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async-kit's Issues

linking xctest

Unfortunately I just hit the issue that I had been worrying about with #5:

screen shot 2019-02-28 at 4 41 47 pm

Not sure why we weren't able to recreate this earlier, but unless we find a workaround, we may have to remove this helper.

Optional Map

Add optionalMap and optionalFlatMap methods to EventLoopFuture where the callback is only fired if the optional value in the future is not nil:

let id: Future<Int?> = ...
id.optionalMap { id in
    type(of: id) // Int

Detect connection pool deadlocks

Something like this will hang the client, and in db log we get

LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction

Client.find(id, on: req.db).flatMap {
    /// Validate we want to make updates
    req.db.transaction { db in
        // Do stuff

I don't really want to create a transaction if I don't have to. In the case where I discovered this I'm doing multiple queries against multiple tables, and only under certain conditions do I then create a transaction and update multiple different tables.

add iOS platform in Package.swift

I am using Vapor on iOS and needs to add iOS platform in Package.swift

let package = Package(
    name: "async-kit",
    platforms: [
    products: [
        .library(name: "AsyncKit", targets: ["AsyncKit"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "2.10.0"),
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "AsyncKit", dependencies: [
            .product(name: "Logging", package: "swift-log"),
            .product(name: "NIO", package: "swift-nio"),
        .testTarget(name: "AsyncKitTests", dependencies: [
            .target(name: "AsyncKit")

Future Collection Mapping

Create a .mapElements method for EventLoopFuture<Sequence> where the callback receives a single element in the sequence instead of the whole sequence:

let users: Future<[User]> = ...
users.mapElements { user in

connection pool circular buffer

#20 added a generic connection pool to this package. An implementation detail of this connection pool is that waiters are served FILO. This shouldn't cause any correctness problems, but ideally waiters would be served FIFO. A CircularBuffer may help do this without any performance loss.

Sync Flatten and Sync Reduce

Two methods that would come in very handy for handling futures that need to be run one after another:

  • [() -> EventLoopFuture<T>].syncFlatten(on: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<[T]>:
    Flattens out the array of EventLoopFuture if they all succeed, similar to [EventLoopFuture<T>].flatten(on:), but instead each future from a closure must succeed before the next closure is called and the result of the future added the resulting array.

  • EventLoop.reduce(_: [() -> EventLoopFuture<T>], onSuccess: (T) throws -> ()) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>:
    Iterates over the lazy futures that are passed in. As each one succeeds, the onSuccess closure is called with the resulting value and then the next lazy future in the array is called. When all the calls succeed (or one fails), the result will be returned from the method in an EventLoopFuture<Void>.

Consider using @autoclosure for EventLoopFuture.transform with future

The current signature for the transform function on EventLoopFuture that takes a future is:

public func transform<T>(to future: EventLoopFuture<T>) -> EventLoopFuture<T>

And can be used as follows:

futureA.transform(to: makeFutureB())

To me, this reads as future b starting the work after future a has finished. However, this is not the case since future b will be created "synchronously" and therefore the work will start immediately. This could be prevented by changing the implementation of transform to:

public func transform<T>(to future: @escaping @autoclosure () -> EventLoopFuture<T>) -> EventLoopFuture<T> {
    return self.flatMap { _ in

Are there any drawbacks I'm not seeing? Is this considered a breaking change?

[Proposal] `whenAllComplete` Method to Flatten Array of Futures Without Failure

I've seen this requested a few times in the Vapor Discord, and I've wanted this myself for awhile (before I wrote a local implementation).

As it stands

Vapor's Core extension of flatten and syncFlatten takes an array of Future<Void> and flattens them into a single Future<Void> that either succeeds when all Futures in the array succeed, or fails as soon as one fails.

That is useful on its own, but some times there are cases where you need to batch run tasks (like make multiple API requests based on an array of parameters) that you then want to handle each case individually and independently.

My exact use case is where I am synchronizing a database cache of Slack user data, and I need to make 100+ individual profile requests, but I only care about:

  1. Each individual request response, to save the appropriate data to the database
  2. When all of the requests have completed, even if they failed.


