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y.kankaya's Projects

shellcode_loader icon shellcode_loader

一款shellcode免杀工具,免杀测试对象火绒 联想等其他杀软

shellcodefluctuation icon shellcodefluctuation

An in-memory evasion technique fluctuating shellcode memory protection between RW & RX and encrypting/decrypting contents

shellerator icon shellerator

Simple CLI tool for the generation of bind and reverse shells in multiple languages

shellevil icon shellevil

Struts 2 DefaultActionMapper Interactive Shell Exploit for CVE-2013-225 [S2-016]

shellfire icon shellfire

A repository of namespaced, composable shell (bash, sh and dash) function libraries. Takes aware the pain of shell scripting, making it robust and reusable. Includes secure curl usage, JSON, XML and Debian control file parsers, dependency documentation via attributes, and more. Batteries ARE included.

shelljack icon shelljack

A tool for man-in-the-middle pseudoterminal injection in Linux.

shellkiller icon shellkiller

A killer reverse-shell script that is able to use a lot of techniques to ensure your shell will pop back to you.

shellphish icon shellphish

Phishing Tool for 18 social media: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, Wordpress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft, InstaFollowers, Gitlab, Pinterest

shellphish-1 icon shellphish-1

19 Social Media Phishing Pages #phishing #shellphish #phish

shellshock-cgi-scan icon shellshock-cgi-scan

A script, in C, to check if CGI scripts are vulnerable to CVE-2014-6271 (The Bash Bug).

shellshockattacker icon shellshockattacker

ShellShockAttacker program allows you to send ShellShock payload to be executed in an infected server

shellsquid icon shellsquid

reverse proxy and management application for managing reverse payloads

shellstack icon shellstack

A PHP Based Tool That Helps You To Manage All Your Backdoored Websites Efficiently. Ideal For "HACKERS".

shemperl icon shemperl

Perl module with logging and more useful functions.

sheng.winform.ide icon sheng.winform.ide

使用 .NET WinForm 开发所见即所得的 IDE 开发环境,实现不写代码直接生成应用程序。1)像 Visual Studio 一样,有可视化的环境,拖拖拽拽界面就出来了;2)功能模块全部独立,解耦,以插件的形式存在于主程序(宿主)中;3)把事件这个概念抽象并封装起来;4)对数据操作要有一定的自由度;5)资源文件的管理;6)打包前的静态编译检查;7)IDE界面支持多国语言;8)支持插件……

shepherd icon shepherd

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