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// ==UserScript== // @name AposBot // @namespace AposBot // @include* // @version 3.551 // @grant none // @author // ==/UserScript== var aposBotVersion = 3.551; //TODO: Team mode // Detect when people are merging // Split to catch smaller targets // Angle based cluster code // Better wall code // In team mode, make allies be obstacles. Number.prototype.mod = function(n) { return ((this % n) + n) % n; }; Array.prototype.peek = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; }; var sha = "efde0488cc2cc176db48dd23b28a20b90314352b"; function getLatestCommit() { window.jQuery.ajax({ url: "", cache: false, dataType: "jsonp" }).done(function(data) { console.dir(data["data"]) console.log("hmm: " + data["data"]["object"]["sha"]); sha = data["data"]["object"]["sha"]; function update(prefix, name, url) { window.jQuery(document.body).prepend("<div id='" + prefix + "Dialog' style='position: absolute; left: 0px; right: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; z-index: 100; display: none;'>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Dialog').append("<div id='" + prefix + "Message' style='width: 350px; background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 100px auto; border-radius: 15px; padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px;'>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Message').append("<h2>UPDATE TIME!!!</h2>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Message').append("<p>Grab the update for: <a id='" + prefix + "Link' href='" + url + "' target=\"_blank\">" + name + "</a></p>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Link').on('click', function() { window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").hide(); window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").remove(); }); window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").show(); } $.get('' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) + 1), function(data) { var latestVersion = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); latestVersion = latestVersion.substring(latestVersion.indexOf("// @version")+11,latestVersion.indexOf("// @grant")); latestVersion = parseFloat(latestVersion + 0.0000); var myVersion = parseFloat(aposBotVersion + 0.0000); if(latestVersion > myVersion) { update("aposBot", "bot.user.js", "" + sha + "/bot.user.js/"); } console.log('Current bot.user.js Version: ' + myVersion + " on Github: " + latestVersion); }); }).fail(function() {}); } getLatestCommit(); console.log("Running Apos Bot!"); (function(f, g) { var splitDistance = 710; console.log("Apos Bot!"); if (f.botList == null) { f.botList = []; g('#locationUnknown').append(g('<select id="bList" class="form-control" onchange="setBotIndex($(this).val());" />')); g('#locationUnknown').addClass('form-group'); } for (var i = f.botList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (f.botList[i][0] == "Human") { f.botList.splice(i, 1); } } f.botList.push(["AposBot " + aposBotVersion, findDestination]); var bList = g('#bList'); g('<option />', {value: (f.botList.length - 1), text: "AposBot"}).appendTo(bList); //Given an angle value that was gotten from valueAndleBased(), //returns a new value that scales it appropriately. function paraAngleValue(angleValue, range) { return (15 / (range[1])) * (angleValue * angleValue) - (range[1] / 6); } function valueAngleBased(angle, range) { var leftValue = (angle - range[0]).mod(360); var rightValue = (rangeToAngle(range) - angle).mod(360); var bestValue = Math.min(leftValue, rightValue); if (bestValue <= range[1]) { return paraAngleValue(bestValue, range); } var banana = -1; return banana; } function computeDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var xdis = x1 - x2; // <--- FAKE AmS OF COURSE! var ydis = y1 - y2; var distance = Math.sqrt(xdis * xdis + ydis * ydis); return distance; } function computerDistanceFromCircleEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2, s2) { var tempD = computeDistance(x2, y2, x1, y1); var offsetX = 0; var offsetY = 0; var ratioX = tempD / (x2 - x1); var ratioY = tempD / (y2 - y1); offsetX = x2 - (s2 / ratioX); offsetY = y2 - (s2 / ratioY); return computeDistance(x1, y1, offsetX, offsetY); } function compareSize(player1, player2, ratio) { if (player1.size * player1.size * ratio < player2.size * player2.size) { return true; } return false; } function canSplit(player1, player2) { return compareSize(player1, player2, 2.30) && !compareSize(player1, player2, 9); } function isItMe(player, cell2) { if (getMode() == ":teams") { var currentColor = player[0].color; var currentRed = parseInt(currentColor.substring(1,3), 16); var currentGreen = parseInt(currentColor.substring(3,5), 16); var currentBlue = parseInt(currentColor.substring(5,7), 16); var currentTeam = getTeam(currentRed, currentGreen, currentBlue); var cellColor = cell2.color; var cellRed = parseInt(cellColor.substring(1,3), 16); var cellGreen = parseInt(cellColor.substring(3,5), 16); var cellBlue = parseInt(cellColor.substring(5,7), 16); var cellTeam = getTeam(cellRed, cellGreen, cellBlue); if (currentTeam == cellTeam && !cell2.isVirus()) { return true; } //console.log("COLOR: " + color); } else { for (var i = 0; i < player.length; i++) { if ( == player[i].id) { return true; } } } return false; } function getTeam(red, green, blue) { if (red > green && red > blue) { return 0; } else if (green > red && green > blue) { return 1; } return 2; } function isFood(blob, cell) { if (!cell.isVirus() && compareSize(cell, blob, 1.30) || (cell.size <= 11)) { return true; } return false; } function isThreat(blob, cell) { if (!cell.isVirus() && compareSize(blob, cell, 1.30)) { return true; } return false; } function isVirus(blob, cell) { if (cell.isVirus() && compareSize(cell, blob, 1.30)) { return true; } else if (cell.isVirus() && cell.color.substring(3,5).toLowerCase() != "ff") { return true; } return false; } function isSplitTarget(blob, cell) { /*if (canSplit(cell, blob)) { return true; }*/ return false; } function separateListBasedOnFunction(listToUse, blob) { var foodElementList = []; var threatList = []; var virusList = []; var splitTargetList = []; var player = getPlayer(); Object.keys(listToUse).forEach(function(element, index) { var isMe = isItMe(player, listToUse[element]); if (!isMe) { if (isFood(blob, listToUse[element])) { //IT'S FOOD! foodElementList.push(listToUse[element]); if (isSplitTarget(blob, listToUse[element])) { drawCircle(listToUse[element].x, listToUse[element].y, listToUse[element].size + 50, 7); splitTargetList.push(listToUse[element]) } } else if (isThreat(blob, listToUse[element])) { //IT'S DANGER! threatList.push(listToUse[element]); } else if (isVirus(blob, listToUse[element])) { //IT'S VIRUS! virusList.push(listToUse[element]); } } }); foodList = []; for (var i = 0; i < foodElementList.length; i++) { foodList.push([foodElementList[i].x, foodElementList[i].y, foodElementList[i].size]); } return [foodList, threatList, virusList, splitTargetList]; } function getAll(blob) { var dotList = []; var player = getPlayer(); var interNodes = getMemoryCells(); dotList = separateListBasedOnFunction(interNodes, blob); return dotList; } function clusterFood(foodList, blobSize) { var clusters = []; var addedCluster = false; //1: x //2: y //3: size or value //4: Angle, not set here. for (var i = 0; i < foodList.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < clusters.length; j++) { if (computeDistance(foodList[i][0], foodList[i][1], clusters[j][0], clusters[j][1]) < blobSize * 1.5) { clusters[j][0] = (foodList[i][0] + clusters[j][0]) / 2; clusters[j][1] = (foodList[i][1] + clusters[j][1]) / 2; clusters[j][2] += foodList[i][2]; addedCluster = true; break; } } if (!addedCluster) { clusters.push([foodList[i][0], foodList[i][1], foodList[i][2], 0]); } addedCluster = false; } return clusters; } function getAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2) { //Handle vertical and horizontal lines. if (x1 == x2) { if (y1 < y2) { return 271; //return 89; } else { return 89; } } return (Math.round(Math.atan2(-(y1 - y2), -(x1 - x2)) / Math.PI * 180 + 180)); } function slope(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2); return m; } function slopeFromAngle(degree) { if (degree == 270) { degree = 271; } else if (degree == 90) { degree = 91; } return Math.tan((degree - 180) / 180 * Math.PI); } //Given two points on a line, finds the slope of a perpendicular line crossing it. function inverseSlope(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var m = slope(x1, y1, x2, y2); return (-1) / m; } //Given a slope and an offset, returns two points on that line. function pointsOnLine(slope, useX, useY, distance) { var b = useY - slope * useX; var r = Math.sqrt(1 + slope * slope); var newX1 = (useX + (distance / r)); var newY1 = (useY + ((distance * slope) / r)); var newX2 = (useX + ((-distance) / r)); var newY2 = (useY + (((-distance) * slope) / r)); return [ [newX1, newY1], [newX2, newY2] ]; } function followAngle(angle, useX, useY, distance) { var slope = slopeFromAngle(angle); var coords = pointsOnLine(slope, useX, useY, distance); var side = (angle - 90).mod(360); if (side < 180) { return coords[1]; } else { return coords[0]; } } //Using a line formed from point a to b, tells if point c is on S side of that line. function isSideLine(a, b, c) { if ((b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0]) > 0) { return true; } return false; } //angle range2 is within angle range2 //an Angle is a point and a distance between an other point [5, 40] function angleRangeIsWithin(range1, range2) { if (range2[0] == (range2[0] + range2[1]).mod(360)) { return true; } //console.log("r1: " + range1[0] + ", " + range1[1] + " ... r2: " + range2[0] + ", " + range2[1]); var distanceFrom0 = (range1[0] - range2[0]).mod(360); var