  1. Introduce a whenAllComplete method to EventLoop that always resolves when all of the EventLoopFutures in a collection complete (failure or success).
    • The resolved value of the new EventLoopFuture will be [Result<T, Error>]
    • The order of the Result values will be the same as the collection input
  2. Provide an overload of whenAllComplete that ignores the results of the collection of futures and returns a new EventLoopFuture that resolves Void. (A notification future)
extension EventLoop {
    public func whenAllComplete<T>(_ futures: [EventLoopFuture<T>]) -> EventLoopFuture<[Result<T, Error>]>

    public func whenAllComplete<T>(_ futures: [EventLoopFuture<T>]) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>

Permanent connection deadlock on many concurrent requests

Describe the bug

We are seeing a failure where a large number of concurrent requests (relative to the size of the server) can permanently deadlock the eventloop for any future requests coming in to the server. The connection pool is exhausted for some requests as expected, and added to the waitlist as expected, but will time out for a very simple query. The waitlist then appears to never be cleared/freed back to the pool and any future requests will always time out.

The reproducer below contains a more detailed rundown of the cloud environment we were first able to identify the issue in.

To Reproduce

I have a small reproducer here with a minimal serve/single fluent model that can be slammed with requests:

Expected behavior

The pool should begin properly handling future requests once requests time out and the pool is capable of handling them again.


  • Vapor Framework version: 4.67.4
  • OS version: ubuntu 20.05
    See reproducer for full cloud environment details


Consider adding an XCTestCase subclass to make the following boilerplate easier:

class MyTest: XCTestCase {
    private var group: EventLoopGroup!
    private var eventLoop: EventLoop {

    func setUp() { = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: ...)

    func tearDown() {
        XCTAssertNoThrow( = nil


I think this could be possible with the #if canImport(XCTest), but I'm not sure. We should look into it.

testPerformance hangs in release mode

testPerformance never completes in release mode: a connection pool with a maximum of two connections is created but then three connections are requested and waited on:

let connA = try! pool.requestConnection().wait()
let connB = try! pool.requestConnection().wait()
let connC = try! pool.requestConnection().wait()

Either connA or connB need to be released for the connC future to be resolved.

Steps to reproduce

  1. run testPerformance in release mode

Expected behavior

testPerformance completes.

Actual behavior

testPerformance doesn't complete.


  • NIOKit version: 199a535
  • Linux or macOS? macOS

Feature request: convert DatabaseConnectionPool into a protocol

I am currently using a custom database connection pool ( If the official DatabaseConnectionPoool was implemented as a protocol, I could more easily swap the regular one out with my own implementation.

The only problem might be associated type requirements for that protocol (currently the class has a generic Database type argument), but I think that could be worked around.

generic ConnectionPool

Vapor's DatabaseKit package contains a connection pool class for managing database connections. I think it could be useful to make that class more generic and move it here. That would allow for other connections, like HTTP client connections, to easily take advantage of pooling.

Here's an idea of what this might entail:

public protocol ConnectionPoolItem {
    var isClosed: Bool { get }
public protocol ConnectionPoolSource {
    associatedtype Connection: ConnectionPoolItem
    var eventLoop: EventLoop { get }
    func makeConnection() -> EventLoopFuture<Connection>

public struct ConnectionPoolConfig {
    var maxConnections: Int

public final class ConnectionPool<Source> where Source: ConnectionPoolSource  {
    init(config: ConnectionPoolConfig, source: Source) { ... }
    func requestConnection() -> EventLoopFuture<Source.Connection> { ... }
    func releaseConnection(_: Source.Connection)

extension ConnectionPool {
     func withConnection(_: (Source.Connection) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> { ... }

thread-specific userInfo on event loop

Currently there is no way to store arbitrary data on an event loop. It has been recommended previously to use a ThreadSpecificVariable instead. While this works, the purpose of the code is arguably less clear. I think it could be nice to implement a userInfo (or similar) data storage on EventLoop backed by a ThreadSpecificVariable. If at some point NIO decides to add such storage to the event loop, this could be removed.

extension EventLoop {
    var userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any] { 
        get { ... }
        set { ... }

tryFuture executes closure on caller's thread

It seems the closure passed to tryFuture is executed on caller's thread.

