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Elzero Web School

Python Course

006 - Some Data Types Overviews

type() All Data in Python is Object

009 - Escape Sequences Characters

\b => Back Space \newline => Escape New Line +
\\ => Escape Back Slash \' => Escape Single Quotes \" => Escape Double Quotes \n => Line Feed \r => Carriage Return \t => Horizontal Tab \xhh => Character Hex Value

012 - Strings Indexing And Slicing

Slicing ( Access Multiple Sequence Items ) [Start:End] End Not Included [Start:End:Steps]

  • [:0] => If Start Is Not Here Will Start From 0
  • [0:] => If End Is Not Here Will Go To The End
  • [:] => Full Data
  • [::2] => take index+2
  • [::-1] => reverse string

013 - Strings Methods Part 1

  • len() => to get length of element

trim() equivlent in python

  • .strip() => to remove spaces at start and end

  • .rstrip() => to remove spaces at right

  • .lstrip() => to remove spaces at left

  • u can pass string to remove in bracktes eg. .rstrip("#") it will remove hashes from right

  • .title() => to capitlize first char and char after digits

  • .captalize() => to capitlize

  • .zfill(width) => to fill string with zero

  • .upper() => to capitlize each char

  • .lower() => to make each char lowercase

014 - Strings Methods Part 2

  • .split() => to make each char lowercase by default it split by spaces -- u can pass which char to split and how may element to split .split("-",3)
  • .rsplit() => to make each char lowercase by default it split by spaces -- u can pass which char to split and how may element to split from right.rsplit("-",3)
  • .center(9) => to center text between by default it center text between space -- u can define char to center text between .center(9,"#")
  • .count("text") => to count text in string -- u can define range to sreach in .count("text", 0, 25)
  • .swapcase() => to swap char case if upper make it lower
  • .startswith("text") => check if text start with something -- u can define range to sreach in .startswith("text", 0, 25)
  • .endswith("text") => check if text end with something -- u can define range to sreach in .endswith("text", 0, 25)

015 - Strings Methods Part 3

  • .index("text") => to get index of subText in string -- u can define range index(SubString, Start, End) -- if text dosen't exsist it return error text not found
  • .find("text") => to get index of subText in string -- u can define range find(SubString, Start, End) -- if text dosen't exsist it return -1
  • .rjust(Width, Fill Char) .ljust(Width, Fill Char) => work like center
  • .splitlines() => return lines in list
  • .expandtabs(2) => control tab between text

check if text

  • .istitle() =>
  • .istitle() =>
  • .islower() =>
  • .isidentifier() => check if string can be variable name
  • .isalpha() => check if string is a-zA-Z
  • .isalnum() => check if string is alphapetic or number

016 - Strings Methods Part 4

  • .replace(Old Value, New Value, Count) =>
  • "#".join(Iterable) => join items with #

017 - Strings Formatting Old Way


  • %s => String
  • %d => Number
  • %f => Float -- u can control precsion like %.2f
n = "Osama"
l = "Python"
y = 10

print("My Name is %s Iam %s Developer With %d Years Exp" % (n, l, y))

Truncate String | Slice String

  • %.5s => String control number of char to show

018 - Strings Formatting New Ways


  • {:s} => String
  • {:d} => Number -- u can format money every 3 digit by {:_d} | {:,d} -- not all special char is vaild eg. {:&d} is wrong
  • {:f} => Float -- u can control precsion like {.2f}
n = "Osama"
l = "Python"
y = 10

print("My Name is {} Iam {} Developer With {:d} Years Exp".format(n, l, y))

Truncate String | Slice String

  • {.5s} => String control number of char to show

ReArrange Items

a, b, c = "One", "Two", "Three"
print("Hello {} {} {}".format(a, b, c))  # Hello One Two Three
print("Hello {2} {0} {1}".format(a, b, c))  # Hello Three One Two
x, y, z = 10, 20, 30
print("Hello {2:.2f} {0:.4f} {1:.5f}".format(x, y, z))

Format in Version 3.6+

  • f"{VarName}"
myName = "Osama"
myAge = 36

print("My Name is : {myName} and My Age is : {myAge}")
print(f"My Name is : {myName} and My Age is : {myAge}")

019 - Numbers

  • myComplexNumber = 5+6j -- .real => to print real part of complex -- .imag => to print imaginary part of complex

  • [1] You Can Convert From Int To Float or Complex

  • [2] You Can Convert From Float To Int or Complex

  • [3] You Cannot Convert Complex To Any Type

  • float(number) => to convert number to float

  • complex(number) => to convert number to complex

  • int(number) => to convert number to int

020 - Arithmetic Operators

  • [+] Addition
  • [-] Subtraction
  • [*] Multiplication
  • [/] Division
  • [%] Modulus
  • [**] Exponent
  • [//] Floor Division

021 - Lists

  • [1] List Items Are Enclosed in Square Brackets

  • [2] List Are Ordered, To Use Index To Access Item

  • [3] List Are Mutable => Add, Delete, Edit

  • [4] List Items Is Not Unique

  • [5] List Can Have Different Data Types

  • list[index] => to access certin element by index if index grater than length it return index out of range

  • list[start:end:step] => to slice list

  • list[index] = => change element value

  • list[start:end:step] = => replace slice with lsit ot item

022 - Lists Methods Part 1

  • a.append(b) => add element to the end of the list -- if b is a list it will be added to list a as element list in list
  • a.extend(b) => add list elements to list
  • a.remove(element) => remove first found element from list a
  • .sort() => to sort list of same type -- u can define soert direction by pass reverse to method .sort(reverse=True)
  • .reverse() => reverse list of items

023 - Lists Methods Part 2

  • .clear() => clear all items in list
  • .copy() => make shallow copy of list -- shallow copy => any change made to original list not applied to shallow copy -- deep copy => any change made to original list applied to shallow copy
  • .count(item) => count how many item in list
  • .index(item) => get index of item in list
  • .insert(index,item) => add item to list before given index
  • .pop(index) => to remove item from given index return value is the deleted item

024 - Tuples And Methods Part 1

  • [1] Tuple Items Are Enclosed in Parentheses
  • [2] You Can Remove The Parentheses If You Want
  • [3] Tuple Are Ordered, To Use Index To Access Item
  • [4] Tuple Are Immutable => You Cant Add or Delete
  • [5] Tuple Items Is Not Unique
  • [6] Tuple Can Have Different Data Types
  • [7] Operators Used in Strings and Lists Available In Tuples

025 - Tuples And Methods Part 2

  • Tuple With One Element -- to make python know that we have a one element tuple we need to put comma after it
myTuple1 = ("Osama",)
myTuple2 = "Osama",
  • Tuple Concatenation
a = (1, 2, 3, 4)
b = (5, 6)

c = a + b
d = a + ("A", "B", True) + b
  • Tuple, List, String Repeat (*)
myString = "Osama"
myList = [1, 2]
myTuple = ("A", "B")

print(myString * 6)
print(myList * 6)
print(myTuple * 6)
  • Tuple Destruct -- we use underscore _ to ignore values
a = ("A", "B", 4, "C")

x, y, _, z = a

026 - Set

  • [1] Set Items Are Enclosed in Curly Braces
  • [2] Set Items Are Not Ordered And Not Indexed
  • [3] Set Indexing and Slicing Cant Be Done
  • [4] Set Has Only Immutable Data Types (Numbers, Strings, Tuples) List and Dict Are Not
  • [5] Set Items Is Unique

027 - Set Methods Part 1

  • .clear()

