Comments (1)
For anyone who have this issue: try setting the second argument duration
to positive value if you haven't already. With 15
it works flawlessly for me in any filetype, without it there's no scrolling animation in some filetypes (mainly ones without syntax highlighting)
from vim-smooth-scroll.
Related Issues (16)
- Smooth scrolling breaks visual mode HOT 5
- not working for me at all HOT 6
- Slow when scrolling up in MacVim HOT 1
- VIm crashes when I hold CTRL-D HOT 2
- Doesn't stop scrolling when top/bottom is reached HOT 1
- Counts bork the scrolls HOT 1
- Conflict with NERDTree?
- Feature: smooth jumps between marks,search matches, etc.. HOT 1
- Any chance to get this working in Emacs/Evil?
- System will crash if the third parameter is 0
- zz with smooth scroll HOT 2
- Bug using Float as String
- Please attach apng to the README HOT 1
- Could it be possible to give float values as input?
- Incorrect behaviour with wrapped text HOT 1
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from vim-smooth-scroll.