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Comments (18)

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024 1

Thank you, assigned myself to look into it.

from vitess.

mattlord avatar mattlord commented on June 22, 2024 1

I think you're looking at the results of selecting those rows/values? I'll have to look. What you see on SELECT or generally on "display" is determined by the connection/client charset:

mysql> select * from chartest;
| id | name       |
|  1 | matt lord  |
|  2 | mått lord  |
|  3 | ⭐          |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set names latin1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from chartest;
| id | name      |
|  1 | matt lord |
|  2 | m�tt lord  |
|  3 | ?         |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

In any event, I'm fine moving this to a VReplication bug and I'll put it in the prioritized queue. I AGREE, it gets very complicated and hairy. That's why I'm trying to look at it with fresh eyes rather than building on determinations/assumptions made years ago (which may of course turn out to be right/true).

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

OnlineDDL creates a VReplication binlog filter which uses the from (original) charset rather than the to charset.

I'd like to clarify a bit. The problem is not with the binlog filter: the filter tells vreplication how to read rows from the source table. We convert the source string to utf8 (mb4) irrespective of the source/target charsets because that aligns with how we read changes from the binlog (binlog entries are always utf8). So this conversion consolidates logic between vcopier and vplayer.

The only scenarios where we don't convert is when both source and target are compatible utf8 flavors or can trivially convert from one to another -- but that's just a side note, let's move on.

What needs to change is the way vplayer events are applied to the table. We know vplayer reads all strings as utf8 from the binary log (because MySQL always converts to utf8 in the binary logs). It then needs to un-convert them in the WHERE clause.

I actually thought that was already done in the past, but I will now take another look. I know for certainty that we do un-convert string values in the INSERT/DELETE statement column values. So if anything, we'd need to apply the same to the WHERE clause columns.

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

Logging the statement generated by tablePlanBuilder for the above example:

update _vt_vrp_e0497d27226c11ef89c00a43f95f28a3_20240604122049_ set updated_at=:a_updated_at, created_at=:a_created_at, colstuff=:a_colstuff where id=(convert(:b_id using utf8mb4)) and id2=:b_id2

So it is in where id=(convert(:b_id using utf8mb4)) that we need to un-convert to the actual column charset/collation.

from vitess.

mattlord avatar mattlord commented on June 22, 2024

I'd like to clarify a bit. The problem is not with the binlog filter: the filter tells vreplication how to read rows from the source table. We convert the source string to utf8 (mb4) irrespective of the source/target charsets because that aligns with how we read changes from the binlog (binlog entries are always utf8). So this conversion consolidates logic between vcopier and vplayer.

It defines both what we want from the source and how we want to transform it for the target. It's the latter part that is the issue in this case. Binlog entries are binary, go strings are always unicode/utf8 — perhaps that's what you mean here? My understanding is this... We end up with the update statement, which is a sequence of bytes interpreted in vcopier (go) as a unicode string but then sent over the wire to MySQL as a sequence of bytes again. In MySQL that sequence of bytes is interpreted using the connection charset / character_set_client — and then the individual values converted to the character sets in the table definition for storage as needed. It's not clear to me why we need to explicitly tell MySQL to convert the incoming value to the schema character set. Perhaps we're doing that to deal with any edge cases and any connection charset / character_set_client in use? I'm assuming that there are good reasons and I just don't have them in my mind yet. 🙂

What needs to change is the way vplayer events are applied to the table. We know vplayer reads all strings as utf8 from the binary log (because MySQL always converts to utf8 in the binary logs). It then needs to un-convert them in the WHERE clause.

I don't yet see why we need to do any conversions. All strings in go are also unicode/utf8. We do not do any such conversions in VReplication — these are only done when explicitly specified by OnlineDDL today AFAIK (I could of course be wrong).

It's certainly possible that there's some VReplication side bug/gap in here, but I don't see that yet. Thanks!

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

We end up with the update statement, which is a sequence of bytes interpreted in vcopier (go) as a unicode string but then sent over the wire to MySQL as a sequence of bytes again. In MySQL that sequence of bytes is interpreted using the connection charset / character_set_client

I argue that this is immaterial. VCopier can do all the conversions it wants, it's just INSERTs and does not cause full table scans. The problem is with VPlayer, and the way it converts (or does not convert) utf8 values as seen in the binary log, into the actual charset, for columns that are part of the PKE.

