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all the basic HRI packages we are going to use

strands_hri's People


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strands_hri's Issues

[ros_mary_tts] Werner's voice

This is a question for the Vienna guys (I think mainly @ToMadoRe):
Which voice are you using for Werner? We want to try out the memory_game and since the robot is supposed to speak German and should sound male, I thought you might already have a voice you use. If so, can you commit the configuration you are using (maybe as a new branch)? If not we will choose one for you ;)

Simple touchscreen interface for robot control

It would be useful to have a simple touchscreen interface running on the robot to allow you to interact with it. Possible functionality may be

  • Pause/resume execution (e.g. during patrolling)
  • Send to docking station
  • Simple teleop

It would be good if the UI was extensible so we can extend it with functionality easily in the future.

[bellbot_gui] missing dependencies.

CMake Error at /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "bellbot_scheduler"
  with any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "bellbot_scheduler" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or
  set "bellbot_scheduler_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above
  files.  If "bellbot_scheduler" provides a separate development package or
  SDK, be sure it has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

Hard Coded frame_id in QTC library

I need to change the value of frame_id in the QTC library from "map" to another name. But since it is hard-coded, it cannot be changed.

Please allow it to be parametrized, so that it can be changed.


Error in QTC state predictor

I am launching Gazebo simulation with simulated output of Bayes People Tracker. Along with the simulation, I am also launching the "move_base.launch" and "hrsi.launch" files.

/robot4/online_qtc_creator/qtc_array ROS topic is giving output.

/robot4/qtc_state_predictor/marker_array ROS topic is also giving output.

/robot4/qtc_state_predictor/prediction_array ROS topic is not giving any output.

Launching the "hrsi.launch" file publishes the output for the ROS topics /robot4/robot_pose and /robot4/robot_poseST, but gives the below error.

I would like to know the reason of the error particularly in line 30 of the code "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/qsr_prob_rep/".

[WARN] [1542895239.666073, 2641.568000]: [/robot4/qtc_state_predictor]: None state reported, aborting
[ERROR] [1542895240.107102, 2641.869000]: Error processing request: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/impl/", line 625, in _handle_request\n    response = convert_return_to_response(self.handler(request), self.response_class)\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/qsr_prob_rep/", line 30, in <lambda>\n[service] = rospy.Service("~"+namespace+"/"+service, QSRProbRep, (lambda a,b: lambda x: self.callback(x, a, b))(namespace,service))\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/qsr_prob_rep/", line 34, in callback\n    return QSRProbRepResponse(data=self._lib.request(r).get())\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_lib/", line 57, in request\n    return request_message.call_function(self.modules[namespace], func_name)\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_lib/", line 39, in call_function\n    return getattr(c, f)(**self.kwargs)\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_lib/", line 71, in wrapper\n    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_lib/", line 51, in update\n    res =**z)\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_pf/", line 63, in update\n    kwargs["filter"].bayes(np.array([kwargs["states"].index(obs), np.nan]))\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_pf/", line 82, in bayes\n    self.emp.weights = np.multiply(self.emp.weights, np.exp(self.p_yt_xt.eval_multiple(yt, self.emp.particles)))\n', '  File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qsrrep_pf/", line 116, in eval_multiple\n    o = np.array(self.models[self.models.keys()[m]][self.key])[p.astype(int),x[0]]\n', 'IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices\n']
[ERROR] [1542895240.107797, 2641.869000]: service [/robot4/prob_rep_ros_server/pf/update] responded with an error: error processing request: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

[ros_mary_tts] Bug in action server

ros_mary_bridge uses two global queues to manage speech strings for actions. These queues are not synced, and there is an arbitrary 10s timeout in the action server. This leads to an empty reply queue error being printed.

Making repository private

As we (@cdondrup mainly) want to start developing our own not yet published research in the repository I'd like to make it private if that's not a problem. However, there is a general problem to that. If everybody starts making their own research repositories private (like strands_qsr) for example, we'll quickly run out of private repositories. So, what's the best strategy. We decided that @cdondrup 's work falls under HRI and there we'd put it here. But then we'd probably end up in the long run to make all repositories private ๐Ÿ‘Ž So, what's the policy? Shall I make this private? Or do something else?

prepare for release

  • resolve deps with strands_messages
  • remove memory_game_msgs from strands_interaction_behaviours
  • move ros_mary_tts to strands_ui and rename it to mary_tts (see #67)

log file permission

When I try to run

roslaunch ros_mary_tts ros_mary.launch

with my user, I get the following error:

MARY server 5.0 starting as a HTTP server...process[ros_mary_bridge-2]: started with pid [13962]
log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed. /opt/strands/strands_catkin_ws/src/strands_hri/ros_mary_tts/marytts-5.0/log/server.log (Permission denied)
at Method)
at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(
at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.activateOptions(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.activate(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseAppender(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCatsAndRenderers(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(
at marytts.server.Mary.configureLogging(
at marytts.server.Mary.startup(
at marytts.server.Mary.startup(
at marytts.server.Mary.main(

I can change the file permissions here and solve the problem (or run this as user strands), though I don't know if there should be a global solution where anyone can run this node without any extra permission change

Fix dependencies in bellbot code

The missing dependencies have to be added and the unnecessary ones have to be removed, e.g.:

CMake Warning at /home/cdondrup/ros_ws/build/strands_hri/bellbot_gui/cmake/bellbot_gui-genmsg.cmake:3 (message):
  Invoking generate_messages() without having added any message or service
  file before.

