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tickerv4's Introduction

Ticker v4

        Ispricacu ti jednu pricu Lucija
        jednostavnu, kao kad se ploca snima.

                  Rade Serbedzija, Lucija


Ticker v4 is an attempt to make a biologically inspired simulation engine. The simulation consists of a "world", filled with independent agents (or "animals"). These agents receive inputs from the world, depending on what senses they posses, and then they then act back in the world, depending on their abilities and DNA they have. Animals can also choose to procreate, at which point they spread their genes. To survive, animals need energy, which they get by eating (an action they need to perform when suitable food is present). Animals have different attributes (size, shape, type) which origin from their genes, and have effect on what they eat, how much energy they use when performing different stuff. If an animal runs out of energy, it dies. When an animal procreates, it looses energy that its "kids" get.

The hypotesis is that, over time, certain behavirs should arise (in dimishing probablility, or requiring longer execution time):

  • Some animals will specialize in specific ways of finding food and eating, thus becoming successful
  • Different survival strategies will emerge
  • Strategy of not eating / helping your "kin" (other animals that are genetically similar to yourself)
  • Strategy of cooperating with your own kin
  • Communication betweek individuals
alt text
A representation of the world (circle) and animals in different positions
Red lines, each dot is one animal, line height indicates amount of animals in that position.

High level Goals

Ticker v4 has been preceded by earlier simulations (Weko, and even earlier). Through the results of these simulations, I have drawn the conclusion that one of the most important elements (if not the very most important) of these simulations is the evaluation speed. As positive mutations are seldom (as they should be), the pace of evolution is very, very slow once the world becomes big enough to give place for meaningsful evolution and exploration.

Therefore, the main goal of building ticker v4 was to create a meaningful simulation that should be able to execute 1 million animals per second. So one million ticks per second. On available (free) hardware. As part of preparation, I have verified that I can execute one million "void" ticks per second (where no calculation is done). So, the challenge becomes: how much slower will the execution become once menaingful calcultion are done? A meningful calculation includes both calculations that world executes, to be able to provide animals with correct input, as well as calucatons that animals must execute in order to react on given input, in accordance with the genes inherited.

In addition to execution speed, another important paradigm of this simulation was connection of the properies of the world and animals through the properties of the genes themselves. The world becomes intuitively intrepretable to the animals, and their reactions are meaningful for the world.


The setup of the simulation has some parallells to the real world, which help understand it better. This section describes the main parts and their properties.


The world is a one dimensional circular array. It can be likened to a surface of a circle. An universe can consist of several such worlds, with animals being able to jump between them. However, in this first implementation, only one world is included. The size of the world is set by world_size. The world holds a hashmap of its locations, and contents of them. Each world location can contain zero or more animals, and zero or more units of food.

In the beginning of the simulation, the world is populated by init_animals animals. The genome of these animals is fully randomly created (inside the space of genomes), and then placed in specific locations. Once the initial animals are populated, the repeated part of the simulation begins. One "turn" is here called "tick", which has also given the name to the simulation.

One tick

In the beginning of the tick, all world locations are sent for processing in batches. During processing, the locations are iterated, and each animal contained in these locations is provided with specific inputs calculated relatively to the animal. Once animal processes this input (more about how this is done in subsequent section on animals) it provides an action. Actions for differenct animals in the batch are collected and fed back to the world.

Once all locations have been processed, a list of actions from all animals that provided one is established in the world. Now, the second part of the tick begins. Each action is executed, and changes to the world are calculated. Example of actions could be "move", "eat", "procreate". Each of this will render a change to the world.

Once all the queued actions are executed, the household activities begin. These include energy reduction for every living animal, roughly proportional to their size and activities. Once this is done, animals with negative enery are proclaimed dead, and thus "food that will not resist for those who can eat it". Other types of foor are replenished. Statistics collected. Logs logged. And then the wheel turns again.


