Name: Tom Aylott
Type: User
Company: @frens-app
Bio: JW. Frontend 1st Full stack AI wrangler.
Building @frens-app
Maker of @ThingsThatDoStuff
ex @reactjs @mootools @textmate @coinbase @facebook @crazyegginc
Twitter: subtlegradient
Location: Sarasota, Florida
Tom Aylott's Projects
"Vivify" extensions for RoamResearch 😜
Create the simplest possible Mac OS X apps. Uses HTML5 for the UI. Supports scripting with anything and everything
Control Apps on Mac OS X using AppleScript via JavaScript! Control Safari from the terminal or TextMate!
Widgets for MooTools-ART
A curated list of awesome ExtendScript resources
:tropical_fish: Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Brilliance White theme for Atom
The shared support folder
Cocoa meets WebKit for more rapid UI development
Created with CodeSandbox
The most powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI with a graph/nodes interface.
Adobe Photoshop extension UI Panel that lets you inject HTML as a scalable SmartObject using PhantomJS
Connect is a middleware layer for Node.js
Expand your applications publishing capabilities by integrating the Open Source Connection Framework today. The framework can publish via HTTP, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, .Mac and to Amazon S3. There is no reliance on the DotMac.framework. It comes with a small test application that shows you how to integrate it with your application. It is very simple to integrate as it uses the Delegate pattern found so often in Cocoa. Support will be coming soon for FTP and HTTP over SSL. The framework is licensed under a BSD style license. Consulting to integrate the Connection Framework into your application is available. Email ghulands <at> utr-software dot com.
CSS.tmBundle — The Official Macromates TextMate CSS Bundle
TextMate support for CSS
CSS3 Sugar for Espresso Text Editor
Example project to demonstrate how to record/replay API with Cypress.
TextMate bundle for Android Dalvik bytecode
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
The easiest way to inspect mobile web apps on your device
easy open JavaScript and Ruby method def and completion.Textmate Bundle
TextMate 2 Grammar for ECMAScript
GSS engine
A JavaScript application framework emphasizing modularity and encapsulation
ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
ECMAScript 6 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines's SharedSupport folder
ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis