Trek Glowacki's Projects
Development of API for AADL
ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
Handsome sites for open source software
new es6 concatenator for ember-cli
Sass compiler for Broccoli, using libsass
This Broccoli compiler copies static files.
Generate tar files from broccoli trees
The Coherent Javascript Framework
Tells you where an element is on the page
A data persistence library for Ember.js.
A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
JavaScript documentation generator for node using markdown and jsdoc
A Rack package to launch your Ember.js application into the Cloud.
Ember CLI addon for injecting fingerprinted asset map file into Ember app
Use node-sass to preprocess your ember-cli app's files, with support for sourceMaps and include paths
Test Repo of a possible bug
A multi-thumb input range
A lightweight model library for Ember.js
A localStorage adapter for Ember Model
Controllers are dead. Use Components.
[DEPRECATED] A testing helper for Ember that lets you control the XHR request/response cycle