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hashmap's Introduction


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Unlike many programming languages, R does not implement a native hash table class. The typical workaround is to use environments, taking advantage of the fact that these objects are, by default, internally hashed:

EE <- new.env(hash = TRUE)  ## equivalent to new.env()

invisible(sapply(LETTERS, function(x) EE[[x]] <- rnorm(1)))

#[1] -0.5604756

#[1] 0.07050839

#[1] -1.686693

In many situations, this is a fine solution - lookups are reasonably fast, and environments are highly flexible, allowing one to store virtually any type of R object (functions, lists, other environments, etc.). However, one of the major downsides to using envinronments as hash tables is the inability to work with vector arguments:

EE[[c("A", "B")]]
#Error in EE[[c("A", "B")]] : 
#  wrong arguments for subsetting an environment

EE[c("A", "B")]
#Error in EE[c("A", "B")] : 
#  object of type 'environment' is not subsettable

This is rather unfortunate considering R's overwhelming tendency towards vectorized operations.



(HH <- hashmap(LETTERS, rnorm(26)))
## (character) => (numeric)  
##         [Z] => [-1.686693]
##         [Y] => [-0.625039]
##         [R] => [-1.966617]
##         [X] => [-0.728891]
##         [Q] => [+0.497850]
##         [P] => [+1.786913]
##       [...] => [...] 

HH[[c("A", "B")]]
#[1] -0.5604756 -0.2301775

It is important to note that unlike the environment-based solution, hashmap does NOT offer the flexibilty to store arbitrary types of objects. Any combination of the following atomic vector types is currently permitted:

  • keys
    • integer
    • numeric
    • character
    • Date
    • POSIXct
  • values
    • logical
    • integer
    • numeric
    • character
    • complex
    • Date
    • POSIXct


What hashmap may lack in terms of flexibility it makes up for in two important areas: performance and ease-of-use. Let's begin with the latter by looking at some basic examples.


  • A Hashmap is created by passing a vector of keys and a vector of values to hashmap:

    H <- hashmap(letters[1:10], rnorm(10))
    ## (character) => (numeric)  
    ##         [j] => [-0.445662]
    ##         [i] => [-0.686853]
    ##         [h] => [-1.265061]
    ##         [g] => [+0.460916]
    ##         [e] => [+0.129288]
    ##         [d] => [+0.070508]
    ##       [...] => [...] 
  • If the lengths of the two vectors are not equal, the longer object is truncated to the length of its counterpart, and a warning is issued:

    hashmap(letters[1:5], 1:3)
    ## (character) => (integer)
    ##         [c] => [3]      
    ##         [b] => [2]      
    ##         [a] => [1]      
    #Warning message:
    #In new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) :
    #  length(keys) != length(values)!
    hashmap(letters[1:3], 1:5)
    ## (character) => (integer)
    ##         [c] => [3]      
    ##         [b] => [2]      
    ##         [a] => [1]      
    #Warning message:
    #In new_CppObject_xp(fields$.module, fields$.pointer, ...) :
    #  length(keys) != length(values)!
  • Value lookup can be performed by passing a vector of lookup keys to either of [[ or $find:

    #[1] -0.5604756
    #[1] -0.2301775
    H[[c("a", "c")]]
    #[1] -0.5604756  1.5587083
    H$find(c("b", "d"))
    #[1] -0.23017749  0.07050839
  • For non-existant lookup keys, NA is returned:

    H[[c("a", "A", "b")]]
    #[1] -0.5604756         NA -0.2301775
  • Use $has_key to check for the existance of individual keys, or $has_keys for a vector of keys:

    #[1] TRUE
    #[1] FALSE
    H$has_keys(c("a", "A", "b", "B"))
  • Modification of key-value pairs is done using either of [[<- or $insert. For non-existing keys, a new key-value pair will be inserted. For existing keys, the previous value will be overwritten:

