Announcement post on Times Open blog
This package is a fork of React Helmet.
usage is synonymous, but server and client now requires <HelmetProvider>
to encapsulate state per request.
relies on react-side-effect
, which is not thread-safe. If you are doing anything asynchronous on the server, you need Helmet to encapsulate data on a per-request basis, this package does just that.
New is 1.0.0: No more default export! import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet-async'
The main way that this package differs from react-helmet
is that it requires using a Provider to encapsulate Helmet state for your React tree. If you use libraries like Redux or Apollo, you are already familiar with this paradigm:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Helmet, HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async';
const app = (
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<h1>Hello World</h1>
On the server, we will no longer use static methods to extract state. react-side-effect
exposed a .rewind()
method, which Helmet used when calling Helmet.renderStatic()
. Instead, we are going
to pass a context
prop to HelmetProvider
, which will hold our state specific to each request.
import React from 'react';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { Helmet, HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async';
const helmetContext = {};
const app = (
<HelmetProvider context={helmetContext}>
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<h1>Hello World</h1>
const html = renderToString(app);
const { helmet } = helmetContext;
// helmet.title.toString() etc…
This package only works with streaming if your <head>
data is output outside of renderToNodeStream()
This is possible if your data hydration method already parses your React tree. Example:
import through from 'through';
import { renderToNodeStream } from 'react-dom/server';
import { getDataFromTree } from 'react-apollo';
import { Helmet, HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async';
import template from 'server/template';
const helmetContext = {};
const app = (
<HelmetProvider context={helmetContext}>
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<h1>Hello World</h1>
await getDataFromTree(app);
const [header, footer] = template({
helmet: helmetContext.helmet,
function write(data) {
function end() {
While testing in using jest, if there is a need to emulate SSR, the following string is required to have the test behave the way they are expected to.
import { HelmetProvider } from 'react-helmet-async';
HelmetProvider.canUseDOM = false;
It is understood that in some cases for SEO, certain tags should appear earlier in the HEAD. Using the prioritizeSeoTags
flag on any <Helmet>
component allows the server render of react-helmet-async to expose a method for prioritizing relevant SEO tags.
In the component:
<Helmet prioritizeSeoTags>
<title>A fancy webpage</title>
<link rel="notImportant" href="" />
<meta name="whatever" value="notImportant" />
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<meta property="og:title" content="A very important title"/>
In your server template:
Will result in:
<title>A fancy webpage</title>
<meta property="og:title" content="A very important title"/>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<meta name="whatever" value="notImportant" />
<link rel="notImportant" href="" />
A list of prioritized tags and attributes can be found in constants.js.
You can optionally use <Helmet>
outside a context by manually creating a stateful HelmetData
instance, and passing that stateful object to each <Helmet>
import React from 'react';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { Helmet, HelmetProvider, HelmetData } from 'react-helmet-async';
const helmetData = new HelmetData({});
const app = (
<Helmet helmetData={helmetData}>
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<h1>Hello World</h1>
const html = renderToString(app);
const { helmet } = helmetData.context;
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, Copyright © 2018 Scott Taylor
react-helmet-async's People
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