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goji's Introduction


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Goji is a minimalistic web framework that values composability and simplicity.

This project has been superseded by a new version of Goji by the same author, which has very similar primitives and semantics, but has been updated to reflect several years of experience with this library and the surrounding Go ecosystem. This project is still well-loved and well-maintained, and will be for the foreseeable future, but new projects are encouraged to use instead.


package main

import (


func hello(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", c.URLParams["name"])

func main() {
        goji.Get("/hello/:name", hello)

Goji also includes a sample application in the example folder which was artificially constructed to show off all of Goji's features. Check it out!


  • Compatible with net/http
  • URL patterns (both Sinatra style /foo/:bar patterns and regular expressions, as well as custom patterns)
  • Reconfigurable middleware stack
  • Context/environment object threaded through middleware and handlers
  • Automatic support for Einhorn, systemd, and more
  • Graceful shutdown, and zero-downtime graceful reload when combined with Einhorn.
  • High in antioxidants


Goji's API is essentially frozen, and guarantees to never break compatibility with existing code (under similar rules to the Go project's guidelines). Goji is suitable for use in production, and has served billions of requests across several companies.

Is it any good?


There are plenty of other good Go web frameworks out there. Goji is by no means especially novel, nor is it uniquely good. The primary difference between Goji and other frameworks—and the primary reason I think Goji is any good—is its philosophy:

Goji first of all attempts to be simple. It is of the Sinatra and Flask school of web framework design, and not the Rails/Django one. If you want me to tell you what directory you should put your models in, or if you want built-in flash sessions, you won't have a good time with Goji.

Secondly, Goji attempts to be composable. It is fully composable with net/http, and can be used as a http.Handler, or can serve arbitrary http.Handlers. At least a few HTTP frameworks share this property, and is not particularly novel. The more interesting property in my mind is that Goji is fully composable with itself: it defines an interface (web.Handler) which is both fully compatible with http.Handler and allows Goji to perform a "protocol upgrade" of sorts when it detects that it is talking to itself (or another web.Handler compatible component). web.Handler is at the core of Goji's interfaces and is what allows it to share request contexts across unrelated objects.

Third, Goji is not magic. One of my favorite existing frameworks is Martini, but I rejected it in favor of building Goji because I thought it was too magical. Goji's web package does not use reflection at all, which is not in itself a sign of API quality, but to me at least seems to suggest it.

Finally, Goji gives you enough rope to hang yourself with. One of my other favorite libraries, pat, implements Sinatra-like routing in a particularly elegant way, but because of its reliance on net/http's interfaces, doesn't allow programmers to thread their own state through the request handling process. Implementing arbitrary context objects was one of the primary motivations behind abandoning pat to write Goji.

Is it fast?

Yeah, it is. Goji is among the fastest HTTP routers out there, and is very gentle on the garbage collector.

But that's sort of missing the point. Almost all Go routers are fast enough for almost all purposes. In my opinion, what matters more is how simple and flexible the routing semantics are.

Goji provides results indistinguishable from naively trying routes one after another. This means that a route added before another route will be attempted before that route as well. This is perhaps the most simple and most intuitive interface a router can provide, and makes routes very easy to understand and debug.

Goji's router is also very flexible: in addition to the standard Sinatra-style patterns and regular expression patterns, you can define custom patterns to perform whatever custom matching logic you desire. Custom patterns of course are fully compatible with the routing semantics above.

It's easy (and quite a bit of fun!) to get carried away by microbenchmarks, but at the end of the day you're not going to miss those extra hundred nanoseconds on a request. What matters is that you aren't compromising on the API for a handful of CPU cycles.

Third-Party Libraries

Goji is already compatible with a great many third-party libraries that are themselves compatible with net/http, however some library authors have gone out of their way to include Goji compatibility specifically, perhaps by integrating more tightly with Goji's web.C or by providing a custom pattern type. An informal list of such libraries is maintained on the wiki; feel free to add to it as you see fit.


Please do! I love pull requests, and I love pull requests that include tests even more. Goji's core packages have pretty good code coverage (yay code coverage gamification!), and if you have the time to write tests I'd like to keep it that way.

