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fetch-extras's Introduction

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Useful utilities for working with Fetch

For more features and conveniences on top of Fetch, check out my ky package.


npm install fetch-extras


import {withHttpError, withTimeout} from 'fetch-extras';

// Create an enhanced reusable fetch function that:
// - Throws errors for non-200 responses
// - Times out after 5 seconds
const enhancedFetch = withHttpError(withTimeout(fetch, 5000));

const response = await enhancedFetch('/api');
const data = await response.json();


See the types for now.


  • is-network-error - Check if a value is a Fetch network error
  • ky - HTTP client based on Fetch

fetch-extras's People


sindresorhus avatar


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 avatar Dasa Paddock avatar

fetch-extras's Issues


  1. withRetry - Automatically retry failed requests with configurable attempts, delays and backoff strategy
  2. withBaseUrl - Add base URL to all requests, useful for API clients
  3. withHeaders - Add default headers to all requests (like auth tokens, content-type)
  4. withCache - Simple in-memory caching for GET requests with configurable TTL
  5. withRateLimit - Implement client-side rate limiting
  6. withProgress - Add upload/download progress tracking


Would be useful to have a function to easily get timeout for a fetch function.

import {withTimeout} from 'fetch-extras';

const fetchWithTimeout = withTimeout(fetch, 5000);

const response = await fetchWithTimeout('/api');
const data = await response.json();

POC (untested):

export function withTimeout(fetchFunction, timeout) {
	return async (urlOrRequest, options = {}) => {
		const providedSignal = options.signal ?? (urlOrRequest instanceof Request && urlOrRequest.signal);
		const signal = AbortSignal.any([providedSignal, AbortSignal.timeout(timeout)].filter(Boolean));
		return fetchFunction(urlOrRequest, {...options, signal});

Feedback wanted

If this one works out, I imagine we could have more.

const superFetch = withHttpError(withTimeout(fetch, 5000));

const response = await superFetch('/api');
const data = await response.json();

Alternative API:

const betterFetch = createFetch(

const response = await betterFetch('/api');
const data = await response.json();

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