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Phill310 avatar Phill310 commented on July 24, 2024

Bungee Config

#The version is to help determine which version this configuration is.
#Please do not modify this value, it may result in the configuration resetting!
version: "1.0.15"

#This is the main port for the Skungee network system. Skungee will setup this port on this Bungeecord machine.
#Make sure the port is "port forward/open" or that you have access to this port to be running, if not change this to an available port.

#If you don't know what ports you can access, contact your hosting company and ask for some ports.
#You can say "May I get some Votifier ports" to make it more clear to them, and they should give you a few ports. Normally all 4 digit ports above 1000 are available to you.
#Just be advised if it doesn't work, the ports aren't avalible or are already in use.

#Make sure all the port options of the Skungee's on the connected Spigot servers are matching this.
port: 57921

#You can select which address to bind to, if you're on a shared host (i.e McProHosting) you should set this value to your Bungeecord IP address.
#This will allow Skungee to know which IP to attach to.
bind-to-address: ""

#Prints additional information in the console. The developers of Skungee may ask you to enable this when reporting an error.
debug: false

#Define packets to ignore in the debug.
#Developers of Skungee may notify you to add or remove packets from this list when reporting an error.

#All security options to protect your Skungee on Bungeecord and Spigot from possible external sources.
#Everything in this section must match the same values as the Skungee config.yml on the Spigot servers.
    #Debug option for security, a Skungee developer may ask you to enable this.
    debug: false
    #All strings get decoded in UTF_8, some symbols may not apply.
        #Should all packets require a password in order to be processed.
        enabled: false
        #Password can't be "hashed" unless instructed too (read below)
        password: "insert password"
        #Should Skungee add a protected hash to the password using a one-way encryption.
        #This makes the password nearly impossible to decode if an external source somehow gets their hands on the packet.
        hash: true
        #If the hashFile option is true, set the password and then restart the server.
        #Skungee will create a hashed file in the Skungee folder location containing your password in a hashed format.
        #Keep in mind that the hash option above needs to be set to true.
        #After the file has been generated, set the password option above to "hashed" (Case sensitive)
        #Skungee will remember your original password until you change the password to anything other than "hashed" and this will be repeated.
        #This creates a more secure system so that if someone invades your servers files, your Skungee password is protected and all your Skungee servers aswell.
        #If you require any assistance with this option, please contact a Skungee developer.
        hashFile: false
        #Choose which algorithm you would like to use for the hash.
        #Algorithms at the time this was written: MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 (Strongest)
        hashAlgorithm: "SHA-256"
        #Should Skungee encrypt all sent packets.
        enabled: false
        #Set which Cipher algorithm you would like to use.
        cipherAlgorithm: "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
        #The cipher key is like another password.
        #Must match the key placed in the Skungee Spigot config.yml
        cipherKey: "insert 16 length"
        #Should Skungee print any errors that may happen.
        #If you come across any errors with encryption, make sure you message the developers of Skungee, and not to users in a public setting.
        printEncryptionErrors: true
        #Breaches are even more added security, Breaches require the password or encryption option to be enabled for this to work.
        #Breaches is a system designed to stop constant failed attempts. Since there is no threshold for how many packets can be sent a tick, this option aims to add
        #security for that. If a(n) IP/Server fails X amount of times, what should Skungee do to protect your server. Choose from the options below.
        enabled: false
        #The amount of times a(n) IP/Server can fail at successfully sending security details.
        attempts: 30
        #Should Skungee shutdown the server if there is such an issue of security breaching?
        #Keep in mind that someone could use this to shutdown your server, this option should only be used if you really trust the security of your server
        #or that you have files and data that you really want to protect. We suggest not enabling it, but it's here for anyone who wants hardcore security.
        #This option is also good to be used if your server is private.
        shutdown: false
        #Should Skungee block the IP/Server from sending packets if it fails X amount of times?
        #This only blocks the IP/Server until the server is restarted again.
        blockAddress: true
        #Should Skungee log all events that meet the settings above in a log.txt within the Skungee folder?
        log: true
        #If the log system has picked up any external sources address, you can put it in this list below, and Skungee will remember and always block that address.
        #Don't include the port as they could use a different port.
            - 123.456.7.890
        #Makes the blacklist a whitelist instead, meaning only addresses in the list above may send packets to this server.
        #This option doesn't exist on the Spigot Skungee as it has a tendency to cause massive errors.
        blacklist-is-whitelist: false