In addition to contributing code, I'd love to know what you think about Goji. Please open an issue or send me an email with your thoughts; it'd mean a lot to me.

goji's People


a-palchikov avatar bartle-stripe avatar codahale avatar ebroder avatar elithrar avatar haraldnordgren avatar joliv avatar mattn avatar meowgorithm avatar mmcgrana avatar moeryomenko avatar nickpresta avatar nullstyle avatar ruiaaperes avatar saj1th avatar satoshun avatar smith-30 avatar tamaoo avatar tesujimath avatar wangjohn avatar zenazn avatar


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goji's Issues

Make mux.Use Variadic

Instead of having multiple subrouter.Use(SomeMiddleware) calls, it may be a worthwhile turning it into Use(middleware interface{], middleware ...interface{}).

The order of middleware passed to Use would define the ordering (from first -> last) when applied to the router.

r := web.New()
r.Get("/", ShowIndex)

admin := web.New()
r.Handle("/administrate/*", admin)

// ... would instead just be:
admin.Use(middleware.Logger, AdminOnly, nosurf.NewPure, gorillacontext.ClearHandler)

Potential downsides may be the interaction with middleware inherited from the parent router (in this case, the panic recovery middleware) — one solution would be to make the parent middleware first (implicitly).

This should not be an API breaking change either.

Only use middleware on certain routes

Hey there. New to Goji (and Go too, a little) and I'm curious if I can have middleware that runs on some routes and not others? For instance, I want some endpoints (most) to require authentication and a few to be public. An auth middleware makes sense, but how can I selectively use it?

Thanks. loving Goji so far!

run goji web app as background process

im surprised with the lack of detailed coverage on how to run golang web app in the background process i.e. when i close my ssh window it doesnt go down together with it.
and a good tool to just do a simple start, stop, AND RESTART!

how do we do it with goji? running it as a background process using supservisord seems fine with centos but the during restart, the program will just hang.
and using einhorn. i can start it. but cant restart it...
the einhorn only claimed "You can also seamlessly restart your workers without dropping any requests" but never document the HOW part.

im seriously frustrated with the current condition. golang is so beautiful n powerful n yet the deployment is a bitch.

Error handling

Hello there !

I like goji, it's all simple and light and I have a question : How would you do simple error handling ?
Like, may be in this post : ?
Having some handler funcs that look like this :

func viewStuff(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *appError

With appError looking like this :

type appError struct {
    Error   error
    Message string
    Code    int

So then in the handler I could :

if err := datastore.Get(c, key, record); err != nil {
    return &appError{err, "Record not found", 404}

Thanks !

log duplicate

such as following:

2014/08/20 17:20:25.099016 [PC-CORP/O6smW20tuK-000001] Started GET "/admin/" from [::1]:35653
2014/08/20 17:20:25.099016 [PC-CORP/O6smW20tuK-000001] Started GET "/admin/" from [::1]:35653
2014/08/20 17:20:25.101017 [PC-CORP/O6smW20tuK-000001] Returning 200 in 2.001ms
2014/08/20 17:20:25.101017 [PC-CORP/O6smW20tuK-000001] Returning 200 in 2.001ms

API Stability

Is there a plan of commit to a stable API moving forward—at least for the core packages?

I can understand if the middleware package may change down the track and/or breaking changes made when absolutely needed.

Question about web.C documentation

In the documentation for web.C it states the following:

If you are closing over a context (especially relevant for middleware), you should not close over either the URLParams or Env objects, instead accessing them through the context whenever they are required.

Could somebody post a small example of a middleware function that violates this edict? I want to make sure I understand the implications of this correctly. Does failing to follow this advice result in the possibility of variables in Env bleeding across requests?

Auto reload for goji?

I know there are a lot of tools around for this. Not many of them work though. I was wondering with graceful shutdown and reloading built-in, will there ever be a dev mode for reloading server when files change.

serving parts of a page / creating an html document

Is it possible to serve parts of html and build a page using goji?

