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3DFin tutorial

Getting started with 3DFin using CloudCompare plugin


  • To understand the basic concepts behind 3DFin workflow
  • To learn how to use 3DFin software to extract individual trees from a 3D point cloud
  • To understand what the outputs of the 3DFin workflow mean

Requirements to run this tutorial

This tutorial uses real world data to showcase its contents. Its detailed enough to follow along just by reading it, but you can always replicate its contents in your own pc downloading the data and processing them in 3DFin. To do so, you will need a recent version of CloudCompare that incorporates 3DFin plugin. You can download a zip-file containing a running version for Windows here:

Download CloudCompare

The first dataset that will be used during the tutorial is available here:

TLS dataset used in this tutorial

It is a terrestrial point cloud from a pine stand (Pinus sylvestris) in a forest in Brandenburg, Germany. This point cloud was collected by Amelie Naderi and Hannes Bluhm of the Freie Universität Berlin with a Riegl vz400i in summer 2022.

Starting 3DFin in CloudCompare

Download CloudCompare installer, unpack it onto a folder on your computer that you can find again and then run CloudCompare by double-blicking the "CloudCompare.exe" in the main file folder. You can skip this part if you already have an installation of CloudCompare's most recent version.

This should lead to a situation as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1: CloudCompare with 3DFin extension installed Figure 1: CloudCompare with 3DFin extension installed.

Your actual view is likely to appear a bit different since you might have other and additional toolbars activated. You might have to press on a little arrow-button on the top right of the menu bar to be able to see the relevant icons which are marked in Fig. 1.

We are now ready to open our example dataset and start working with the 3DFin plugin. To open the dataset, we select File -> Open (Fig. 2) and then in the new window browse to the pointcloud_pines_brandenburg.las file, select it and press "Open".

Figure 2: Open the example dataset

Figure 2: Open the example dataset.

We will use the standard settings of CloudCompare to open the file. That is, in the first window we press "Apply All" (Fig. 3) and in the second window "Yes to All" (Fig. 4).

Figure 3: The open dataset dialogue in CloudCompare 1/2

Figure 3: The open dataset dialogue in CloudCompare 1/2.

Figure 4: The open dataset dialogue in CloudCompare 2/2

Figure 4: The open dataset dialogue in CloudCompare 2/2.

This should result in a situation as shown in Fig. 5:

Figure 5: CloudCompare view after loading the example dataset Figure 5: CloudCompare view after loading the example dataset.

If you want to adjust some basic visualization settings of the point cloud you can get some first indications on how to achieve this in the following tutorial:

Basic CloudCompare tutorial

However, given that our example dataset comes with some RGB information, the standard visualization setting should already be quite acceptable.

We will now start the 3DFin plugin by first selecting the loaded point-cloud in the DB Tree window of CloudCompare (marked with 1 in Fig. 5) and then click the drop-down menu "Plugins" and select "3D Forest Inventories" (marked with 2 in Fig. 5).

This will open the 3DFin plugin and its main window as shown in Fig. 6.

Running 3DFin with default settings

Figure 6: The 3DFin user interface in CloudCompare

Figure 6: The 3DFin user interface in CloudCompare.

The basic tab provides only a few fundamental parameters that can be modified if required. However, the default parameters should produce decent results for most datasets. In the following, a brief explanation of each parameter is provided:

  • Normalization of the point cloud (marked with 1 in Fig. 6): If the input dataset contains a normalized point cloud (z-values of the 3D points represent the height above ground) you can uncheck this box. You will then have to provide additional information which scalar-field in your las-file contains the z-value. If your point cloud is not normalized (z-values of your 3D points represent heights above sea-level) this box should be checked and 3DFin will automatically calculate a digital terrain model and subtract the terrain model value from the z-value of each point.
  • Clean noise on dtm (marked with 2 in Fig. 6): In some point clouds (particularly those created using photogrammetric approaches) a certain level of noise can be expected. In such cases, some points may be located below the actual ground surface which can lead to suboptimal interpolated digital terrain models (DTM) if they are not filtered out. By checking this box, you tell 3DFin that it is ok to filter out such points during the calculation of the DTM. You should use this setting particularly if you assume that your point cloud is noisy. Activating this option may lead to increased processing time.
  • Format of output tabular data (marked with 3 in Fig. 6): 3DFin's processing chain will create some tables that store detailed information on the identified tree stems as key outputs. Here you can define whether you prefer to have these tables saved as CSV or an Excel file.
  • Stripe Upper Limit (marked with 4 in Fig. 6): As further explained below, the first step in the 3DFin work-flow bases on the identification of tree segments in the lower part of the forest stand. The idea for the two stripe parameters is to define a height range (referring to the height above ground) in which the trees stems are expected to be clearly visible. That is, understory elements (shrubs, herbs, grasses) and branches should in ideal case not be very dense and particularly they should not directly "connect" neighboring tree stems (that is, there should be as few as possible situation where connected point clouds reach from one tree stem to a neighboring tree stem). However, as explained below, 3DFin is also able to clean possible understorey and/or branches that could be present in the defined height range/stripe. You can define the upper and lower limit of the height range/stripe depending on the situation of the understory and the trees in your forest. A graphical example is provided to further clarify the idea (see graph marked with 4a in Fig. 6). Note that the height range/stripe defined by the upper and lower limit of the stripe should not be too small since very short tree segments increase the risk that the orientation of the segment is less representative for the orientation of the whole stem (see explanations with respect to stem axes below and Fig. 11) which is derived from the segments identified in this height range/stripe.
  • Stripe Lower Limit (marked with 4 in Fig. 6): See Stripe Upper Limit.
  • Pruning Intensity (marked with 5 in Fig. 6): During this step, points that are connected to the tree stems but belong to other tree elements (such as branches, leaves and/or understory) are iteratively deleted. Depending on how many of such other elements exist, you can adjust the numbers of iterations and thereby the intensity with which the algorithms tries to identify and drop such features. A value of 2 is recommended for most situations. Although in very clean forest plots and/or point clouds that are not noisy values of 0 (no pruning) or 1 could be used to reduce processing time. Higher values are preferable in cases where the trees have a large number of low branches, dense understory or in especially noisy point clouds. However, applying higher pruning intensities may lead to the elimination of stem fractions which were covered with low number of points. Note that pruning is performed twice: first during the stem identification within the stripe, and later during the whole stem extraction (some more details will be provided below).
  • Cloth resolution (marked with 6 in Fig. 6): 3DFin uses a Cloth Simulation Filter (CSF) to generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). This DTM will then be used to normalize the height of every point in the point cloud with respect to it. Case I - adjusting DTM interpolation settings covers in detail the usage of this parameter.
  • Output Directory (marked with 7 in Fig. 6): Define the output directory to where you want to save the outputs created by the 3DFin work-flow.

We will now run the 3DFin workflow for our dataset. For the general settings we check the "Normalize Point Cloud" box since our example dataset does not contain a normalized point cloud.

Because our dataset was calculated with a terrestrial laserscanner, we do not expect a lot of noise and hence leave the "Clean noise on dtm" unchecked.

As tabular output data, we select "XLSX".

Exploring our dataset visually, we can see that we do not have a pronounced understory and that most of the tree trunks have comparably sparse branching structures in the lower parts of the tree trunk. Since some smaller understory elements (maybe herbs) which reach a maximal height of 1 m, we can for example set the lower and higher stripe limit to 1.5 and 4.5 m, respectively.

For the pruning intensity we keep the original setting of 2 iterations which means that we expect low to intermediate branching (which matches our visual impression).

We finally define an "output directory" and then press "Compute" to run the 3DFin workflow.

You will be continuously updated on the progress in the console window at the bottom of the CloudCompare user interface (marked in Fig. 7).

Figure 7: Progress of the 3DFin work-flow in the console window Figure 7: Progress of the 3DFin work-flow in the console window.

Running 3DFin on a point cloud can take anything from a few seconds up to several minutes depending on the size of the point cloud, the user-defined settings and the hardware. Typically, very long processing times (several hours) are not expected, since the process is limited by the available memory: too large datasets cannot be processed in the current version of the software. With the example dataset used in this Tutorial the processing time is approximately 5-10 min with a laptop with good (but not top-notch) performance (16 GB RAM, Intel i7 or similar).