#Disables the message saying Skungee was enabled.
DisableRegisteredInfo: false

#Disables all messages to the console. Only important stack traces and information logger will be sent.
#If you don't like Skungee constantly notifing what is going on, you can disable this.
DisableConsoleMessages: false

#Disables the colour in the console.
DisableConsoleColour: false

#disable the player time counter.
disable-player-time: false

#Change the allowed buffer size of the server sockets accepting all the packets.
#NOTE: This number must be a byte cap size. Aka divisable by 8. (512, 1024, etc)
#If you have lots of allocated ram, and lots of Skungee servers, you may want to increase this.
#This is in bytes. A kilobyte is 1,024 bytes, your server is usally measured in mega or giga bytes.
#Anything below 16k is usally fairly accepted, above is a bit overkill. The default in Java is 8,192
#Since people use Skungee on hosters (not recommended), the default is increased to 10k.
buffer-size: 10240

    #How many times should Skungee try to connect to a server's reciever?
    allowedTrys: 10

#The system that tracks and manages when servers go online and offline. This system determines many things and here are the configurations for it. 
    #How many times should Skungee (Bungeecord) check before determining a server is offline.
    #The lower this is, the faster the syntax can determine it's offline state on the Spigot server.
    allowedTrys: 4
    #If a spigot server goes unresponsive and this is true, Skungee will stop tracking it.
    DisableTracking: false
#If you have scripts in the folder Bungeecord/plugins/Skungee/scripts/
#Skungee will relay these scripts to all connected servers.
#This acts like global scripts to keep all servers up to date.
#All connected servers need to have the "Reciever" option enabled in the Skungee settings.
#If you place folders within the scripts folder, they will be routed to the server that the folder is named.
#Example: Bungeecord/plugins/Skungee/scripts/Hub/ will only go to the server named "Hub" aswell as any scripts in Bungeecord/plugins/Skungee/scripts/
    Enabled: true
    #Charset is the set of characters to use. If you would like symbols and such, you can adjust that setting here.
    #By default special symbols outside of the UTF-8 aren't supported. It's the default of your Java machine.
    #Charsets are by follows:
    #  default - The default charset of this Java virtual machine.
    #  US-ASCII - Seven-bit ASCII, a.k.a. ISO646-US, a.k.a. the Basic Latin block of the Unicode character set
    #  ISO-8859-1 - ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1, a.k.a. ISO-LATIN-1
    #  UTF-8 - Eight-bit UCS Transformation Format
    #  UTF-16BE - Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, big-endian byte order
    #  UTF-16LE - Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, little-endian byte order
    #  UTF-16 - Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, byte order identified by an optional byte-order mark
    Charset: "default"

#Bungeecord events. This also needs to be disabled on the Spigot servers if you're disabling this option.
Events: true

#To be honest the "[on] bungee[[ ]cord] [server list] ping" event can be very laggy on your server, if you have a high player database Skungee will be working hard.
#Everytime a user clicks the "Refresh" button in the multiplayer server list or that lists updates, this event will get called as the client is trying to get the motd.
#This can add up to be alot of event calls. If you have a high core machine you may not have to worry as Skungee handles most of itself in async threads.
#But this configuration node also determines the Spigot side Skungee event handler, the event is handled async and Spigot handles it back to the synced thread.
#So it's up to you, you have been informed about the side effects of using this event, it may also appear slower than normal in the server list for some users.
#This slowness is something that can't really be changed due to how Skungee has to work with Skript. We have tested on a 1,000 player database which is small, and it kept up.
DisablePingEvent: false

#Should Skungee use the UUID's that are incoming from Spigot servers.
#If you run bungeecord in offline mode for cracked players, it's best to keep this on false.
#If this option is false, only the name of players will be determined.

