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Connect your Ethereum smart contract to any real world API using the oracle pattern!

License: MIT License

Solidity 30.33% JavaScript 69.67%
alchemy blockchain decentralized ethereum etherscan ethersjs hardhat oracle remix smart-contracts

minimal-viable-oracle's Introduction

Minimal Viable Oracle (MVO) - An effective way to Build your own oracle with Solidity

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Smart contracts cannot access off-chain data directly. This repository demonstrates how to connect Ethereum to any real world API using the oracle pattern.

If you have built a smart contract before, you may already know how to query information like price feeds or random numbers into your contract. But how about external data that is not provided by the common oracle providers in the Web3 space?

In this tutorial we will create a set of contracts that will enable you to draw n random cards from a standard 52-card deck.


  1. Fork the project and clone it to your local environment.
  2. Install all the packages with npm i.
  3. Create a .env file and define the environment variables ALCHEMY_API_KEY_RINKEBY, ETHER_SCAN and PRIVATE_KEY. There is an example in .example.env.
  4. Open three tabs in the console.
  5. In the first tab run npx hardhat run scripts/1_deploy-contracts.js --network rinkeby. This will deploy both contracts and verify them on etherscan. The process might take up to three minutes. This script will also create a file called map.json that keeps track of the addresses of the deployed contract. It may not work on Windows. If this is the case, create the map.json file and insert the addresses of the deployed contracts manually. You can get inspired by map.example.json. Without this file the next scripts won't work.
  6. In the second tab run npx hardhat run scripts/2_listen-to-oracle-requests.js --network rinkeby. As discussed above, this script is responsible for fetching the data and sending it to the oracle contact. It runs in the background and won't log anything.
  7. In the third tab run npx hardhat run scripts/2_listen-to-client-fulfillments.js --network rinkeby. This script listens on the ClientFulfillment event from the CardsClient contract.
  8. Now it gets exciting! Run npx hardhat run scripts/3_draw-cards.js --network rinkeby in the first tab, which we used before to deploy the contracts. This script triggers the whole "oracle flow" and will draw 52 cards from a single deck without shuffling. You can adjust the number of cards to your liking. Make sure you have some testnet Ether in you wallet, since every every request sends 0.001 ETH to the oracle.
  9. If you did everything correctly the third tab logs an array of 52 cards.

Project constraints

Minimum Requirements

  • Use the API
  • A request from the client contract CardsClient costs 0.001 ETH
  • The CardsClient contract has a callback function named fulfill
  • The callback function should only be callable by the CardsOracle contract
  • CardsClient only allows for one pending request
  • Drawn cards are encoded as bytes2 (Ace of Spades -> AS -> 0x4153)
  • When the CardsOracle receives a request via the receiveRequest it fires the OracleRequest event
  • The backend must listen to the OracleRequest, query the API and send the result back to the CardsOracle via fulfillRequest function
  • The fulfillRequest function is only callable by the backend

Recommended Stack

  • Hardhat
  • Ethers.js
  • Solidity
  • Node.js


If you are up for a challenge try to implement the oracle yourself. If not I will be more than happy to help you implement the project. Here is the final code. It is a fully functioning project. I recommend opening the code in a separate tab while reading through this article.

How Do Oracles Work?

To fulfill their core purpose, smart contracts may need to communicate with the outside world. Oracles enable this functionality. To do this, an oracle is made up of an on-chain component (smart contract) and an off-chain component that can query the API. The backend then periodically sends transactions to update the smart contract's state. It is important to understand that your contract is asking the oracle to make the API call for you. It doesn't make the call itself.

There are two reasons to use an oracle:

  1. You rely on information that can not be provided from within the blockchain.
  2. You rely on information to be served at a specific time in the future.



Smart Contracts

My implementation consists of two contracts and one interface. The contract that interacts with the oracles is called CardsClient and the on-chain component that provides this service is called CardsOracle. The contracts were compiled with version 0.8.7 and should also work until version 0.8.15.


To get an overview I'll show you the state variables and constructor of the CardsClient contract.

contract CardsClient {
    address public owner;
    address payable public oracle;
    bytes2[] public cards;
    uint32 public pendingRequestId;
    // events and modifiers...
    constructor(address payable _oracle) {
        owner = msg.sender;
        oracle = _oracle;
    // more code...

The owner is the address which created the contract. There can be multiple such client contracts, since everybody is allowed to use our oracle. The address of the oracle needs to be payable because we pay the oracle 0.001 ETH for every request we make. The reason for the fee is that the oracle has to make a secondary transaction to the CardsClient contract which costs gas. The results of our request will be stored in an array of bytes2 variables. Every card can be efficiently represented in two bytes of storage (Ace of Spades -> AS -> 0x4153). Finally we will use a uint32 to store the ID of the latest pending request. This implementation prevents multiple simultaneous requests. You could also allow multiple simultaneous requests, but for the purposes of this tutorial, I'm keeping it simple.

