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This project forked from open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo

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OpenTelemetry Community Demo Application

License: Apache License 2.0

Shell 0.27% JavaScript 2.11% Ruby 0.21% C++ 1.54% Python 2.29% PHP 0.83% Erlang 60.57% Java 1.03% Go 4.18% C# 2.83% Rust 1.50% Elixir 6.64% TypeScript 10.90% CSS 1.60% Makefile 0.30% HTML 0.81% CMake 0.33% Batchfile 0.02% Dockerfile 2.05%

opentelemetry-demo's Introduction

otel-photo OpenTelemetry Demo

Slack Version Commits Downloads License

Under Construction

This repo is a work in progress. If you'd like to help, check out our contributing guidance.

Getting Started



Online Boutique is composed of microservices written in different programming languages that talk to each other over gRPC and HTTP; and a load generator which uses Locust to fake user traffic.

graph TD

subgraph Service Diagram
adservice(Ad Service):::java
cartservice(Cart Service):::dotnet
checkoutservice(Checkout Service):::golang
currencyservice(Currency Service):::cpp
emailservice(Email Service):::ruby
loadgenerator([Load Generator]):::python
paymentservice(Payment Service):::javascript
productcatalogservice(Product Catalog Service):::golang
quoteservice(Quote Service):::php
recommendationservice(Recommendation Service):::python
shippingservice(Shipping Service):::rust
featureflagservice(Feature Flag Service):::erlang
featureflagstore[(Feature Flag Store<br/>&#40PostgreSQL DB&#41)]

Internet -->|HTTP| frontend
loadgenerator -->|HTTP| frontend

checkoutservice --->|gRPC| cartservice --> cache
checkoutservice --->|gRPC| productcatalogservice
checkoutservice --->|gRPC| currencyservice
checkoutservice --->|HTTP| emailservice
checkoutservice --->|gRPC| paymentservice
checkoutservice -->|gRPC| shippingservice

frontend -->|gRPC| adservice
frontend -->|gRPC| cartservice
frontend -->|gRPC| productcatalogservice
frontend -->|gRPC| checkoutservice
frontend -->|gRPC| currencyservice
frontend -->|gRPC| recommendationservice -->|gRPC| productcatalogservice
frontend -->|gRPC| shippingservice -->|HTTP| quoteservice

productcatalogservice -->|gRPC| featureflagservice

shippingservice -->|gRPC| featureflagservice

featureflagservice --> featureflagstore

classDef java fill:#b07219,color:white;
classDef dotnet fill:#178600,color:white;
classDef golang fill:#00add8,color:black;
classDef cpp fill:#f34b7d,color:white;
classDef ruby fill:#701516,color:white;
classDef python fill:#3572A5,color:white;
classDef javascript fill:#f1e05a,color:black;
classDef rust fill:#dea584,color:black;
classDef erlang fill:#b83998,color:white;
classDef php fill:#4f5d95,color:white;
graph TD
subgraph Service Legend

classDef java fill:#b07219,color:white;
classDef dotnet fill:#178600,color:white;
classDef golang fill:#00add8,color:black;
classDef cpp fill:#f34b7d,color:white;
classDef ruby fill:#701516,color:white;
classDef python fill:#3572A5,color:white;
classDef javascript fill:#f1e05a,color:black;
classDef rust fill:#dea584,color:black;
classDef erlang fill:#b83998,color:white;
classDef php fill:#4f5d95,color:white;

Find the Protocol Buffer Definitions in the /pb/ directory.


  • Kubernetes: the app is designed to run on Kubernetes (both locally , as well as on the cloud).
  • Docker: this forked sample can also be executed only with Docker.
  • gRPC: microservices use a high volume of gRPC calls to communicate to each other.
  • OpenTelemetry Traces: all services are instrumented using OpenTelemetry available instrumentation libraries.
  • OpenTelemetry Collector: all services are instrumented and sending the generated traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector via gRPC. The received traces are then exported to the logs and to Jaeger.
  • Jaeger: all generated traces are being sent to Jaeger.
  • Synthetic Load Generation: the application demo comes with a background job that creates realistic usage patterns on the website using Locust load generator.
  • Prometheus: all generated metrics are being sent to Prometheus.
  • Grafana: all metric dashboards are stored in Grafana.


Currently, the repository includes E2E tests for both the frontend and backend services. For the Frontend we are using Cypress execute the different flows in the webstore. While the backend services use AVA as the main testing framework.

To run the test you can simple run make run-tests at the root directory.

In case you need to run a specific suite of tests you can execute docker compose run frontendTests for the frontend tests or docker compose run integrationTests for the backend tests.

Demos featuring Online Boutique



We meet weekly Monday's at 8:15 AM PT. The meeting is subject to change depending on contributors' availability. Check the OpenTelemetry community calendar for specific dates and Zoom meeting links.

Meeting notes are available as a public Google doc. For edit access, get in touch on Slack.

Maintainers (@open-telemetry/demo-maintainers):

Approvers (@open-telemetry/demo-approvers):

Thanks to all the people who have contributed


opentelemetry-demo's People


puckpuck avatar cartersocha avatar mic-max avatar fatsheep9146 avatar reyang avatar wph95 avatar julianocosta89 avatar tsloughter avatar mviitane avatar xoscar avatar garypwhite avatar dineshg13 avatar ahayworth avatar cedricziel avatar austinlparker avatar cijothomas avatar frapschen avatar saurabhdes avatar dependabot[bot] avatar cartermp avatar maciej-szlosarczyk avatar joshleecreates avatar jaredtan95 avatar debajitdas avatar arminru avatar brettmc avatar dmitryax avatar lalitb avatar pichlermarc avatar reese-lee avatar

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