Understanding 3DFin point cloud outputs

Once the program has finished, you will see some new outputs in the CloudCompare DB tree window as shown in Fig. 8 (marked with 1). By default, three of the seven output files are visualized in the main visualization window of CloudCompare (Fig. 8 - marked with 2). These include the fitted stem sections, the diameter at breast height and the total tree height.

Figure 8: Outputs of the 3DFin workflow

Figure 8: Outputs of the 3DFin workflow.

Next, we will have a look at each of the outputs individually, which will be helpful to understand how the 3DFin workflow works.

The first step in workflow is to normalize the point cloud and derive a digital terrain model (DTM). Fig. 9 shows the visualization of the DTM fitted to the example dataset. In this case the extracted DTM looks quite plausible. There might be other situation where the automatically derived DTM is not of sufficient quality. We will have a look at this issue in one of the cases explained later (Case I).

Figure 9: DTM derived in the 3DFin workflow

Figure 9: DTM derived in the 3DFin workflow.

In Fig. 10, we can see the identified tree segments from the second step of the 3DFin workflow. Clusters of points showing a vertical continuity are identified in the user-defined height range (see stripe range setting above). In our case, all of these tree segments will be displayed for the height between 1.5 m and 4.5 m.

Figure 10: Tree segments identified by the 3DFin workflow Figure 10: Tree segments identified by the 3DFin workflow.

As next step in the workflow an axis is fitted through the centers of the tree section discs shown in Fig. 10. This step is accomplished by deriving the 1st axis of a Principal Component Analysis using the 3D-positions of the identified tree stem section centers as input. These fitted axes are then used as orientation for the circle-fitting algorithm. That is, along this axes, the algorithm will search for circular shapes, representing points reflected by the tree stem, within a circular buffer with a (optionally user-defined) fixed radius around the axis. This step will repeated in regular (optionally user-defined) height intervals. The axes for our example dataset are shown in Fig. 11 and the respective circle fitting output is shown in Fig. 12.

Figure 11: Axes fitted from the tree stem segments

Figure 11: Axes fitted from the tree stem segments.

The axes (in Fig. 11) are color-coded according to their tilting angle and you can see that axes that show a higher tilting relative to the other trees (that is, deviating notably from the average vertical orientation of a tree stems in the dataset) are shown in red. This is not necessarily an indicator for wrongly identified tree stems as trees sometimes are leaning but it might be a good idea to visually re-examine such trees by comparing the identified stem sections with the point cloud.

Figure 12: Circles fitted around the expected tree trunk as guided by the axes shown in Fig. 11 Figure 12: Circles fitted around the expected tree trunk as guided by the axes shown in Fig. 11.

Similarly, fitted circles that show unexpected dimensions (for example a notably larger radius than the circle below) or locations are displayed in red. Most of the time these problematic circles should not be considered during subsequent processing step since it is actually quite rare that for example a tree will increase its diameter (notably) with height or that the stem shape deviates notably from a vertically continuous cylinder-like form. Some information related to the circle fitting quality is also stored in the tabular output data that we will discuss further below in the Tutorial.

Figure 13: Distance axes

Figure 13: Distance axes.

In Fig. 13 you can see the original point cloud with point colors relating to the distance to the stem axes (as shown in Fig. 11). In this example this means that points shown in blue are very close to an identified stem axis while points shown in red are more distant from all stem axes. This is a quite helpful illustration to check how successful the work-flow was in correctly identifying points belonging to tree trunks. In our example, the workflow has performed very well.

In Fig. 14 the height of each detected tree is displayed. The height is defined as the height of the highest non-isolated point in a cylindrical region around the axes (Fig. 11).

Figure 14: Tree height

Figure 14: Tree height.

Finally, in Fig. 15, the diameter at breast height (DBH) of each tree is shown. The diameter at breast height is interpolated from the diameters of the fitted circles (Fig. 12) above and below the DBH height of 1.3. In case there are no high-quality fitted circles available within a certain range above and below the 1.3 m position, the workflow will set the DBH of this tree to "non-reliable" instead of providing a diameter estimate.

Figure 15: Tree DBH

Figure 15: Tree DBH.

