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Subgoal Search For Complex Reasoning Tasks


Source code

Clone the repository:

git clone

All commands from sections Training and Evaluation should be called from the root directory of the repository.

Project resources

Download and unzip Google Drive directory containing all project resources: link. You can do it via Google's graphical interface or using gdrive CLI tool.

It is recommended to set environmental variable KSUBS_RESOURCES to the path with unzipped directory:

export KSUBS_RESOURCES="/path/to/the/root/dir/of/resources"

which is frequently used in commands below (alternatively you may replace it on your own for each command separately).

Resources include:

  • Singularity image
  • Pretrained network checkpoints
  • Datasets for Sokoban


Singularity (recommended)

Python interpreter and all required libraries are installed in the singularity image – singularity_image.sif file in resources directory. It is the easiest and recommended way of environment setup. Singularity is a docker-like container platform, commonly supported in computing centers. You can also install it on your own machine if needed – see linked documentation.

Alternatively, one can also build mentioned singularity image from scratch using singularity.def file from this repository (it may take a while - around 30-60 min).

sudo singularity build singularity_image.sif singularity.def

To run a command from Training or Evaluation section inside a singularity container, prepend the command with the following prefix:

singularity exec -B "${KSUBS_RESOURCES}" --nv "${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/singularity_image.sif"

So for example to run Rubik's Cube baseline evaluation, you need to run the following command:

singularity exec -B "${KSUBS_RESOURCES}" --nv "${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/singularity_image.sif" \
python3 \
--config_file="configs/rubik/solve/baseline.gin" \
--config="ValueEstimatorRubik.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/rubik/rubik_value\"" \

Virtualenv/conda (fall-back option)

If singularity is not an option in your computing setup, you may use classic virtualenv or conda environment instead. Just create environment with Python 3.6.9 and install required dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt -f

Libraries and versions specified in requirements.txt match their counterparts from singularity image. Everything should work as with singularity image, but bear in mind that most of the commands were tested in singularity setup and virtualenv/conda setup is only a fall-back option.


To train models mentioned in the paper, one can use commands listed below.


Proof length 5

Subgoal generator (k = 2)
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Conditional policy (k = 2)
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Value network
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Proof length 10

Subgoal generator (k = 3)
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Conditional policy (k = 3)
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Value network
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Proof length 15

Subgoal generator (k = 3)
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Conditional policy (k = 3)
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Value network
Requires: 16GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \


Subgoal generator
Requires: 120GB RAM, 28 CPU.

You can change size of board using Sokoban.dim_room parameter, but remember to adjust JobTrainSokobanPixelDiff.dataset as well.

k is configurable with JobTrainSokobanPixelDiff.steps_into_future parameter.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/sokoban/train/subgoal_generator.gin" \
--config="JobTrainSokobanPixelDiff.dataset=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/sokoban/datasets/12-12-4/\"" \
--config="JobTrainSokobanPixelDiff.steps_into_future=4" \

Baseline policy
Requires: 120GB RAM, 28 CPU.

You can change size of board JobTrainSokobanPixelDiff.dataset.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/sokoban/train/policy.gin" \

Rubik's Cube

Subgoal generator (k = 4)
Requires: 10GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Conditional policy (k = 4)
Requires: 10GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Requires: 10GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \

Value network
Requires: 10GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \


The following commands allow to run evaluation of kSubS and baselines presented in the paper. In our publication we evaluated each method on the 1000 randomly sampled problems. Here to allow faster execution, we set number of problems (n_jobs) to 5. To run a full evaluation and replicate results presented in the paper, remove the last line of each command in this section.

It is also recommended to redirect stdout and stderr to seperate files, as stderr contains much redundant information.

INT: Table 2

Proof length 5

BestFS (baseline)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/baseline.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=5" \
--config="VanillaPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_5/int_len_5_vanilla_policy\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_5/int_len_5_value\"" \

BF-kSubS (k = 2)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/ksubs.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=5" \
--config="GoalGeneratorINT.generator_checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_5/int_len_5_generator_k_2\"" \
--config="ConditionalPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_5/int_len_5_conditional_policy_k_2\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_5/int_len_5_value\"" \

Proof length 10

BestFS (baseline)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/baseline.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=10" \
--config="VanillaPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_vanilla_policy\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_value\"" \

BF-kSubS (k = 3)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/ksubs.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=10" \
--config="GoalGeneratorINT.generator_checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_generator_k_3\"" \
--config="ConditionalPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_conditional_policy_k_3\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_value\""  \

Proof length 15

BestFS (baseline)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/baseline.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=15" \
--config="VanillaPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_vanilla_policy\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_value\""  \

BF-kSubS (k = 3)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/ksubs.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=15" \
--config="GoalGeneratorINT.generator_checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_generator_k_3\"" \
--config="ConditionalPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_conditional_policy_k_3\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_value\"" \

INT: Figure 1


See commands in section INT: Table 2, Proof length 15.