Animals are agents populating the world. Animals are initially defined by the genome that they are built around. The genome is either fully random, or inherited from a parent (with no or some mututations). The animal starts with some initial energy, random but proportional to the genome size. In each tick of the world, animal will loose some of this energy (again proportional to the genome / animal size). Once the energy falls below zero, the animal dies. To avoid this faith, the animal must eat, and more specifically it needs to eat food that fits it. This renders positive flow of energy. To eat, animal needs to be in proximity of the food, and execute proper action. This is not trivial, as there is nothing in the code saying when or how the animal should eat. This is one of the things that need to evolve in this simulation.


The genome is the mechanism that connects the animal to the world, and serves as the link between two domains. It describes the senses by which the animal can percieve the world (and how different senses interpret different inputs), as well as actuators and actions that they can produce (and that have meaning in the world). The genome also defines the private internal mechanism of the animal by which it turns sensory input into actions.

In this current simulation, the genome consists of the following:

  • size [0-7] => A value denoting animal's size. Larger value means bigger animal.
  • type [0-7] => A value denoting animal's type. Lower number mean animal is a plant (no senses). Mid numbers - animal is planteater. Higher numbers - carnivor.
  • shape [0-7] => This value does not mean anything to the animal itself, but it is "seen" by other animals. It denotes the "look" of the animal. Animals with similar genes will have similar shape, thus looking the same.
  • A number of senses. Currently 2 senses are available, and an animal can have 0, 1 or 2. For each sense:
    • A random number N of trigger-actions pairs. Each trigger-action pair (or tract) consist of:
      • A sensation trigger to be compared to the sensation coming from the sense. If the input from sense is equal to the trigger, then action is executed.
      • An action, to be executed if the trigger is matched.
      • An affinity, which is used to choose what action to pick if several are suggested. Affinity can change over time, by animal itself.


Senses connect the animal to the impressions of the world, as well as provide the actions and their interpretation in the terms of the world. Currently, two senses are implemented:

  • vision <= this sense matches with the surrounding of the animal. It allows animal to react to its surroundings.
  • internal <= this sense matches with changes in the animal energy level, as well as the absolute level of the energy.

Each sense must provide 3 functions:

  • on request, it shall provide a random tract that can interpret input from the sense and provide action
  • based on the absolute input from the world, create a subjective input for the specific animal
  • based on the action chosen by the animal, translate this action to the absolute world action.

Each sense provides these three functions that are then used by the simulation in order to advance it.


When asked to generate genome sequence, vision will create the following:

  • Trigger, as a random number represented by 12 bits (3 for size, 3 for shape, 3 for type and 3 for distance from the animal seing it).
  • Action, a random number represented by 5 bits. This will be interpretted either as move action (forth or back), or eat action.
  • Affinity, initially a random number representing the affinity of this action (to be adjusted during animal life, through other actions)
World input to impression

When asked to create a vision input from the absolute world information, vision sense will iterate through all animals withing locations nearby (within visible range) and create an impression for each of these, consisting of their size, type, shape, as well as the distance from the observing animal. These impressions are presented to the observing animal.

Impression to action

When asked to translate animal action to absolute world action, the vision will first decide whether if was move of eat. If move, it will calculate and provide the new absolute location for the animal. If it was eat, it will do the following:

  • Identify the food. If presumptive food is dead, then consume it. The type will indicate the change of energy. If presumptive food is alive, you have attacked it. Calculate the energy reduction for it.

  • Food are "animals" as well, with specific type and energy (and shape). Initially, they will grow every cycle. But when eaten, they will dissapear.

  • The main distinction between animals and plants is that plants do not have vision or internal senses, and their ticking will go very fast. Also, they will be given energy in every turn. Now, initially, they will not be multiplying, but that can change later...

So to recap: Carnivors either eat dead animals, or atack and kill and then eat living animals. Herbivors eat plants. In the end, the appropriate amount of energy will be added to the eating animal, and removed from the living animal / plant.