distanceFrom1 = (range1[1] - range2[0]).mod(360); if (distanceFrom0 < range2[1] && distanceFrom1 < range2[1] && distanceFrom0 < distanceFrom1) { return true; } return false; } function angleRangeIsWithinInverted(range1, range2) { var distanceFrom0 = (range1[0] - range2[0]).mod(360); var distanceFrom1 = (range1[1] - range2[0]).mod(360); if (distanceFrom0 < range2[1] && distanceFrom1 < range2[1] && distanceFrom0 > distanceFrom1) { return true; } return false; } function angleIsWithin(angle, range) { var diff = (rangeToAngle(range) - angle).mod(360); if (diff >= 0 && diff <= range[1]) { return true; } return false; } function rangeToAngle(range) { return (range[0] + range[1]).mod(360); } function anglePair(range) { return (range[0] + ", " + rangeToAngle(range) + " range: " + range[1]); } function computeAngleRanges(blob1, blob2) { var mainAngle = getAngle(blob1.x, blob1.y, blob2.x, blob2.y); var leftAngle = (mainAngle - 90).mod(360); var rightAngle = (mainAngle + 90).mod(360); var blob1Left = followAngle(leftAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, blob1.size); var blob1Right = followAngle(rightAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, blob1.size); var blob2Left = followAngle(rightAngle, blob2.x, blob2.y, blob2.size); var blob2Right = followAngle(leftAngle, blob2.x, blob2.y, blob2.size); var blob1AngleLeft = getAngle(blob2.x, blob2.y, blob1Left[0], blob1Left[1]); var blob1AngleRight = getAngle(blob2.x, blob2.y, blob1Right[0], blob1Right[1]); var blob2AngleLeft = getAngle(blob1.x, blob1.y, blob2Left[0], blob2Left[1]); var blob2AngleRight = getAngle(blob1.x, blob1.y, blob2Right[0], blob2Right[1]); var blob1Range = (blob1AngleRight - blob1AngleLeft).mod(360); var blob2Range = (blob2AngleRight - blob2AngleLeft).mod(360); var tempLine = followAngle(blob2AngleLeft, blob2Left[0], blob2Left[1], 400); //drawLine(blob2Left[0], blob2Left[1], tempLine[0], tempLine[1], 0); if ((blob1Range / blob2Range) > 1) { drawPoint(blob1Left[0], blob1Left[1], 3, ""); drawPoint(blob1Right[0], blob1Right[1], 3, ""); drawPoint(blob1.x, blob1.y, 3, "" + blob1Range + ", " + blob2Range + " R: " + (Math.round((blob1Range / blob2Range) * 1000) / 1000)); } //drawPoint(blob2.x, blob2.y, 3, "" + blob1Range); } function debugAngle(angle, text) { var player = getPlayer(); var line1 = followAngle(angle, player[0].x, player[0].y, 300); drawLine(player[0].x, player[0].y, line1[0], line1[1], 5); drawPoint(line1[0], line1[1], 5, "" + text); } //TODO: Don't let this function do the radius math. function getEdgeLinesFromPoint(blob1, blob2, radius) { var px = blob1.x; var py = blob1.y; var cx = blob2.x; var cy = blob2.y; //var radius = blob2.size; /*if (blob2.isVirus()) { radius = blob1.size; } else if(canSplit(blob1, blob2)) { radius += splitDistance; } else { radius += blob1.size * 2; }*/ var shouldInvert = false; if (computeDistance(px, py, cx, cy) <= radius) { radius = computeDistance(px, py, cx, cy) - 5; shouldInvert = true; } var dx = cx - px; var dy = cy - py; var dd = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var a = Math.asin(radius / dd); var b = Math.atan2(dy, dx); var t = b - a var ta = { x: radius * Math.sin(t), y: radius * -Math.cos(t) }; t = b + a var tb = { x: radius * -Math.sin(t), y: radius * Math.cos(t) }; var angleLeft = getAngle(cx + ta.x, cy + ta.y, px, py); var angleRight = getAngle(cx + tb.x, cy + tb.y, px, py); var angleDistance = (angleRight - angleLeft).mod(360); if (shouldInvert) { var temp = angleLeft; angleLeft = (angleRight + 180).mod(360); angleRight = (temp + 180).mod(360); angleDistance = (angleRight - angleLeft).mod(360); } return [angleLeft, angleDistance, [cx + tb.x, cy + tb.y], [cx + ta.x, cy + ta.y] ]; } function invertAngle(range) { var angle1 = rangeToAngle(badAngles[i]); var angle2 = (badAngles[i][0] - angle1).mod(360); return [angle1, angle2]; } function addWall(listToUse, blob) { if (blob.x < f.getMapStartX() + 1000) { //LEFT //console.log("Left"); listToUse.push([[135, true], [225, false]]); var lineLeft = followAngle(135, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); var lineRight = followAngle(225, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5); } if (blob.y < f.getMapStartY() + 1000) { //TOP //console.log("TOP"); listToUse.push([[225, true], [315, false]]); var lineLeft = followAngle(225, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); var lineRight = followAngle(315, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5); } if (blob.x > f.getMapEndX() - 1000) { //RIGHT //console.log("RIGHT"); listToUse.push([[315, true], [45, false]]); var lineLeft = followAngle(315, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); var lineRight = followAngle(45, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5); } if (blob.y > f.getMapEndY() - 1000) { //BOTTOM //console.log("BOTTOM"); listToUse.push([[45, true], [135, false]]); var lineLeft = followAngle(45, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); var lineRight = followAngle(135, blob.x, blob.y, 190 + blob.size); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 5); drawLine(blob.x, blob.