We.js is a extensible node.js MVC framework
For information and documentation see: http://wejs.org
This repository (wejs/we) have the We.js CLI code
Status: maintained
- We.js + Vue.js: https://github.com/albertosouza/twitter-prizewinner
- We.js with views and heroku configuration example: https://github.com/wejs-examples/blog-heroku
- Events portal example: https://github.com/wejs-examples/events.wejs.org
Link: https://wejs.org/docs/we/getstarted.installation
- Push we-core, we and generator-wejs to 100% code coverage
- Create new examples for:
- Angular.js + We.js
- Ember.js + We.js
- React + We.js
- Vue.js + We.js (improve)
- Improve the documentation
- Improve plugins:
- we-plugin-file
- we-plugin-passport-jwt
- Research and develop the We.js CMF with one client side framework. ref wejs#158
- Create new examples of deploy in many hosting providers
- Improve we-core, we and generator-wejs
- Build one online course about We.js with text, images and gifs.
Have a question, found an error or wants to help?
- Open a issue
- Submit a pull request to one subproject: https://github.com/wejs/
- Generate and test one we.js project
- Hack it! and give feedback, we fix and then we.js becomes more secure ;)
- Or spread to the world!
And see the CONTRIBUTING.md file
***If want see or test a We.js live example access: http://wejs.org/ *** ๐
- Google groups and email newsletter: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/we-js
- We.js twitter: https://twitter.com/we_js
- Gitter chat: https://gitter.im/wejs/we
- Github repo: https://github.com/wejs/we
Link: https://wejs.org/suport
npm test
mocha test/bootstrap.js test/\*\*/\*.test.js -g '/auth/1/change-password'
- Node.js - http://nodejs.org/
- Express.js
- Sequelize
- Love
If you discover a security vulnerability within We.js, please send an e-mail to Alberto Souza at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
- Team: https://github.com/orgs/wejs/people
- Contributors: https://github.com/wejs/we/graphs/contributors
- We.js site: http://wejs.org
- Sails.js http://sailsjs.org - thanks for sails.js team and contributors how make a lot of open source code how help to learn and build the old we.js v0.2.x (v0.3.x+ dont use sails.js but have some related logic)
And thanks to colaborators and node.js community by creating open source modules where everyone can read, learn and reuse.