#NOTE: Please make sure you have the option bungeecord set to true in the spigot.yml of all the servers connected to this bungeecord.
#You also need to have the option ip_forward set to true in the config.yml of Bungeecord for this to work properly.
IncomingUUIDs: true

    #Define the storage type for the variables.
    #Options are: CSV (FlatFile),
    StorageType: CSV
    #Backup the variable database.
    #Allow variables to be re-writen if a server calls for it.
    AllowOverrides: true
    #Automatic sharing means that Skungee will try to make Skungee's (Spigot side) variables
    #match the exact variables that the Skungee (Bungeecord) has.
    #So basically if you update a global variable, Skungee will make every Spigot server variables match that.
    #So all you need todo is
    #set network variable {test} to "Hello world!"
    #Then on every other server, the variable {test} will be be set to "Hello world!"
    #WARNING: Keep in mind this will override any variable names that match Skungee's.
    #If this is enabled Skungee variable names will be priority!
    #It should be harmless if you don't care about your old data.
    #And last thing, this is cap sensitive, can't change or fix that. That's Skript. (Has been taken into consideration and fixed in Bensku's edit)
    AutomaticSharing: false
        Enabled: true
        #Should Skungee send a message in the console when the variables get saved?
        ConsoleMessage: true
        #Set the backup time in minutes. (Default is 5 hours)
        IntervalTime: 300

#Packets can be handled, read and managed from Skungee on the Bungeecord. Just let that settle in.
    #Should Skungee be allowed to intercept, inject and read packets from the Minecraft clients (players)?
    #If this is false some syntax that rely on packets will not be registered or return nothing.
    #If you have errors with the packets or a developer of Skungee instructed you to, you can do so here.
    Enabled: true

  #Whenever a message isn't set in a syntax, should Skungee grab a funny message to say to the user when kicked.
  #This is best used if you make a Bungeecord ban manager lol.
  UseFunnyKickMessages: false
    - This bungeecord server can't contain you
    - What are you doing in my swamp!
    - Don't let the door kick you on the way out!
    - Have a nice flight!
    - Hope to hear back from you soon!
    - Bad news Batman.
    - You have been kicked from the network!
    - Bungeecord says no, you can't be here.
    - You're needed elsewhere.
    - Someones toy's in the water hole.
    - You have been kicked my friend.
    - I hope you find a good place in our heart.
    - Get rekt, you have beed kicked from the network!
    - We were playing hot potato and you lost.
    - Can I get your number so I can never call again.
    - When was the last time you washed your hands?\nWe keep it clean around here.
    - Heaven sent an angel to kick you from our network.
    - RIP you.
    - RIP, you have been kicked.
    - You have been kicked.
    - An operator has kicked your hard.
    - Someones not your friend.
    - The server had an internal error with you.
    - I guess that was the last straw.
    - K\nI\nC\nK\nE\nD
    - Your stupidity outweighs my inteligence
    - The network cannot contain high levels of uglyness
    - System overload with too much of you.
    - i'd hang a medal off your ass, but my boot fits better.
    - common sense eludes you doesn't it.
    - ever had a foot in your ass?  YA DO NOW!
    - apparently you don't learn.... do you?
    - how about heres my finger hes my thumb this is my boot right up yer bum.
    - thankyou please call again.
    - I'm sorry but all our operators are busy at the moment, Try again later.
    - that word's a no no, ya do do.
    - This is a beauty parlour... you appear to have hit all 27 branches on the ugly tree... there is nothing we can do for you. Try the shop next door
    - God loves you"...............................wait.......NO I don't.
    - This is Alex from Target, You're not allowed in my store!
    - Have a ride on the short bus?
    - It's along walk home so grab your coat, yopur leaving.
    - don't say i never gave you nothin (swift kick)\
    - here a early Christmas prizent.
    - insert own kick message cos your not worht the effort
    - try that one again and il wear your ass for a slipper
    - Get the hell of my network!
    - My mother gave me life, i gave her the blues, my wife gave me hell i gave her herpies, youve given me nothing so consider this a gift
    - Congratulations, you have been promoted to the rank kicked.
    - You know what gives me depression? You.
    - Im sorry for this inconvenience of you getting kicked, if you require help, please contact us at 1-800 I don't care..```

