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This project forked from jdiazmx/email2phonenumber

1.0 1.0 0.0 67 KB

A OSINT tool to obtain a target's phone number just by having his email address

Home Page:

License: MIT License

Python 100.00%

email2phonenumber's Introduction


email2phonenumber is an OSINT tool that allows you to obtain a target's phone number just by having his email address.

For full details check:


Basic info

This tool helps automate discovering someone's phone number by abusing password reset design weaknesses and publicly available data. It supports 3 main functions:

  • "scrape" - scrapes websites for phone number digits by initiating password reset using the target's email address
  • "generate" - creates a list of valid phone numbers based on the country's Phone Numbering Plan publicly available information
  • "bruteforce" - iterates over a list of phone numbers and initiates password reset on different websites to obtain associated masked emails and correlate it to the victim's one


email2phonenumber was developed on Python 2.x

You will need couple 3rd party libraries: BeautifulSoup and requests. These can be easely installed with pip

pip install beautifulsoup4 requests


Scrape websites for phone number digits

python scrape -e [email protected]

Generate a dictionary of valid phone numbers based on a phone number mask

python generate -m 555XXX1234 -o /tmp/dic.txt

Find target's phone number by resetting passwords on websites that do not alert the target using a phone number mask and proxies to avoid captchas and other abuse protections

python bruteforce -m 555XXX1234 -e [email protected] -p /tmp/proxies.txt -q


Martin Vigo - @martin_vigo -

email2phonenumber's People


martinvigo avatar





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