    H[[c("a", "x")]]
    #[1] -0.5604756         NA
    H[[c("a", "x")]] <- c(1.5, 26.5)
    H[[c("a", "x")]]
    #[1]  1.5 26.5
    H$insert(c("a", "y", "z"), c(100, 200, 300))
    H[[c("a", "y", "z")]]
    #[1] 100 200 300
  • To remove elements from the hash table, pass a vector of keys to $erase, which will delete entries for matched elements, and do nothing otherwise:

    H$has_keys(c("y", "Y", "z", "Z"))
    H$erase(c("y", "Y", "z", "Z"))
    H$has_keys(c("y", "Y", "z", "Z"))
  • Use $size to check the number of key-value pairs, $empty to check if the hash table is empty, and $clear to delete all existing entries:

    #[1] 11
    #[1] FALSE
    #[1] TRUE
    #[1] 0
    ## [empty Hashmap]
  • $keys and $values return every key and value, respectively, and $data returns a named vector of values, using the keys as names:

    H[[c("A", "B", "C")]] <- 1:3
    #[1] "C" "B" "A"
    #[1] 3 2 1
    #C B A 
    #3 2 1 
  • By default, only the first 6 key-value pairs of a Hashmap are printed, where [...] => [...] indicates that additional entries exist but are not displayed. This can be adjusted via options():

    #[1] 6
    ## (character) => (numeric)  
    ##         [C] => [+3.000000]
    ##         [B] => [+2.000000]
    ##         [A] => [+1.000000]
    H[[letters[1:10]]] <- rnorm(10)
    ## (character) => (numeric)  
    ##         [j] => [-0.472791]
    ##         [i] => [+0.701356]
    ##         [h] => [-1.966617]
    ##         [g] => [+0.497850]
    ##         [e] => [-0.555841]
    ##         [d] => [+0.110683]
    ##       [...] => [...]
    options(hashmap.max.print = 15)
    ## (character) => (numeric)  
    ##         [j] => [-0.472791]
    ##         [i] => [+0.701356]
    ##         [h] => [-1.966617]
    ##         [g] => [+0.497850]
    ##         [e] => [-0.555841]
    ##         [d] => [+0.110683]
    ##         [c] => [+0.400772]
    ##         [f] => [+1.786913]
    ##         [b] => [+0.359814]
    ##         [a] => [+1.224082]
    ##         [C] => [+3.000000]
    ##         [B] => [+2.000000]
    ##         [A] => [+1.000000]

Implementation Overview

The key to hashmap's ability to perform fast lookups and inserts is the fact that virtually everything is handled on the C++ level. This is achieved through use of the RCPP_MODULE macro which generates an S4 wrapper class (Hashmap) storing an external pointer to the underlying C++ class. Consequently, once the initial price of constructing a Hashmap has been paid, subsequent lookups and inserts can be performed very quickly since the C++ object is persisted between function calls.

Generally speaking, exposing C++ classes to R means dealing with one or both of the following obstacles:

  1. R, unlike C++, does not have a concept of template classes, which means that one cannot simply expose, e.g. any of the STL containers, and expect R to "know what to do". The naive solution to this problem is for the developer to expose several different instances of said template class. This is far from ideal as it involves significant code duplication on the backend (especially for associative containers, which usually have at least two template parameters), and one class per template instance on the frontend (in R).

  2. Although nearly all major C++ compiler vendors have been providing feature-complete implementations of the C++11 standard for several years, R itself is implemented under the assumption of a C++98-compliant toolchain, and as a result packages which depend on more modern C++ features are not exactly encouraged. Furthermore, compiling source code on Windows machines requires the Rtools extension, which is not included with standard distributions of R. As the most current version of Rtools uses gcc 4.6.x (via MinGW), compiling C++11-based source code is not an option for many Windows users. The next iteration of Rtools should be available sometime in the near future, so hopefully this will be less of an issue looking ahead.