Gene prep

When asked to generate genome sequence, internal will create the following:

  • Trigger, as a random number represented by 4 bits (2 for delta energy and 2 for absolute energy).
  • Action, a random number represented by 5 bits. This will be interpretted either as move action (forth or back), or eat action.
  • Affinity, initially a random number representing the affinity of this action (to be adjusted during animal life, through other actions)
World input to impressions

When asked to create an input from the world, internal will look into the animal itself. It will create an impression based on two factors: animals current energy level, and the change of animals energy level since last time. Both of these will provide two bytes of impression, putting the total internal impression at 4 bytes large. Currenty, this is the translation table:

First two bytes:

  • animal has more than 85% energy: 3
  • animal has more than 50% energy: 2
  • enimal has more than 15% energy: 1
  • animal has less than 15% energy: 0

Last two bytes:

  • Animal got more than 10% energy: 3
  • Animal got less than 10% energy: 2
  • Animal lost between 0 and 10% energy: 1
  • Animal lost more than 10% energy in last tick: 0
Impression to action

In its turn, this world input from internal sense produces an action in the animal. Following actions are possible:

  • Adjusting affinity: each action that is triggered by the world impressions has an affinity connected to it. If several actions are triggered simultanously, the action with highest trigger will win. Animal can adjust affinity of different actions, based on the internal input. This represents learning during lifetime.
  • Giving birth: some internal inputs will signal to animal that it is time to give birth. Animal will then give birth to specified number of children, and provide them with specific initial amount of energy.

So, for each animal, the ticking of it will have the following steps:

  • for each sense that animal has, create an input impression, which is what animal percieves through that sense. Apply this perception to animal's triggers, and check is any of the genes gets triggered. For each triggered gene, return an action that world will be able to use to calculate a change in the world.

The senses translate world so it can be applied to genes, and actions translate the will of the animal (content of genes) back to the world.

Survival, thriving, evolving

Each animal starts with specified amount of energy (either through allotment, or by getting it from parent). In each turn, animal will lose some energy, depending on its size. It will also loose energy for different actions, like moving or duplicating. Animal must thus eat. Animal must also eat such food that it is meant to eat (depending on its type) - herbivors will get most energy out of plants, carnivors out of living or dead animals. Type is not binary but gliding, and so is the yield of food. Animals that eat well, get a lot of ofspring, that in their turn survive and eat well will thrive and their gene should spread over the world. Mutations and fully random animals provide new genes for the world, in its constant search for better genes.

It is important to note here that there is almost no programin involved here, and nothing tells animals what to do. They do not "know" that eating is good for them, they will get a signal that their energy level has changes, but there is nothing saying how to interpret this. They have no idea what type of animal they are (herbivore or carnivore) they don't understand what moving means... and so on. Animals are fully mechanic, with its genes and trigger/action pairs (tracts) telling them what to do in each situation (and these are either random or inherited).

What exaxtly affects energy
Initial energy

There are two ways of being born, either by random event (random DNA creation), or by being born by a parent. Being born by random event should be quite rare (mostly in the beginning of the simulation, to populate the world, and then once in a while to test new, wholly random DNAs). In this case, a random amount of energy is alloted to the animal, according to the: var init_energy = getRandomInt(energy_norm) * genome.size.

However, most animals will be born by a parent. Parent('s DNA) chooses how many copies of offspring it wishes to produce, and what amount of energy to give to them. All of the energy that is given to offspring is removed from the parent, so it becomes a delicate balansing act - how to procreate without dying, or having ofspring that dies too quickly. This is one of the balansing acts that I want to study further.

Changes to energy levels

Animals lose energy given to kids at birth, depending on number of kids and energy given to them If food is dead (type in the lower quadrant): Animals gain / lose energy when eating / being eaten, according to var energyUtilised = (animal.size * 4) - Math.abs(animal.type - presumptiveFood.type - Math.pow(2, animalTypeBits-1));. So basically max is size * 4 (32), but then minus difference in type... this is unclear, I need to think this through a bit more... If food is alive, then fight occurs at eating attempt. The damage is done on the defending animal, which then looses var damage = Math.pow(2, animalSizeBits) + animal.size - presumptiveFood.size; so roughly 8 (plus minus difference in sizes). Also strange and should be further refined.

In the end of a tick, world will also remove some energy from the animals, across the board. Alive animals (non negative energy, genome type not in first quadrant) will loose energyLoss * animal.genome.size; energy, there energyLoss is a constant. Dead animals will loose energyLoss amount of energy as a generic energy dissipation. Right now, energy loss is 2.