We now have had a look at all outputs of the 3DFin workflow within CloudCompare. If you want to keep a copy of these files, you have the option to save the CloudCompare project into a "CloudCompare Entities" binary file by selecting all the files in the DB Tree window and then select "File -> Save" (Fig. 16). Select "CloudCompare Entities" as file format and then browse to a folder where you want to save the project and click "Save". You should now be able to re-load your current state with all files the next time you open CloudCompare by simply selecting "File -> Open" and then browse to the folder where you stored the file.

Figure 16: Tree DBH

Figure 16: Tree DBH.

We have now completed the basic 3DFin workflow in CloudCompare and will have a closer look at the tabular output data created by the workflow. This tabular output data is the main output which you will most likely want to use as inputs to additional processing-algorithms or as final results.

Tabular output data

As first step, browse to the output folder which you defined in the CloudCompare work-flow window before starting the computations. Then open the Excel-File that was created as output of the workflow. You should see a situation as shown in Fig. 17.

Figure 17: Output Excel file

Figure 17: Output Excel file.

As you can see there are in total 9 separate sheets (marked with 1 in Fig. 17) that contain all relevant results created by the 3DFin work-flow. In the following we will briefly explain the contents of each sheet.

Plot Metrics On the first sheet called "Plot Metrics" you find the total height (TH), the diameter at breast height (DBH) as well as the x-position (X) and y-position (Y) of each tree (T) identified in the point cloud (marked with 2 and 3 in Fig. 17). In our example 30 trees were identified

Diameters In the diameters sheet you can find diameter of all stem section (columns) of all trees (rows) (Fig. 18). The number of stem sections varies based on the height of the trees and you will see that as a consequence typically all trees will have several fields with 0 diameter in some higher stem section columns in the table.

Figure 18: Diameter sheet

Figure 18: Diameter sheet.

X The X sheet contains the x-coordinates of the center points of all stem sections (columns) of all trees (rows) (Fig. 19).

Figure 19: X sheet

Figure 19: X sheet.

Y The Y sheet contains the y-coordinates of the center points of all stem sections (columns) of all trees (rows)

Sections The Sections sheet shows the heights for which stem sections were determined (Fig. 20). These values depend on the user-defined lowest section height and the selected height-interval. These values are the same for all trees an are hence only displayed once.

Figure 20: Sections sheet

Figure 20: Sections sheet.

Quality sheets The next four sheets contain information on the quality of each stem section. The first of the four quality sheets named Q(Overall Quality 0-1) is a binary summary of the other three quality sheet named Q1(Outlier Probability), Q2(Sector Occupancy) and Q3(Points Inner Circle)

The Q1(Outlier Probability) sheet contains a number for each stem segment of each trees which indicates how likely it is that an identified segment is actually not part of the tree stem (as represented by all other tree segments of the same tree) (Fig. 21). The higher the value, the more likely that the given section is an outlier.

Figure 21: Outlier Probability

Figure 21: Outlier Probability.

This indicator value bases on a calculation which is illustrated in Fig. 22. To derive the indicator value, the inclination-angle the center of a given stem section disc with the centers of all other stem sections is calculated (see for example Tree A section 1 in Fig. 22). Then, all of these inclination angles are summarized into one value. This step is then repeated for all stem section discs.

As shown in Fig. 22, the inclination angles (symbolized by the arrows) of the visualized stem sections of Tree A (Section 1,2,3,7) are all very comparable and hence the indicator would not identify an outlier here. An important property of this approach as compared to a simpler approach (for example simply checking for deviations from a straight standing cylinder) is that it also suitable for leaning stems (which can occur in forests quite frequently).

Figure 22: Outlier indicator

Figure 22: Outlier indicator.

For Tree B - which contains a quite clear outlier stem section - we can see that for sections 1, 2 and 7, most of the arrows are still showing very comparable directions with only the arrow heading towards the outlier section showing a notably different angle. However, when we have a look at the arrows for the fifth segment from the bottom, we can see that the directions of the arrows are strongly variable for the outlier section which would then also be detected as an outlier by the indicator value.

The second quality indicator named Q2(Sector Occupancy) indicates whether for a given stem section, points were distributed around the complete stem disc ring. To assess this, the stem section ring is split up into equally sized sectors (default values are 16 sectors of 22.5°) and the algorithm checks how many of these segments contain points. It then stores the corresponding value as a percentage (Fig. 23).