To overcome both of the issues outlined above, hashmap relies on features provided by the Boost C++ Libraries, which are conveniently made available through the R package BH. To address the second obstacle, hashmap employs a templated wrapper class HashTemplate, leveraging the functionality of the C++98-compliant boost::unordered_map and boost::hash (in lieu of C++11's std::unordered_map and std::hash). Subsequently, the first problem can then be solved by encapsulating instances of HashTemplate within a boost::variant and making extensive use of boost::static_visitor and boost::apply_visitor.


The following is a simple test comparing the performance of an environment object against hashmap for

  1. Construction of the hash table
  2. Vectorized key lookup

An overview of results in presented here, but the full code to reproduce the test is in assets/benchmark.R. All of the examples use a one million element character vector for keys, and a one million element numeric vector for values.

Hash table construction was rather slow for the environment, despite my best moderate efforts to devise a fast solution, so expressions were only evaluated 25 times:

    "Hash" = hashmap(Keys, Values),
    "Env" = env_hash(Keys, Values),
    times = 25L
# Unit: milliseconds
#  expr        min        lq      mean    median       uq       max neval cld
#  Hash   946.3524  1287.771  1784.404  1639.788  2243.93  3315.194    25   a 
#   Env 11724.2705 13218.521 14071.874 13685.929 15178.27 16516.216    25   b

Next, a lookup of all 1000 keys:

E <- env_hash(Keys, Values)
H <- hashmap(Keys, Values)

all.equal(env_find(Lookup, E), H[[Lookup]])
#[1] TRUE

    "Hash" = H[[Lookup]],
    "Env" = env_find(Lookup, E), 
    times = 500L
# Unit: microseconds
#  expr       min       lq       mean     median         uq       max neval cld
#  Hash   314.182   738.98   804.5154   799.7065   858.3895  3013.285   500   a 
#   Env 12291.671 12651.12 13020.3816 12740.1735 12919.7355 67220.784   500   b

And finally, a comparison of key-lookups for vectors of various sizes, plotted below on the linear and logarithmic scales, where data points represent median evaluation time of 200 runs for the given expression:

The benchmark was conducted on a laptop running Ubuntu 14.04, with the following specs,

nathan@nathan-laptop:~$ lscpu && printf "\n\n" && free -h
Architecture:          x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                4
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    2
Socket(s):             1
NUMA node(s):          1
Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel
CPU family:            6
Model:                 69
Stepping:              1
CPU MHz:               759.000
BogoMIPS:              4589.34
Virtualization:        VT-x
L1d cache:             32K
L1i cache:             32K
L2 cache:              256K
L3 cache:              3072K
NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-3

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7.7G       5.6G       2.1G       333M       499M       2.5G
-/+ buffers/cache:       2.6G       5.1G
Swap:           0B         0B         0B

in the following R session:

R version 3.2.4 Revised (2016-03-16 r70336)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8       
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                  LC_ADDRESS=C              

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] data.table_1.9.6   hashmap_0.0.0.9000 ggvis_0.4.2       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.4.1          rstudioapi_0.3.1       knitr_1.11             magrittr_1.5          
 [5] munsell_0.4.2          colorspace_1.2-6       xtable_1.8-2           R6_2.1.1              
 [9] plyr_1.8.3             dplyr_0.4.3            tools_3.2.4            parallel_3.2.4        
[13] grid_3.2.4             gtable_0.1.2           DBI_0.3.1              htmltools_0.3.5       
[17] yaml_2.1.13            lazyeval_0.1.10        assertthat_0.1         digest_0.6.8          
[21] shiny_0.13.2           ggplot2_2.0.0          microbenchmark_1.4-2.1 codetools_0.2-14      
[25] mime_0.4               rmarkdown_0.8.1        scales_0.3.0           jsonlite_0.9.17       
[29] httpuv_1.3.3           chron_2.3-47 


The lastest release version of hashmap can be installed normally from CRAN:


Bleeding-edge versions can be installed from GitHub with devtools:

if (!"devtools" %in% installed.packages()[,1]) {

hashmap's People


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