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y.kankaya's Projects

securitytools-1 icon securitytools-1

A single repository for any security tools, scripts, documentation, etc. that I add

securitytubeparser icon securitytubeparser

This python script accepts full formed URL's from the security tube website, e.g.,, and maintains a "playlist" for videos by parsing out youtube links every saved URL and writing out a new HTML file with just embedded youtube videos.

seed icon seed

seeker icon seeker

Find GeoLocation with High Accuracy...

seeq icon seeq

Search or detect name on some resource (GitHub, NPM, Component, Bower, Jam, ...)

seespee icon seespee

Create a Content-Security-Policy for a website based on the statically detectable relations

segment icon segment

A JavaScript library to draw and animate SVG path strokes

sekey icon sekey

Use Touch ID / Secure Enclave for SSH Authentication!

selectize.js icon selectize.js

Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery based and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc.

selenium icon selenium

This is a mirror or the which I am using for testing a build not fork unless you are also interested in said build tool

selenium-4 icon selenium-4

Selenium fork - persistent profile (cookies, etc) support for firefox webdriver

selenium-free-money-test icon selenium-free-money-test

Test for make a bot to make free money with website faucet that is not active right now, but the script work perfect.

selenium-ide-scripts icon selenium-ide-scripts

Examples of what you can do with the firefox selenium-ide extension and sideflow.js for automation of website front-ends.

selenium-watchdog icon selenium-watchdog

Optimize front-end web development, Watchdog detect file changes and Selenium auto-refresh the webdriver

selenium-webdriver icon selenium-webdriver

Fork of

seleniumsoft icon seleniumsoft

Advanced testing framework based on selenium and nosetests frameworks.

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  • Machine learning

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