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istanbul-sourcemap-report's Introduction

Istanbul coverage report source mapping utility

Build Status

Utility to generate coverage reports from compiled code coverage via SourceMaps.

Opinionated fork from remap-istanbul(

My goals were following:

  • split to smaller, more maintainable files
  • change some implementation details, and interfaces I do not like
  • resolve some issues I have
  • change testing framework
  • update to es6
  • make better cli util

Also there is one big thing that need to be done - make unit test coverage, instead of functional as it is now. Have not done yet - just converted to jasmine.

BTW - I also removed grunt and gulp plugins from project, because I think it should be separate packages.



npm install istanbul-sourcemap-report


istanbul-sourcemap-report ./coverage/coverage.json --json.file=./coverage/coverage-remapped.json --html.dir=./coverage/coverage-remapped

Possible options:

  • --exclude=<glob> - glob expression for files to exclude
  • --<report-type>.<option>=<value> - options for reporters
  • --<report-type> - enable report type (not required if there is options for report type)
  • everything else is treated as input coverage files

Node module

const remap = require('istanbul-sourcemap-report');

  // coverage files for mapping to sources
], {
  // reporters configuration
  json: { file: './coverage/coverage-remapped.json' },
  html: { dir: './coverage/coverage-remapped' },
}, {
  // remapping options
  //    exclude?  - glob expression using minimatch
  //    readFile? - a function that can read a file
  //                syncronously
  //    readJSON? - a function that can read and parse a
  //                JSON file syncronously
  //    sources?  - a Istanbul store where inline sources will be
  //                added
  //    warn?     - a function that logs warnings

istanbul-sourcemap-report's People


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