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Thomas Copper's Projects

ansicodes icon ansicodes

🎨ansi escape code generator to help make colorful command line tools

drampower icon drampower

Fast and accurate DRAM power and energy estimation tool

dramsim3-mod icon dramsim3-mod

DRAMsim3: a Cycle-accurate, Thermal-Capable DRAM Simulator

gem5-mod icon gem5-mod

This is an read-only mirror of the gem5 simulator. The upstream repository is stored in, code reviews should be submitted to The mirrors are synchronized every 15 minutes.

hotspot icon hotspot

HotSpot v7.0 is an accurate and fast thermal model suitable for use in architectural studies.

navigation-roboclass icon navigation-roboclass

ROS Navigation stack. Code for finding where the robot is and how it can get somewhere else.

openwrt-hc5x61 icon openwrt-hc5x61

OpenWrt Patch for HiWiFi HC5661 / HC5761 / HC5861, this forked version default branch is chaos_calmer

ramulator-mod icon ramulator-mod

A Fast and Extensible DRAM Simulator, with built-in support for modeling many different DRAM technologies including DDRx, LPDDRx, GDDRx, WIOx, HBMx, and various academic proposals. Described in the IEEE CAL 2015 paper by Kim et al. at

ramulator-pim-mod icon ramulator-pim-mod

A fast and flexible simulation infrastructure for exploring general-purpose processing-in-memory (PIM) architectures. Ramulator-PIM combines a widely-used simulator for out-of-order and in-order processors (ZSim) with Ramulator, a DRAM simulator with memory models for DDRx, LPDDRx, GDDRx, WIOx, HBMx, and HMCx. Ramulator is described in the IEEE CAL

ramulator2-addsedram icon ramulator2-addsedram

Ramulator 2.0 is a modern, modular, extensible, and fast cycle-accurate DRAM simulator. It provides support for agile implementation and evaluation of new memory system designs (e.g., new DRAM standards, emerging RowHammer mitigation techniques). Described in our paper

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