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common's Issues

Additional namespace object definition for ACM Policy

Problem Statement

In some environments we have noticed that in some instances the imperative namespace does not get created on Spoke clusters. The policy in common/acm/templates/policies/acm-hub-ca-policy creates a Secret in the imperative namespace. If the namespace is not created the ACM policy will fail.

Proposed Fix

Add the following objectDefinition to the ACM Policy:

            - complianceType: musthave
                kind: Namespace # must have namespace 'imperative'
                apiVersion: v1
                  name: imperative

This will create the namespace imperative if it does not exist on the Spoke cluster.

With Gitops 1.5.0 the secondary argo web interface is erroring out

Since yesterday's release of gitops 1.5.0 clicking on the secondary argo instance errors out with the following:

Failed to query provider "": Get "http://hub-gitops-dex-server.multicloud-gitops-hub.svc.cluster.local:5556/api/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration": dial tcp connect: connection refused

The logs of the dex container give us the following:

W0421 07:32:56.239809       1 reflector.go:324] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: failed to list *v1.Secret: secrets is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:multicloud-gitops-hub:hub-gitops-argocd-dex-server" cannot list resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "multicloud-gitops-hub"
E0421 07:32:56.239838       1 reflector.go:138] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.Secret: failed to list *v1.Secret: secrets is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:multicloud-gitops-hub:hub-gitops-argocd-dex-server" cannot list resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "multicloud-gitops-hub"
W0421 08:14:28.521492       1 reflector.go:324] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: failed to list *v1.ConfigMap: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:multicloud-gitops-hub:hub-gitops-argocd-dex-server" cannot list resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "multicloud-gitops-hub"
E0421 08:14:28.521517       1 reflector.go:138] pkg/mod/[email protected]/tools/cache/reflector.go:167: Failed to watch *v1.ConfigMap: failed to list *v1.ConfigMap: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:multicloud-gitops-hub:hub-gitops-argocd-dex-server" cannot list resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "multicloud-gitops-hub"

It seems that we need to add some permissions to the hub-gitops-argocd-dex-server service account now

override/empty target namespace

Some operators are not compatible with adding targetNamespace as their own, this is automatically done when we create a new namespace.

for example, performance-addon-operator can't monitor its own namespace.

kind: OperatorGroup
  annotations: |

What is the proper way to inject a Corporate CA into a Pattern?


What is the proper way to inject a Corporate CA into a Validated Pattern such that:

  1. The Cluster ArgoCD instance picks up the CA
  2. The Pattern ArgoCD instance picks up the CA
  3. For patterns like MultiCloud Gitops that support "pushing" patterns to a "spoke cluster" - those pushes also properly provision the CA trust?

Allow overrides of Makefile values and include an optional values folder path

Use case:
Our team has its own utility container for working within our multicloud environment. We have rebased our container to hybridcloudpatterns/utility-container:latest so we can pick up all required VP tooling.

Our container makes use of a git clone to pull in the validated pattern repo as a subfolder. We include our own Makefile in our DIR_HOME to hand-off to VPs Makefile appropriately.

Containerfile Extract

        ARG MY_REPO_CLI_BRANCH ?= 'dev'
	ARG VP_DIR_MULTICLOUD=vp-multicloud-gitops
	ARG VP_DIR_VALUES=vp-values
        ARG VP_PATTERN_NAME=my-pattern
	    rm ${CONTAINER_DIR_HOME}/${VP_DIR_MULTICLOUD}/.github -R; \
	    rm ${CONTAINER_DIR_HOME}/${VP_DIR_MULTICLOUD}/.gitignore; 
	COPY ./Makefile                        ${CONTAINER_DIR_HOME}
            VP_DIR_VALUES=${VP_DIR_VALUES} \
	ENTRYPOINT ["sh", ""]
	CMD ["help"]


	export MY_REPO_CLI_BRANCH ?= 'main'
	export MY_REPO_CLI_ORIGIN ?= 'origin'
	export MY_REPO_CLI_URL ?= ''

	export VP_DIR_VALUES ?= 'my-default-vp-values-path'
	export VP_DIR_MULTICLOUD ?= 'my-default-vp-mc-path'
	export VP_PATTERN_NAME ?= 'my-default-pattern'
	export NAME ?= ${VP_PATTERN_NAME}
		@make $* -C vp-multicloud-gitops

Requested Changes

To facilitate the use case above I am requesting modifications be made to common/Makefile as follows:

  • Add a line 2 to contain a new variable that will serve as a folder path prefix for our company's value files.