  • .union()

  b = {"One", "Two", "Three"}
  c = {"1", "2", "3"}
  x = {"Zero", "Cool"}

print(b | c)
print(b.union(c, x))

  • .add()
  • .copy()
  • .remove()
g = {1, 2, 3, 4}
# g.remove(7)
  • .discard()
h = {1, 2, 3, 4}
  • .pop()
  • .update()
j = {1, 2, 3}
k = {1, "A", "B", 2}
j.update(['Html', "Css"])

028 - Set Methods Part 2

  • a.difference(b) -- return diffrence between two tupels -- equal to a-b
a = {1, 2, 3, 4}
b = {1, 2, 3, "Osama", "Ahmed"}
print(a.difference(b))  # a - b
  • difference_update() -- update orgin set to be the diffrence
c = {1, 2, 3, 4}
d = {1, 2, "Osama", "Ahmed"}
c.difference_update(d)  # c - d
  • a.intersection(b) -- return similar items between tupels -- equal to a & b
e = {1, 2, 3, 4, "X", "Osama"}
f = {"Osama", "X", 2}
print(e.intersection(f))  # e & f
  • a.intersection_update(b) -- update orgin set to be the similar items between tupels
g = {1, 2, 3, 4, "X", "Osama"}
h = {"Osama", "X", 2}
g.intersection_update(h)  # g & h
  • a.symmetric_difference(b) -- return items not exsist in a and b -- equal to a ^ b
i = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "X"}
j = {"Osama", "Zero", 1, 2, 4, "X"}
print(i.symmetric_difference(j))  # i ^ j
  • a.symmetric_difference_update(b) -- update orgin set to be items not exsist in a and b
i = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "X"}
j = {"Osama", "Zero", 1, 2, 4, "X"}
k.symmetric_difference_update(l)  # k ^ l

029 - Set Methods Part 3

  • a.issuperset(b) -- check if a is superset of b or all element in b exsist in a
  • a.issubset(b) -- check if a is subset of b or all element in a exsist in b
  • a.isdisjoint(b) -- check if all items in a is diffrent from all items in b
g = {1, 2, 3, 4}
h = {1, 2, 3}
i = {10, 11, 12}

print(g.isdisjoint(h))  # False
print(g.isdisjoint(i))  # True

030 - Dictionary

  • [1] Dict Items Are Enclosed in Curly Braces

  • [2] Dict Items Are Contains Key : Value

  • [3] Dict Key Need To Be Immutable => (Number, String, Tuple) List Not Allowed

  • [4] Dict Value Can Have Any Data Types

  • [5] Dict Key Need To Be Unique -- if there is repeated key the last one will applied

  • [6] Dict Is Not Ordered You Access Its Element With Key

  • Accessing values -- dic[key] -- dic.get(key) -- dic.keys => get all key -- dic.values => get all values

user = {
  "name": "Osama",
  "age": 36,
  "country": "Egypt",
  "skills": ["Html", "Css", "JS"],
  "rating": 10.5

  • Two-Dimensional Dictionary
languages = {
  "One": {
    "name": "Html",
    "progress": "80%"
  "Two": {
    "name": "Css",
    "progress": "90%"
  "Three": {
    "name": "Js",
    "progress": "90%"

  • len(dic) => to get the length of dictionary

031 - Dictionary Methods Part 1

  • .clear()
  • .update({"key": value}) => add new item -- u can do the same with dic[newkey] = newValue
  • .copy()
  • .keys() => return all keys
  • .values() => return all values

032 - Dictionary Methods Part 2

  • a.setdefault(key,value) -- get value of key and assign default value if key not exist in dictionary -- if default value not set and key not exsist it return none

  • .popitem() -- return the last added number -- before v3 it was returning random item

  • .items() => retun all items in tupels (key,value)

  • fromkeys(iterable,value)

a = ('MyKeyOne', 'MyKeyTwo', 'MyKeyThree')
b = "X"

print(dict.fromkeys(a, b))

033 - Boolean

  • [1] In Programming You Need to Known Your If Your Code Output is True Or False
  • [2] Boolean Values Are The Two Constant Objects False + True.
  • all empty object are false [] | () | {} |""

034 - Boolean Operators

  • and
  • or
  • not

035 - Assignment Operators

  • = =>
  • += =>
  • -= =>
  • *= =>
  • /= =>
  • **= =>
  • %= =>
  • //= =>

036 - Comparison Operators

  • [ == ] Equal
  • [ != ] Not Equal
  • [ > ] Greater Than
  • [ < ] Less Than
  • [ >= ] Greater Than Or Equal
  • [ <= ] Less Than Or Equal

037 - Type Converstion

  • str()
  • tuple()
  • list()
  • set()
  • dict() => required list or tuple to be nested with keys and values like (("A",1),("B",6),("C",5)) => Tuples [["A",1],["B",6],["C",5]] => Lists {{"A",1},{"B",6},{"C",5}} => Sets

038 - User Input

  • input(msg) => to get input from user
fName = input('What\'s Is Your First Name?')

041 - Control Flow - If, Elif, Else

  • If, Elif, Else

043 - Control Flow - Ternary Conditional Operator

  • Condition If True | If Condition | Else | Condition If False
print("Movie S Not Good 4U" if age < movieRate else "Movie S Good 4U And Happy Watching")

045 - Membership Operators

  • thing in somethings => check if thing is included in somethings
  • not in => check if thing is not included in somethings

047 - Loop – While and Else

  • while -- u can use break to stop loop
# while condition_is_true
#   Code Will Run Until Condition Become False
#   don't forget to put something that end loop
# else:
#   When the ondition_is_false

051 - Loop – For and Else

  • For
# for item in iterable_object :
#   Do Something With Item
# else:
#   loop is finished
  • item Is A Vairable You Create and Call Whenever You Want
  • item refer to the current position and will run and visit all items to the end
  • iterable_object => Sequence [ list, tuples, set, dict, string of charcaters, etc ... ]

054 - Break Continue Pass

  • continue => stop current iteration and go to the next one
  • break => stop iteration
  • pass => to use it in empty block which will be implimented later

056 - Function and Return

  • [1] A Function is A Reusable Block Of Code Do A Task
  • [2] A Function Run When You Call It
  • [3] A Function Accept Element To Deal With Called [Parameters]
  • [4] A Function Can Do The Task Without Returning Data
  • [5] A Function Can Return Data After Job is Finished
  • [6] A Function Create To Prevent DRY
  • [7] A Function Accept Elements When You Call It Called [Arguments]
  • [8] There's A Built-In Functions and User Defined Functions
  • [9] A Function Is For All Team and All Apps

058 - Function Packing, Unpacking Arguments

  • must be last param in function arguments if there another argument
# define
def say_hello(*peoples):  # n1, n2, n3, n4

  for name in peoples:

    print(f"Hello {name}")

# call
say_hello("Osama", "Ahmed", "Sayed", "Mahmoud")

059 - Function Default Parameters

  • It can be done by assign values to arguments
  • Only in last arguments or all arguments

060 - Function Packing Unpacking Keyword

  • Function Packing, Unpacking Arguments **KWArgs
def show_skills(*skills):


  for skill in skills:


show_skills("Html", "CSS", "JS")

mySkills = {
  'Html': "80%",
  'Css': "70%",
  'Js': "50%",
  'Python': "80%",
  "Go": "40%"

def show_skills(**skills):


  for skill, value in skills.items():

    print(f"{skill} => {value}")


