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Convert a URL to a valid filename
License: MIT License
check out my latest app: Online Check
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I have a list of test names (in reports from which are of the form /encoding/legacy-mb-japanese/iso-2022-jp/iso2022jp-decode.html?5001-6000
or /xhr/xmlhttprequest-timeout-worker-synconworker.html?load fires normally
, to give two examples.
I'd like write a file per test on the filesystem, and came to this repo and for a solution.
However, I have an additional requirement of being able to reconstruct the original string byte-for-byte, so I need to be able to reverse the escaping.
In either project, a unfilenamify
or unfilenamifyUrl
that is guaranteed to return the original string would be great.
maybe a stupid question but what is the motivation for stripping away the scheme? Wouldn't keeping the scheme allow more url normalizations?
Thank you!
The output of two versions with same input.
const filenamifyUrl = require('filenamify-url');
// => localhost!40771!query=pageres
const filenamifyUrl = require('filenamify-url');
// => localhost!40771!query=pageres!%7C%3C%3E%3A%22%5C
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error message:
node_modules/filenamify-url/index.d.ts:1:9 - error TS2305: Module '"..src_project_folder/node_modules/filenamify"' has no exported member 'Options'.
In filenamify\index.d.ts does not seem to have export Options, hence this error.
We are using "filenamify-url": "^2.1.1"
Wondering what's our wrong with our setup.
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