  • Modify line 19

TARGET_REPO ?= $[….]

  • Modify line 21


The last set of changes I will leave to you but effectively any VP references to value files should be prefixed with $(VP_DIR_VALUES).

Example changes I have found so far include common/Makefile line 39 and 43:

HELM_OPTS=-f $(VP_DIR_VALUES)/values-global.yaml

And line 65:

$(eval CLUSTERGROUP ?= $(shell yq ".main.clusterGroupName" $(VP_DIR_VALUES)/values-global.yaml))

I believe other files are involved in this update as well like common/scripts/

multisource and spoke clusters

We should make sure that if multisource is true, then the very same manifest with sources: on the hub is deployed also on the spokes. Currently this is not the case.

RFE: Add labels and annotation support to kind: namespace

This is coming from the TelCo team who I am working on creating the npss-tnc community pattern.

We currently support the creation of namespaces. There are instances in which users need to add additional annotations and labels to a namespace manifest. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: openshift-logging
  annotations: ""
  labels: "true"

The implementation would require us to update the way we define namespaces in our values file. The proposal would be something like this:

- name: namespaceName
  - name: labelName
    value: labelValue
  - name: "annotationName"
    value: "annotationValue"

Question for the team is:

  • Do we want to support this in future versions of common ?
  • Or do we just have users create a Namespace manifest with the appropriate annotations and labels to be applied by openshift-gitops?

IBM Cloud ROKS integrated use of Let's encrypt for routes creates issues with ESO Deployment

I've deployed a validated-patterns based cluster which was derived from multicloud-gitops based on this repo:

When deploying I was using 'Red Hat Openshift on IBM Cloud' where:

  1. It was a VPC cluster (e.g. not classic)
  2. The public service endpoints were enabled (e.g. routes are on the internet by default).

Here I was using the default route hostname (described here): using an "IBM provided domain".

By default the routes appear to be encrypted with lets encrypt certs including the console. So any re-encrypt/Redirect or edge/Redirect routes have usable public certs.

The adverse impact of this is that by default the External secrets Operator enforces a particular certificate chain.

The following commit enabled the ESO to function. however, does decrease security posture.


ResourceCustomizations is deprecated

Warning  DeprecationNotice  27m         ResourceCustomizations is deprecated, please use the new formats `ResourceHealthChecks`, `ResourceIgnoreDifferences`, and `Resource
Actions` instead.

oc describe of the cluster-wide argo instance gives the above deprecation notice. We need to fix this (in our common argocd.yaml)

trailing zero is removed from channel in subscription


When we have a channel like 4.10, it is translated into Argo as 4.1

a workaround was set to use "4.10" and it worked.

kind: Subscription
  name: openshift-performance-addon-operator-subscription
  namespace: openshift-performance-addon-operator
  channel: "4.10"
  name: performance-addon-operator
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

preview-all is not rendering the clusterGroup chart

It is currently rendering only the listed applications. To have a quick validation of what is being worked on without deploying it, it'd be useful to also render the clusterGroup chart which is the entry point for a pattern.

We should also allow overriding some of the local lookups we do against the cluster here:

platform=$(oc get  -o jsonpath='{.spec.platformSpec.type}')
ocpversion=$(oc get clusterversion/version -o jsonpath='{.status.desired.version}' | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}')
domain=$(oc get -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}' | sed 's/^apps.//')

This will allow a simple way to see how things change when a user changes the platform etc.

OperatorGroup without targetNamespaces

Some operators require to create an operatorGroup without targetNamespaces, in example MetalLB Operator as described in the installation guide (

This is not possible with the current operatorgroup.yaml template.

I'm not sure about the implications but this patch fixes it, and it creates an operatorGroup without targetNamespaces by default. Not a big deal but definitively a change in the behavior.