Figure 23: Sector occupancy

Figure 23: Sector occupancy.

The values given in the Excel sheet represent the percentage of sections containing points (Fig. 24).

Figure 24: Sector occupancy sheet

Figure 24: Sector occupancy sheet.

Finally, the last quality indicator Q3(Points Inner Circle) is the number of points within an inner circle within the stem section ring. This inner ring is calculated based on the fitted stem section ring by creating a concentrical circle with half the diameter of the fitted circle as default value. Then, all the points in that section that fall within that inner circle are counted.

It is important to understand that in this case, the higher the number of points within the ring, the lower the probability that the stem section was correctly identified as the assumption is that you cannot have points reflected from within the tree stem (but only from the outside, the bark of the tree). As you can see in Fig. 25, we observe a value of 0 for most tree stem sections in the Excel sheet.

Figure 25: Point within circle

Figure 25: Point within circle.

Additional options in the Advanced mode

With the information provided above you should now be able handle the 3DFin workflow using the basic settings quite well. For comparably easy forest stands (that is homogeneous stands with little understorey and branching in the lower stem parts) and high quality laserscanning data you should be able to obtain reasonable results using only these basic settings.

However, in some cases, you might not reach a completely satisfying result with these settings alone, or may want to reduce the processing time. In those cases, the advanced parameters in the second tab of the graphical user interface of the 3DFin workflow provide some additional options to adapt the workflow parameters (Fig. 26).

Figure 26: Advanced Parameter settings

Figure 26: Advanced Parameter settings.

You can adapt 6 settings in total and all of these settings relate to the 3rd part of the 3DFin workflow in which the stem section discs are being identified. In the following we will provide a brief explanation of each of these settings:

  • Expected maximum diameter: As its name states, the user may provide the program with an estimate (in meters) of what is the maximum diameter expected for any stem. This value will be used to discard objects that have very large diameters which are unlikely to be trees at the given site.
  • Stem search diameter: This parameter defines the area that will be analyzed around each tree axis during the stem extraction. All points falling in a cylinder around the identified stem axes (Fig. 11) with the diameter defined here will be considered during the circle fitting to identify potential stem section discs. Even if there is an expected maximum diameter for trees of for example 1 m, a larger margin helps the algorithm to discern the stem disc from its surrounding. This is especially useful when the stems are clearly not straight.
  • Lowest section: This parameter defines at which height above the ground the identification of tree sections should be started. The units are in meters.
  • Highest section: This parameter defines the height of the highest section. It must be a value larger than the lowest section and should be set to a realistic value based on the user's knowledge of the forest. Since the increase of the value for the highest section is hardly affecting the processing time - in doubt - it is recommended to rather chose a higher value.
  • Distance between sections: This parameter defines the interval at which sections will be computed among the lowest and highest ones.
  • Section width / thickness: This parameter defines the vertical range of each section for which the algorithm selects the points for fitting the stem section ring. Note that this value is added to each side of the section, which makes the effective section width double the input value: i.e., if a section’s starting height is 1 m and the section width is 0.05 m, then the points regarded as belonging to that section (and hence available for the circly fitting) are those with height values within [0.975-1.025] m range.

In this first section of the tutorial, the basics of using 3DFin were covered. In the following section, common situations/questions that may arise while using 3DFin are explained with examples.

Expect more cases to be added in the future here!

Case I - adjusting DTM interpolation settings

Modify cloth resolution to improve results

This case covers a simple modification to Basic parameter "cloth resolution", which may improve substantially the results obtained with 3DFin. It also showcases a way to quickly assess visually the results by using the scalar field "dist_to_axis".

We will use a different dataset for this demonstration, which you can access here:

GeoSlam point cloud

This dataset was collected with a GeoSlam Horizon Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) system in a forest stand which has a more complex forest structure with more pronounced understorey and also a more complex terrain situation. Furthermore, the dataset is a bit more noisy. MLS systems typically have an increased noise level as compared to the TLS data.

A visualization of the dataset after loading it to CloudCompare can be seen in Fig. 27.

Figure 27: MLS dataset in CloudCompare

Figure 27: MLS dataset in CloudCompare.

