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y.kankaya's Projects

pyt icon pyt

A Static Analysis Tool for Detecting Security Vulnerabilities in Python Web Applications

pytest icon pytest

The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing

python-backdoor icon python-backdoor

This program is an opensource, hidden and undetectable backdoor/reverse shell/RAT for Windows made in Python 3 which contains many features such as multi-client support and cross-platform server.

python-captcha icon python-captcha

Solving CAPTCHAs using OpenCV in Python 2.7 (rewrite of exisiting PureBasic code into better, neater python)

python-evtx icon python-evtx

Pure Python parser for recent Windows Event Log files (.evtx)

python-proxy-framework icon python-proxy-framework

Framework for building flexible and powerful network-proxy configurations in the context of security audits or penetration tests.

python-rootkit icon python-rootkit

Python Remote Administration Tool (RAT) to gain meterpreter session

python-telegram-bot icon python-telegram-bot

This is a telegram bot written in python. It uses the CLI of telegram by vysheng to connect. No longer developed. Checkout

pythonsystemadmintools icon pythonsystemadmintools

variety of scripts. iPython Notebook mashup d3.js, LOIC, geolocation for OSX, log parsing with generators, apache log parser, bad python pcap parser, bad NMAP parser

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