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agentserver's Introduction

Project Title: Scalable Graph Execution System

Rust CI

Table of Contents


This project is a scalable system designed to handle the execution of 1 billion graphs distributed among 1 million users. The system supports graph executions triggered by webhooks, timers, or manual inputs and provides live monitoring via WebSocket connections when users manually initiate executions.

The project is developed in Rust using the Tokio ecosystem and is deployed using Kubernetes for orchestration and scalability. The system is composed of multiple microservices, each responsible for a specific functionality, ensuring clear separation of concerns and maintainability.

System Overview

The system consists of the following components:

  1. Trigger Services
    • Webhook Service
    • Timer Service
    • REST Service
  2. Task Queue (Message Broker)
  3. Graph Processor Workers
  4. Live Output Streaming Mechanism
  5. WebSocket Service
  6. Data Storage
  7. Monitoring and Autoscaling
  8. Security and Authentication Mechanisms

Architecture and Design Decisions

1. Trigger Services

a. Webhook Service

  • Functionality: Receives incoming webhook requests, validates them, and enqueues tasks for graph execution.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Separation from REST Service: The webhook service is separated from the REST service due to different functionalities, security requirements, and load characteristics. This separation allows for independent scaling, better security isolation, and maintainability.
    • Stateless Microservice: Enables horizontal scaling to handle high volumes of webhook triggers.
    • Decoupling via Task Queue: Ensures that incoming webhooks do not directly interact with the graph processor, preventing overload.

b. Timer Service

  • Functionality: Schedules graph executions based on predefined time triggers.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Distributed Scheduler: Utilizes a cron-like scheduler for reliability and scalability.
    • Enqueuing Tasks: Schedules tasks into the task queue at the appropriate times.

c. REST Service

  • Functionality: Allows users to manually initiate graph executions from the frontend.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Separate from Webhook Service: Due to different responsibilities and security considerations.
    • Serving Frontend Assets: Serves the frontend application and provides API endpoints.
    • Live Monitoring Flag: Enqueues tasks with a flag indicating if live monitoring is required.

2. Task Queue (Message Broker)

  • Purpose: Decouples trigger services from the graph processor workers, enabling scalability and load balancing.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Use of Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ:
      • High Throughput: Handles a massive number of tasks efficiently.
      • Topic-Based Messaging: Organizes tasks and supports scalable consumption.

3. Graph Processor Workers

  • Functionality: Executes graphs using all available processors on the machine.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Stateless Design: Workers do not maintain internal state, enabling horizontal scaling.
    • Resource Optimization:
      • Multithreading/Multiprocessing: Utilizes all CPU cores for efficient execution.
      • Algorithm Optimization: Ensures graph processing is as efficient as possible.
    • Autoscaling Policies: Scales based on CPU usage, memory usage, and task queue length.

4. Live Output Streaming Mechanism

  • Purpose: Provides real-time updates to users who manually initiate graph executions.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Topic-Based Pub/Sub System:
      • Per-Execution Topics/Channels: Each graph execution requiring live updates has a unique topic or channel.
    • Efficient Message Routing: Ensures only relevant messages are delivered to the appropriate WebSocket consumers.
    • Implementation with Redis Pub/Sub:
      • Low Latency Messaging: Supports real-time communication.
      • Scalability: Handles a large number of topics/channels efficiently.

5. WebSocket Service

  • Functionality: Manages WebSocket connections and forwards live updates to users.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Stateless Service Instances:
      • Shared Session Storage: Uses Redis to store session data, avoiding the need for sticky sessions.
      • Horizontal Scalability: Allows any instance to handle any user connection.
    • Dynamic Subscription Management:
      • Subscribes to Relevant Topics: Only subscribes to topics/channels relevant to connected users.
    • Load Balancing Without Sticky Sessions: Enables efficient distribution of connections based on current load.

6. Data Storage

  • Functionality: Stores graph definitions, execution results, and logs.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Scalable Databases:
      • Graph Definitions: Stored in databases like PostgreSQL.
      • Execution Results: Stored in databases or object storage systems (e.g., AWS S3).
    • Caching with Redis: Improves retrieval times for frequently accessed data.
    • Data Partitioning and Sharding: Distributes data across multiple databases for scalability.

