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y.kankaya's Projects

keyring icon keyring

Proper Payload Protection Prevents Poor Performance

keysniffer icon keysniffer

KeySniffer device discovery tools and public advisories

keyv icon keyv

Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends

kgmap icon kgmap

KGMap Knowledge Graph Mapping is a Middelware for leveraging knowledge graphs by bridge between heterogeneous relational, social and linked data. It consists of three sub-models: the knowledge graph representation model, the sources metadata de-scription model, and the mapping model. KGMap maintains these models and defines different mapping cases. The main goal is to assist an expert identifying mapping candidates relying on an algorithm which calculate a similarity measure to determine relatedness between the sources metadata elements and knowledge graph schema elements. The implementation of the KGMap is a service-oriented middleware that relates entities about persons, organizations, and products from private enterprise CRM relational database with semi-structured Facebook social data and DBpedia dataset.

khmer icon khmer

In-memory nucleotide sequence k-mer counting, filtering, graph traversal and more

kijiji-plus icon kijiji-plus

Chrome extension for enhancing the Kijiji browsing experience. Include Captcha solving, infinite scroll, image rotation, ad blocking, and more.

kilim-motifs icon kilim-motifs

Procedural Kilim Motif Generation with Lindenmayer System

kill-router- icon kill-router-

Ferramenta para quebrar senhas administrativas de roteadores Wireless, routers, switches e outras plataformas de gestão de serviços de rede autenticados.

killchain icon killchain

One-stop framework to perform advanced penetration test

killerbee icon killerbee

IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Security Research Toolkit

kilt icon kilt

Generic template interface for Crystal

kimi icon kimi

Script to generate malicious debian packages (debain trojans).

king-phisher icon king-phisher

钓鱼活 动工具Phishing Campaign Toolkit

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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  • Machine learning

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