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elmah.ravendb's Introduction


Elmah.RavenDB is a RavenDB storage backend for ELMAH.


Elmah.RavenDB itself is licensed under the MIT license.


Elmah.RavenDB can be installed in two ways. The easiest is to install the Elmah package that includes all the config, then install Elmah.RavenDB which will add the errorLogger to the <elmah> config section.

PM> Install-Package elmah
PM> Install-Package Elmah.RavenDB

The second method works better if you already have ELMAH installed or you wish to do all the configuration manually. Simply install the Elmah.RavenDB package.

PM> Install-Package Elmah.RavenDB

Connection Strings

Both of these installation methods configure the RavenDbErrorLog to use a connectionString named "Elmah". You will need to manually edit the connection strings to add a valid RavenDB connection string.


    <add name="Elmah" connectionString="Url=http://localhost:8080;Database=MyApp.Elmah" />

Use an external configured store

Besides using a connection string you could also provide an instance of an IDocumentStore at the startup of your application.

protected void Application_Start()
   _store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
     RunInMemory = true               



Please make sure that you have finished the configuration before any errors could occur which should be handled by ELMAH.

Warning: A configured connection string will be ignored if you have passed an RavenDB store to ConfigureWith

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