Number of MCTS planning passes is configurable with parameter StochasticMCTSAgent.n_passes.

MCTS (AlphaZero)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/mcts/baseline.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=15" \
--config="StochasticMCTSAgent.n_passes=5" \
--config="MCTSVanillaGoalBuilderInt.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_vanilla_policy\"" \
--config="JobMCTSSolveInt.value_estimator_checkpoint=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_value\"" \

MCTS-kSubS (k = 3)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/mcts/ksubs.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=15" \
--config="StochasticMCTSAgent.n_passes=5" \
--config="GoalGeneratorINT.generator_checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_generator_k_3\"" \
--config="ConditionalPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_conditional_policy_k_3\"" \
--config="JobMCTSSolveInt.value_estimator_checkpoint=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_15/int_len_15_value\"" \

INT: Figure 3

To test generalization for longer proofs, run the following commands for different values of generate_problems.proof_length (lengths 10-14 in the paper).

Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/baseline.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=12" \
--config="VanillaPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_vanilla_policy\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_value\"" \

BF-kSubS (k = 3)
Requires: 6GB RAM, 1 GPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/int/solve/bfs/ksubs.gin" \
--config="generate_problems.proof_length=12" \
--config="GoalGeneratorINT.generator_checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_generator_k_3\"" \
--config="ConditionalPolicyINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_conditional_policy_k_3\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorINT.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/int/proof_len_10/int_len_10_value\"" \

Sokoban: Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 3

Requires: 30GB RAM, 4 CPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/sokoban/solve/baseline.gin" \
--config="Sokoban.dim_room=(12,12)" \
--config="SokobanPolicyBaseline.model_id=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/sokoban/policy/12-12-4\"" \

BF-kSubS (k = 4)
Requires: 30GB RAM, 4 CPU.

BestFSSolverSokoban.max_steps should be equal to JobTrainSokobanPixelDiff.steps_into_future (k parameter) used for subgoal generator training.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/sokoban/solve/ksubs.gin" \
--config="BestFSSolverSokoban.max_steps=4" \
--config="Sokoban.dim_room=(12,12)" \
--config="GoalPredictorPixelDiff.model_id=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/sokoban/subgoal_generator/12-12-4\"" \

For both BestFS and BF-kSubS evaluation you can change size of board using Sokoban.dim_room parameter, but remember to adjust checkpoint paths as well.

Note that these are single thread evaluations. They can be speed up by increasing JobSolveSokoban.n_parallel_workers and JobSolveSokoban.batch_size in gin configs, but this requires more RAM and CPU.

Rubik's Cube: Figure 1.

Requires: 10GB RAM, 20 CPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/rubik/solve/baseline.gin" \
--config="ValueEstimatorRubik.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/rubik/rubik_value\"" \
--config="VanillaPolicyRubik.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/rubik/rubik_vanilla_policy\"" \

BF-kSubS (k = 4)
Requires: 10GB RAM, 20 CPU.

python3 \
--config_file="configs/rubik/solve/ksubs.gin" \
--config="GoalGeneratorRubik.generator_checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/rubik/rubik_generator_k_4\"" \
--config="ConditionalPolicyRubik.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/rubik/rubik_conditional_policy_k_4\"" \
--config="ValueEstimatorRubik.checkpoint_path=\"${KSUBS_RESOURCES}/rubik/rubik_value\"" \

Pre-trained Models

You can find pretrained models for all commands from this README inside in the resources directory mentioned in Requirements section.


We present the main results below. For more results see the paper.

Figure 1: INT (MCTS) Figure 1: INT (BestFS)

Figure 1: Sokoban Figure 1: Rubik's cube

Figure 1: The performance of Subgoal Search.

  • (top, left) compared on INT (with the proof length 15) to AlphaZero.
  • (top, right) BF-kSubS consistently achieves high performance, even for small computational budgets.
  • (bottom, left) similarly on Sokoban (board size 12x12 with 4 boxes) the advantage of BF-kSubS is prominent for small budget.
  • (bottom, right) BestFS fails to solve Rubik’s Cube.

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