Next we are going to define the functions, which a Externally Owned Account (EOA) or contract could interact with.

function drawNCardsWithShuffle(uint8 _nrOfCards) public payable returns (uint32){
    return drawNCards(_nrOfCards, true);

function drawNCardsWithoutShuffle(uint8 _nrOfCards) public payable returns (uint32){
    return drawNCards(_nrOfCards, false);

function drawNCards(uint8 _nrOfCards, bool shuffle) internal returns (uint32){
    // implementation follows...

There are two public functions named drawNCardsWithShuffle and drawNCardsWithoutShuffle. The former function will draw a card from a shuffled deck and reshuffle before any subsequent card draw. The probability to draw a specific card will remain 1/52. The latter function will draw cards from the same deck without reinserting the cards afterwards. Both functions start with a new and shuffled deck on every request.

The drawNCardsWithShuffle and drawNCardsWithoutShuffle function create a level of abstraction. A user will never call the drawNCards function directly. Which is why it is internal.

All functions use a uint8 as the datatype for the _nrOfCards parameter, because it is the smallest uint that is capable of storing the number 52.

In order to reuse functionality between the CardsClient and the CardsOracle contracts, we define an interface that declares a struct called Request.

interface IOracle {
    struct Request {
        uint8 nrOfCards;
        bool shuffle;
        address cbClient;
        bytes4 cbSelector;
        bool fulfilled;

This struct acts as a new data type. It groups multiple attributes into a single "object". With the fields nrOfCards and shuffle we are already familiar with. In cbClient we will store the address of the contact that calls the oracle. Together with cbSelector the oracle can use the low-level call function to pass the results of the API back to our CardsClient contract. To prevent already fulfilled requests from being maliciously overwritten we can keep track of the state with the fulfilled field.

drawNCards is responsible for transferring ether and the Request struct to the oracle.

contract CardsClient is IOracle {
    // more code...
    function drawNCards(uint8 _nrOfCards, bool shuffle) internal returns (uint32){
        require(pendingRequestId == 0, "There is already a pending request");

        Request memory request = Request(_nrOfCards, shuffle, address(this), this.fulfill.selector, false);
        (bool success, bytes memory data) ={value: msg.value}(abi.encodeWithSignature("receiveRequest((uint8,bool,address,bytes4,bool))", request));

        if(!success) {
            revert("Call to Oracle was not successful");
        return pendingRequestId = abi.decode(data, (uint16));

    function fulfill(uint32 _requestId, bytes2[] calldata _cards) external {
        // implementation follows...
    // more code...

After we check that there is no pending request we can create a Request and initialize it. address(this) is the cbClient and this.fulfill.selector the cbSelector. If you look closely, I added the signature of the fulfill function. This is the function the oracle contract will call and pass the results of the off-chain API query. this.fulfill.selector returns the first left four bytes of the Keccak-256 (SHA-3) hash of the signature of the fulfill function.

Now that the request is constructed, it is time to pass it to CardsOracle. In order to successfully execute the transaction, the call function forwards all ether that the contract received via drawNCardsWithShuffle or drawNCardsWithoutShuffle. The recipient of the funds and the struct is the receiveRequest function from the oracle. In the first argument of the abi.encodeWithSignature function it is mandatory to use two opening and closing parentheses since we are using a struct. Otherwise the argument won't be encoded correctly.

To learn more about the call function check out this source.

The transaction to receiveRequest from the CardsOracle contract will trigger an event that lets the backend know it should query the API. **Therefore the data variable won't include the result of the API call. **Only the fallback function (in our case fulfill) gets access to the results. It will be called from the oracle by a transaction that is initiated by the backend.

If the call is not successful the transaction reverts. If it is successful the request ID is extracted from the data variable, stored in pendingRequestId and then returned.

The fulfill function is the callback function that receives the result from the off-chain service.

contract CardsClient is IOracle {
    // more code...
    event ClientFulfillment(uint32 indexed requestid, bytes2[] cards, address indexed sender, uint256 indexed timestamp);
    // more code...
    function fulfill(uint32 _requestId, bytes2[] calldata _cards) external {
        require(msg.sender == oracle, "Caller is not the oracle");
        assert(_requestId == pendingRequestId);

        emit ClientFulfillment(_requestId, _cards, msg.sender, block.timestamp);

        pendingRequestId = 0;
        cards = _cards;
    // more code...

When the fulfill function gets called it first checks if the caller matches the address that we saved in the oracle state variable. This is very important. Otherwise any EOA or contract could call this function and maliciously provide wrong information. Our function also checks that the passed _requestId is the same as our state variable pendingRequestId. I use an assert statement since this is a condition that should always be true.

We also emit an event called ClientFulfillment. It is not really necessary, but useful to track and test our contract.

In our case the function just stores the result to a state variable cards. But it could also trigger an internal logic depending on the requestId. This all depends on the use case.


