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Eric Field's Projects

3d-pose-baseline-vmd icon 3d-pose-baseline-vmd


3dplotter icon 3dplotter

A simple graph demonstration with modifiable parameters.

ai4animation icon ai4animation

Character Animation in Unity 3D using Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

ailearning icon ailearning

AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NLP

alloy icon alloy

Alloy physical shader framework for Unity.

anilipsync-vrm icon anilipsync-vrm


animerx icon animerx

Rx Tween Animation Library for Unity

appcontainer icon appcontainer

Embed an exe application into the panel control. make it feels like you own this exe application.

apple-juice-actionscript icon apple-juice-actionscript

Pure .NET 2.0 code Implementation of the ActionScript3 compiler and runtime. Can be used to run scripts in environments where "just-in-time compilation" is not possible

arcamera icon arcamera

Android AR Camera (realtime filters, visual effects, 3d sticker, face swap) AR相机(包括滤镜、特效、3d贴纸、换脸等)

arthas-wpfui icon arthas-wpfui

WPF 控件库,支持 .Net Core 3.0 Preview & .Net 4.6.1

asimpl icon asimpl

Asynchronous Importer and run-time Loader for Unity

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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