If you download the dataset and then run the 3DFin work-flow (either with the standard settings or slightly adapting the basic parameters) you'll encounter something like this:

Figure 28: Standard outputs of the 3Dfin workflow applied to the MLS dataset Figure 28: Standard outputs of the 3Dfin workflow applied to the MLS dataset.

(A minimum height of 1.2 m and a maximum height of 4.2 m were selected. Other parameters were left untouched).

We can see that there is a quite high number of trees where the DBH estimate is not available because the workflow reported that the estimates are not reliable. At the same time quite a few stem sections are marked in red which indicates potential outliers that do not belong to the tree stem.

So the results seem to be not as good as we have observed for the first dataset. Let us explore some more what the reason for this could be. If we have a look at only the DTM (Fig. 29) we can see that there are some odd-looking parts in the DTM (marked in red in Fig. 29).

Figure 29: DTM visualization

Figure 28: DTM visualization.

If we additionally activate the point cloud we can see that the interpolated DTM, in some parts, notably deviates from the point cloud (Fig. 30, marked in red). Please be aware that the visualization settings have been adjusted a bit (increased the point size of the DTM and changed the color-scale to "grey" for the point cloud) to make these problems a bit better visible.

Figure 30: Mismatch between DTM and point cloud

Figure 30: Mismatch between DTM and point cloud.

If we visualize the processed point cloud and activate "dist_to_axis" scalar field (Fig. 31), we can very easily check which trees have been detected and which haven't. This is probably the easiest way to spot that something went wrong and the first thing you should do to assess the results.

Figure 31: Several trees were not detected

Figure 31: Several trees were not detected.

In this specific case, the main reason for these suboptimal results is the quality of the DTM. Since the DTM is not accurately representing the actual shape of the ground, the normalization of the heights leads to wrong point distributions in some parts of the dataset which affect the workflow negatively. The reason for the low quality of the DTM relates to the comparably steep regions between the individual terrace planes in the plot. The DTM interpolation in this case fails to accurately capture these steep parts because the spatial resolution applied during the DTM interpolation is too coarse.

We will now try to fix this by changing the so called "cloth resolution" parameter in the Basic tab of 3DFin.

For this, we restart the 3DFin workflow and use the exactly same basic settings as in the previous run, but before we press the "compute" button, we change the "Cloth resolution" to 0.4 m (marked in red in Fig. 32) and then press "Compute".

Figure 32: Change the cloth resolution.

Figure 32: Change the cloth resolution.

The DTM obtained with these new settings looks notably better than the outputs of the first run. In a transect view (Fig. 33) it is nicely visible that the terrain model now smoothly follows the shape of the ground shown in the original point cloud.

Figure 33: The DTM now matches the point cloud nicely. Figure 33: The DTM now matches the point cloud nicely.

We furthermore can see in the console outputs as well as in the tabular output data that the number of detected trees has increased from 57 to 70. A visual screening confirms that all trees have now been detected (Fig. 34).

Figure 34: Stems are now well detected.

Figure 35: Stems are now well detected.

We can also see that in the standard outputs of the workflow or by activating the "tree locator" layer in the DB tree window of CloudCompare that most of the trees now also have an estimate of the DBH.

Figure 35: Standard output view of 3DFin after adjusting the cloth setting.

Figure 35: Standard output view of 3DFin after adjusting the cloth setting.

Checking the quality of the DTM is generally recommended at is one of the few variables that can affect the workflow negatively.

If you fail to obtain a high quality DTM using the algorithm integrated in 3DFin, but have managed to calculate a high-quality DTM in another software-environment (e.g., LAStools or FUSION), you can also provide an already normalized point cloud file to 3DFin.

In this case you would uncheck the "Normalize point cloud" box in the Basic-tab of the 3DFin user interface. By unchecking the box, the drop-down menu "Normalized Height Field Name" will be activated and you will have to select the attribute name of the data column that includes the normalized height values of the point cloud. After this, you can run the workflow as learned before.

This option can also be used to reduce processing time: In case you have already run the 3DFin workflow successfully one time and the quality of the DTM was good, you can re-use the point cloud created by the 3DFin workflow for this purposes. Each point cloud created by the 3DFin workflow contains a normalized height field and can hence be directly put into the workflow again without the need to normalize the point cloud again. One situation in which you could be interested in this is if you want to for example check how the outputs of the workflow is influenced by changing some of the settings in the "Advanced"-tab of the 3DFin user interface.