As with the CardsClient contract, I provide you an overview of the state variables and constructor.

contract CardsOracle is IOracle {
    address public owner;
    uint256 public fee;
    uint32 public requestId;
    bool public stopped;
    mapping(uint32 => Request) public idToRequest;
    // events and modifiers...
    constructor() {
        owner = msg.sender;
        stopped = false;
        requestId = 1;
        fee = 0.001 * 10 ** 18; // 0.001 ETH
    // more code...

The owner is the contract deployer. The fee is the amount that a requester has to pay to the oracle to use its service. It should at least cover the gas fees for the secondary transaction. Every request has its own ID. The requestId gets incremented by one on every request. In an emergency scenario where the API gets hacked we need to prevent users from making requests. With stopped we can stop the contract temporarily. The idToRequest mapping caches the requests. This has two reasons. Firstly we need to store the address and signature of the callback function, secondly there must be a mechanism that a request can't be fulfilled multiple times. We use the fulfilled field for this.

We deploy the CardsOracle contract first so that we can directly pass its address to the constructor of CardsClient.

The receiveRequest function receives the requests along with the fee and fires an event.

function receiveRequest(Request calldata _request) external payable notStopped returns (uint32){
    require(msg.value >= fee, "Please send more ETH");
    require(_request.nrOfCards > 0 && _request.nrOfCards < 53 && _request.cbClient != address(0) && _request.cbSelector != bytes4(0) && !_request.fulfilled, "Invalid input data");

    idToRequest[requestId] = _request;

    emit OracleRequest(requestId, _request.shuffle, _request.nrOfCards, msg.sender, block.timestamp);
    return requestId++;

The receiveRequest receives a Request as a parameter. The function checks if the contract is not stopped and all fields are properly filled. If not, it reverts. Also the amount of ether the user sends must be greater or equal to the fee we specified. There is no refund if the user pays too much. All requests are stored in our idToRequest mapping. The requests can be accessed by their requestId.

Next we emit the OracleRequest event. Our backend listens for this event and queries the data from the API. It is important that the event gets emitted from the CardsOracle contract. If we would allow any contract to emit the event the oracle would be vulnerable to spam since we can not ensure that the user has paid for the service.

The function ends with a return statement that returns the current requestId to the caller contract and increments the ID afterwards. This is useful, because the CardsClient contract may want to associate incoming calls by their ID.

The following function can only be called by the backend. Its responsibility is to pass the fetched data to the callback function of the CardsClient contract.

function fulfillRequest(uint32 _requestId, bytes2[] calldata _cards) notStopped onlyOwner external {
    Request storage request = idToRequest[_requestId];

    assert(request.cbClient != address(0));
    assert(_cards.length == request.nrOfCards);

    request.fulfilled = true;

    emit OracleFulfillment(_requestId, _cards, msg.sender, block.timestamp);
    (bool success, ) =, _requestId, _cards));
    require(success, "Couldn't fulfill request");

With the _requestId that we receive as a parameter we are able to access the cached requests. The _cards parameter stores the drawn cards. In order to successfully pass the _cards to the client several conditions have to be met:

  1. The contract must not be stopped
  2. The request must exist in the idToRequest mapping
  3. The request must not be already fulfilled
  4. The number of requested cards has to be equal to the number of cards that the function received

Afterwards we can again use the low level call function. In this case we pass the encoded data and the _requestId.

We use the Checks Effects Interactions pattern here, although it isn't strictly necessary.

Data Source

I wrote several scripts with hardhat to make the project work:

Although all parts are important for the project to work, only the 2_listen-to-oracle-requests.js script is needed to listen to the OracleRequest event and fetch the data.

const cardsOracle = await ethers.getContractAt(

  async (requestId, shuffle, nrOfCards, sender, timestamp) => {
    const allCardCodesHex = await getCards(nrOfCards, shuffle);
    let tx = await cardsOracle.fulfillRequest(requestId, allCardCodesHex);
    await tx.wait();

cardsOracle references the deployed CardsOracle contract that is deployed on the blockchain. The on method of a contract allows us to define an event we want to listen to and an action that should be executed when the event gets fired. We use the OracleRequest event, since this is the event we defined in the receiveRequest function of the CardsOracle contract. When an event happens the script gets access to all the parameters that were defined in the contract. To fetch the appropriate data we need to pass the nrOfCards and shuffle parameters to the getCards function. This function makes the call to the API and returns an array of cards in hexadecimal format as a result. This array (allCardCodesHex) then gets passed with the requestId back to the contract. The data will then be forwarded to the fallback function of the client contract.

If you are interested on how I fetched the data from the API in the getCards function take a look at 2_listen-to-oracle-requests.js.

Expand The Project

A great way to test your knowledge is to extend the project's functionality. Here is some inspiration:

  • Create a new ERC-20 Token and use it to pay the oracle.
  • Make a dApp where users can bet on what card gets drawn next.
  • Create a contract that allows people to play blackjack.
  • Use Chainlink VRF instead of the centralized API.

I hope you had fun so far and learned something new!

Disclaimer: This code has not been professionally audited. Use at your own risk. Also keep in mind that centralized oracles are a point of failure. Always use decentralized oracles if possible. This project is only tested on macOS

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