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 5); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob.x, blob.y, 5); } return listToUse; } //listToUse contains angles in the form of [angle, boolean]. //boolean is true when the range is starting. False when it's ending. //range = [[angle1, true], [angle2, false]] function getAngleIndex(listToUse, angle) { if (listToUse.length == 0) { return 0; } for (var i = 0; i < listToUse.length; i++) { if (angle <= listToUse[i][0]) { return i; } } return listToUse.length; } function addAngle(listToUse, range) { //#1 Find first open element //#2 Try to add range1 to the list. If it is within other range, don't add it, set a boolean. //#3 Try to add range2 to the list. If it is withing other range, don't add it, set a boolean. //TODO: Only add the new range at the end after the right stuff has been removed. var startIndex = 1; if (listToUse.length > 0 && !listToUse[0][1]) { startIndex = 0; } var startMark = getAngleIndex(listToUse, range[0][0]); var startBool = startMark.mod(2) != startIndex; var endMark = getAngleIndex(listToUse, range[1][0]); var endBool = endMark.mod(2) != startIndex; var removeList = []; if (startMark != endMark) { //Note: If there is still an error, this would be it. var biggerList = 0; if (endMark == listToUse.length) { biggerList = 1; } for (var i = startMark; i < startMark + (endMark - startMark).mod(listToUse.length + biggerList); i++) { removeList.push((i).mod(listToUse.length)); } } else if (startMark < listToUse.length && endMark < listToUse.length) { var startDist = (listToUse[startMark][0] - range[0][0]).mod(360); var endDist = (listToUse[endMark][0] - range[1][0]).mod(360); if (startDist < endDist) { for (var i = 0; i < listToUse.length; i++) { removeList.push(i); } } } removeList.sort(function(a, b){return b-a}); for (var i = 0; i < removeList.length; i++) { listToUse.splice(removeList[i], 1); } if (startBool) { listToUse.splice(getAngleIndex(listToUse, range[0][0]), 0, range[0]); } if (endBool) { listToUse.splice(getAngleIndex(listToUse, range[1][0]), 0, range[1]); } return listToUse; } function getAngleRange(blob1, blob2, index, radius) { var angleStuff = getEdgeLinesFromPoint(blob1, blob2, radius); var leftAngle = angleStuff[0]; var rightAngle = rangeToAngle(angleStuff); var difference = angleStuff[1]; drawPoint(angleStuff[2][0], angleStuff[2][1], 3, ""); drawPoint(angleStuff[3][0], angleStuff[3][1], 3, ""); //console.log("Adding badAngles: " + leftAngle + ", " + rightAngle + " diff: " + difference); var lineLeft = followAngle(leftAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, 150 + blob1.size - index * 10); var lineRight = followAngle(rightAngle, blob1.x, blob1.y, 150 + blob1.size - index * 10); if (blob2.isVirus()) { drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 6); drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 6); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob1.x, blob1.y, 6); } else if(getCells().hasOwnProperty( { drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 0); drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 0); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob1.x, blob1.y, 0); } else { drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], 3); drawLine(blob1.x, blob1.y, lineRight[0], lineRight[1], 3); drawArc(lineLeft[0], lineLeft[1], lineRight[0], lineRight[1], blob1.x, blob1.y, 3); } return [leftAngle, difference]; } //Given a list of conditions, shift the angle to the closest available spot respecting the range given. function shiftAngle(listToUse, angle, range) { //TODO: shiftAngle needs to respect the range! DONE? for (var i = 0; i < listToUse.length; i++) { if (angleIsWithin(angle, listToUse[i])) { //console.log("Shifting needed!"); var angle1 = listToUse[i][0]; var angle2 = rangeToAngle(listToUse[i]); var dist1 = (angle - angle1).mod(360); var dist2 = (angle2 - angle).mod(360); if (dist1 < dist2) { if (angleIsWithin(angle1, range)) { return angle1; } else { return angle2; } } else { if (angleIsWithin(angle2, range)) { return angle2; } else { return angle1; } } } } //console.log("No Shifting Was needed!"); return angle; } function findDestination(followMouse) { var player = getPlayer(); var interNodes = getMemoryCells(); if ( /*!toggle*/ 1) { var useMouseX = (getMouseX() - getWidth() / 2 + getX() * getRatio()) / getRatio(); var useMouseY = (getMouseY() - getHeight() / 2 + getY() * getRatio()) / getRatio(); tempPoint = [useMouseX, useMouseY, 1]; var tempMoveX = getPointX(); var tempMoveY = getPointY(); var destinationChoices = []; //destination, size, danger if (player.length > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < player.length; k++) { //console.log("Working on blob: " + k); drawCircle(player[k].x, player[k].y, player[k].size + splitDistance, 5); //drawPoint(player[0].x, player[0].y - player[0].size, 3, "" + Math.floor(player[0].x) + ", " + Math.floor(player[0].y)); //var allDots = processEverything(interNodes); var allIsAll = getAll(player[k]); var allPossibleFood = allIsAll[0]; var allPossibleThreats = allIsAll[1]; var allPossibleViruses = allIsAll[2]; var badAngles = []; var obstacleList = []; var isSafeSpot = true; var isMouseSafe = true; var clusterAllFood = clusterFood(allPossibleFood, player[k].size); //console.log("Looking for enemies!"); for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleThreats.length; i++) { var enemyDistance = computeDistance(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, player[k].x, player[k].y); var splitDangerDistance = allPossibleThreats[i].size + splitDistance + 150; var normalDangerDistance = allPossibleThreats[i].size + 150; var shiftDistance = player[k].size; //console.log("Found distance."); var enemyCanSplit = canSplit(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i]); for (var j = clusterAllFood.length - 1; j >= 0 ; j--) { var secureDistance = (enemyCanSplit ? splitDangerDistance : normalDangerDistance); if (computeDistance(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, clusterAllFood[j][0], clusterAllFood[j][1]) < secureDistance) clusterAllFood.splice(j, 1); } //console.log("Removed some food."); if (enemyCanSplit) { drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, splitDangerDistance, 0); drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, splitDangerDistance + shiftDistance, 6); } else { drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, normalDangerDistance, 3); drawCircle(allPossibleThreats[i].x, allPossibleThreats[i].y, normalDangerDistance + shiftDistance, 6); } if (allPossibleThreats[i].danger && f.getLastUpdate() - allPossibleThreats[i].dangerTimeOut > 1000) { allPossibleThreats[i].danger = false; } /*if ((enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < splitDangerDistance) || (!enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < normalDangerDistance)) { allPossibleThreats[i].danger = true; allPossibleThreats[i].dangerTimeOut = f.getLastUpdate(); }*/ //console.log("Figured out who was important."); if ((enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < splitDangerDistance) || (enemyCanSplit && allPossibleThreats[i].danger)) { badAngles.push(getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, splitDangerDistance)); } else if ((!enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < normalDangerDistance) || (!enemyCanSplit && allPossibleThreats[i].danger)) { badAngles.push(getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, normalDangerDistance)); } else if (enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < splitDangerDistance + shiftDistance) { var tempOb = getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, splitDangerDistance + shiftDistance); var angle1 = tempOb[0]; var angle2 = rangeToAngle(tempOb); obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]); } else if (!enemyCanSplit && enemyDistance < normalDangerDistance + shiftDistance) { var tempOb = getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleThreats[i], i, normalDangerDistance + shiftDistance); var angle1 = tempOb[0]; var angle2 = rangeToAngle(tempOb); obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]); } //console.log("Done with enemy: " + i); } //console.log("Done looking for enemies!"); var goodAngles = []; var stupidList = []; for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleViruses.length; i++) { if (player[k].size < allPossibleViruses[i].size) { drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, allPossibleViruses[i].size + 10, 3); drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, allPossibleViruses[i].size * 2, 6); } else { drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, player[k].size + 50, 3); drawCircle(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, player[k].size * 2, 6); } } for (var i = 0; i < allPossibleViruses.length; i++) { var virusDistance = computeDistance(allPossibleViruses[i].x, allPossibleViruses[i].y, player[k].x, player[k].y); if (player[k].size < allPossibleViruses[i].size) { if (virusDistance < (allPossibleViruses[i].size * 2)) { var tempOb = getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleViruses[i], i, allPossibleViruses[i].size + 10); var angle1 = tempOb[0]; var angle2 = rangeToAngle(tempOb); obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]); } } else { if (virusDistance < (player[k].size * 2)) { var tempOb = getAngleRange(player[k], allPossibleViruses[i], i, player[k].size + 50); var angle1 = tempOb[0]; var angle2 = rangeToAngle(tempOb); obstacleList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]); } } } if (badAngles.length > 0) { //NOTE: This is only bandaid wall code. It's not the best way to do