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find-versions's Introduction


Find semver versions in a string: unicorn v1.


npm install find-versions


import findVersions from 'find-versions';

findVersions('unicorn v1.2.3 rainbow 2.3.4+build.1');
//=> ['1.2.3', '2.3.4+build.1']

findVersions('cp (GNU coreutils) 8.22', {loose: true});
//=> ['8.22.0']


findVersions(stringWithVersions, options?)


Type: string


Type: object


Type: boolean
Default: false

Also match non-semver versions like 1.88. They're coerced into semver compliant versions.


find-versions's People


sindresorhus avatar kevva avatar bendingbender avatar jimmywarting avatar watson avatar


Carlos Marte avatar Okiki Ojo avatar Takuya Fukuju avatar  avatar Andres Garcia avatar Gord Lea avatar Thibault Maekelbergh avatar Arthur Guiot avatar Cuvii avatar Ink avatar frankfanslc avatar Mindula Dilthushan Manamperi avatar Tobias Zittlau avatar Andrew Gurylev avatar Cat  avatar Andrii Oriekhov avatar YoungChief avatar Maxim Zaytsev avatar Joey Huang avatar Tarun Chaudhry avatar Enrique Benitez avatar Lucas Bento avatar Daniel Petelin avatar Peter MacDonald avatar Konstantin Büschel avatar Nicola Dal Maso avatar Mathieu M-Gosselin avatar  avatar Branden Dane avatar Gabriel Nobrega avatar Tyler Richards avatar Arti Villa avatar Julien avatar Adrian Perez avatar Vincenzo Ferrari avatar Jonas Mendes avatar Paulo Freitas avatar Alex Zinchenko avatar Afanasii Kurakin avatar Newton avatar Fredrik Forsmo avatar Raymond C. Crandall avatar  avatar Stefan Buck avatar Cristian Douce avatar


 avatar  avatar James Cloos avatar Sam Verschueren avatar Arthur Verschaeve avatar Nicola Dal Maso avatar  avatar

find-versions's Issues

Update to remove the vulnerability introduced by semver-regex?

Subject of the issue

[email protected] requires [email protected], which has a security problem (see: SNYK-JS-SEMVERREGEX-1047770):
[email protected][email protected]

I do not know if this vulnerability actually affects find-versions, but it will show up in security reports about dependencies. Since a large number of developers still use [email protected].*(1,762,377 downloads per week), is there any posibility that you could release an update version for 3.2.* (ie 3.2.1) that introduces a patched version(>=3.1.2) of semver-regex?

In [email protected], maybe you can perform the following update:
semver-regex ^2.0.0 ➔ ^3.1.2
where [email protected](>=3.1.2) has fixed the vulnerability SNYK-JS-SEMVERREGEX-1047770.

safari exec error

import "/node_modules/.vite/chunk-R6I3GLEQ.js?v=1eb03933";

// node_modules/semver-regex/index.js
function semverRegex() {
  return /(?<=^v?|\sv?)(?:(?:0|[1-9]\d*)\.){2}(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[\da-z-]*[a-z-][\da-z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[\da-z-]*[a-z-][\da-z-]*))*)?(?:\+[\da-z-]+(?:\.[\da-z-]+)*)?\b/gi;

// node_modules/find-versions/index.js
function findVersions(stringWithVersions, { loose = false } = {}) {
  if (typeof stringWithVersions !== "string") {
    throw new TypeError(`Expected a string, got ${typeof stringWithVersions}`);
  const regex = loose ? new RegExp(`(?:${semverRegex().source})|(?:v?(?:\\d+\\.\\d+)(?:\\.\\d+)?)`, "g") : semverRegex();
  const matches = stringWithVersions.match(regex) || [];
  return [ Set( => match.trim().replace(/^v/, "").replace(/^\d+\.\d+$/, "$&.0")))];

// dep:find-versions
var find_versions_default = findVersions;
export {
  find_versions_default as default

safari can't resolve ?<= ; throw error

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name

but you package use semver-regex

PHP 7 not recognised

PHP 7 is recognised as 3.0.0-dev, instead of 7.0.0-rc.6

$ php --version
PHP 7.0.0RC6 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2015 13:46:05) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies

This currently breaks grunt-php when PHP 7 is installed, because it has a requirement of >=5.4

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