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Comments (4)

tgandrews avatar tgandrews commented on July 30, 2024

Thanks for the report. Do you have a sample of the code that produces the
On Tue, 13 Sep 2016 at 04:15, Jovan Alleyne [email protected]

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. Create a function definition
  2. Press shortcut to create comment block
  3. Comment block will be duplicated and syntax error popup
  4. Press undo to remove one of the comment blocks

Atom Version: 1.10.2
Electron Version: 0.37.8
System: Mac OS X 10.11.6
Thrown From: atom-easy-jsdoc package, v4.7.0
Stack Trace

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (16:4)

At /Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/location.js:25

SyntaxError: Unexpected token (16:4)
at Parser.pp.raise (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/location.js:22:13)
at Parser.pp.unexpected (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/util.js:89:8)
at Parser.pp.parseExprAtom (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:522:12)
at Parser.pp.parseExprSubscripts (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:277:19)
at Parser.pp.parseMaybeUnary (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:257:19)
at Parser.pp.parseExprOps (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:188:19)
at Parser.pp.parseMaybeConditional (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:165:19)
at Parser.pp.parseMaybeAssign (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:128:19)
at Parser.pp.parseExpression (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:92:19)
at Parser.pp.parseStatement (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/statement.js:163:19)
at Parser.pp.parseBlockBody (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/statement.js:529:21)
at Parser.pp.parseTopLevel (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/statement.js:36:8)
at Parser.parse (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/index.js:129:19)
at Object.parse (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/node_modules/babylon/lib/index.js:47:47)
at getAST (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/lib/jsdoc/funcParser.js:39:20)
at parse (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/lib/jsdoc/funcParser.js:261:13)
at comment (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/lib/jsdocer.js:26:41)
at createComment (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/lib/index.js:23:29)
at atom-text-editor.jsdocBlock (/Users/jovanalleyne/.atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc/lib/index.js:54:9)
at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/Applications/
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/Applications/
at WindowEventHandler.module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEvent (/Applications/
at HTMLDocument. (/Applications/


 -4:43 core:confirm (

3x -3:42.6.0 core:backspace (
-2:44.7.0 editor:move-to-beginning-of-word (
-2:44.3.0 core:move-right (
-2:44 core:backspace (
-2:43.6.0 core:confirm (
-1:20.8.0 jsdoc:block (
5x -1:17.9.0 core:undo (
-1:15.4.0 core:backspace (
-1:15 core:move-down (
2x -1:14.5.0 core:backspace (
-1:09.8.0 core:move-up (
-1:09.2.0 core:move-to-top (
-1:08.3.0 core:move-down (
-0:26.5.0 core:confirm (
-0:00.2.0 jsdoc:block (


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from atom-easy-jsdoc.

jalleyne avatar jalleyne commented on July 30, 2024

I think i narrowed down the problem to having a syntax error in the executing file. Notice the second function doesn't have the function keyword. If i fix that the docs seem to generate now.

export function validateSessionToken(token){


export decodeSessionToken(token){


from atom-easy-jsdoc.

tgandrews avatar tgandrews commented on July 30, 2024

Currently, we require a valid JS file. You should be presented with a message saying that we require valid JavaScript and it does with the JS you provided for me.

js error

I wonder if there is a packaging/release bug here. Would you be able to access the code in your .atom/packages/atom-easy-jsdoc folder and make it available as a gist?

from atom-easy-jsdoc.

tgandrews avatar tgandrews commented on July 30, 2024

Closing until we have recreation steps.

from atom-easy-jsdoc.

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