7. Monitoring and Autoscaling

  • Functionality: Monitors system performance and automatically adjusts resources.
  • Design Decisions:
    • Metrics Collection with Prometheus:
      • System Metrics: CPU usage, memory usage, response times.
      • Custom Metrics: Task queue length, number of active WebSocket connections.
    • Visualization with Grafana: Provides dashboards for real-time monitoring.
    • Autoscaling Policies:
      • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA): Scales microservices based on metrics.
      • Cluster Autoscaler: Adjusts the number of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
    • Alerting Mechanisms: Uses tools like Alertmanager to notify operators of critical issues.

8. Security and Authentication Mechanisms

  • Functionality: Secures communication and ensures only authorized users can trigger and monitor graphs.
  • Design Decisions:
    • TLS Encryption: Secures all inter-service communication.
    • Authentication Protocols:
      • JWT Tokens: Authenticates API requests.
      • Webhook Validation: Verifies signatures or tokens on incoming webhooks.
    • Authorization Controls: Ensures users can only access their own graphs and data.

Project Structure

The project is organized as a Rust workspace to manage multiple services (crates) efficiently, ensuring scalability, maintainability, and clear separation of concerns. Each service corresponds to a microservice in the system architecture and can be developed, tested, and deployed independently.

Workspace Configuration

members = [

Common Crate

  • Location: common/

  • Purpose: Contains shared code used across multiple services, such as data models, utilities, configuration management, and messaging helpers.

  • Structure:

    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src/
        ├── models/
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   └──
        ├── utils/
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   └──
        ├── messaging/
        │   ├──
        │   ├──
        │   └──
        └── db/
            ├── migrations/
            │   ├── V1__init.sql
            │   ├── V2__add_indexes.sql
            │   └── ...


Each service is a separate binary crate within the workspace.

Webhook Service

  • Location: services/webhook_service/

  • Purpose: Handles incoming webhook requests, validates them, and enqueues tasks.

  • Structure:

    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src/

Timer Service

  • Location: services/timer_service/

  • Purpose: Schedules graph executions based on predefined time triggers.

  • Structure:

    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src/

REST Service

  • Location: services/rest_service/

  • Purpose: Provides a RESTful API for users and serves the frontend application.

  • Structure:

    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src/
        └── tests/
            └── ...

Graph Processor Worker

  • Location: services/graph_processor_worker/

  • Purpose: Executes graphs and publishes live updates if required.

  • Structure:

    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src/
        └── tests/
            └── ...

WebSocket Service

  • Location: services/websocket_service/

  • Purpose: Manages WebSocket connections and forwards live updates.

  • Structure:

    ├── Cargo.toml
    └── src/


  • Location: frontend/

  • Purpose: Contains the frontend application built with React and HTMX.

  • Structure:

    ├── package.json
    ├── webpack.config.js
    ├── public/
    │   ├── index.html
    │   └── ...
    ├── src/
    │   ├── index.jsx
    │   ├── components/
    │   ├── styles/
    │   └── ...
    └── ...

Scripts and Configurations

  • Scripts: Located in the scripts/ directory.
    • Script to build all services.
    • Script to deploy services to Kubernetes.
  • Configurations: Global configurations are stored in the configs/ directory.
    • config.toml: Configuration file for the application.

Docker and Kubernetes

  • Dockerfiles: Located in the docker/ directory.
    • Dockerfile.service_name: Dockerfile for each service.
  • Kubernetes Manifests: Located in the k8s/ directory.
    • service_name_deployment.yaml: Deployment manifest for each service.

Key Packages and Dependencies

The project utilizes a range of Rust crates, selected based on community recommendations to ensure robustness, performance, and maintainability.

Common Dependencies

  • Serialization and Deserialization: serde, serde_json
  • Asynchronous Runtime: tokio
  • Logging and Diagnostics: tracing
  • Configuration Management: config
  • Error Handling:
    • Libraries: thiserror (for the common crate)
    • Applications: anyhow (for application crates)
  • Utilities:
    • Lazy Initialization: once_cell
    • Regular Expressions: regex
    • UUID Generation: uuid
  • Database Interaction: sqlx (supports PostgreSQL)
  • Testing:
    • Asynchronous Testing: tokio-test
    • Snapshot Testing: insta

Service-Specific Dependencies

Webhook Service

  • Web Framework: axum
  • Kafka Client: rdkafka
  • JWT Authentication: jsonwebtoken