For example if I wanted to serve the of results.html, write , and then in a for loop write contents of the body of that page, and then . Or will I have to use standard Golang features like:

func viewHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    title := r.URL.Path[len("/view/"):]
    p, _ := loadPage(title)
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "<h1>%s</h1><div>%s</div>", p.Title, p.Body)

Custom Handlers

No doubt I'm missing something simple: how do I satisfy the web.Handler interface? I have a common pattern that I use to simplify my app handlers so I don't have to explicitly call an error handler over and over and explicitly return nothing.


type appHandler func(web.C, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) *appError

type appError struct {
    Code  int
    Error error

// This is the hold up as I need to support the request context (without it, this works fine)
func (fn appHandler) ServeHTTP(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if e := fn(c, w, r); e != nil {
        switch e.Code {
        case http.StatusOK:
        case http.StatusBadRequest:
        case http.StatusNotFound:
            http.NotFound(w, r)
        case http.StatusInternalServerError:

func myHandler(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *appError {
    // do things
    return &appError{200, nil} // or return nil

HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed

When a path matches but the method doesn't, I'd like to respond with a custom MethodNotAllowed handler. Is this something you'd consider?

c.URLParams available in middleware?

I'm trying to access c.URLParams in a middleware function of mine, however c.URLParams doesn't seem to be initiated. I am either doing something wrong on my end or maybe URLParams is initiated after all the middleware calls. Anyone able to clarify.

Cannot Use in Google App Engine Due to Unsafe Package

I would like to use Goji for a project hosted on Google App Engine. Unfortunately, Google App Engine does not support the unsafe package (link).

Is it possible to refactor the router to not have to use the unsafe package? This would open Gojil up for developers on Google App Engine.



Do you have plans for other middleware? Sessions, OAuth2, ...

I am learning so I am not much help, but it would be nice if you could provide some more common middleware like martini?


help getting started with goji

Apologies if I am being a noob / novice, but I am just getting started with Go.

I'm trying to run the sample programme and I am getting an error.

Here is the contents of hello.go:

package main

import (


func hello(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", c.URLParams["name"])

func main() {
        goji.Get("/hello/:name", hello)

hello.go:7:9: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/Irfan/Projects/Go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
hello.go:8:9: cannot find package "" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/ (from $GOROOT)
/Users/Irfan/Projects/Go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

What am I doing wrong?

How to use with einhorn

Whenever I try to run Goji under Einhorn I always get the bindErr: "bind: could not bind einhorn@%d: not running under einhorn"

Any examples on how to run it successfully?

Route groups


Is there a way to define route groups similar to Martini?

m.Group("/books", func(r martini.Router) {
    r.Get("/:id", GetBooks)
    r.Post("/new", NewBook)
    r.Put("/update/:id", UpdateBook)
    r.Delete("/delete/:id", DeleteBook)

By the way, goji looks really great!

How to restart with Einhorn

When using Einhorn I know we can specify a PID file to write to such as "einhorn -e ./main" but whenever I kill that PID the entire process dies.

How do I get the PID of the worker and not the master so I can do "kill -USR2 PID"

Use middleware to call controllers and pass context into them

In my middleware I call controllers like this:

controllers.XXXCtrl(c, w, r);

...then in my controller I would like to get db connection form the context

db, _ := c.Env["db"].(database.DB)

...but c.Env["db"] is missing

any better idea how to make it work?

Add comparison to sibling projects?

At first glance, this appears to be quite similar to gocraft-web. I was curious what spurred the decision to start a new project and how it differs from some similar libraries?

There's also martini and revel, among several others, but gocraft-web seems to be pretty close in API and design, particularly with its use of web contexts. Several of these projects are mentioned on the home page but it's not clear which unique feature desires sparked goji.

It would be helpful to give a high-level overview of the differences (for example einhorn + systemd are new, while it appears nested routing is exclusive to gocraft).

Add an option that makes logger.go fetch the ip in X-Real-IP


After building my application, and putting it under a nginx proxy_pass, I saw that the ip logged was always localhost. After looking at the source, I saw that you use r.RemoteAddr(), which is good for non-proxy use.

Could there be a way to implement goji looking at the headers to get the real ip?


"MISSING" text is appended in the middle of my json response

getting something like this on my json response :
"Description":"Firing more than 1 weapon in a turn will increase all damage by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%!"(MISSING)

it only appears on goji, tried to query the json request using another golang framework, it works fine for them.
is there some issue with goji?