Extend edit access to ArgoCD instances to cluster-admin role

After deploying a validated pattern, e.g. Edge Anomaly Detection, I can view the ArgoCD Applications in the cluster and project ArgoCD instances, but I'm unable to manually trigger Sync. When attempting to manually trigger Sync, I receive the following error message:

Unable to deploy revision: permission denied: applications, sync, default/edge-anomaly-detection-hub, sub: CiRjMWFiNGZiNi1kMjkxLTQzNDgtODljNy1mYmI2Y2ViYjUxNWMSCW9wZW5zaGlmdA, iat: 2023-11-08T16:36:55Z

I'm logged in as a user with cluster-admin role, but tt seems the default RBAC configuration of ArgoCD allows only kubeadmin full access. Deploying the pattern as kubeadmin is not always feasible for regular pattern users, so I propose to extend the ArgoCD RBAC rules to grant any user associated with the cluster-admin role edit permissions.

Add extraParameters to values.schema.json

Problem Statement

The current clustergroup schema does not allow the definition of extraParameters under the main section of a values file.


The user defined variables in the extraParameters section would only be applied if the user deploys the pattern via the command, using ./ make install or ./ make operator-deploy and not via the OpenShift Validated Patterns Operator UI.

Proposed Fix Description

Add the extraParameters to the definition of in the values.schema.json:

  "Main": {
      "type": "object",
      "additionalProperties": false,
      "required": [
      "title": "Main",
      "description": "This section contains the 'main' variables which are used by the install chart only and are passed to helm via the Makefile",
      "properties": {
        "clusterGroupName": {
          "type": "string"
        "extraParameters": {
          "type": "array",
          "description": "Pass in extra Helm parameters to all ArgoCD Applications and the framework."

This will allow users to define extra parameters that will be added by the framework to the ArgoCD applications it creates.

More Detailed Description

  • We currently have the following code in common/operator-install/templates/pattern.yaml:
{{- range .Values.main.extraParameters }}
  - name: {{ .name | quote }}
    value: {{ .value | quote }}
{{- end }} {{/* range .Values.main.extraParameters */}}
{{- end }} {{/* if .Values.main.extraParameters */}}
  • This fix allows a user to define the extraParameters in a values file under the main section.
  • A user would do the following to define their extraParameters variables:
  clusterGroupName: datacenter
    enabled: false
  experimentalCapabilities: initcontainers
    - name: clusterEnvironment
      value: prod
  • If you define extraParameters under the main section of the values files in a pattern these parameters are added by the Validated Patterns operator to Pattern CR. You can get the list of pattern CRs by using the oc get pattern -n openshift-operators command.
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: Pattern
    annotations: |
    creationTimestamp: "2024-05-15T16:23:18Z"
    - foregroundDeletePattern
    generation: 2
    name: industrial-edge
    namespace: openshift-operators
    resourceVersion: "565790"
    uid: 233d6200-7de2-4221-94e3-9c36351db8cc
    clusterGroupName: datacenter
    experimentalCapabilities: initcontainers
    - name: clusterEnvironment
      value: dev
  • In turn the operator adds these extraParameters to the extraParametersNested section as key/value pairs in the Cluster Wide ArgoCD Application created by the Validated Patterns operator.
  • This allows the user to define extra parameters that would be useful to user provided Helm charts for their particular pattern.
  • The clustergroup Helm chart will add these parameters to each ArgoCD Application created by the framework
  • The Application template found in common/clustergroup/templates/plumbing/applications.yaml will add the defined parameters as key/value pairs under the Parameters of each ArgoCD Application created by the framework.
  • Below is the Helm template code that includes these parameters:
          {{- range $k, $v := $.Values.extraParametersNested }}
          - name: {{ $k }}
            value: {{ printf "%s" $v | quote }}
          {{- end }}

Framework support for private repo additions to ArgoCD instances

In a disconnected environment customers will have git repos that house their source code.
To deploy our validated patterns the private repositories will have to be configured in ArgoCD with a provided customer certificate for the git repository.

This will have to be configured by the patterns operator at creation of the ArgoCD instance creation for the pattern.

If application manifests are located in private repository then repository credentials have to be configured.


  • Extend the framework to accept private git repository configuration
  • If private git repository configuration is provided the framework should add this to the ArgoCD instances

Extend ACM Chart support to provision clusters using ClusterDeployment

Currently the framework supports the provisioning of clusters using ManagedClusterSet, and ClusterPool and ClusterClaim.