Dying and dissapearing

When an animal has negative energy during tick tabulation in the end of an tick, it will die. Two things happen when animal dies:

  • Animal's tracts are removed (it will not react to the surroundings any longer)
  • Animal's type is set to the first quadrant.

At this point, animal turns into food, similarily to the plants. However, it will still provide energy to those who eat it (for a while). It will also keep decaying each turn per above.

Once an animal or a plant reaches energy level that is lower that -(energyContent * animal.genome.size) (i.e. when all energy content is gone from it), it is fully removed from the world.


In this section we discuss how the simulation is build and executed. Simulation engine is written in node.js using express. To make it possible to run large amount of animals a distributed server / clients model is used. Web brosers are used as a client tool, and HTTP is used to transmit the data between server and client.

Installation instructions

So you want to run your own simulations? OK, do like this:

  1. Download code into a folder called "titikaka"
  2. Go into titikaka-folder cd titikaka
  3. start server: node bin/www
  4. Open a browser and go to page: http://localhost:3000/runSimulation
  5. Enjoy!

Data model

I am hopeless when it comes to programming paradigms in JavaScript, so I have been mixing object oriented and functional programming in a happy manner. Bare with this.

There are following quazi-objects in the simulation:


The world holds in itself information about the current world. Its main object is a list of locations that it contant (array of arrays, as long as world_size). The world also holds the statistics object stats where the statistics about the world are collected.

When animals are created, they are put into one of the locations (added to the array at specific position). When animals move, they are spliced out of one array and added at another. There is one to one relationship between locations[x] array holding certain amount of animals and position x in the world.

The world also defines world actions, certain things that can happen in the world. It is done through worldActions-array, which contains 4 functions that take parameters:

  • changeLocation
  • changeEnergy
  • changeAffinity
  • giveBirth

The animals will produce action number and parameter values as their output, and world will then call these actions by the end of the turn.


Animal object holds information about an animal, such as its unique id, energy amount, orientation in the world (as world is 1D, you can be facing left or right), genome and its affinities.

Genome is the part of the animal that contains the most "interesting" parts, as its contents define what animal is, and how it acts in the world.


Genome holds some important values, such as size, shape and type, but most importantly it holds all animal tracts, or trigger-action pairs. Tracts are groupes by senses. When the world provide an input through a certain sense, triggers connected to that sense are matched, and if sucessful, they will trigger the connected action.

Number of tracts per sense are random up to max tracts of the world (but size of the animal matters as well).

Genome define senses as well.


Senses connect the world and the animal. Each sense must define three functions:

  • createTractGene - the sense need to be able to provide a meaningful gene combination for a tract when a random animal is created.
  • createImpressionFromWorld - this is very important function. Given a snapshot of the world (in a form of number of locations around the animal) this function creates a pattern that represents how this sense percieves the world. This can then be matched against the triggers in the animals genes.
  • translateAnimalActionIntoWorldAction - each trigger is connected to an action. However, action is just a gene pattern, and it needs to be translated into something that world can apply to itself. This is what this function does. It takes animal actions as pattern of genes connected to specific sense, and transforms it into a world action with necessary parameters.

In the current world, two senses are implemented, vision and internal. More senses can easily be added by implementeing the above functional interace and thus connecting animal/genome to the world.

Issues and stuff to be fixed

  • The data structure sent between server and clients is too large at this point, due to fact that animals are too large (500bytes or more per animal). Change how animals are kept in data structure so that only necessary information is transmitted. This should alĺow down to 2 bytes per affinities and ca 2.5 bytes per average tract. So an animal with 100 tracts should be under 300 bytes. 1000 animals => 300KB. Use the fact that most of the genome is static?

  • The server currently overheats and shuts down when running longer sessions. Should be either run at Amazon, or I should invest (Celink) in a better, sturdier PC.

  • World, animals, DNA, connections, dimensions, calculations

  • How are animals made from DNA

Technical solutions

  • Server client architecture
  • Different levels and data models
  • Simplifications for calculability
  • Found issues


  • Hade the goals been met?
  • Can any theoretical conclusions be made?
  • Next step. What is the next step to reach the challenge posted?

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