it. stupidList = addWall(stupidList, player[k]); } for (var i = 0; i < badAngles.length; i++) { var angle1 = badAngles[i][0]; var angle2 = rangeToAngle(badAngles[i]); stupidList.push([[angle1, true], [angle2, false]]); } //stupidList.push([[45, true], [135, false]]); //stupidList.push([[10, true], [200, false]]); //console.log("Added random noob stuff."); var sortedInterList = []; var sortedObList = []; for (var i = 0; i < stupidList.length; i++) { //console.log("Adding to sorted: " + stupidList[i][0][0] + ", " + stupidList[i][1][0]); sortedInterList = addAngle(sortedInterList, stupidList[i]) if (sortedInterList.length == 0) { break; } } for (var i = 0; i < obstacleList.length; i++) { sortedObList = addAngle(sortedObList, obstacleList[i]) if (sortedObList.length == 0) { break; } } var offsetI = 0; var obOffsetI = 1; if (sortedInterList.length > 0 && sortedInterList[0][1]) { offsetI = 1; } if (sortedObList.length > 0 && sortedObList[0][1]) { obOffsetI = 0; } var goodAngles = []; var obstacleAngles = []; for (var i = 0; i < sortedInterList.length; i += 2) { var angle1 = sortedInterList[(i + offsetI).mod(sortedInterList.length)][0]; var angle2 = sortedInterList[(i + 1 + offsetI).mod(sortedInterList.length)][0]; var diff = (angle2 - angle1).mod(360); goodAngles.push([angle1, diff]); } for (var i = 0; i < sortedObList.length; i += 2) { var angle1 = sortedObList[(i + obOffsetI).mod(sortedObList.length)][0]; var angle2 = sortedObList[(i + 1 + obOffsetI).mod(sortedObList.length)][0]; var diff = (angle2 - angle1).mod(360); obstacleAngles.push([angle1, diff]); } for (var i = 0; i < goodAngles.length; i++) { var line1 = followAngle(goodAngles[i][0], player[k].x, player[k].y, 100 + player[k].size); var line2 = followAngle((goodAngles[i][0] + goodAngles[i][1]).mod(360), player[k].x, player[k].y, 100 + player[k].size); drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 1); drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line2[0], line2[1], 1); drawArc(line1[0], line1[1], line2[0], line2[1], player[k].x, player[k].y, 1); //drawPoint(player[0].x, player[0].y, 2, ""); drawPoint(line1[0], line1[1], 0, "" + i + ": 0"); drawPoint(line2[0], line2[1], 0, "" + i + ": 1"); } for (var i = 0; i < obstacleAngles.length; i++) { var line1 = followAngle(obstacleAngles[i][0], player[k].x, player[k].y, 50 + player[k].size); var line2 = followAngle((obstacleAngles[i][0] + obstacleAngles[i][1]).mod(360), player[k].x, player[k].y, 50 + player[k].size); drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 6); drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line2[0], line2[1], 6); drawArc(line1[0], line1[1], line2[0], line2[1], player[k].x, player[k].y, 6); //drawPoint(player[0].x, player[0].y, 2, ""); drawPoint(line1[0], line1[1], 0, "" + i + ": 0"); drawPoint(line2[0], line2[1], 0, "" + i + ": 1"); } if (followMouse && goodAngles.length == 0) { //This is the follow the mouse mode var distance = computeDistance(player[k].x, player[k].y, tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1]); var shiftedAngle = shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, getAngle(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[k].x, player[k].y), [0, 360]); var destination = followAngle(shiftedAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, distance); destinationChoices.push(destination); drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, destination[0], destination[1], 1); //tempMoveX = destination[0]; //tempMoveY = destination[1]; } else if (goodAngles.length > 0) { var bIndex = goodAngles[0]; var biggest = goodAngles[0][1]; for (var i = 1; i < goodAngles.length; i++) { var size = goodAngles[i][1]; if (size > biggest) { biggest = size; bIndex = goodAngles[i]; } } var perfectAngle = (bIndex[0] + bIndex[1] / 2).mod(360); perfectAngle = shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, perfectAngle, bIndex); var line1 = followAngle(perfectAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, f.verticalDistance()); destinationChoices.push(line1); drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, line1[0], line1[1], 7); //tempMoveX = line1[0]; //tempMoveY = line1[1]; } else if (badAngles.length > 0 && goodAngles == 0) { //TODO: CODE TO HANDLE WHEN THERE IS NO GOOD ANGLE BUT THERE ARE ENEMIES AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!! destinationChoices.push([tempMoveX, tempMoveY]); } else if (clusterAllFood.