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View Code? Open in Web Editor NEWCLI bar charts for node.js
License: MIT License
CLI bar charts for node.js
License: MIT License
Hiya. I love babar, but found a problem with it..
console.log(babar([ [ 0, 0 ],
[ 796.6869999170303, 93.34886665361937 ],
[ 2985.1589999198914, 99.99999999999999 ] ]))
whereas it really looks like
The minY
option is ignored if I enter 0
Is there an option to add a caption per single bar (represent what each shape means)?
$ node -v
$ yarn add babar --dev
error [email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=4 <=9".
error Found incompatible module
Howdy! Forgive me if this is not the appropriate venue for this.
I recently used this package in a small toy project
The project is in typescript so I wrote up some types. I decided it would be worth adding these to the grand mass of types
I was hoping you would have a few minutes to look over that and see if the type annotations match what you would expect. No pressure, the maintainers of the DefinitelyTyped repo will review it eventually. I just figured as the original author of the module you would be a great fit to look them over.
Hi, could this become a feature, would be incredibly useful! ๐
Hi - raising an issue first to get an idea of how actively maintained this repo is since it hasn't been touched in a while, but happy to PR the work to implement.
Anyway... I'd like to be able to fix the y-axis limits of charts, in particular at zero to avoid truncation, but also at the top end. Mostly because I have a use case that outputs a series of charts for comparison, and having different y-axes on each makes that difficult.
Let me know if you'd like me to PR this change.
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