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This project forked from pje/wavtap

0.0 1.0 0.0 4.34 MB

globally capture whatever your mac is playing—as simply as a screenshot

License: MIT License

C++ 77.50% Objective-C++ 9.49% C 9.25% Makefile 2.32% Shell 1.13% Objective-C 0.09% Clojure 0.22%

wavtap's Introduction


Capture whatever your mac is playing to a .wav file on your Desktop—as simply as a screenshot.

(This is alpha software. It will cause your computer to catch fire. 🔥)



It's alive! Takes a few additional steps but unsigned kexts can be run if you complete the following steps.

  1. Restart computer in recovery mode ⌘R

  2. In Terminal type

    csrutil disable

  3. Restart computer

  4. Run Installer

El Capitan

NB: WavTap is completely broken on El Capitan due to Apple's [System Integrity Protection] ( The next release of WavTap will fix this.


As of Yosemite, Apple bans drivers that haven't received explicit approval from Apple. The only workaround I'm aware of is to set a system flag to globally allow all unsigned kernel extensions. This means WavTap will not work unless you've enabled kext-dev-mode, using something like this:

sudo nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1

Yes, this sucks.

Once that's done, run the installer.


make uninstall removes everything

Nerd Corner

WavTap began as a fork of Soundflower. thanks to Cycling '74, tap, ma++ ingalls, and everyone else who's contributed to it.

wavtap's People


akhudek avatar devinroth avatar kyleneideck avatar lapcat avatar olilarkin avatar palaniraja avatar pje avatar



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