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < clusterAllFood.length; i++) { //console.log("mefore: " + clusterAllFood[i][2]); //This is the cost function. Higher is better. var clusterAngle = getAngle(clusterAllFood[i][0], clusterAllFood[i][1], player[k].x, player[k].y); clusterAllFood[i][2] = clusterAllFood[i][2] * 6 - computeDistance(clusterAllFood[i][0], clusterAllFood[i][1], player[k].x, player[k].y); //console.log("Current Value: " + clusterAllFood[i][2]); //(goodAngles[bIndex][1] / 2 - (Math.abs(perfectAngle - clusterAngle))); clusterAllFood[i][3] = clusterAngle; drawPoint(clusterAllFood[i][0], clusterAllFood[i][1], 1, ""); //console.log("After: " + clusterAllFood[i][2]); } var bestFoodI = 0; var bestFood = clusterAllFood[0][2]; for (var i = 1; i < clusterAllFood.length; i++) { if (bestFood < clusterAllFood[i][2]) { bestFood = clusterAllFood[i][2]; bestFoodI = i; } } //console.log("Best Value: " + clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][2]); var distance = computeDistance(player[k].x, player[k].y, clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][0], clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][1]); var shiftedAngle = shiftAngle(obstacleAngles, getAngle(clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][0], clusterAllFood[bestFoodI][1], player[k].x, player[k].y), [0, 360]); var destination = followAngle(shiftedAngle, player[k].x, player[k].y, distance); destinationChoices.push(destination); //tempMoveX = destination[0]; //tempMoveY = destination[1]; drawLine(player[k].x, player[k].y, destination[0], destination[1], 1); } else { //If there are no enemies around and no food to eat. destinationChoices.push([tempMoveX, tempMoveY]); } drawPoint(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], tempPoint[2], ""); //drawPoint(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], tempPoint[2], "" + Math.floor(computeDistance(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], I, J))); //drawLine(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y, 6); //console.log("Slope: " + slope(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y) + " Angle: " + getAngle(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y) + " Side: " + (getAngle(tempPoint[0], tempPoint[1], player[0].x, player[0].y) - 90).mod(360)); tempPoint[2] = 1; //console.log("Done working on blob: " + i); } //TODO: Find where to go based on destinationChoices. /*var dangerFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < destinationChoices.length; i++) { if (destinationChoices[i][2]) { dangerFound = true; break; } } destinationChoices.sort(function(a, b){return b[1] - a[1]}); if (dangerFound) { for (var i = 0; i < destinationChoices.length; i++) { if (destinationChoices[i][2]) { tempMoveX = destinationChoices[i][0][0]; tempMoveY = destinationChoices[i][0][1]; break; } } } else { tempMoveX = destinationChoices.peek()[0][0]; tempMoveY = destinationChoices.peek()[0][1]; //console.log("Done " + tempMoveX + ", " + tempMoveY); }*/ } //console.log("MOVING RIGHT NOW!"); //console.log("______Never lied ever in my life."); return destinationChoices; } } function screenToGameX(x) { return (x - getWidth() / 2) / getRatio() + getX(); } function screenToGameY(y) { return (y - getHeight() / 2) / getRatio() + getY();; } function drawPoint(x_1, y_1, drawColor, text) { f.drawPoint(x_1, y_1, drawColor, text); } function drawArc(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, drawColor) { f.drawArc(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, drawColor); } function drawLine(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, drawColor) { f.drawLine(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, drawColor); } function drawCircle(x_1, y_1, radius, drawColor) { f.drawCircle(x_1, y_1, radius, drawColor); } function screenDistance() { var temp = f.getScreenDistance(); return temp; } function getDarkBool() { return f.getDarkBool(); } function getMassBool() { return f.getMassBool(); } function getMemoryCells() { return f.getMemoryCells(); } function getCellsArray() { return f.getCellsArray(); } function getCells() { return f.getCells(); } function getPlayer() { return f.getPlayer(); } function getWidth() { return f.getWidth(); } function getHeight() { return f.getHeight(); } function getRatio() { return f.getRatio(); } function getOffsetX() { return f.getOffsetX(); } function getOffsetY() { return f.getOffsetY(); } function getX() { return f.getX(); } function getY() { return f.getY(); } function getPointX() { return f.getPointX(); } function getPointY() { return f.getPointY(); } function getMouseX() { return f.getMouseX(); } function getMouseY() { return f.getMouseY(); } function getUpdate() { return f.getLastUpdate(); } function getMode() { return f.getMode(); } })(window, jQuery);

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Function calcPTO calculates vacation earned.

Function calcPTOUsed reads database for the year passed to it and accumulates the Vacation/PTO used.

calcPTOUsed works but the data but does not send it back to calcPTO, values are always zero.

Console Logs show that all calcPTOUsed seems to process after all calcPTO is completed.

function calcPTO(){
var dbid = "";
var apptoken = "";
var PTOAccrued = 0.0;
var PTODaysUsed = 0.0;

$.ajaxSetup({data: {apptoken: apptoken}});
var promise = $.get(dbid, {
act: "API_DoQuery",
query: "{3.EX." + kRid + "}",
clist: "335.392.393.394",
