultValue": null,
"listview": {
"show": false
"editview": {
"show": false
"mainview": {
"show": true
"listview": {
"order": {},
"page": 25
"editview": {
"readonly": false

So i am looking for a way to make them be setted on Actual time automaticly is that possible ?

Select input with static values

there is a solution to make for select input options with static values (not from DB but added manually), for example

"control": {
"select": true,
"options": "['Yes' , 'No']"

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