Case II - defining default settings

Modify 3DFinconfig.ini file to define default settings

This functionality is currently only available in 3DFin's standalone and python package versions.

3DFin comes with a set of predefined values for the parameters that are modifiable in the software. Although these values have been selected by the developers to fit "standard" forest plots, users will probably find configuration settings that fit better to their datasets.

There is an easy way to modify the default values of the parameters through the configuration file of 3DFin. This can save some time, specially if you find yourself changing the parameters frequently to a set that you already know works better for your data.

Let's see this with an example.

We will use the the same dataset as in Case I - adjusting DTM interpolation settings, which can be downloaded here:

GeoSlam point cloud

The configuration file (3DFinconfig.ini) itself is downloadable from here:

3DFin configuration file

If we open the file in a text editor we will see that it contains the default values of 3DFin. This is shown in Fig. 36:

Figure 36: Contents of 3DFinconfig.ini. It stores the default values used by 3DFin.

3DFin stores internally a copy of the values contained in this file, which allows the program to work properly even if no configuration file is present. However, if a configuration file with the same structure as 3DFinconfig.ini is placed in the input directory of 3DFin, the program will attempt to read the default values from it. For this configuration file to work, it must meet the following rules:

  1. The name of the file is "3DFinconfig"
  2. The format of the file is ".ini"
  3. The internal structure of the file is exactly the same as the example file (except the values of the parameters).
  4. The file is placed in the same directory than 3DFin.exe.

This file is organized in sections, that follow the same structure as 3DFin' tabs: basic, advanced and expert. Let's break down the basic section to see how we can modify its values correctly. Its contents are the following:

# General comment about z0_name parameter.
# General comment about upper_limit parameter.
# General comment about lower_limit parameter.
# General comment about number_of_iterations=2
#General comment about res_cloth parameter.

The very first line only contains [basic]. This determines the beggining of "basic" section. It's very important that this line is not modified, as it is what 3DFin uses to recognize that basic parameters will be declared below. The second line, starting with "#" is ignored by 3DFin, and only contains a short comment describing the contents of the parameters. You can leave it as it is, modify it or completely remove it; this won't have an effect. Thirdly, we have:


This line determines the default value ("Z0") of the first parameter ("z0_name") of the Basic tab of 3DFin. "z0_name" is the name that 3DFin recognizes internally for the first parameter of the basic tab. This can't be modified. However, "Z0" is its default value, and that is what you would modify.

Knowing this, let's modify the config file in a way that adjusts better to the example point cloud "geoslam_stand.las". In Case I, we found that changing "Stripe Upper Limit" from 3.5 m to 4.2 m, "Stripe Lower Limit" from 0.7 m to 1.2 m and "Cloth resolution" from 0.7 m to 0.4 m produced better results. We can modify those as depicted in Fig. 37:

Figure 37: Modified 3DFinconfig.ini file.

If we now place the configuration file in the directory where 3DFin.exe is located, everytime we open the program the default parameters will match those in the configuration file. Fig. 38 shows this.

Figure 38: Left: the 3DFinconfig.ini modified as in Fig. 37 placed in the same directory as 3DFin.exe. Right: 3DFin displaying the default parameters contained in 3DFinconfig.ini.

Whenever this happens, 3DFin will prompt a message in the console confirming that a configuration file has been found. This is shown in Fig. 39.

Figure 39: 3DFin console showing that a configuration file has been found.

Output config.ini file

A last tip about 3DFin configuration files: If you process a point cloud with 3DFin, you will find a copy of the configuration file in the output directory, but this will have a different name than "3DFinconfig.ini". This is illustrated in Fig. 40.

Figure 40: Example output directory of 3DFin after processing geoslam_stand.las, where a config file has been generated (geoslam_stand_config.ini).

3DFin always produces a configuration file that saves the settings used during the run. This file's name will be the name of the input point cloud + [_config]. If you found a set of parameters that suits well your dataset, you can always rename this file to "3DFinconfig", and it will update the default values of 3DFin to that better set of values!

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

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  • web

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  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.