slist: "335.392.393.394",
options: "num-1.sortorder-D"

$.when(promise).then(function(xml) {
var StartDtm = parseFloat($("start_date___actual", xml).text());
var EndDt = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy/mm/dd', new Date());
var ATotMnths = $("accrued_total_months", xml).text();
var PTODt = $("pto_rate", xml).text();
var PTOGrp = $("pto_accrual_group", xml).text();
// PTOGrp = $("#_fid_394").val();
var PTOYrlyAccrued = 0.0;
var StartDt = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy/mm/dd', new Date(StartDtm));
var StartDtYr = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy', new Date(StartDt));
var CurDtYr = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy', new Date(StartDt));
var CurDt = new Date(StartDtm);
var TDay = $.datepicker.formatDate('dd', new Date());
var TMnth = $.datepicker.formatDate('mm', new Date());
var TYr = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy', new Date());
var PTOHours = 0.0;
// var PTODaysUsed = 0.0
var RptHrs = " Year - Earned - Used\r";
var PTODU = 0.0;
// console.dirxml(xml);
var months = ATotMnths;
var rate = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= months; i++) {
CurDtYr =$.datepicker.formatDate('yy', new Date(CurDt));
if (StartDtYr != CurDtYr) {
console.log(" calcPTO:(Before-calcPTOUsed) Year: " + StartDtYr + " " + PTODaysUsed);
calcPTOUsed(StartDtYr, PTODU);
PTODaysUsed = PTODU;
RptHrs = RptHrs + $("#_fid_395").val() + " " + StartDtYr + " - " + PTOYrlyAccrued.toFixed(2) + " - " + PTODaysUsed + "\r";
console.log(" calcPTO:(After -calcPTOUsed) Year: " + StartDtYr + " " + PTODaysUsed);
// RptHrs = RptHrs + $("#_fid_395").val() + " " + StartDtYr + " - " + PTOYrlyAccrued.toFixed(2) + "\r";
StartDt = CurDt;
StartDtYr = CurDtYr;
PTOYrlyAccrued = 0;
CurDt.setMonth(CurDt.getMonth( ) + 1 );
if (PTOGrp.toLowerCase().indexOf("admin") >= 0) {
if (i >= 1 && i <=36){
rate = parseFloat("1.25");
}else if (i > 36 && i <= 60){
rate = parseFloat("1.67");
}else if (i > 60 && i <= 120){
rate = parseFloat("1.92");
}else if (i > 120){
rate = parseFloat("2.08");
rate = parseFloat("0");
if (PTOGrp.toLowerCase().indexOf("project") >= 0) {
if (i >= 1 && i <=36){
rate = 0.83;
}else if (i > 36 && i <= 60){
rate = 1.00;
}else if (i > 60){
rate = 1.17;
rate = 0;
if (CurDt.getYear(StartDtm) < TYr || CurDt.getMonth(StartDtm) < TMnth || CurDt.getDay(StartDtm) >= TDay) {
// console.log("Adding PTOHours: " + PTOHours + " PTOAccrued: " + PTOAccrued);
PTOAccrued = rate + PTOAccrued;
PTOYrlyAccrued = rate + PTOYrlyAccrued;
else if (CurDt.getYear(StartDtm) == TYr && CurDt.getMonth(StartDtm) == TMnth && CurDt.getDay(StartDtm) >= TDay) {
// console.log("Adding PTOHours: " + PTOHours + " PTOAccrued: " + PTOAccrued + " Year Matched.");
PTOAccrued = rate + PTOAccrued;
PTOYrlyAccrued = rate + PTOYrlyAccrued;
// End For Loop
console.log(" calcPTO:(Before-calcPTOUsed) Year: " + CurDtYr + " " + PTODU + " " + PTODaysUsed);
calcPTOUsed(CurDtYr, PTODU);
PTODaysUsed = PTODU;
console.log(" calcPTO:( After-calcPTOUsed) Year: " + CurDtYr + " " + PTODU + " " + PTODaysUsed);
PTOHours = PTOAccrued;
$("#_fid_395").val(RptHrs + " " + CurDtYr + " - " + PTOYrlyAccrued.toFixed(2) + " - " + PTODaysUsed);

// End When Promise
// End CalcPTO Function

function calcPTOUsed(ExtractYr, PTODU){
// Query & retrieve all TimeOff records based on:
// 1) RId of current HR Personnel record
// 2) for all TimeOff records that have been Approved by a Mgr
// 3) for all TimeOff records whose year matches the ExtractYr (year) passed into this function.
// Quickbase Information:
// TimeOff Table Id - bhihrc5ci
// Date Out - fid_6
// Date In - fid_7
// Hours - fid_14
// Days - fid_15
// Mgr Approve Status - fid_11
// Related HR Record - fid_23
// Mgr Approve Date - fid_34
var dbid = "";
var apptoken = "";
var PTODays = 0.0;
var PTOHours = 0.0
// alert(" ExtractYr: " + ExtractYr + " Rid: " + kRid);

$.ajaxSetup({data: {apptoken: apptoken}});
var promise = $.get(dbid, {
act: "API_DoQuery",
query: "{23.EX." + kRid + "}AND{11.EX.'Approved'}AND{7.CT.'" + ExtractYr + "'}",
clist: "15",
slist: "15",
options: "num-99.sortorder-D"

$.when(promise).then(function(xml) {
console.log(" calcPTOUsed:(Before): ExtractYr: " + ExtractYr + " PTODays: " + PTODays + " PTODU: " + PTODU);
var PTOUsed = $("days", xml).map(function() {
return parseFloat($(this).text());
PTODays = _.reduce(PTOUsed, function(memo, PTOUsed) {return memo + PTOUsed; }, 0);
PTOHours = PTODays*8;
Return PTODU;
// End When Promise

console.log(" calcPTOUsed:(After): ExtractYr: " + ExtractYr + " PTODays: " + PTODays + " PTODU: " + PTODU);
// return PTODU;
// alert("After: ExtractYr: " + ExtractYr + " PTODays: " + PTODays + " PTODaysUsed: " + PTODaysUsed);
// return PTODaysUsed;
// End calcPTOUsed Function

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    ๐Ÿ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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