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file-metadata's Introduction


Get file metadata using mdls on macOS


npm install file-metadata


import {fileMetadata} from 'file-metadata';

console.log(await fileMetadata('index.js'));
	contentCreationDate: 2016-10-25T18:25:46.000Z,
	contentCreationDateRanking: 2016-10-25T00:00:00.000Z,
	contentModificationDate: 2017-12-29T19:56:15.000Z,
	contentType: 'com.netscape.javascript-source',
	contentTypeTree: [
	dateAdded: 2017-12-29T18:42:39.000Z,
	dateAddedRanking: 2017-12-29T00:00:00.000Z,
	displayName: 'index.js',
	fsContentChangeDate: 2017-12-29T19:56:15.000Z,
	fsCreationDate: 2016-10-25T18:25:46.000Z,
	fsCreatorCode: 0,
	fsFinderFlags: 0,
	fsInvisible: false,
	fsIsExtensionHidden: false,
	fsLabel: 0,
	fsName: 'index.js',
	fsOwnerGroupID: 20,
	fsOwnerUserID: 501,
	fsSize: 860,
	fsTypeCode: 0,
	interestingDateRanking: 2016-10-25T00:00:00.000Z,
	kind: 'JavaScript script',
	lastUsedDate: 2017-12-29T18:42:57.000Z,
	lastUsedDateRanking: 2017-12-29T00:00:00.000Z,
	logicalSize: 860,
	physicalSize: 4096,
	useCount: 1,
	usedDates: [



Returns a Promise<object> with the properties seen in the above example.


Returns an object with the properties seen in the above example.


  • file-uti - Get the UTI (Uniform Type Identifier) of a file on macOS

file-metadata's People


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 avatar James Cloos avatar  avatar

file-metadata's Issues

Importing the library using require

I'm using Node v16.6.0. I tried importing the library in this way:

const fileMetadata = require("file-metadata");

It returns [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]. Is there no way to fix this?

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