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

We end up with the update statement, which is a sequence of bytes interpreted in vcopier (go) as a unicode string but then sent over the wire to MySQL as a sequence of bytes again. In MySQL that sequence of bytes is interpreted using the connection charset / character_set_client

Because the target charset is ascii. And so vplayer attempts to run:

update ... set ... where id=(convert(:b_id using utf8mb4)) and id2=:b_id2

But id on target is ascii and therefore MySQL casts id to utf8 to compute the comparison, which in turn negates the use of the index.

from vitess.

mattlord avatar mattlord commented on June 22, 2024

I argue that this is immaterial. VCopier can do all the conversions it wants, it's just INSERTs and does not cause full table scans. The problem is with VPlayer, and the way it converts (or does not convert) utf8 values as seen in the binary log, into the actual charset, for columns that are part of the PKE.

My argument is that MySQL uses schema on write — which includes the character set. Why are we doing the CONVERT in the SQL statement itself?

We end up with the update statement, which is a sequence of bytes interpreted in vcopier (go) as a unicode string but then sent over the wire to MySQL as a sequence of bytes again. In MySQL that sequence of bytes is interpreted using the connection charset / character_set_client

Because the target charset is ascii. And so vplayer attempts to run:

update ... set ... where id=(convert(:b_id using utf8mb4)) and id2=:b_id2

The vplayer is only doing that because it's been told to in the binlog source definition.

But id on target is ascii and therefore MySQL casts id to utf8 to compute the comparison, which in turn negates the use of the index.

MySQL is only doing that conversion because we're explicitly telling it to. Which is the problem as I see it. 🙂

from vitess.

mattlord avatar mattlord commented on June 22, 2024

If it's not clear, my main argument is that there's an incoming sequence of bytes defining the SQL statement. MySQL will coerce the individual values in that statement — if possible — from the client/connection charset to the column charset. It's not clear to me why we're trying to explicitly tell MySQL to do anything here when in the end we always want it to do what it should, no? Meaning to convert the value to the charset defined for the column. There may very well be good reason(s), mind you, I'm just trying to understand them.

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

@mattlord we read column values from MySQL into golang space. We do that in two ways:

  1. Via vcopier (select ... from the table)
  2. Via Vplayer (reading the binlog event)

We then have a single logic that applies to those values. When I began writing OnlineDDL for VReplication I found that this logic mostly assumed utf8. The problem is that in (2) you always read utf8 because binary logs. But in (1) you get whatever charset you have on the table.

So values were then written to the backend table inconsistently and that was seen in various charset validation test cases for Online DDL, which we originally imported from gh-ost. vreplication was broken in this scenario.

This is why we now convert(col using utf8mb4) when reading string or enum values from the source table. Now, we have both vcopier and vplayer read consistently the same values.

We absolutely have to deal with conversions because the binary log is utf8 irrespective of the real table charset. We furthermore need to overcome the MySQL connection charset transformation (because it does).

OK so now that both use utf8, we need to make sure the value is converted back to the real charset in MySQL table columns. We do that correctly when we construct INSERT queries. We do that correctly when we construct UPDATE queries, but it looks to me like we skip the WHERE clause part. Similarly in DELETE we skip the WHERE clause part.

from vitess.

mattlord avatar mattlord commented on June 22, 2024

We absolutely have to deal with conversions because the binary log is utf8 irrespective of the real table charset. We furthermore need to overcome the MySQL connection charset transformation (because it does).

OK, issues relating to the connection/client charset (set names foo) and conversions/coercions between that and the column character sets certainly make sense. That's what I suspected was at the heart of this. I suspect that a big part of this was also that at the time Vitess had no collation support (only unicode / utf8). The other points don't make sense to me, but I believe you. 🙂

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

The other points don't make sense to me,

Which of the points? vcopier vs. vplayer? Those I can attest to with full confidence. Again, if you SELECT col FROM tbl and col is latin1, you get some value. That value is stored in a golang utf string, but the bytes have form A. golang doesn't convert anything on your behalf. You just read some bytes.

When you read an INSERT INTO tbl (... col ...) VALUE ( ... thevalue ...) event from the binary log, the value you read is originally encoded in utf8. You read that value into a golang utf string. Again golang does nothing on your behalf, you just read some bytes. this is form B

I can tell you with absolute certainty that form A != form B. You get a different sequence of bytes. Form B, BTW, is correct, because you're reading utf8 into utf8.

You now have two different actual binary values, and in both cases you wish to INSERT those onto tbl. There is only one insert logic. The values you INSERT into the table will be different. It's a bug.

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

@mattlord proof is super easy by the way. Remove the convert( ... ) part in vrepl.go, create a draft PR, see multiple onlineddl_vrepl_suite tests failing.

from vitess.

mattlord avatar mattlord commented on June 22, 2024

The other points don't make sense to me,

Which of the points? vcopier vs. vplayer? Those I can attest to with full confidence. Again, if you SELECT col FROM tbl and col is latin1, you get some value. That value is stored in a golang utf string, but the bytes have form A. golang doesn't convert anything on your behalf. You just read some bytes.