Timer Service

  • Scheduling: tokio-cron-scheduler
  • Date and Time Handling: chrono

REST Service

  • Web Framework: axum
  • Static File Serving: tower-http::services::ServeDir
  • CORS Handling: tower-http::cors::CorsLayer
  • Session Management: redis

Graph Processor Worker

  • Graph Algorithms: petgraph
  • Parallelism: rayon
  • AWS S3 Interaction: aws-sdk-s3

WebSocket Service

  • WebSocket Support: tokio-tungstenite
  • Session Management and Pub/Sub: redis

Tooling and Development Practices

  • Linting: clippy is integrated into the development workflow for linting and catching common mistakes.
  • Formatting: rustfmt is used to enforce code style consistency across the project.
  • Dependency Management: cargo-edit is used for efficient management of dependencies.
  • Security Auditing: cargo-audit is run regularly to check for vulnerabilities in dependencies.
  • Testing Framework: cargo-nextest is used for faster and more efficient test execution.
  • Benchmarking: criterion is used for performance benchmarking to monitor and optimize performance.
  • Continuous Integration: Incorporates the above tools into the CI/CD pipeline to ensure code quality and security.

Setup and Build Instructions


Project Setup

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd yourrepository
  2. Install Rust Dependencies

    Navigate to the project root and build the workspace.

    cargo build
  3. Set Up the Frontend

    Navigate to the frontend/ directory and install frontend dependencies.

    cd frontend
    npm install
    • Install React, HTMX, and other required packages.
  4. Configure Environment Variables

    • Copy configs/config.toml.example to configs/config.toml and modify it according to your environment.
  5. Run Services

    • Each service can be run individually. For example:

      cargo run --bin rest_service

Architectural Decisions and Justifications

  1. Separation of Services

    • Decision: Separate the webhook service from the REST service.
    • Justification:
      • Scalability: Allows independent scaling based on specific load patterns.
      • Security: Isolates external webhook handling from user-facing APIs.
      • Maintainability: Clear separation of concerns.
  2. Use of Message Queues

    • Decision: Use message queues (e.g., Kafka) to decouple trigger services from graph processor workers.
    • Justification:
      • Scalability: Enables independent scaling of producers and consumers.
      • Load Balancing: Distributes tasks evenly among workers.
      • Resilience: Buffers tasks during spikes, preventing overload.
  3. Stateless Microservices

    • Decision: Design services to be stateless where possible.
    • Justification:
      • Scalability: Easier to scale horizontally.
      • Fault Tolerance: Failure of one instance doesn't affect others.
  4. Efficient Live Update Mechanisms

    • Decision: Implement topic-based Pub/Sub for live updates.
    • Justification:
      • Relevance: Users receive only pertinent updates.
      • Performance: Reduces unnecessary processing.
  5. Database Interaction

    • Decision: Use sqlx for database interactions with compile-time query checking.
    • Justification:
      • Safety: Prevents SQL injection and runtime errors.
      • Asynchronous Support: Integrates well with Tokio.
  6. Frontend Integration

    • Decision: Use React and HTMX for the frontend, served by the REST service.
    • Justification:
      • Modern UI/UX: Leverages popular frontend technologies.
      • Simplified Deployment: Serving frontend assets from the REST service simplifies architecture.
  7. Security Practices

    • Decision: Implement JWT authentication and secure communication.
    • Justification:
      • Data Protection: Ensures only authorized access.
      • Compliance: Meets industry standards.
  8. Tooling and Best Practices

    • Decision: Use community-recommended tooling for development and CI/CD.
    • Justification:
      • Code Quality: Tools like clippy and rustfmt ensure high code quality.
      • Security: cargo-audit helps identify vulnerabilities.

Next Steps

  • Development:

    • Implement core functionalities for each service.
    • Develop shared models and utilities in the common crate.
    • Build out the frontend application.
  • Testing:

    • Write unit and integration tests using cargo-nextest and insta.
    • Set up test databases for testing database interactions.
  • Deployment:

    • Configure Dockerfiles and Kubernetes manifests with environment-specific details.
    • Implement the and scripts.
  • Monitoring and Optimization:

    • Integrate monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana.
    • Optimize performance based on collected metrics.
  • Documentation:

    • Document APIs and services.
    • Provide usage examples and API references.

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