Ubuntu install errors

Perhaps this is known, but when trying to install on Ubuntu I got the following:

/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ undefined: http.CloseNotifier
/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ undefined: http.CloseNotifier
/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ undefined: http.CloseNotifier
/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ undefined: signal.Stop

/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/ syntax error: unexpected :, expecting ]

Subrouter returning 200 OK instead of 404


I'm trying to nut out an issue where a sub-router w/ some middleware applied is returning a 200 OK status instead of 404 Not Found.

The relevant routes—the route returning 200 (when it should not) is the /administrate/dashboard route. r.Handle is part of the top-level router (r := web.New()).

    // Admin dashboard
    admin := web.New()
    // Log all admin requests separately from the downstream server.

    r.Handle("/administrate/*", admin)
    // admin.Get("/administrate/dashboard", appHandler(adminDashboardHandler))
    // admin.Get("/administrate/edit/:id", appHandler(adminEditHandler))

Here's the middleware:

// AdminOnly is a middleware that checks the userID in the session is an admin (boolean).
// It does not set any 'admin' flags in the session itself (it checks on each request).
func AdminOnly(c *web.C, h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    fn := appHandler(func(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
        session, err := store.Get(r, "workwithgo")
        if err != nil {
            return 500, err

        // Re-direct to the login page if no ID is found in the session.
        id, ok := session.Values["userID"].(string)
        if !ok {
            http.Redirect(w, r, loginURL, http.StatusFound)
            return 302, nil

        // Lookup the id from the session
        user := models.User{Id: id}
        admin, err := user.IsAdmin()
        if err != nil {
            return 500, nil

        // Return 200 (and proceed) if the user is an administrator.
        if admin == true {
            log.Println("admin == true")
            return 200, nil

        // Return a HTTP 401 if the user is NOT an administrator.
        return http.StatusUnauthorized, fmt.Errorf("User ID %q is not authorized to login", user.Id)

    return fn

I believe the issue is triggered by if admin == true block: instead of raising a 404 on the wrapped handler (which is commented out at the moment), it just renders an empty body with a 200 OK status header.

Hitting any sub-route that is wrapped by the middleware exhibits the same issue.

The ServeHTTPC method on the custom handler type does not do anything fancy with a 200 status - it only does something when err != nil, so it should not be interfering.

// Allows appHandler to satisfy http.Handler
func (ah appHandler) ServeHTTPC(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    if status, err := ah(c, w, r); err != nil {
        switch status {
        case http.StatusNotFound:
                     // More cases

Ultimately, I want to apply the middleware to the subrouter and have it 404 (as it should) when routes don't exist. For routes that do, the middleware should just do its job and pass requests through to the next handler in the chain.

Strange "dup: bad file descriptor" error with Einhorn

I try to use Goji with Einhorn and it shows this:

2014/06/11 02:42:50 graceful: Einhorn detected, adding SIGUSR2 handler
2014/06/11 02:42:50 dup: bad file descriptor
[MASTER 11532] INFO: ===> Exited worker 11778 before it was ACKed

dup: bad file descriptor error appears.

Sometimes Einhorn starts normally (and I don't know why exactly - I tried to remove some libraries and it works but then after some time this error appears again):

[MASTER 14292] INFO: [client 2:11] client connected
2014/06/11 02:50:12 bind: ACKing to einhorn

But when I use "upgrade" from einhornsh it shows:

2014/06/11 02:51:00 graceful: Einhorn detected, adding SIGUSR2 handler
2014/06/11 02:51:00 dup: bad file descriptor
[MASTER 14292] INFO: ===> Exited worker 14399 before it was ACKed
[MASTER 14292] INFO: Last spinup was 3.754994809s ago, and spinup_interval is 2.25s, so spinning up a new process (there have been 2 consecutive unacked worker deaths)

Command: go build && einhorn -b -m manual -n 2 ./app
System: Ubuntu 13.10
Non-standard packages:

announce on golang nuts

I know there was a reddit and hackernews post, but you could announce this on Golang nuts too. Help spread the word :).