061 - Function Packing Unpacking Arguments

  • ** => to unpack dictionary
  • * => to unpack tupels

062 - Function Scope

  • to make local var gloabal we use global var

063 - Function Recursion

  • To Understand Recursion, You Need to First Understand Recursion
  • A function that it call it self
# Test Word [ WWWoooorrrldd ] # print(x[1:])

def cleanWord(word):

  if len(word) == 1:

    return word

  print(f"Print Start Function {word}")

  if word[0] == word[1]:

    print(f"Print Before Condition {word}")

    return cleanWord(word[1:])

  print(f"Print Before Return {word}")

  return word[0] + cleanWord(word[1:])

  # Stash [ World ]


064 - Function Lambda

  • Anonymous Function
  • [1] It Has No Name
  • [2] You Can Call It Inline Without Defining It
  • [3] You Can Use It In Return Data From Another Function
  • [4] Lambda Used For Simple Functions and Def Handle The Large Tasks
  • [5] Lambda is One Single Expression not Block Of Code
  • [6] Lambda Type is Function
def say_hello(name, age) : return f"Hello {name} your Age Is: {age}"
print(say_hello("Ahmed", 36))
hello = lambda name, age : f"Hello {name} your Age Is: {age}"
print(hello("Ahmed", 36))
  • U can get method or function name by using __name__

065 - Files Handling – Part 1 Intro

  • file modes -- "a" Append Open File For Appending Values, Create File If Not Exists -- "r" Read [Default Value] Open File For Read and Give Error If File is Not Exists -- "w" Write Open File For Writing, Create File If Not Exists -- "x" Create Create File, Give Error If File Exists

  • open(path,mode)

    • path can be relative or absolute
    • mode can be any from above
import os

# Main Current Working Directory

# Directory For The Opened File

# Change Current Working Directory



file = open(r"D:\Python\Files\nfiles\osama.txt")

file = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt")
  • To make string ignore every special char and make it a raw string u must put r before quotes r"this is raw text and this \n won't work"

066 - Files Handling Part 2 Read Files

  • By default when print file it give u data about it not the containing content
myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "r")

print(myFile)  # File Data Object
  • U can access certin data like that
  • To read content use read() -- u can define bytes to read -- by default bytes is set to -1 mean get all content
  • readline() used to get content from line -- u can specify bytes to read from this line -- if u called it again it will read the next line

  • readlines to get all lines as a list

for line in myFile:


  if line.startswith("07"):


  • Best paractise is to close file after finishing ur stuff
# Close The File


067 - Files Handling Part 3 Write and Append In Files

myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "w")
myFile.write("Third Line")

myFile = open(r"D:\Python\Files\fun.txt", "w")
myFile.write("Elzero Web School\n" * 1000)

myList = ["Oasma\n", "Ahmed\n", "Sayed\n"]

myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "w")

myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "a")

068 - Files Handling – Part 4 Important Info

  • truncate(bytes) =>
myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "a")
  • tell() => get cursor postion -- new line in windows calculate as two bytes
myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "a")
  • seek(bytes) => set cursor postion
myFile = open("D:\Python\Files\osama.txt", "r")
  • remove(path) => remove

069 - Built In Functions Part 1

  • all(iterable) => Check if all items in iterable are true then return true
  • any(iterable) => Check if any item in iterable are true then return true
  • bin(5532) => Convert to binary
  • id(var) => Get id or iddress of var in memory

070 - Built In Functions Part 2

  • sum(iterable,start) => Get sum of all items in iterable
  • round(num,percision = 0) => Round flaoting number
  • range(start = 0,end,step = 1) => Get range of number
  • print() => print to console -- sep=" " => to define separtor between text when there is too many args to be printed by default it's add space -- end="\n" => to define end of text by default it add new ;ine

071 - Built In Functions Part 3

  • abs() => get the absolute value of number
  • pow(number,exponent) => equal to number**exp
  • min(iteratable) => Get min from list
  • max(iteratable) => Get max value from list
  • a[slice(start,end ,step)] => Same as a[start:end:stop] but stop must write

072 - Built In Functions Part 4 – Map

  • [1] Map Take A Function + Iterator

  • [2] Map Called Map Because It Map The Function On Every Element

  • [3] The Function Can Be Pre-Defined Function or Lambda Function

  • Use Map With Predefined Function

def formatText(text):

  return f"- {text.strip().capitalize()} -"

myTexts = [" OSama ", "AHMED", "  sAYed  "]

myFormatedData = map(formatText, myTexts)


for name in list(map(formatText, myTexts)):


print("#" * 50)
  • Use Map With Lambda Function
def formatText(text):

  return f"- {text.strip().capitalize()} -"

myTexts = [" OSama ", "AHMED", "  sAYed  "]

for name in list(map((lambda text: f"- {text.strip().capitalize()} -"), myTexts)):


073 - Built In Functions Part 5 – Filter

  • [1] Filter Take A Function + Iterator

  • [2] Filter Run A Function On Every Element

  • [3] The Function Can Be Pre-Defined Function or Lambda Function

  • [4] Filter Out All Elements For Which The Function Return True

  • [5] The Function Need To Return Boolean Value

  • Example 1

def checkNumber(num):

  return num > 10

myNumbers = [0, 0, 1, 19, 10, 20, 100, 5, 0]

myResult = filter(checkNumber, myNumbers)

for number in myResult:


print("#" * 50)
  • Example 2
def checkName(name):

  return name.startswith("O")

myTexts = ["Osama", "Omer", "Omar", "Ahmed", "Sayed", "Othman"]

myReturnedData = filter(checkName, myTexts)

for person in myReturnedData:


print("#" * 50)
  • Example 3
myNames = ["Osama", "Omer", "Omar", "Ahmed", "Sayed", "Othman", "Ameer"]

for p in filter(lambda name: name.startswith("A"), myNames):


074 - Built In Functions Part 6 – Reduce

  • [1] Reduce Take A Function + Iterator
  • [2] Reduce Run A Function On FIrst and Second Element And Give Result
  • [3] Then Run Function On Result And Third Element
  • [4] Then Run Function On Rsult And Fourth Element And So On
  • [5] Till One ELement is Left And This is The Result of The Reduce
  • [6] The Function Can Be Pre-Defined Function or Lambda Function
from functools import reduce

def sumAll(num1, num2):

  return num1 + num2

numbers = [1, 8, 2, 9, 100]

result = reduce(sumAll, numbers)

result = reduce(lambda num1, num2: num1 + num2, numbers)


# ((((1 + 8) + 2) + 9) + 100)

075 - Built In Functions Part 7

  • enumerate(iterable, start=0) => add counter to itertable
mySkills = ["Html", "Css", "Js", "PHP"]

mySkillsWithCounter = enumerate(mySkills, 20)


for counter, skill in mySkillsWithCounter:

  print(f"{counter} - {skill}")

print("#" * 50)
  • help() => Get the manual of any function in python

print("#" * 50)
  • reversed(iterable) => Return reversed oreder iteratable
myString = "Elzero"


for letter in reversed(myString):


for s in reversed(mySkills):


076 - Modules Part 1 - Intro And Built In Modules

  • [1] Module is A File Contain A Set Of Functions

  • [2] You Can Import Module in Your App To Help You

  • [3] You Can Import Multiple Modules

  • [4] You Can Create Your Own Modules

  • [5] Modules Saves Your Time

  • Import Main Module

import random
print(f"Print Random Float Number {random.random()}")
  • Show All Functions Inside Module
  • Import One Or Two Functions From Module
from random import randint, random
print(f"Print Random Float {random()}")
print(f"Print Random Integer {randint(100, 900)}")

