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This project forked from signalfx/collectd-openstack

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CollectdD plugin to monitor OpenStack cloud infrastructure

License: Apache License 2.0

Python 88.03% Shell 6.28% Dockerfile 5.69%

collectd-openstack's Introduction

Collectd OpenStack Plugin

An OpenStack collectd plugin which users can use to send metrics from OpenStack cloud to SignalFx


  • Checkout this repository somewhere on your system accessible by collectd. The suggested location is /usr/share/collectd/
  • Configure the plugin (see below)
  • Restart collectd


  • collectd 4.9 or later (for the Python plugin)
  • Python 2.7 or later
  • Python libraries from requirements.txt (requirements-python2.txt for Python 2.7).


The following are required configuration keys:

  • AuthURL - Required. Keystone authentication URL/endpoint for the OpenStack cloud
  • Username - Required. Username to authenticate with keystone identity
  • Password - Required. Password to authenticate with keystone identity

Optional configurations keys include:

  • Interval - The number of seconds to wait between collections with default of 10.
  • ProjectName - Name of the Project to be monitored with default of "demo".
  • ProjectDomainId - Domain to which the project belong to with default of "default".
  • UserDomainId - Domain to which the user belong to with default of "default".
  • RegionName - The region name for URL discovery, defaults to the first region if multiple regions are available.
  • Dimension - Dimensions name and value to add to your metrics.
  • SSLVerify - Whether to validate SSL certificates. True by default
  • HTTPTimeout - The keystone http session timeout, in seconds, for all requests. None by default.
  • RequestBatchSize - The maximum number of concurrent requests for server metrics. 5 by default.
  • QueryServerMetrics - Whether to query for Nova metrics. True by default.
  • NovaListServersSearchOpts - A yaml representation of a search options dictionary for Nova servers to query. Expanded to query parameters for

Note that multiple OpenStack projects can be configured in the same file.

LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
  ModulePath "/usr/share/collectd/collectd-openstack"

  Import openstack_metrics
  <Module openstack_metrics>
        AuthURL "http://localhost/identity/v3"
        Username "admin"
        Password "secret"
        Interval 30
        ProjectName "demo"
        ProjectDomainId "default"
        UserDomainId "default"
        HTTPTimeout 10.0
        RequestBatchSize 20
        NovaListServersSearchOpts "{ all_tenants: 'TRUE', status: 'ACTIVE' }" 
  <Module openstack_metrics>
        AuthURL "http://localhost/identity/v3"
        Username "admin"
        Password "secret"
        ProjectName "alt_demo"
        ProjectDomainId "default"
        UserDomainId "default"
        SSLVerify False
        QueryServerMetrics False

collectd-openstack's People


prasadsfx avatar dloucasfx avatar rmfitzpatrick avatar

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