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xsstrike's Introduction

XSStrike python version license


XSStrike is an advanced XSS detection suite. It has a powerful fuzzing engine and provides zero false positive result using fuzzy matching. XSStrike is the first XSS scanner to generate its own payloads. It is intelligent enough to detect and break out of various contexts.

Made with heart by Somdev Sangwan


  • Powerful fuzzing engine
  • Context breaking technology
  • Intelligent payload generation
  • GET & POST method support
  • Cookie Support
  • WAF Fingerprinting
  • Hand crafted payloads for filter and WAF evasion
  • Hidden parameter discovery
  • Accurate results via levenshtein distance algorithm

To know more visit


XSStrike is compatible with all *nix based operating systems running Python 2.7. Why not windows? My life, my rules. My code, my tools. Just kidding, it will run on windows as well but you will see some weird codes instead of color. First of all clone the repo by entering the following command in terminal

git clone

Now naviagte to XSStrike directory

cd XSStrike

Now install the requirements with the following command

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you can run XSStrike

python xsstrike


ss1 ss2 ss3 ss4

Contribution & Sponsorship

Want to contribute? What are you waiting for? Fork it and hit up with a pull request.

Want to sponsor? Mail me at [email protected]

xsstrike's People


omergunal avatar paralax avatar s0md3v avatar



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