077 - Modules – Part 2 – Create Your Module

  • Add path to import module from
import sys
  • Import ur own module and use it -- dir(module) => to list all method included
import elzero


  • Alias => give ur module shorten name or an alias -- can be make to module name or function in it
import elzero as ee


from elzero import sayHello


from elzero import sayHello as ss

  • To solve problem of import in vscode cntrl+shift+P -- open settings json file -- add "python.autocomplete.extraPaths":["path"]

078 - Modules – Part 3 – Install External Packages

  • [1] Module vs Package

  • [2] External Packages Downloaded From The Internet

  • [3] You Can Install Packages With Python Package Manager PIP

  • [4] PIP Install the Package and Its Dependencies

  • [5] Modules List ""

  • [6] Packages and Modules Directory ""

  • [7] PIP Manual ""

  • pip --version => To check if pip is installed

  • pip list => List all installed packages or modules and its version

  • pip install pakageName => Install package or module -- u can write all pakages pip install pakageName01 pakageName02 pakageName03 ... -- packName==versio => Specify certin version -- packName>=versio => Specify any version above this version

  • pyfiglet => String to ASCI art

  • termcolor => Color string in console

import termcolor
import pyfiglet

print(termcolor.colored("Elzero", color="yellow"))

print(termcolor.colored(pyfiglet.figlet_format("Elzero"), color="yellow"))

079 - Date And Time Introduction

import datetime
# print(dir(datetime))
# print(dir(datetime.datetime))
# Print The Current Date and Time

print("#" * 40)

# Print The Current Year

# Print The Current Month

# Print The Current Day

print("#" * 40)
  • Print Start and End Of Date

print("#" * 40)

# print(dir(
  • Print The Current Time

print("#" * 40)
  • Print The Current Time Hour
  • Print The Current Time Minute
  • Print The Current Time Second

print("#" * 40)
  • Print Start and End Of Time

print("#" * 40)
  • Print Specific Date
print(datetime.datetime(1982, 10, 25))
print(datetime.datetime(1982, 10, 25, 10, 45, 55, 150364))
myBirthDay = datetime.datetime(1982, 10, 25)
dateNow =

print(f"My Birthday is {myBirthDay} And ", end="")
print(f"Date Now Is {dateNow}")

print(f" I Lived For {dateNow - myBirthDay}")
print(f" I Lived For {(dateNow - myBirthDay).days} Days.")

080 - Date And Time Format Date

import datetime
myBirthday = datetime.datetime(1982, 10, 25)


print(myBirthday.strftime("%d %B %Y"))
print(myBirthday.strftime("%d, %B, %Y"))
print(myBirthday.strftime("%d - %B - %Y"))
print(myBirthday.strftime("%B - %Y"))

081 - Iterable Vs Iterator

  • Iterable -- [1] Object Contains Data That Can Be Iterated Upon -- [2] Examples (String, List, Set, Tuple, Dictionary)

  • Iterator -- [1] Object Used To Iterate Over Iterable Using next() Method Return 1 Element At A Time -- [2] You Can Generate Iterator From Iterable When Using iter() Method -- [3] For Loop Already Calls iter() Method on The Iterable Behind The Scene -- [4] Gives "StopIteration" If Theres No Next Element

myString = "Osama"

myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

for letter in myString:

  print(letter, end=" ")

for number in myList:

  print(number, end=" ")

myIterator = iter(myString)


for letter in iter("Elzero"):

  print(letter, end=" ")

082 - Generators

  • [1] Generator is a Function With "yield" Keyword Instead of "return"
  • [2] It Support Iteration and Return Generator Iterator By Calling "yield"
  • [3] Generator Function Can Have one or More "yield"
  • [4] By Using next() It Resume From Where It Called "yield" Not From Begining
  • [5] When Called, Its Not Start Automatically, Its Only Give You The Control
def myGenerator():
  yield 1
  yield 2
  yield 3
  yield 4

myGen = myGenerator()

print(next(myGen), end=" ")
print("Hello From Python")
print(next(myGen), end=" ")

for number in myGen:

083 - Decorators – Intro

  • [1] Sometimes Called Meta Programming
  • [2] Everything in Python is Object Even Functions
  • [3] Decorator Take A Function and Add Some Functionality and Return It
  • [4] Decorator Wrap Other Function and Enhance Their Behaviour
  • [5] Decorator is Higher Order Function (Function Accept Function As Parameter)
def myDecorator(func):  # Decorator

  def nestedFunc():  # Any Name Its Just For Decoration

    print("Before")  # Message From Decorator

    func()  # Execute Function

    print("After")  # Message From Decorator

  return nestedFunc  # Return All Data
  • Sugar syntax recommended

def sayHello():

  print("Hello From Say Hello Function")


def sayHowAreYou():

  print("Hello From Say How Are You Function")

  • replace for sugar format
afterDecoration = myDecorator(sayHello)


085 - Decorators – Function with Parameters

  • Function accept one or more decoration
def myDecorator(func):  # Decorator

  def nestedFunc(num1, num2):  # Any Name Its Just For Decoration

    if num1 < 0 or num2 < 0:

      print("Beware One Of The Numbers Is Less Than Zero")

    func(num1, num2)  # Execute Function

  return nestedFunc  # Return All Data

def myDecoratorTwo(func):  # Decorator

  def nestedFunc(num1, num2):  # Any Name Its Just For Decoration

    print("Coming From Decorator Two")

    func(num1, num2)  # Execute Function

  return nestedFunc  # Return All Data

def calculate(n1, n2):

  print(n1 + n2)

calculate(-5, 90)

086 - Practical Loop on Many Iterators With Zip

  • zip() Return A Zip Object Contains All Objects
  • zip() Length Is The Length of Lowest Object
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
list2 = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
tuple1 = ("Man", "Woman", "Girl", "Boy")
dict1 = {"Name": "Osama", "Age": 36, "Country": "Egypt", "Skill": "Python"}

for item1, item2, item3, item4 in zip(list1, list2, tuple1, dict1):

  print("List 1 Item =>", item1)
  print("List 2 Item =>", item2)
  print("Tuple 1 Item =>", item3)
  print("Dict 1 Key =>", item4, "Value =>", dict1[item4])

ultimateList = zip(list1, list2)
for item in ultimateList:

087 - Practical Image Manipulation With Pillow

from PIL import Image

# Open The Image
myImage ="D:\Python\Files\game.jpg")

# Show The Image

# My Cropped Image
myBox = (300, 300, 800, 800)
myNewImage = myImage.crop(myBox)

# Show The New Image

# My Converted Mode Image
myConverted = myImage.convert("L")

088 - Doc String & Commenting vs Documenting

  • [1] Documentation String For Class, Module or Function

  • [2] Can Be Accessed From The Help and Doc Attributes

  • [3] Made For Understanding The Functionality of The Complex Code

  • [4] Theres One Line and Multiple Line Doc Strings

  • Single Line doc

def elzero_function(name):
  ''' DOC Text  '''
  print(f"Hello {name} From Elzero")
  • MultiLine doc
def elzero_function(name):
  Elzero Function
    It Say Hello From Elzero
    name => Person Name That Use Function
    Return Hello Message To The Person
  print(f"Hello {name} From Elzero")