Problem in importing

Hi All,

I'm pretty new here and new to goji and even new to golang. I trying to execute the simple example program provided in the goji website but getting compilation error "can't find import: """.
I have downloaded "" using "go get" command but after executing the command i didn't get any message in the CLI so i'm not sure if the download was successfully but i see some directories/files in my GOPATH. And following is my go env output

root@ubuntu:# go version
go version go1.3 linux/amd64
# go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0"

Any pointers to fix my goji installation would be helpful.

Many Thanks,
Jenni Reuben

Issue with Windows build.

I get the following error while building on windows

..\..\zenazn\goji\bind\einhorn.go:40: cannot use fd (type int) as type syscall.H
andle in function argument
..\..\zenazn\goji\bind\systemd.go:28: cannot use systemdMinFd + i (type int) as
type syscall.Handle in function argument
..\..\zenazn\goji\graceful\einhorn.go:21: undefined: syscall.SIGUSR2

Multiple goji instances

I didn't find any documentation on how to run multiple goji instances within the same go program. That would be a nice addition, even if just documented here on this issue.

Passing Configuration to Middleware

I'm looking to contribute some middleware—specifically CSRF protection (which I am comfortable in writing out) and possibly some BasicAuth and NoCache middleware.

The CSRF middleware of course needs a session store to store the "real" token to compare with the masked token from form data and/or the request header. I'll wrap gorilla/sessions and look to allowing a package user to provide their own sessions.Store, else it defaults to a sessions.CookieStore.

Is there a preferred/idiomatic way to provide an exported configuration struct, initialise it and pass it to the middleware handler?

My current approach would be something like this:

type CSRFOptions struct {
      Store *sessions.Store
      Options *sessions.Options
      CookieName string

func NewCSRFOptions(store *sessions.Store, opts *sessions.Options, name string) *CSRFOptions {
     c := &CSRFOptions{
     return &c

func (c *CSRFOptions) CSRF(c web.C, h http.Handler) http.Handler {


store := NewCSRFOptions(myStore, myOpts, "_csrftoken")



Do you have a preference for an alternate approach and/or is this compatible with Goji's middleware interfaces? Perhaps a CSRFDefaults() *CSRFOptions function that makes it easier to get started with?

mux in a global state

Just rising a concern real quick (I'm sorta new to Go, so bear with me ;)).

I noticed that the mux in default.go is global. My concern is if one of my dependencies uses mux, can they expose routes to my app? How potentially "unsafe" is it since the goji mux is global?

Is it safer just to directly?

PS. great work.

Avoiding waitForSignal side-effects?

Currently there is waitForSignal call from an init() in the goji/graceful package:

This is somewhat troublesome for an app I'm building that has both "web" and "background worker" processes, where both are run out of the same main package (via a command-line switch). Because the goji/graceful package is imported by this main package, the corresponding goji/graceful init function is called for the web processes - which is fine - but also for the worker process. This results in an unwanted signal handler being installed for the worker processes and associated signal-related logging coming out of that worker process.

It's not a huge deal, but would be nice to fix if possible. Is there any way we could move this waitForSignal call to a site that would be explicitly called by processes using the package, like graceful.Serve(l)?

In the meantime, I'm calling graceful.ResetSignals() in the worker process case as a workaround.

"StrictSlash" Mode

gorilla/mux provides a StrictSlash method that redirects routes missing a trailing slash to one with a slash (or vice versa), primarily for SEO and secondly for browser history clarity.

It would be nice if Goji could provide a similar feature as part of its own router.

rest extensions in urls


I'd like to have extensions types for my routes, but with only one Handler.

/stuff -> render default type [html]
/stuff.json -> marshal my data to json
/stuff.html -> render a template showing data
/stuff.xml -> marshal my data to xml
/stuff.jsonp -> marshal my data to jsonp with my default param or the one provided

But if I do

goji.Get("/stuff:_format", getStuff )

The only way it will match is by curling stuff/json and it won't match on stuff or stuff.json .

I havent tried goji.Get("/stuff/:id:_format", getStuff )

I could do :
goji.Get("/stuff.json", getJsonStuff )
goji.Get("/stuff.html", getHtmlStuff )
With handlers wrapping my real controller
But that seems wrong and repetitive, isn't it ?

Is Goji going to support that kind of url matching, may be it already does ? ( I could try to contribute with - still my low go skills - if needed! )

Cheers !

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