Go library for the TOML format.
This library supports TOML version v0.4.0
Go-toml provides the following features for using data parsed from TOML documents:
- Load TOML documents from files and string data
- Easily navigate TOML structure using Tree
- Mashaling and unmarshaling to and from data structures
- Line & column position data for all parsed elements
- Query support similar to JSON-Path
- Syntax errors contain line and column numbers
import "github.com/pelletier/go-toml"
Read a TOML document:
config, _ := toml.Load(`
user = "pelletier"
password = "mypassword"`)
// retrieve data directly
user := config.Get("postgres.user").(string)
// or using an intermediate object
postgresConfig := config.Get("postgres").(*toml.Tree)
password := postgresConfig.Get("password").(string)
Or use Unmarshal:
type Postgres struct {
User string
Password string
type Config struct {
Postgres Postgres
doc := []byte(`
User = "pelletier"
Password = "mypassword"`)
config := Config{}
toml.Unmarshal(doc, &config)
fmt.Println("user=", config.Postgres.User)
Or use a query:
// use a query to gather elements without walking the tree
q, _ := query.Compile("$..[user,password]")
results := q.Execute(config)
for ii, item := range results.Values() {
fmt.Println("Query result %d: %v", ii, item)
The documentation and additional examples are available at godoc.org.
Go-toml provides two handy command line tools:
: Reads TOML files and lint them.go install github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomll tomll --help
: Reads a TOML file and outputs its JSON representation.go install github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomljson tomljson --help
Feel free to report bugs and patches using GitHub's pull requests system on pelletier/go-toml. Any feedback would be much appreciated!
You have to make sure two kind of tests run:
- The Go unit tests
- The TOML examples base
You can run both of them using
.The script
is available to run go-fuzz on go-toml.Go-toml follows Semantic Versioning. The supported version of TOML is indicated at the beginning of this document. The last two major versions of Go are supported (see Go Release Policy).
The MIT License (MIT). Read LICENSE.
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