089 - Installing And Use Pylint For Better Code

  • pip install pylint

  • Vscode extension

  • In Terminal pylint.exe fileLocation -- eg. pylint.exe d:/python/

090 - Errors And Exceptions Raising

  • [1] Exceptions Is A Runtime Error Reporting Mechanism
  • [2] Exception Gives You The Message To Understand The Problem
  • [3] Traceback Gives You The Line To Look For The Code in This Line
  • [4] Exceptions Have Types (SyntaxError, IndexError, KeyError, Etc...)
  • [5] Exceptions List
  • [6] raise Keyword Used To Raise Your Own Exceptions
x = -10

if x < 0:

  raise Exception(f"The Number {x} Is Less Than Zero")

  print("This Will Not Print Because The Error")


  print(f"{x} Is Good Number and Ok")

print('Print Message After If Condition')

y = 10

if type(y) != int:

  raise ValueError("Only Numbers Allowed")

print('Print Message After If Condition')

091 - Exceptions Handling Try, Except, Else, Finally

  • Try => Test The Code For Errors
  • Except => Handle The Errors
  • Else => If No Errors
  • Finally => Run The Code
number = int(input("Write Your Age: "))


try:  # Try The Code and Test Errors

  number = int(input("Write Your Age: "))

  print("Good, This Is Integer From Try")

except:  # Handle The Errors If Its Found

  print("Bad, This is Not Integer")

else:  # If Theres No Errors

  print("Good, This Is Integer From Else")


  print("Print From Finally Whatever Happens")


  # print(10 / 0)
  # print(x)

except ZeroDivisionError:

  print("Cant Divide")

except NameError:

  print("Identifier Not Found")

except ValueError:

  print("Value Error Elzero")


  print("Error Happens")

093 - Debugging Code

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

my_dictionary = {"Name": "Osama", "Age": 36, "Country": "Egypt"}

for num in my_list:


for key, value in my_dictionary.items():

  print(f"{key} => {value}")

def function_one_one():

  print("Hello From Function One")


094 - Type Hinting

  • It's just a type hint for your code

  • Not affect code or put restrict in runtime to var

  • var : type

  • def funNamr() -> type:

def say_hello(name) -> str:

  print(f"Hello {name}")


def calculate(n1, n2) -> str:

  print(n1 + n2)

calculate(10, 40)

095 - Regular Expressions Part 1 Intro

  • [1] Sequence of Characters That Define A Search Pattern
  • [2] Regular Expression is Not In Python Its General Concept
  • [3] Used In [Credit Card Validation, IP Address Validation, Email Validation]
  • [4] Test RegEx
  • [5] Characters Sheet

096 - Regular Expressions Part 2 Quantifiers

  • * 0 or more

  • + 1 or more

  • ? 0 or 1

  • {2} Exactly 2

  • {2, 5} Between 2 and 5

  • {2,} 2 or more

  • (,5} Up to 5

  • regex101

098 - Regular Expressions Part 4 Assertions & Email Pattern

  • ^ Start of String
  • $ End of string
# [A-z0-9\.]+@[A-z0-9]+\.[A-z]+
# ^[A-z0-9\.]+@[A-z0-9]+\.(com|net|org|info)$

99 - Regular Expressions Part 5 Logical Or And Escaping

  • | Or
  • \ Escape Special Characters
  • () Separate Groups

100 - Regular Expressions Part 6 Re Module Search And FindAll

  • search() => Search A String For A Match And Return A First Match Only

  • findall() => Returns A List Of All Matches and Empty List if No Match

  • Email Pattern => [A-z0-9.]+@[A-z0-9]+.(com|net|org|info)

  • .span() is postion of searched string

  • .match is the searched string

  • .string is the string u search into

  • .group()

import re
my_search ="[A-Z]{2}", "OOsamaEElzero")


is_email ="[A-z0-9\.]+@[A-z0-9]+\.(com|net)", "[email protected]")

if is_email:

  print("This is A Valid Email")



  print("This is Not A Valid Email")
email_input = input("Please Write Your Email: ")

search = re.findall(r"[A-z0-9\.]+@[A-z0-9]+\.com|net", email_input)

empty_list = []

if search != []:


  print("Email Added")


  print("Invalid Email")

for email in empty_list:


101 - Regular Expressions Part 7 Re Module Split And Sub

  • split(Pattern, String, MaxSplit) => Return A List Of Elements Splitted On Each Match
  • sub(Pattern, Replace, String, ReplaceCount) => Replace Matches With What You Want
import re
string_one = "I Love Python Programming Language"

search_one = re.split(r"\s", string_one, 1)


print("#" * 50)

string_two = "How-To_Write_A_Very-Good-Article"

search_two = re.split(r"-|_", string_two)


print("#" * 50)

# Get Words From URL

for counter, word in enumerate(search_two, 1):

  if len(word) == 1:


  print(f"Word Number: {counter} => {word.lower()}")

print("#" * 50)

my_string = "I Love Python"

print(re.sub(r"\s", "-", my_string, 1))

102 - Regular Expressions Part 8 Group Trainings And Flags

  • .group() => return matched string grouped as one word

  • .groups() => return matched string in group -- if the group regx not exsist it returns none

  • Flags -- ignorecase -- multiline -- notall -- notall -- verbose

103 - OOP – Part 1 Intro

  • [1] Python Support Object Oriented Programming
  • [2] OOP Is A Paradigm Or Coding Style OOP Paradigm => Means Structuring Program So The Methods[Functions] and Attributes[Data] Are Bundled Into Objects
  • [3] Methods => Act As Function That Use The Information Of The Object
  • [4] Python Is Multi-Paradigm Programming Language [Procedural, OOP, Functional] -- Procedural => Structure App Like Recipe, Sets Of Steps To Make The Task -- Functional => Built On the Concept of Mathematical Functions
  • [5] OOP Allow You To Organize Your Code and Make It Readable and Reusable
  • [6] Everything in Python is Object
  • [7] If Man Is Object -- Attributes => Name, Age, Address, Phone Number, Info [Can Be Differnet] -- Methods[Behaviors] => Walking, Eating, Singing, Playing
  • [8] If Car Is Object -- Attributes => Model, Colour, Price -- Methods[Behaviors] => Walking, Stopping
  • [9] Class Is The Template For Creating Objects [Object Constructor | Blueprint] -- Class Car Can Create Many Cars Object

104 - OOP – Part 2 Class Syntax And Info

  • [01] Class is The Blueprint Or Construtor Of The Object

  • [02] Class Instantiate Means Create Instance of A Class

  • [03] Instance => Object Created From Class And Have Their Methods and Attributes

  • [04] Class Defined With Keyword class

  • [05] Class Name Written With PascalCase [UpperCamelCase] Style

  • [06] Class May Contains Methods and Attributes

  • [07] When Creating Object Python Look For The Built In init Method

  • [08] __init__ Method Called Every Time You Create Object From Class

  • [09] __init__ Method Is Initialize The Data For The Object

  • [10] Any Method With Two Underscore in The Start and End Called Dunder or Magic Method

  • [11] self Refer To The Current Instance Created From The Class And Must Be First Param

  • [12] self Can Be Named Anything

  • [13] In Python You Dont Need To Call new() Keyword To Create Object

  • any word with two underscoer __ called dander method or magic method

# Syntax
# class Name:
#     Constructor => Do Instantiation [ Create Instance From A Class ]
#     Each Instance Is Separate Object
#     def __init__(self, other_data)
#         Body Of Function

105 - OOP – Part 3 Instance Attributes and Methods Part 1

  • Self: Point To Instance Created From Class
  • Instance Attributes: Instance Attributes Defined Inside The Constructor
  • Instance Methods: Take Self Parameter Which Point To Instance Created From Class
  • Instance Methods Can Have More Than One Parameter Like Any Function
  • Instance Methods Can Freely Access Attributes And Methods On The Same Object
  • Instance Methods Can Access The Class Itself
class Member:
  def __init__(self, first_name, middle_name, last_name):
    self.fname = first_name
    self.mname = middle_name
    self.lname = last_name

member_one = Member("Osama", "Mohamed", "Elsayed")
member_two = Member("Ahmed", "Ali", "Mahmoud")
member_three = Member("Mona", "Ali", "Mahmoud")