The functionality is supported via the managedClusterGroups section described in the values-hub.yaml files. Below is an example of how to describe a ClusterPool associated with a label.

# This section is used by ACM
  - name: resilient
    - name: clusterGroup.isHubCluster
      value: "false"
        clusterGroup: resilient
      - key: vendor
        operator: In
          - OpenShift
      # example of pool for primary spokes
        name: aws-region-ca
        openshiftVersion: 4.12.49
            region: us-west-2
          - customspoke1
              type: m5.2xlarge
                - us-west-2a
          replicas: 3
              type: m5.xlarge
                - us-west-2a
      # example of pool for secondary spokes

We would like to extend the provisioning functionality in the VP framework to support provisioning clusters using ManagedClusterSet, ClusterDeployment, and Submariner add-on. Similar to how we describe ClusterPools we would like to add how to provision ClusterDeployments. Below is an initial example of what it could look like.

# This section is used by ACM
  - name: resilient
    - name: clusterGroup.isHubCluster
      value: "false"
        clusterGroup: resilient
      - key: vendor
        operator: In
          - OpenShift
      # example of pool for primary spokes
        name: ocp-primary
        version: 4.14.15
          apiVersion: v1
            name: ocp-primary
            name: master
            replicas: 3
                type: m5.2xlarge
                - us-east-1a
          - name: worker
            replicas: 5
                type: m5.2xlarge
                - us-east-1a
            - cidr:
              hostPrefix: 23
            - cidr:
            networkType: OpenShiftSDN
              region: us-east-1
                project: ValidatedPatterns

          publish: External
          sshKey: ""
          pullSecret: ""
      # example of pool for secondary spokes

With ClusterDeployment the user can control the name of the clusters which is a requirement in certain environments. ClusterPool cluster names are auto-generated by ACM so there is no control over the cluster name.

Support for merging of namespaces, projects, subscriptions and application in overrides/values-common.yaml


Our company has a base set of namespaces/projects/subscriptions and application that we want deployed in all clusters (hub and spokes).

We attempted to implement this with a values-common.yaml in the overrides folder.

When we include this common file into values-hub.yaml or values-spoke as an entry in sharedValueFiles: it does not work. It appears that helm just overwrites the hub/spoke yaml namespaces/projects/subscriptions/applications with the contents of common.yaml.

Support letsencrypt with non-route53 DNS01 challenges

As a user of validated patterns I would like to be able to use non 'route-53' based challenges.

The letsencrypt helm chart provides value in terms of dealing with the guts of integration with OCP' and ensuring route certificates are updated. However, if I am not using route53 but rather using one of the other supported DNS01 challenge providers for cert-manager ( I will effectively have to fork the chart.

Therefore I would suggest that there is a "BYO issuer" where the end user can configure their own DNS01 challenge provider.

Feat: Followup to definition of extraParameters under the main section of a values file.

Problem Statement

The current clustergroup schema does not allow the definition of extraParameters under the main section of a values file.


The user defined variables in the extraParameters section would only be applied if the user deploys the pattern via the command, using ./ make install or ./ make operator-deploy and not via the OpenShift Validated Patterns Operator UI.

Proposed Fix

Add the extraParameters defined to the Hub and Spoke cluster ArgoCD Applications.

For more information please refer to #510

New secrets loading module: Empty `files` key causes surprising error

Under the current module, when the files: key is defined in values_secret.yaml but has no entries, it throws the error that NoneType is not iterable when validating the file paths.

This potentially surprising to the user - maybe there should be a validation that files: points to a dict type?

External Secrets Operator for general cluster use

We have been adding the External Secrets Operator (Community Maintained) to our values file as a required subscription.

In reviewing the Validated Patterns common folder today I found a folder named golang-external-secrets that upon closer inspection contains the same operator we need (but in a localized format).

Because our company does not allow direct access to public repos like where that operator is hosted I would like to make cluster-wide use of your localized instance.

My questions:

  • Is cluster-wide usage of this operator VP-sanctioned or is this operator intended/configured only to support the VP infrastructure itself?
  • Is there a reason VP has prefixed this folder naming with golang? Without closer inspection - many folks might assume this is a different workload than the one most are familiar with.


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