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waybackunifier's Introduction


WaybackUnifier allow you to take a look at how a file has ever looked by aggregating all versions of this file, and creating a unified version that contains every line that has ever been in it.


Go is required.

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install


  -concurrency int
        Number of requests to make in prallel (default 1)
  -output string
        File to save results in (default "output.txt")
  -sub string
        list of comma-separated substrings to look for in snapshots (snapshots will only be considered if they contnain one of them) (default "Disallow,disallow")
  -url string
        URL to unify versions of (without protocol prefix) (default "")

You can see that settings are by default suitable for unifying robots.txt files. Feel free to change the value of -sub to anything else, or supply an empty string to get all versions of a file without filtering.

Note: Lines are saved unordered for performance reasons

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