# print(dir(member_one))

print(member_one.fname, member_one.mname, member_one.lname)

106 - OOP – Part 4 Instance Attributes and Methods Part 2

class Member:
  def __init__(self, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender):
    self.fname = first_name
    self.mname = middle_name
    self.lname = last_name
    self.gender = gender

  def full_name(self):
    return f"{self.fname} {self.mname} {self.lname}"

  def name_with_title(self):
    if self.gender == "Male":
      return f"Hello Mr {self.fname}"
    elif self.gender == "Female":
      return f"Hello Miss {self.fname}"
      return f"Hello {self.fname}"

  def get_all_info(self):
    return f"{self.name_with_title()}, Your Full Name Is: {self.full_name()}"

member_one = Member("Osama", "Mohamed", "Elsayed", "Male")
member_two = Member("Ahmed", "Ali", "Mahmoud", "Male")
member_three = Member("Mona", "Ali", "Mahmoud", "Female")

# print(dir(member_one))

# print(member_one.fname, member_one.mname, member_one.lname)
# print(member_two.fname)
# print(member_three.fname)

# print(member_two.full_name())
# print(member_two.name_with_title())


107 - OOP – Part 5 Class Attributes

  • Instance attributes exist in __main__ -- use self to refrenece it
  • Class attributes exist in class itself -- use className to refrenece it
class Member:

  not_allowed_names = ["Hell", "Shit", "Baloot"]

  users_num = 0

  def __init__(self, first_name, middle_name, last_name, gender):

    self.fname = first_name

    self.mname = middle_name

    self.lname = last_name

    self.gender = gender

    Member.users_num += 1  # Member.users_num = Member.users_num + 1

  def full_name(self):

    if self.fname in Member.not_allowed_names:

      raise ValueError("Name Not Allowed")


      return f"{self.fname} {self.mname} {self.lname}"

  def name_with_title(self):

    if self.gender == "Male":

      return f"Hello Mr {self.fname}"

    elif self.gender == "Female":

      return f"Hello Miss {self.fname}"


      return f"Hello {self.fname}"

  def get_all_info(self):

    return f"{self.name_with_title()}, Your Full Name Is: {self.full_name()}"

  def delete_user(self):

    Member.users_num -= 1  # Member.users_num = Member.users_num -1

    return f"User {self.fname} Is Deleted."


member_one = Member("Osama", "Mohamed", "Elsayed", "Male")
member_two = Member("Ahmed", "Ali", "Mahmoud", "Male")
member_three = Member("Mona", "Ali", "Mahmoud", "Female")
member_four = Member("Shit", "Hell", "Metal", "DD")





print(member_one.fname, member_one.mname, member_one.lname)




108 - OOP – Part 6 Class Methods and Static Methods

  • Class Methods: -- Marked With @classmethod Decorator To Flag It As Class Method -- It Take Cls Parameter Not Self To Point To The Class not The Instance -- It Doesn't Require Creation of a Class Instance -- Used When You Want To Do Something With The Class Itself

  • Static Methods: -- Marked With @staticmethod Decorator To Flag It As Class Method -- It Takes No Parameters -- Its Bound To The Class Not Instance -- Used When Doing Something Doesnt Have Access To Object Or Class But Related To Class


109 - OOP – Part 7 Class Magic Methods

-- Everything in Python is An Object

  • __init__ Called Automatically When Instantiating Class
  • self.__class__ The class to which a class instance belongs
  • __str__ Gives a Human-Readable Output of the Object -- Called When We Use the print() Function on the Object
  • __len__ Returns the Length of the Container -- Called When We Use the Built-in len() Function on the Object
class Skill:

  def __init__(self):

    self.skills = ["Html", "Css", "Js"]

  def __str__(self):

    return f"This is My Skills => {self.skills}"

  def __len__(self):

    return len(self.skills)

profile = Skill()



my_string = "Osama"

110 - OOP – Part 8 Inheritance

class Food:  # Base Class

  def __init__(self, name, price): = name

    self.price = price

    print(f"{} Is Created From Base Class")

  def eat(self):

    print("Eat Method From Base Class")

class Apple(Food):  # Derived Class

  def __init__(self, name, price, amount):

    # Food.__init__(self, name)  # Create Instance From Base Class

    super().__init__(name, price)

    self.amount = amount

    print(f"{} Is Created From Derived Class And Price Is {self.price} And Amount Is {self.amount}")

  def get_from_tree(self):

      print("Get From Tree From Derived Class")

# food_one = Food("Pizza")
food_two = Apple("Pizza", 150, 500)

111 - OOP – Part 9 Multiple Inheritance & Methods Override

  • MRO => Method Resultion Order => order of class and its parents -- .mro
class BaseOne:

  def __init__(self):

    print("Base One")

  def func_one(self):


class BaseTwo:

  def __init__(self):

    print("Base Two")

  def func_two(self):


class Derived(BaseOne, BaseTwo):


my_var = Derived()

# print(Derived.mro())



class Base:


class DerivedOne(Base):


class DerivedTwo(DerivedOne):


112 - OOP Part 10 - Polymorphism

  • Double face method

  • U can make method required to be implemented in child or derived calsses by writing raise NotImplementedError("Text to show)

n1 = 10
n2 = 20

print(n1 + n2)

s1 = "Hello"
s2 = "Python"

print(s1 + " " + s2)

print(len([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]))
print(len("Osama Elzero"))
print(len({"Key_One": 1, "Key_Two": 2}))

class A:

  def do_something(self):

    print("From Class A")

    raise NotImplementedError("Derived Class Must Implement This Method")

class B(A):

  def do_something(self):

    print("From Class B")

class C(A):

  def do_something(self):

    print("From Class C")

my_instance = B()

113 - OOP – Part 11 Encapsulation

  • Encapsulation -- Restrict Access To The Data Stored in Attirbutes and Methods

  • Public -- Every Attribute and Method That We Used So Far Is Public -- Attributes and Methods Can Be Modified and Run From Everywhere -- Inside Our Outside The Class

  • Protected -- Attributes and Methods Can Be Accessed From Within The Class And Sub Classes -- Attributes and Methods Prefixed With One Underscore _ -- Python dosen't support that but the _ to tell U and developer that this thing mustn't accessed -- print(one._name)

  • Private -- Attributes and Methods Can Be Accessed From Within The Class Or Object Only -- Attributes Cannot Be Modified From Outside The Class -- Attributes and Methods Prefixed With Two Underscores __ -- Python dosen't support that but the _ to tell U and developers that this thing mustn't accessed -- print(var._ClassOfVar_privateVar)

  • Attributes = Variables = Properties

class Member:

  def __init__(self, name): = name  # Public

one = Member("Ahmed")
print( = "Sayed"

class Member:

  def __init__(self, name):

    self._name = name  # Protected

one = Member("Ahmed")
one._name = "Sayed"

class Member:

  def __init__(self, name):

    self.__name = name  # Private

  def say_hello(self):

    return f"Hello {self.__name}"

one = Member("Ahmed")
# print(one.__name)