Spigot server config
```#Skungee (Spigot) - The Skript addon for Bungeecord.

#The version is to help determine which version this config is. Please don't modify this value.
version: "1.0.15"

#Print additional information in the console. The developers of Skungee may ask you to enable this when reporting an error.
debug: false

#Ignores the packets that spam alot such as GLOBALSCRIPTS and HEARTBEAT in the debug.
#Developers of Skungee may notify you to disable this option when reporting an error.
IgnoreSpamPackets: true

#The details of the Skungee Bungeecord plugin. Place the same login credentials as the Bungeecord Skungee here.
host: ""
port: 57921

#All security options to protect your Skungee on Bungeecord and Spigot from possible external sources.
#Everything in this section must match the same values as the Skungee config.yml on the Spigot servers.
    #Debug option for security, a Skungee developer may ask you to enable this.
    debug: false
    #All strings get decoded in UTF_8, some symbols may not apply.
        #Should all packets require a password in order to be processed.
        enabled: false
        #Password can't be "hashed" unless instructed too (read below)
        password: "insert password"
        #Should Skungee add a protected hash to the password using a one-way encryption.
        #This makes the password nearly impossible to decode if an external source somehow gets it.
        hash: true
        #If the hashFile option is true, set the password and then restart the server.
        #Skungee will create a hashed file in the Skungee folder location containing your password in a hashed format.
        #Keep in mind that the hash option above needs to be set to true.
        #After the file has been generated, set the password option above to "hashed" (Case sensitive)
        #Skungee will remember your original password until you change the password to anything other than "hashed" and this will be repeated.
        #This creates a more secure system so that if someone invades your servers files, your Skungee password is protected and all your Skungee servers are protected.
        #If you require any assistance with this option, please contact a Skungee developer.
        hashFile: false
        #Choose which algorithm you would like to use for the hash.
        #Algorithms at the time this was written: MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 (Strongest)
        hashAlgorithm: "SHA-256"
        #Should Skungee encrypt all sent packets.
        enabled: false
        #Set which Cipher algorithm you would like to use.
        cipherAlgorithm: "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
        #The cipher key is like another password.
        cipherKey: "insert 16 length"
        #Should Skungee print any errors that may happen.
        #If you come across any errors with encryption, make sure you message the developers of Skungee, and not to users in a public setting.
        printEncryptionErrors: true
        #Breaches are even more added security, Breaches require the password or encryption option to be enabled for this to work.
        #Breaches is a system designed to stop constant failed attempts. Since there is no threshold for how many packets can be sent a tick, this option aims to add
        #security for that. If a(n) IP/Server fails X amount of times, what should Skungee do to protect your server. Choose from the options below.
        enabled: false
        #The amount of times a(n) IP/Server can fail at successfully sending security details.
        attempts: 30
        #Should Skungee shutdown the server if there is such an issue of security breaching?
        #Keep in mind that someone could use this to shutdown your server, this option should only be used if you really trust the security of your server
        #or that you have files and data that you really want to protect. We suggest not enabling it, but it's here for anyone who wants hardcore security.
        #This option is also good to be used if your server is private.
        shutdown: false
        #Should Skungee block the IP/Server from sending packets if it fails X amount of times?
        #This only blocks the IP/Server until the server is restarted again.
        blockAddress: true
        #Should Skungee log all events that meet the settings above in a log.txt within the Skungee folder?
        log: true
        #If the log system has picked up any external sources address, you can put it in this list below, and Skungee will remember and always block that address.
        #Don't include the port as they could use a different port.
            - 123.456.7.890

#Configurations related to the Socket connection between Spigot and Bungeecord Skungees'
    #The delay is in milliseconds between each connect.
    delay: 1000
    #The max amount of times Skungee should try to connect to the Skungee on the Bungeecord.
    attempts: 20
    #If Bungeecord Skungee is not found, Skungee will run a small non performance enducing task to constantly keep checking when the Bungeecord comes online.
    #This option allows to define how long to wait in seconds.
    keep-alive: 10
    #The delay in milliseconds between each handshake packet attempt.
    handshake-delay: 2000
    #If the connection could not be created should Skungee disable itself?
    disable: false
    #When the Bungeecord disconnects, Skungee will go into keep alive mode.
    #This defines the time in ticks before the keep alive task starts.
    #This value should not be modified, only if a Skungee developer lets you know you can.
