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Get the icon of a file or app as a PNG image (macOS)
License: MIT License
check out my latest app: Online Check
and my latest blog post
First of all… thank you very much for this fantastic little tool. Has already come in handy.
An idea: we already have a request for printing to stdout, and another related addition would be printing the image data to stdout as base64. Example:
file-icon /Applications/ --size 1024 -b > /tmp/foo_icon_1024_base64.txt
I suggest an option to pipe the image data to stdout.
file-icon /Applications/Visual Studio > vscode.png
So I ran this command to generate VS code icon and I got
Couldn't find: /Applications/Visual
Probably it has something to do with those spaces.
Do we have any other way of generating icon (like using - instead of space)?
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