114 - OOP Part 12 Getters And Setters

class Member:

  def __init__(self, name):

    self.__name = name  # Private

  def say_hello(self):

    return f"Hello {self.__name}"

  def get_name(self):  # Getter

    return self.__name

  def set_name(self, new_name):

    self.__name = new_name

one = Member("Ahmed")

one._Member__name = "Sayed"


115 - OOP – Part 13 @Property Decorator

  • Any Method dosn't required any param and return values u can use @Property Decorator to use it like properties
class Member:

  def __init__(self, name, age): = name

    self.age = age

  def say_hello(self):

    return f"Hello {}"

  def age_in_days(self):

    return self.age * 365

one = Member("Ahmed", 40)

# print(one.age_in_days())


116 - OOP – Part 14 ABC Abstract Base Class

  • Class Called Abstract Class If it Has One or More Abstract Methods
  • abc module in Python Provides Infrastructure for Defining Custom Abstract Base Classes.
  • By Adding @absttractmethod Decorator on The Methods
  • ABCMeta Class Is a Metaclass Used For Defining Abstract Base Class
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class Programming(metaclass=ABCMeta):

  def has_oop(self):


  def has_name(self):


class Python(Programming):

  def has_oop(self):

    return "Yes"

class Pascal(Programming):

  def has_oop(self):

    return "No"

  def has_name(self):

    return "Pascal"

one = Pascal()


117 - Databases – Intro About Databases

  • Database Is A Place Where We Can Store Data
  • Database Organized Into Tables (Users, Categories)
  • Tables Has Columns (ID, Username, Password)
  • There's Many Types Of Databases (MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite)
  • SQL Stand For Structured Query Language
  • SQLite => Can Run in Memory or in A Single File
  • You Can Browse File With
  • Data Inside Database Has Types (Text, Integer, Date)

118 - Databases – SQLite Create Database And Connect

  • Connect
  • Execute
  • Close
# Import SQLite Module
import sqlite3

# Create Database And Connect
db = sqlite3.connect("app.db")

# Create The Tables and Fields
    "create table if not exists skills (name text, progress integer, user_id integer)")

# Close Database

119 - Databases – SQLite Insert Data Into Database

  • cursor => All Operation in SQL Done By Cursor Not The Connection Itself
  • commit => Save All Changes

120 - Databases - SQLite Retrieve Data From

  • fetchone => returns a single record or None if no more rows are available.
  • fetchall => fetches all the rows of a query result. It returns all the rows as a list of tuples. An empty list is returned if there is no record to fetch.
  • fetchmany(size) =>

122 - Databases - SQLite Update And Delete From Database

  • Update Data -- if where condition not exist it will update every record
# cr.execute("update users set name = 'Ameer' where user_id = 3")
  • Delete Data -- if where condition not exist it will delete all records
cr.execute("delete from users where user_id = 4")

127 - Databases - SQLite Very Important Information

  • SQL injection
cr.execute("insert into skills values('pascal', '65' , 1)")
  • To avoid sql injection
my_tuple = ('pascal', '65' , 1)
cr.execute("insert into skills values(?,?,?)",my_tuple)

128 - Advanced Lessons - __name__ And "__main__"

  • if __name__ == "__main__":

  • __name__ => Built In Variable

  • "__main__" => Value Of The __name__ Variable Executions Methods

  • Directly => Execute the Python File Using the Command Line.

  • From Import => Import The Code From File To Another File

  • In Some Cases You Want To Know If You Are Using A Module Method As Import

  • Or You Use The Original Python File

  • In Direct Mode Python Assign A Value __main__

  • To The Built In Variable __name__ in The Background

129 - Advanced Lessons - Timing Your Code With Timeit

  • timeit: - Get Execution Time Of Code By Running 1M Time And Give You Minimal Time -- It Used For Performance By Testing All Functionality

  • timeit(stmt, setup, timer, number)

  • timeit(pass, pass, default, 1.000.000) Default Values

  • stmt: Code You Want To Measure The Execution Time

  • setup: Setup Done Before The Code Execution (Import Module Or Anything)

  • timer: The Timer Value

  • number: How Many Execution That Will Run

import timeit

print(timeit.timeit("'Elzero' * 1000"))
name = "Elzero"

print(name * 1000)

print(timeit.timeit("name = 'Elzero'; name * 1000"))
# print(random.randint(0, 50))

print(timeit.timeit(stmt="random.randint(0, 50)", setup="import random"))

print(timeit.repeat(stmt="random.randint(0, 50)", setup="import random", repeat=4))

130 - Advanced Lessons - Add Logging To Your Code

  • Print Out To Console Or File

  • Print Logs Of What Happens

  • DEBUG()

  • INFO()


  • ERROR()


  • name => Logging Module Give It To The Default Logger.

  • Basic Config -- level => Level of Severity -- filename => File Name and Extension -- mode => Mode Of The File a => Append -- format => Format For The Log Message

  • getLogger => Return a Logger With the Specified Name

import logging

# print(dir(logging))

                    format="(%(asctime)s) | %(name)s | %(levelname)s => '%(message)s'",
                    datefmt="%d - %B - %Y, %H:%M:%S")

my_logger = logging.getLogger("Elzero")

my_logger.warning("This Is Warning Message")

131 - Advanced Lessons – Unit Testing With Unittest

  • Test Runner -- The Module That Run The Unit Testing (unittest, pytest)

  • Test Case -- Smallest Unit Of Testing -- It Use Asserts Methods To Check For Actions And Responses -Test Suite -- Collection Of Multiple Tests Or Test Cases -Test Report -- A Full Report Contains The Failure Or Succeed

  • unittest -- Add Tests Into Classes As Methods -- Use a Series of Special Assertion Methods -- Link

import unittest
assert 3 * 8 == 24, "Should Be 24"

def test_case_one():

  assert 5 * 10 == 50, "Should Be 50"

def test_case_two():

  assert 5 * 50 == 250, "Should Be 250"

if __name__ == "__main__":


  print("All Tests Passed")
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

  def test_one(self):

    self.assertTrue(100 > 99, "Should Be True")

  def test_two(self):

    self.assertEqual(40 + 60, 100, "Should Be 100")

  def test_three(self):

    self.assertGreater(100, 101, "Should Be True")

if __name__ == "__main__":


132 - Advanced Lessons - Generate Random Serial Numbers

133 - Flask – Intro And Your First Page

134 - Flask – Create HTML Files

135 - Flask – Create And Extends HTML Templates

136 - Flask - Jinja Template

137 - Flask – Advanced CSS Task Using Jinja

138 - Flask – Skills Page Using List Data

139 - Flask - Customizing App With Css

140 - Flask - Adding The JS Files

141 - Web Scraping – Control Browser With Selenium

  • Control Browser With Selenium For Automated Testing

  • Download File From The Internet

  • Subtitle Download And Add On Your Movies [ Many Modules ]

  • Get Quotes From Websites

  • Get Gold and Currencies Rate

  • Get News From Websites

  • pip install selenuim

  • pip install webdriver-manager

from selenium import webdriver
from import ChromeDriverManager

browser = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())


browser.find_element_by_css_selector(".search-field").send_keys("Front-End Developer")


browser.find_element_by_css_selector(".all-search-posts .search-post:first-of-type h3 a").click()


views_count = browser.find_element_by_css_selector(".z-article-info .z-info:last-of-type span:last-child")




142 - NumPy – Intro

  • NumPy Is A Python Third-Party Module To Deal With Arrays & Matrices

  • NumPy Stand For Numerical Python

  • NumPy Is Open Source

  • NumPy Support Dealing With Large Multidimensional Arrays & Matrices

  • NumPy Has Many Mathematical Functions To Deal With This Elements

  • Why We Use NumPy Array

  • Consume Less Memory

  • Very Fast Compared To Python List

  • Easy To Use

  • Support Element Wise Operation

  • Elements Are Stored Contiguous

  • Python Lists -- Homogeneous => Can Contains The Same Type of Objects -- Heterogeneous => Can Contains Different Types of Objects.