According to its comment:

/// This method replaces this code:
/// ```swift
/// return something.eventLoop.future().flatMapThrowing {
/// ```
/// With this code:
/// ```swift
/// return something.eventLoop.tryFuture {
/// ```

/// This method replaces this code:
/// ```swift
/// return something.eventLoop.future().flatMapThrowing {
/// ```
/// With this code:
/// ```swift
/// return something.eventLoop.tryFuture {
/// ```

It surely replaces, but they are not identical. Look at the following code.

print( //Optional("")
try! el.future().flatMapThrowing {
    print( // Optional("NIO-ELT-0-#0")
try! el.tryFuture {
    print( // Optional("")
try! el.submit {
    print( // Optional("NIO-ELT-0-#0")

el.tryFuture's closure is executed on caller's thread.
el.tryFuture and el.submit have similar signature but execution threads are different. It can confuse users.
It'll be a problem if users do blocking task in tryFuture's closure, expecting the task will be executed on eventLoop's thread.

Hang in batch `Command`

This is a follow-up of a Discord discussion, FYI @0xTim !

We're seeing the following error in one of our Vapor batch jobs every once in a while (a few times per month, maybe once a week - hard to quantify precisely):

│   [ ERROR ] Connection request timed out. This might indicate a connection deadlock in your application. If you're running long running requests, consider increasing your connection timeout. [component: server, database-id: psql]                │

When this message occurs, the job HANGS - i.e. it locks up and does not terminate, preventing all further processing.

In normal operation the job spins up and typically processes for 3-6 seconds, running a number of queries against the Github APIs (we're processing batches of 25 Swift packages, updating Github metadata in the Swift Package Index).

I've done a little research and there seem to be a couple of cases where this can happen:

  1. too many db connections
  2. an error handling problem in networking code

I suspect it's 2). Last I checked we're not exhausing our db connections and our db utilization across our two envs is <15% and <10%.

I believe this issue first started happening after moving to async/await. This may be due to how we're launching async processes from a Command via our own AsyncCommand. (We previously used a semaphore-based implementation which also encountered hangs.)

Our logs show no unusual activity around the error, although we've not yet had it happen with DEBUG logging enabled.

We're also tracking this issue here: SwiftPackageIndex/SwiftPackageIndex-Server#2227, and I'll be adding more observations as they happen there.

pool: replacing closed connections

The connection pool currently replaces closed available connections by replacing them when they are requested. This means that once a pool's active connection count increases, it will never decrease.

It would be better to check the available connections list first for any open connections before attempting to open a new replacement.

[Proposal] Future.nonExistant(or:)

In Core there is an extension to Future<OptionalType> adding an unwrap(or:) method that either returns the value if it's not nil or throws the error provided to the function.

This is really useful, but there is no method to do this the other way around. For example, if you're working with a database where a certain key is unique you might not want to rely on the datbase to error, but catch it yourself beforehand with some code like this:

User.query(on: req).filter(\.email, .ilike, providedEmail).first().map { optionalUser in
    guard optionalUser == nil else {
        throw Abort(.badRequest, "user with this email already exists")
    // Continue ...


Add a nonExistant(or:) function to Future<OptionalType> to allow for flows like this:

User.query(on: req)
    .filter(\.email, .ilike, providedEmail)
    .nonExistant(or: Abort(.badRequest, "user with this email already exists"))
    .map {
        // Continue ...


Would something like this be useful to add?

extension EventLoopFuture {
    public static func andAllSync(
        _ futures: [() -> EventLoopFuture<Void>],
        eventLoop: EventLoop
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {

The difference to .andAll is that each future is not started until the previous one completes. This is useful for things like database migrations where you must not start the next task until the previous is completed.

Renaming the variadic maps to zip

Just a thought, it would be more inline with rx

public func map<A, B, Result>(
    to result: Result.Type,
    _ futureA: Future<A>,
    _ futureB: Future<B>,
    _ callback: @escaping (A, B) throws -> (Result)
) -> Future<Result> {
    return futureA.flatMap(to: Result.self) { a in
        return Result.self) { b in
            return try callback(a, b)


public func zip<A, B, Result>(
    to result: Result.Type,
    _ futureA: Future<A>,
    _ futureB: Future<B>,
    _ callback: @escaping (A, B) throws -> (Result)
) -> Future<Result> {
    return futureA.flatMap(to: Result.self) { a in
        return Result.self) { b in
            return try callback(a, b)

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