    bungeecord-keep-alive-delay: 100

#Reciever, this will allow for some syntax to work. Like "evaluate", "server is online", "global scripts", "network variables" and lots more.
#This also needs to be enabled in order to run events.
#Keep in mind that this port must not already be in use. If you run all your servers on the same machine, you will need to make
#the port option different on each Spigot server. Like 1339, 5670, 25567... etc any port that isn't already in use.
    enabled: true
    #The port that the Reciever should run on.
    port: 1338
    #Should Skungee automatically determine which port to use that is open?
    #If this is false it will use the port option above.
    automatic: false
    #Define the range that should be scanned for the Automatic port finder.
    starting-port: 1000
    max-port: 65534

#This is how fast the keeping alive packet should be sent back and forth to Skungee.
#The lower this is, the faster the accuracy. (A fast rate would be 5-10) This all depends on your server's network speeds.
#Heartbeat is in ticks
heartbeat: 50

#Should Skungee hault the server until it recieves a value.
#This can be critical for some users such as grabbing important network variables.
#Information: basically Skungee will wait until the Skungee on the Bungeecord becomes active while a value is being called.
#So if you do something like set {_value} to network variable {example} and this node is false and the Bungeecord Skungee is offline, this will return null.
#If this node is true below, it will wait until the Bungeecord Skungee is found/online.

#There is an alternaitve async method to this in the form of a syntax:
#wait until skungee connects
#This syntax will wait in an async thread until Skungee connects and this walking down the rest of the trigger. Which is also recommeneded.
hault: false

#Broadcast all the syntax that didn't register to the console.
NotRegisteredSyntax: false

#Converts the Enum's into proper english enums like FADE_TYPE will be fade type or fading type as defined in the english.lang of the jar. (Which can be edited, they parent aliases parsing)
UseEnglishEnums: true

#Disables the message saying the addon was enabled.
DisableRegisteredInfo: false

#Disables all messages to the console. Only important stack traces and information logger will be sent.
#If you don't like Skungee constantly notifing what is going on, you can disable this.
DisableConsoleMessages: false

#Disables the colour in the console.
DisableConsoleColour: false

#Settings for GlobalScripts
    #Sends a message to console stating that a script has been automatically reloaded or created. (This happens when the file on the Bungeecord gets edited/saved)
    Messages: true
    #Should all the scripts of this server mimic the exact scripts on the Bungeecord Skungee.
    #WARNING: This will override any scripts that don't match the ones in the Bungeecord Skungee scripts folder.
    #Make sure you don't have any scripts in the scripts folder of Skript on the Spigot servers.
    MimicExact: false

#Should Skungee return all players as a UUID to the spigot servers.
#If you run a cracked offline Bungeecord network, it is best to keep this false.
ReturnUUIDs: true

#When a player is returned from Bungeecord it can't be a Player or ProxiedPlayer because for the Player class, the
#player actually has to be online the server the syntax is calling from, and it can't be ProxiedPlayer because Spigot doesn't have that class.
#So Skungee makes it's own custom system to handle it, and you get these wonderful settings to define how you would like it.
#Define in the node below how Skungee should return the value of "players".
#The following types are "STRING", "UUID" and "OFFLINEPLAYER" (Capitalization doesn't matter)
#This option is best to keep on "STRING" or "OFFLINEPLAYER" if you have a cracked offline Bungeecord network.
#Else if you run your Bungeecord network with online_mode, ip_forward and bungeecord option true (Online Bungeecord network), the best option would be having it as "OFFLINEPLAYER"
SkungeeReturn: "string"

#If the UUID is present, should Skungee convert to the option above using the UUID. This makes the returned "players" more accurate and less prone to mistakes.
#If you have a cracked offline Bungeecord network, and you're using the "OFFLINEPLAYER" option, set this option to false.
SkungeeReturnUUID: true

#If a syntax returns a number that can be parsed as a timespan, should Skungee convert it into a Timespan?
#Example: '5 minutes and 27 seconds'
Timespans: true

#Bungeecord events.
Events: true

#You can enable this to allow "set bungeecord server list version protocol to X" to work with any protocol version, X being any protocol ID
#You may look for protocol IDs here
#Keeping this false will make Skungee recommend using the supported Bungeecord protocols and cancel any other inputed protocol.
#This is handy if you want to make some cool text around your version/ping icon. (Example:
#The image was done by setting the protocol to a version that the client is older than, and then setting the name of the protocol.
PingEventProtocolOverride: false

#If you have purchased the ServerInstances expansion you will need to enable this so the Syntax can get registered to Skript.
#This option does nothing without the expansion purchased and installed on the Bungeecord.
ServerInstances: false```

from skungee.

Phill310 avatar Phill310 commented on July 24, 2024

figured it out

from skungee.

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