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y.kankaya's Projects

reverse-proxy icon reverse-proxy

A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.

reverse0x1 icon reverse0x1

(Almost) Undetectable simple reverse shell generator

reverse_dirty icon reverse_dirty


reverse_dns_shellcode icon reverse_dns_shellcode

Revrese DNS payload for Metasploit: Download Exec x86 shellcode. Also DNS Handler and VBS bot (alsow working over DNS) as PoC included.

reverse_shell icon reverse_shell

Creating a reverse shell that works on multiple POSIX platforms

reverse_ssh_shell icon reverse_ssh_shell

A reverse ssh shell written in python, intended for penetration testers to use as a covert channel on windows

reverseapk icon reverseapk

Quickly analyze and reverse engineer Android packages

reversepowernoid icon reversepowernoid

Reverse TCP Powershell has never been this paranoid. (basically an Opsec-safe reverse powershell)

reversepowershell icon reversepowershell

Opens a reverse PowerShell terminal to the client. Shell receives commands through TCP

reverseshell icon reverseshell

Simple C# reverse shell with shellcode and process injection

revsh icon revsh

A reverse shell with terminal support, data tunneling, and advanced pivoting capabilities.

rework icon rework

Rework Chinese Translation Project

rex icon rex

Rex provides a variety of classes useful for security testing and exploit development.

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  • Machine learning

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