[Node.js] browsing urls with cookies, that is, we can scrape with authenticated pages!
git clone git://github.com/shinout/browser.git
npm install browser
- automatic cookie management
- easy asynchronous handling with Junjo.js
var browser = require("browser");
browser.browse("shinout.net", function(err, out) {
var browser = require("browser");
var $b = new browser();
$b.browse('https://accounts.google.com/Login'); // browse this url
/* running on end of all browsings
* err: error object or null
* out: { result : result body, ...}
$b.on("end", function(err, out) {
console.log(out.url, out.result, out.responseHeaders);
$b.run(); // execution
var userdata = {
email: "[email protected]",
pass : "XXXXXXXX"
var $b = new browser();
from : 'https://accounts.google.com/Login',
selector: "#gaia_loginform",
data : {
Email : userdata.email,
Passwd : userdata.pass
// authenticated access
.after(); // browse after previously registered function
/* running on end of all browsings
* err: error object or null
* out: { result : result body, ...}
$b.on("end", function(err, out) {
console.log(out.url, out.result, out.responseHeaders);
var userdata = {
email: "[email protected]",
pass : "XXXXXXXX"
var browser = require("browser");
var $b = new browser();
// $b.browse(the label of this request, url to access)
$b.browse('login', 'https://accounts.google.com/Login', {debug: true});
/* $b.browse(function(
* err : errors occured in the previous request,
* out : result of the previous browsing
*) { return url or return [url, options] }
$b.browse(function(err, out) {
var jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom;
var jquery = require("jquery");
var window = jsdom(out.result).createWindow();
var $ = jquery.create(window);
var postdata = {
Email : userdata.email,
Passwd : userdata.pass
var url = $("#gaia_loginform").attr("action");
// get hidden fields, and register them to post data
$("input").each(function(k, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var name = $el.attr("name"), type = $el.attr("type"), val = $el.val();
if (type == "hidden" || type == "submit") postdata[name] = val;
return [url, {
data : postdata, // set post data
method: "POST" // set HTTP method (default: GET)
.after("login"); // browse after browsing with label="login"
.after(); // browse after previously registered function
$b.on("end", function(err, out) {
option object to pass to $b.browse() is the same format as u2r options. See u2r in detail. The following are common options.
- data : (object) key-value pairs to pass to server
- method : HTTP method (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE|HEAD). default: GET
all other values below are automatically generated from URL
- host
- protocol
- path
- port
- body : querystring format of options.data
- result : response data(Buffer or String)
- statusCode
- location
- responseHeaders
- cookies : set-cookie headers
- url : browsed url
Feel free to contact @shinout!
browser's People
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