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app icon about semantic-pull-requests HOT 6 CLOSED

zeke avatar zeke commented on June 2, 2024
app icon

from semantic-pull-requests.

Comments (6)

zeke avatar zeke commented on June 2, 2024 1

Hey @C0ZEN thanks for the mockups!

I like the second one. I wonder though what they'll look like in the context of a pull request page, where they'll be much smaller and perhaps harder to recognize. Can you try mocking them up in that context?

from semantic-pull-requests.

C0ZEN avatar C0ZEN commented on June 2, 2024




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from semantic-pull-requests.

C0ZEN avatar C0ZEN commented on June 2, 2024




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from semantic-pull-requests.

C0ZEN avatar C0ZEN commented on June 2, 2024

Some thoughts:

  • Color contrast is very good but the yellow a bit flashy for me 🟡
  • Using a circle is problematic with GitHub allowing .png with transparent background but force to use a white background anyway style="background-color: #ffffff" (as seen as an action there is a white background and I do not like it very much due to the grey background surrounding the logo - check image below)
  • The second logo is indeed not perfect for the GitHub action (the pen is not visible enough I think) - check image below

Current logo used for the GitHub action:

Current logo display from the GitHub action:

Second logo display from the GitHub action:

@zeke multiple questions here:

  • Do you wish to keep the same colors?
  • Do you wish to keep the logo as a circle?

I like the "PR schema" in the logo I provided but adding to it the notion of "this project check the semantic" is very hard due to not having enough space 😭
This idea could be provided with a color change (classical red/green to show that it "validates") but honestly I am not seeing this with a sexy eye.
I will provide another shot at this later but any advice is welcome 🙄

I just crossed this issue and provided a quick logo but please do not feel the need to change the logo if you are not confident enough about these propositions. You have all the time to find the perfect one 😄

from semantic-pull-requests.

C0ZEN avatar C0ZEN commented on June 2, 2024


from semantic-pull-requests.

zeke avatar zeke commented on June 2, 2024

This issue is old and inactive so I'm going to close it. If anyone is still affected by this, let me know and I'll re-open it.

from semantic-pull-requests.

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