  You should either add add_message_files() and/or add_service_files() calls
  or remove the invocation of generate_messages().
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/indigo/share/genmsg/cmake/genmsg-extras.cmake:304 (include)
  strands_hri/bellbot_gui/CMakeLists.txt:77 (generate_messages)

-- bellbot_gui: 0 messages, 0 services

gaze_at_pose heavy CPU usage

I am not sure who is responsible for this package any more, but we notice that it's using anywhere between 60% and 90% CPU usage, but only 0.2% memory. Are there some efficiency improvements that can be made anywhere to curb this?

@OMARI1988 @PDuckworth are the ones using it.

I notice the main bit of the script is wrapped in a


So maybe this is to blame?

gaze_at_pose consumes high drive space

Take a look at gaze_at_pose-34-stdout.log
One day it consumes 88GB space.

strands@bob:~/.ros/log/2e170bda-ac18-11e6-9e5d-00032d22587c$ ls -hs
total 89G
8.0K activity_exploration-1.log                                  16K execute_policy_server-29.log                 0 robot-robot_state_publisher-8-stdout.log  101M rosout.log.6
8.0K backtrack_server-23.log                                       0 fremenserver-26-stdout.log                   0 robot_pose_publisher-9-stdout.log         101M rosout.log.7
   0 chest-chest_joint_state_publisher-4-stdout.log              88G gaze_at_pose-34-stdout.log                 16K ros_mary_bridge-2.log                     101M rosout.log.8
4.0K chest-chest_joint_state_publisher-4.log                    4.0K human_aware_navigation-36.log                0 rosapi-4-stdout.log                       101M rosout.log.9
   0 chest-chest_robot_state_publisher-5-stdout.log                0 joystick-10-stdout.log                    4.0K rosapi-4.log                              8.0K strands_webserver-6.log
   0 chest_xtion-depth_metric-6-stdout.log                         0 map_server-1-stdout.log                    12K rosbridge_websocket-3.log                 296K teleop_head-13-stdout.log
   0 chest_xtion-depth_metric_rect-5-stdout.log                    0 maryserver-1-stdout.log                    16K roslaunch-bob-14040.log                   328K teleop_head-13.log
   0 chest_xtion-depth_points-7-stdout.log                       17M master.log                                176K roslaunch-bob-14196.log                      0 tf2_web_republisher-5-stdout.log
   0 chest_xtion-depth_rectify_depth-4-stdout.log                12K mdp_policy_executor_extended-2.log         68K roslaunch-bob-14221.log                   4.0K topological_localisation-27.log
   0 chest_xtion-depth_registered_sw_metric_rect-10-stdout.log  6.8M mdp_task_executor-3.log                    88K roslaunch-bob-16307.log                      0 topological_map_manager-25-stdout.log
   0 chest_xtion-driver-2-stdout.log                            8.0K mdp_task_guarantees_estimator-1.log       480K roslaunch-bob-16663.log                   4.0K topological_map_manager-25.log
   0 chest_xtion-points_xyzrgb_sw_registered-9-stdout.log       276K monitored_nav-24.log                       64K roslaunch-bob-20306.log                    44K topological_navigation-28.log
   0 chest_xtion-register_depth_rgb-8-stdout.log                   0 no_go_map_server-2-stdout.log              32K roslaunch-bob-27576.log                   4.0K topological_prediction-32.log
   0 chest_xtion-rgb_rectify_color-3-stdout.log                    0 odometry_mileage-33-stdout.log            480K rosout-1-stdout.log                          0 travel_time_estimator-31-stdout.log
   0 diagnostic_aggregator-6-stdout.log                            0 pc_monitor-5-stdout.log                    84M rosout.log                                4.0K travel_time_estimator-31.log
4.0K door_checking-16.log                                       4.0K pc_monitor-5.log                          101M rosout.log.1                                 0 visualise_map-30-stdout.log
4.0K door_passing-15.log                                           0 pose_extractor-35-stdout.log              101M rosout.log.10                             4.0K visualise_map-30.log
8.0K door_prediction-20.log                                     4.0K pose_extractor-35.log                     101M rosout.log.2                              4.0K wait_action-4.log
4.0K door_wait_and_move_base-18.log                              12K ptu_action_server-4.log                   101M rosout.log.3
348K door_wait_and_pass-17.log                                     0 robot-joint_state_publisher-7-stdout.log  101M rosout.log.4
 24K door_waiting-19.log                                        4.0K robot-joint_state_publisher-7.log         101M rosout.log.5

Any idea why?

[bellbot] broken install targets

When trying to run catkin_make install:

error: package directory 'src/bellbot_scheduler' does not exist
CMake Error at strands_hri/bellbot_scheduler/catkin_generated/safe_execute_install.cmake:4 (message):

  returned error code
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  strands_hri/bellbot_scheduler/cmake_install.cmake:36 (INCLUDE)
  cmake_install.cmake:135 (INCLUDE)

Move strands_hri_utils/src/speak_webserver into mary_tts before the move

This seems quite related to mary_tts but is in strands_hri_utils. In the PR below I moved everything out of strands_hri_utils but the speak_webserver. Marc, can you please move the webserver into the mary package in your fork and then migrate all of it to strands_ui, or migrate it after the merge?

[bellbot] install targets

I would like to re-release this repo before the feature freeze. Please make sure that the install targets are set correctly for all the bellbot packages. That the version number is the same as in the rest of the repo and #90

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