  • The Items in The Array Have to Be Of The Same Type

  • You Can Be Sure Whats The Storage Size Needed for The Array

  • NumPy Arrays Are Indexed From 0

  • NumPy On Github =>

import numpy as np

143 - NumPy – Create Arrays

import numpy as np
# print(dir(np))

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
my_array = np.array(my_list)


print("#" * 50)
  • Type

print("#" * 50)
  • Accessing Elements

print("#" * 50)

a = np.array(10)
b = np.array([10, 20])
c = np.array( [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ] )
d = np.array( [ [ [5, 6], [7, 9] ], [ [1, 3], [4, 8] ] ] )

print(d[1, 1, 1])
print(d[1, 1, -1])

print("#" * 50)
  • Number Of Dimensions

print("#" * 50)
  • Custom Dimensions
my_custom_array = np.array([1, 2, 3], ndmin=3)

print(my_custom_array[0, 0, 0])

144 - NumPy – Compare Data Location And Type

import numpy as np

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
my_array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])



print("#" * 50)



print("#" * 50)

my_list_of_data = [1, 2, "A", "B", True, 10.50]
my_array_of_data = np.array([1, 2, "A", "B", True, 10.50])


print("#" * 50)



print("#" * 50)

my_list_of_data_two = [1, 2, "A", "B", True, 10.50]
my_array_of_data_two = np.array([1, 2, "A"])


print("#" * 50)



145 - NumPy – Compare Performance And Memory Use

  • One line loop -- Noraml
for n1, n2 in zip(my_list1, my_list2):
    print(n1 + n2)

-- Shorten

[(n1 + n2) for n1, n2 in zip(my_list1, my_list2)]
  • COde
import numpy as np
import time
import sys

elements = 150000

my_list1 = range(elements)
my_list2 = range(elements)

my_array1 = np.arange(elements)
my_array2 = np.arange(elements)

list_start = time.time()
list_result = [(n1 + n2) for n1, n2 in zip(my_list1, my_list2)]
print(f"List Time: {time.time() - list_start}")

array_start = time.time()
array_result = my_array1 + my_array2
print(f"Array Time: {time.time() - array_start}")

# for n1, n2 in zip(my_list1, my_list2):

# 	print(n1 + n2)


my_array = np.arange(100)

print(f"All Bytes: {my_array.itemsize * my_array.size}")

print("#" * 50)

my_list = range(100)
print(f"All Bytes: {sys.getsizeof(1) * len(my_list)}")

146 - NumPy – Array Slicing

  • Slicing => [Start:End:Steps] Not Including End
import numpy as np

# Slicing => [Start:End:Steps] Not Including End

a = np.array(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"])


print("#" * 50)

b = np.array([["A", "B", "X"], ["C", "D", "Y"], ["E", "F", "Z"], ["M", "N", "O"]])


print("#" * 50)

print(b[2:, :2])
print(b[2:, :2:2])

147 - NumPy – Data Types And Control Array

  • Data types

  • Specifying and constructing data types

  • ? boolean

  • b (signed) byte

  • B unsigned byte

  • i (signed) integer

  • u unsigned integer

  • f floating-point

  • c complex-floating point

  • m timedelta

  • M datetime

  • O (Python) objects

  • S, 'a' zero-terminated bytes (not recommended)

  • U Unicode string

  • V raw data (void)

import numpy as np
  • Show Array Data Type
my_array1 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
my_array2 = np.array([1.5, 20.15, 3.601])
my_array3 = np.array(["Osama_Elzero", "B", "Ahmed"])


print("#" * 50)
  • Create Array With Specific Data Type
my_array4 = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=float) # float Or 'float' Or 'f'
my_array5 = np.array([1.5, 20.15, 3.601], dtype=int) # int Or 'int' Or 'i'
# my_array6 = np.array(["Osama_Elzero", "B", "Ahmed"], dtype=int) # Value Error

# print(my_array6.dtype)

print("#" * 50)
  • Change Data Type Of Existing Array
my_array7 = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 4])

print("#" * 50)

my_array7 = my_array7.astype('float')

print("#" * 50)

my_array7 = my_array7.astype('bool')

print("#" * 50)
  • Test Capacity
my_array8 = np.array([100, 200, 300, 400], dtype='f')
print(my_array8[0].itemsize) # 4 Bytes

my_array8 = my_array8.astype('float') # Change To Float64
print(my_array8[0].itemsize) # 8 Bytes

148 - NumPy – Arithmetic And Useful Operations

  • min
  • max
  • sum
  • ravel => Returns Flattened Array 1 Dimension With Same Type
import numpy as np
  • Arithmetic Operations
my_array1 = np.array([10, 20, 30])
my_array2 = np.array([5, 2, 4])

print(my_array1 + my_array2) # result [15, 22, 34]
print(my_array1 - my_array2) # result [5, 18, 26]
print(my_array1 * my_array2) # result [50, 40, 120]
print(my_array1 / my_array2) # result [2, 10, 7.5]

print('#' * 50)

my_array3 = np.array([[1, 4], [5, 9]])
my_array4 = np.array([[2, 7], [10, 5]])

print(my_array3 + my_array4) # result [ [3, 11], [15, 14] ]
print(my_array3 - my_array4) # result [ [-1, -3], [-5, 4] ]
print(my_array3 * my_array4) # result [ [2, 28], [50, 45] ]
print(my_array3 / my_array4) # result [ [0.5, 0.57142857], [0.5, 1.8] ]

print('#' * 50)
  • Min, Max, Sum
my_array5 = np.array([10, 20, 30])

print('#' * 50)

my_array6 = np.array([[6, 4], [3, 9]])

print('#' * 50)
  • Ravel
my_array7 = np.array([[6, 4], [3, 9]])

my_array8 = np.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
x = my_array8.ravel()

149 - Numpy - Array Shape And ReShape

  • Shape Returns A Tuple Contains The Number Of Elements in Each Dimension
import numpy as np
my_array1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

print("#" * 50)

my_array2 = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4]])

print("#" * 50)

my_array3 = np.array([[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]])

print("#" * 50)

my_array4 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])

reshaped_array4 = my_array4.reshape(3, 4)

print("#" * 50)

my_array5 = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]])

print("#" * 50)

# reshaped_array5 = my_array5.reshape(-1)
# reshaped_array5 = my_array5.reshape(4, 5)
reshaped_array5 = my_array5.reshape(2, 5, 2)

150 - Virtual Environment Part 1

  • Virtual Environment exsist to handle packages

  • Create env folder

  • open folder in terminal

  • Run=> python -m venv envNamw -- python -m venv ai

  • U can have multi environment -- python -m venv ai -- python -m venv fire

151 - Virtual Environment Part 2

  • To activate certin environment => source envName/Scripts/activate -- source ai/Scripts/activate

  • deactivate => To close environment

  • which python => To show where python run from

  • To run file from env envName/Scripts/python.exe {path of file u want to run} -- ai/Scripts/python.exe d:/python/151/

  • pip freeze => To output all packages and its version from current environment -- to make a file from this command u can use unix commands lik command > fileName -- pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • pip install -r FILE => To install packages from file -- pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Virtual Environment Wrapper?

152 - The End And Resources

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