When you read an INSERT INTO tbl (... col ...) VALUE ( ... thevalue ...) event from the binary log, the value you read is originally encoded in utf8.

Most of the time we're reading ROW events, but sometimes statements. I don't see where the bytes are serialized with a unicode encoding in the MySQL source (I may just be missing it). But that's also immaterial here I think.

You read that value into a golang utf string. Again golang does nothing on your behalf, you just read some bytes. this is form B


I can tell you with absolute certainty that form A != form B. You get a different sequence of bytes. Form B, BTW, is correct, because you're reading utf8 into utf8.

The byte representation for A is the same in latin1 and utf8. It's 1000001 (65 in decimal). How that is compared to other things is determined by the collation (the default collation for the character set if none is specified). I suspect this is more about comparisons (whether a == A or a == å is determined by the collation).

mysql> select convert("A" using latin1), convert("A" using utf8mb4);
| convert("A" using latin1) | convert("A" using utf8mb4) |
| A                         | A                          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select hex(convert("A" using latin1)), hex(convert("A" using utf8mb4));
| hex(convert("A" using latin1)) | hex(convert("A" using utf8mb4)) |
| 41                             | 41                              |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select convert("A" using latin1) = convert("A" using utf8mb4);
| convert("A" using latin1) = convert("A" using utf8mb4) |
|                                                      1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You now have two different actual binary values, and in both cases you wish to INSERT those onto tbl. There is only one insert logic. The values you INSERT into the table will be different. It's a bug.

I still don't understand how we have two different binary values. It's a matter of how those bytes are interpreted at the point of storage or comparison.

@mattlord proof is super easy by the way. Remove the convert( ... ) part in vrepl.go, create a draft PR, see multiple onlineddl_vrepl_suite tests failing.

I believe that, I'm just trying to understand where the problem really lies and if there's a better way to deal with it today. I'm not disagreeing, I'm merely trying to understand. I'll run a local test that way to try and get a better feel. This may very well end up being considered a real/valid VReplication side bug and I want to understand it better so that I can think about how best to fix it. 🙂

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

However - what I'd like to reexamine is, once we have everything as utf8 in golang space (having read it as utf8 from the original table or from binary log), why do we need to convert(... using utf8) again when writing to the target table.

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

Here's an example. I rewrote table_plan_builder to not convert(...) when writing to the target table (rowstream still converts to utf8mb4 when reading from the table). Running through onlineddl_vrepl_suite, the test TestSchemaChange/alter-charset-non-utf8-80 fails. The characters look different:

Jun 04 15:06:26         	            	-21	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog
Jun 04 15:06:26         	            	-22	testátest-binlog	testátest-binlog	testátest-binlog	🍻😀	átesting-binlog
Jun 04 15:06:26         	            	-23	átesting-bnull	átesting-bnull	átesting-bnull	NULL	NULL
Jun 04 15:06:26         	            	+21	átesting-binlog	ĂĄtesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog
Jun 04 15:06:26         	            	+22	testátest-binlog	testĂĄtest-binlog	testátest-binlog	🍻😀	átesting-binlog
Jun 04 15:06:26         	            	+23	átesting-bnull	ĂĄtesting-bnull	átesting-bnull	NULL	NULL

If I edit table_plan_builder to convert(...) into the target charset (in your example this was ascii) then again this test fails:

Jun 04 15:06:17         	            	-10	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog
Jun 04 15:06:17         	            	-11	átesting-bnull	átesting-bnull	átesting-bnull	NULL	NULL
Jun 04 15:06:17         	            	+10	átesting-binlog	ĂĄtesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog	átesting-binlog
Jun 04 15:06:17         	            	+11	átesting-bnull	ĂĄtesting-bnull	átesting-bnull	NULL	NULL
Jun 04 15:06:17         	            	 12	43f2d06c28c70faf9a8ede73745a1781	66bea8d0cbfe4ad13293e47732b39051	0c2f0eac2f84c9485cfcfb3c4

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

I'm not sure what to make of it anymore, this hurts my brain.

from vitess.

shlomi-noach avatar shlomi-noach commented on June 22, 2024

Side note, but maybe more important than this entire discussion: it may be the case that we should reject this type of schema migration, because the source and target table do not share identifiable column values in the PKE. That is, the id value in the source table is not identifiable with the id value in the target table.

from vitess.

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